853 resultados para Knowledge Management Maturity Model


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Purpose – This paper aims to contribute towards understanding how safety knowledge can be elicited from railway experts for the purposes of supporting effective decision-making. Design/methodology/approach – A consortium of safety experts from across the British railway industry is formed. Collaborative modelling of the knowledge domain is used as an approach to the elicitation of safety knowledge from experts. From this, a series of knowledge models is derived to inform decision-making. This is achieved by using Bayesian networks as a knowledge modelling scheme, underpinning a Safety Prognosis tool to serve meaningful prognostics information and visualise such information to predict safety violations. Findings – Collaborative modelling of safety-critical knowledge is a valid approach to knowledge elicitation and its sharing across the railway industry. This approach overcomes some of the key limitations of existing approaches to knowledge elicitation. Such models become an effective tool for prediction of safety cases by using railway data. This is demonstrated using passenger–train interaction safety data. Practical implications – This study contributes to practice in two main directions: by documenting an effective approach to knowledge elicitation and knowledge sharing, while also helping the transport industry to understand safety. Social implications – By supporting the railway industry in their efforts to understand safety, this research has the potential to benefit railway passengers, staff and communities in general, which is a priority for the transport sector. Originality/value – This research applies a knowledge elicitation approach to understanding safety based on collaborative modelling, which is a novel approach in the context of transport.


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Tese de doutoramento em Psicologia, na especialidade de Psicologia das Organizações, do Trabalho e dos Recursos Humanos


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Each two years the amount of available information in the world double. This is the Information Age, where the success depends on what one knows, not on what one has. A new economy appears with the capacity to generate, to store, to process and to apply effectively the knowledge, based on information, determining the companies productivity and competitiveness.The objective of this work is to understand the information management model of a technological research institute - CTGÁS (Gas Technology Center). The research has been done focused on the 5 main processes and the 15 support processes of the organization value chain , aiming to understand the information management in the organization based on Davenport´s Information Management model (1998). Therefore, it was necessary to identify how the necessary information for the organizational processes accomplishment are determined, obtained, distributed and used by the organization. The research can be classified as descriptive, regarding to its aims, and as a case study, related to the research ways. Interviews with the managers of the organization value chain processes have been carried through, with the objective to identify how they perceive the Information Management process that circulates in the organizational processes. Complementarily, a documentary research has been carried through, associated to the direct observation and procedures and actions follow up, involving the Information Management. The data treatment and analysis have been done from the authors theoretical support and from the managers interviews analysis, documents and processes observed by the researcher in the organization. It was noticed that the organization has raised its level of information needs that are not difficult to be determined and are satisfactorily obtained and distributed, although the majority of them are not structuralized, automatized or even classified regarding to its confidence. These peaces of information have good quality and are important, however they reflect a medium dependence on external and informal information, besides being used only in its great majority for people to know what and how to do something


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Continuous delivery (CD) is a software engineering approach where the focus lays on creating a short delivery cycle by automating parts of the deployment pipeline which includes build, deploy-, test and release process. CD is based on that during development should be possible to always automatically generate a release based on the source code in its current state. One of CD's many advantages is that through continuous releases it allows you to get a quick feedback loop leading to faster and more efficient implementation of new functions, at the same time fixing errors. Although CD has many advantages, there are also several challenges a maintenance management project must manage in the transition to CD. These challenges may differ depending on the maturity level for a maintenance management project and what strengths and weaknesses the project has. Our research question was: "What challenges can a maintenance management project face in transition to Continuous delivery?" The purpose of this study is to describe Continuous delivery and the challenges a maintenance management project may face during a transition to Continuous delivery. A descriptive case study has been carried out with the data collection methods of interviews and documents. A situation analysis was created based on the collected data in a shape of a process model that represent the maintenance management projects release process. The processmodel was used as the basis of SWOT analysis and analysis by Rehn et al's Maturity Model. From these analyzes we found challenges of a maintenance management project may face in the transition to CD. The challenges are about customers and the management's attitude towards a transition to CD. But the biggest challenge is about automation of the deployment pipeline steps.


