1000 resultados para GaAs


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We report the passivation of two deep copper-related acceptor levels in Cu-diffused p-type GaAs by the group-I element lithium. The deep-level-transient-spectroscopy (DLTS) signals of the well-known Cu-related levels with apparent activation energies 0.15 eV and 0.40 eV disappear in Cu-diffused samples when they are diffused with Li, but can be reactivated by annealing. Photoluminescence measurements show a corresponding disappearance and reappearance of the copper-related luminescence at 1.36 eV. Also we observe with DLT'S an energy level at E(V) + 0.32 eV in the Cu-Li-diff-used samples. The level is neither present in the Cu-diffused samples before Li diffusion nor in Cu-Li-diffused samples after annealing. As the level is not observed in starting materials or solely Li-diffused samples we suggest that it is related to a Cu-Li complex.


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Sharp and rich photoluminescence lines accociated with free exciton (FE), excitons bound to neutral acceptors (A0X) and donors (D0X) in molecular beam epitaxially (MBE) grown (211) CdTe/(211)B GaAs have been reported for the first time. The results show that the (211) CdTe/(211)B GaAs grown under optimized conditions could have as high a crystal perfection as those grown on lattice-matched substrates.


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We have observed periodic current and capacitance oscillations with increasing bias on doped GaAs/AlAs superlattices at a temperature of 77 K. The maximum of the observed capacitance is larger than usual geometric capacitances in superlattices, being comparable to the quantum capacitance of the two-dimensional (2D) electron system proposed by Luryi. A model based on well-to-well sequential resonant tunneling due to the movement of the boundary between the electric field domains in superlattice was proposed to explain the origin of the giant capacitance oscillations. It was demonstrated that the capacitance at the peaks of capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics reflects the quantum capacitance of the space-charge region at the boundary between the domains (a novel 2D electron system).


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The lattice damage accumulation in GaAs and Al0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs superlattices by 1 MeV Si+ irradiation at room temperature and 350-degrees-C has been studied. For irradiations at 350-degrees-C, at lower doses the samples were almost defect-free after irradiation, while a large density of accumulated defects was induced at a higher dose. The critical dose above which the damage accumulation is more efficient is estimated to be 2 x 10(15) Si/cm2 for GaAs, and is 5 x 10(15) Si/cm2 for Al0.8Ga0.7As/GaAs superlattice for implantation with 1.0 MeV Si ions at 350-degrees-C. The damage accumulation rate for 1 MeV Si ion implantation in Al0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs superlattice is less than that in GaAs.


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Single and multiple quantum wells of lattice-matched superlattices material GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs have been studied as photoelectrodes in photoelectrochemical cells containing nonaqueous electrolyte. Structural photocurrent spectra in the potential range of -1.8 to 1.0 V (vs standard calomel electrode) were obtained. The quantum yields for both superlattice electrodes were estimated and compared.


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The influence of heterostructure quality on transport and optical properties of GaAs/AlGaAs single quantum wells with different qualities was studied. In a conventional sample-A, the transport scattering time and the quantum scattering time are small and close to each other. The interface roughness scattering is a dominant scattering mechanism. From comparison between theory and experiment, interface roughness with fluctuation height 2.5 Angstrom and the lateral size of 50-70 Angstrom were estimated. For samples introducing superlattices instead of AlGaAs layers or by utilizing growth interruption, both the transport and PL measurements showed that interfaces were rather smooth in the samples. The two scattering times are much longer. The interface roughness scattering is relegated to an unimportant position. Results demonstrated that it is important to control the formation of heterostructures in order to improve the interface quality.


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N+ GaAs-n GaInP lattice-matched heterostructures, grown by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy, have been studied by capacitance-voltage, current-voltage and current-temperature techniques. This allowed the determination of the conduction band offset in three different and independent ways. The value obtained (0.24-0.25 eV) has been verified by photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation on a 90 angstrom thick GaAs well in GaInP grown under the same conditions.


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We have measured the power dependence of the photoluminesence spectra from a set of strained InxGa1-xAs/GaAs single quantum wells. The result shows that the excitation power has important effect on the carrier recombination processes. When the power increases from 0.5 to 14 mW, the photoluminescence from the barrier becomes more intense than that from the well and the trapping efficiency decreases. At high excitation level, the ratio of the radiative recombination rate to the nonradiative recombination rate of the barrier increases ten times than that at lower excitation level, while it only doubles for the well.


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We report fundamental changes of the radiative recombination in a wide range of n-type and p-type GaAs after diffusion with the group-I element Li. These optical properties are found to be a bulk property and closely related to the electrical conductivity of the samples. In the Li-doped samples the radiative recombination is characterized by emissions with excitation-dependent peak positions which shift to lower energies with increasing degree of compensation and concentration of Li. These properties are shown to be in qualitative agreement with fluctuations of the electrostatic potential in strongly compensated systems. For Li-diffusion temperatures above 700-800-degrees-C semi-insulating conditions with electrical resistivity exceeding 10(7) OMEGA cm are obtained for all conducting starting materials. In this heavy Li-doping regime, the simple model of fluctuating potentials is shown to be inadequate for explaining the. experimental observations unless the number of charged impurities is reduced through complexing with Li. For samples doped with low concentrations of Li, on the other hand, the photoluminescence properties are found to be characteristic of impurity-related emissions.


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We have