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This study aimed to measure the perception of maturity project management of state boards of Rio Grande do Norte by the perception of its managers. Argues that project management has been highlighted as a critical factor for the success of any organization, because the projects are directly related to the set of activities that result in organizational innovation as products, services and processes and the improvement of project management is directly aligned with the main pillars of the New Public Management. Methodologically, this is a quantitative research of a descriptive nature in which 161 forms were applied with coordinators and subcoordinators of state departments of Rio Grande do Norte, culminating in a sampling error of less than 6% to 95% confidence according to the procedures finite sampling. The process of tabulation and analysis was done using the package Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 18.0 and worked with techniques such as mean, standard deviation, frequency distributions, cluster analysis and factor analysis. The results indicate that the levels of maturity in project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte is below the national average and that behavioral skills are the main problem for improving management in these departments. It was possible to detect the existence of two groups of different perceptions about the management of projects, indicating, according to the managers, there are islands of excellence in project management in some sectors of the state departments. It was also observed that there are eight factors that affect maturity in project management: Planning and Control , Development of Management Skills , Project Management Environment , Acceptance of the Subject Project Management , Stimulus to Performance , Project Evaluation and Learning , Project Management Office and Visibility of Project Managers . It concludes that the project management in state departments of Rio Grande do Norte has no satisfactory levels of maturity in project management, affecting the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the state apparatus, which shows that some of the assumptions that guide the New Public Management are not getting the levels of excellence nailed by this management model


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O presente trabalho dá prosseguimento a uma pesquisa desenvolvida na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) que gerou o software SIEGPP (Sistema Informatizado de Elaboração e Gerenciamento de Projetos Pedagógicos de Cursos), no modelo SaaS (Software as a Service). Esse software é destinado a facilitar a elaboração de projetos pedagógicos para cursos técnicos profissionalizantes de nível médio na modalidade a distância (EaD). O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a aceitação do SIEGPP pelos coordenadores desses cursos, oferecidos pelo Instituto Federal Minas Gerais (IFMG). Os coordenadores preencheram os dados dos projetos pedagógicos dos seus cursos, usando o SIEGPP e responderam a um questionário de avaliação organizado com base no modelo de aceitação de tecnologia – Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Os dados aferidos pela pesquisa demonstram que o SIEGPP apresentou elevados índices de aceitação quando testado seguindo o Technology Acceptance Model, o que permite afirmar a validação de seu potencial para utilização como SaaS por profissionais de educação na modalidade EaD. Esses dados estarão à disposição dos pesquisadores da UFSC para aprimoramento da ferramenta, antes de sua liberação para os usuários.


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The business environment context points at the necessity of new forms of management for the sustainable competitiveness of organizations through time. Coopetition is characterized as an alternative in the interaction of different actors, which compete and cooperate simultaneously, in the pursuit of common goals. This dual relation, within a gain-increasing perspective, converts competitors into partners and fosters competitiveness, especially that of organizations within a specific sector. The field of competitive intelligence has, in its turn, assisted organizations, individually, in the systematization of information valuable to decision-making processes, which benefits competitiveness. It follows that it is possible to combine coopetition and competitive intelligence in a systematized process of sectorial intelligence for coopetitive relations. The general aim of this study is, therefore, to put forth a model of sectorial coopetitive intelligence. The methodological outlining of the study is characterized as a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative methods), of an applied nature, of exploratory and descriptive aims. The Coordination of the Strategic Roadmapping Project for the Future of Paraná's Industry is the selected object of investigation. Protocols have been designed to collect primary and secondary data. In the collection of the primary ata, online questionary were sent to the sectors selected for examination. A total of 149 answers to the online questionary were obtained, and interviews were performed with all embers of the technical team of the Coordination, in a total of five interviewees. After the collection, all the data were tabulated, analyzed and validated by means of focal groups with the same five members of the Coordination technical team, and interviews were performed with a representative of each of the four sectors selected, in a total of nine participants in the validation. The results allowed the systematization of a sectorial coopetitive intelligence model called ICoops. This model is characterized by five stages, namely, planning, collection, nalysis, project development, dissemination and evaluation. Each stage is detailed in inputs, activities and outputs. The results suggest that sectorial coopetition is motivated mainly by knowledge sharing, technological development, investment in R&D, innovation, chain integration and resource complementation. The importance of a neutral institution has been recognized as a facilitator and incentive to the approximation of organizations. Among the main difficulties are the financing of the projects, the adhesion of new members, the lack of tools for the analysis of information and the dissemination of the actions.


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Este artículo de investigación propone la aplicación de un modelo de gestión del conocimiento para mejorar el programa de capacitación en el Call Center de la empresa Promociones y Cobranzas Beta S.A., ubicada en la zona centro de Bogotá, Cra. 10 No. 16 -39 piso 13. La investigación se realizó durante el año 2015 utilizando como metodología revisión documental, entrevistas a los coordinadores del área y encuestas con un grupo de asesores del Call Center. La aplicación de dichas herramientas generó información acerca del proceso de capacitación actual. A partir de algunas teorías de gestión del conocimiento se buscó determinar el ciclo de las capacitaciones que mejor se adaptara a la necesidad del Call Center de Promociones y Cobranzas Beta S.A., de tal forma que la comunicación con los asesores de cobranzas fuera más efectiva y el conocimiento mantuviera una actualización permanente. La aplicación del modelo permitirá a la gerencia de la compañía, ampliar el conocimiento y mejorar en el servicio con los clientes atendidos, reflejando cumplimiento de las metas de cobro establecidas en el área. Palabras clave: Gestión del conocimiento, programa de capacitación, Call Center


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Introduction. Research design should take into account both (a) the specific nature of the object under scrutiny, and (b) approaches to its study in the past. This is to ensure that informed decisions are made regarding research design in future empirical studies. Here these factors are taken into account with reference to methodological choice for a doctoral study on tacit knowledge sharing, and the extent to tacit knowledge sharing may be facilitated by online tools. The larger study responds to calls for the two domains of knowledge management and human information behaviour to be considered together in terms of their research approaches and theory development. Method. Relevant literature – both domain-specific (knowledge management) and general (research methods in social science) - was identified and analysed to identify the most appropriate approaches for an empirical study of tacit knowledge sharing. Analysis. The analysis shows that there are a number of challenges associated with studying an intangible entity such as tacit knowledge. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods have been adopted in prior work on this theme, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Results. The analysis has informed a decision to adopt a research approach that deploys mixed methods for an inductive case study to extend knowledge of the influence of online tools on tacit knowledge sharing. Conclusion. This work intends to open the debate on methodological choice and routes to implementation for studies that are subject to practical constraints imposed by the context in which they are situated.


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Nos últimos anos têm surgido vários debates e estudos sobre a importância do conhecimento. As organizações consideram a Gestão do Conhecimento (GC) uma vantagem competitiva, capaz de gerar riqueza e poder. Para tal necessitam de desenvolver mecanismos e de ter pessoas com capacidade de criar, compartilhar e disseminar conhecimentos na organização. As Tecnologias de Informação e os Sistemas de Informação são uma ferramenta de grande impacto na GC, pois assumem um papel importante no sucesso e na renovação dos conhecimentos. A partir do Modelo de GC desenvolvido por Nonaka e Takeuchi, o Modelo Metavisão, e as técnicas de Business lntelligence, elaborou-se um Modelo de Gestão do conhecimento para a Unidade de Saúde. Com este modelo pretende-se obter beneficies, que passam pelo desenvolvimento de mecanismos de comunicação interna, formação e melhorias no processo de tomada de decisão. ABSTRACT; During the last years, debates and studies have arisen in relation to the importance of knowledge. The organizations consider Knowledge Management a competitive advantage, capable of generating wealth and power. Therefore, new mechanisms have to be developed in the organizations and employ people with capacity to create, share and disseminate knowledge. The information and Communication Technology is an important tool and has a great impact on Knowledge Management because it assumes an important role in the success and the renovation of knowledge. The Model of Knowledge Management developed by Nonaka and Takeuchi, the "Metavision" Model and the techniques of Business intelligence were the starting point to elaborate a Model of Knowledge Management for a Health Unit. With this model we aim to obtain benefits, such as development of mechanisms of internal communication, training plans and improvement during the process of decision making.


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Este artículo evalúa la relación de causalidad entre la gestión del conocimiento y las capacidades de innovación tecnológica, y el efecto de esta relación sobre los resultados operacionales del sector textil en la ciudad de Medellín. Se empleó la metodología de dinámica de sistemas, con simulación de esce­narios para valorar las condiciones actuales de las organizaciones del sector en términos de acumulación de conocimiento y capacidades. La información se obtuvo mediante entrevistas a expertos y acceso a información especializada del sector. Se evidencia que una mejora de la relación entre la gestión del conocimiento e innovación tecnológica genera un incremento aproximado del 15% en los ingresos operacionales del sector. Asimismo, se encontró que a medida que las variables comunes de interés (Es­trategias organizacionales, canales de comunicación, formación, cultura, acciones de fortalecimiento en I+D), se acercan a los valores deseados, la acumulación de conocimiento y de capacidades de innovación tecnológica alcanzan los valores objetivos.


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Each two years the amount of available information in the world double. This is the Information Age, where the success depends on what one knows, not on what one has. A new economy appears with the capacity to generate, to store, to process and to apply effectively the knowledge, based on information, determining the companies productivity and competitiveness.The objective of this work is to understand the information management model of a technological research institute - CTGÁS (Gas Technology Center). The research has been done focused on the 5 main processes and the 15 support processes of the organization value chain , aiming to understand the information management in the organization based on Davenport´s Information Management model (1998). Therefore, it was necessary to identify how the necessary information for the organizational processes accomplishment are determined, obtained, distributed and used by the organization. The research can be classified as descriptive, regarding to its aims, and as a case study, related to the research ways. Interviews with the managers of the organization value chain processes have been carried through, with the objective to identify how they perceive the Information Management process that circulates in the organizational processes. Complementarily, a documentary research has been carried through, associated to the direct observation and procedures and actions follow up, involving the Information Management. The data treatment and analysis have been done from the authors theoretical support and from the managers interviews analysis, documents and processes observed by the researcher in the organization. It was noticed that the organization has raised its level of information needs that are not difficult to be determined and are satisfactorily obtained and distributed, although the majority of them are not structuralized, automatized or even classified regarding to its confidence. These peaces of information have good quality and are important, however they reflect a medium dependence on external and informal information, besides being used only in its great majority for people to know what and how to do something


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With global markets and global competition, pressures are placed on manufacturing organizations to compress order fulfillment times, meet delivery commitments consistently and also maintain efficiency in operations to address cost issues. This chapter argues for a process perspective on planning, scheduling and control that integrates organizational planning structures, information systems as well as human decision makers. The chapter begins with a reconsideration of the gap between theory and practice, in particular for classical scheduling theory and hierarchical production planning and control. A number of the key studies of industrial practice are then described and their implications noted. A recent model of scheduling practice derived from a detailed study of real businesses is described. Socio-technical concepts are then introduced and their implications for the design and management of planning, scheduling and control systems are discussed. The implications of adopting a process perspective are noted along with insights from knowledge management. An overview is presented of a methodology for the (re-)design of planning, scheduling and control systems that integrates organizational, system and human perspectives. The most important messages from the chapter are then summarized.


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Focalizando as dimensões humana e comportamental da gestão do conhecimento, a presente investigação visa uma análise do(s) impacto(s) (facilitador ou inibidor) dos pressupostos da gestão de recursos humanos no grau de aplicação da gestão do conhecimento em organizações industriais. Em particular, explora a(s) dinâmica(s) de influência entre a sofisticação dos pressupostos da formação profissional, da avaliação de desempenho e da gestão de recompensas na aplicação da gestão do conhecimento. Tendo em vista a medição dos constructos centrais do presente estudo, de acordo com a revisão de literatura efectuada, desenvolveram-se acções conducentes à adaptação de um questionário de gestão do conhecimento (GC), à construção, validação e desenvolvimento de três novos questionários (PPFP, PPAD e PPSR) que visaram aceder à percepção dos agentes organizacionais acerca dos pressupostos da gestão de recursos humanos vigentes ou culturalmente característicos do seu contexto laboral. O presente estudo envolveu múltiplas análises aos dados de 1364 questionários individuais auto-administrados e recolhidos em 55 empresas de quatro sub-sectores da cerâmica em Portugal. Para o estudo da relação linear entre um conjunto de variáveis preditoras e uma variável critério optou-se por realizar equações de regressão múltipla hierárquica, considerando-se dois blocos de variáveis. Num primeiro modelo foram introduzidas, apenas, as duas dimensões relativas à formação profissional medidas pelo instrumento PPFP e num segundo modelo aduziram-se as variáveis de avaliação de desempenho e de sistema de recompensas, especificamente, o primeiro factor retido na análise psicométrica dos instrumentos PPAD e PPSR.


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The present investigation aims to analyse the relationship between knowledge sharing behaviours and performance. The former behaviours were studied using Social Network Analysis, in an attempt to characterise knowledge sharing networks. Through identification of central individuals in these networks, we made analysis of the association between this centrality and individual performance. A questionnaire was developed and applied to a sample of workers in a Portuguese organisation (N=244). The final conclusions point to a positive association between these behaviours and individual performance.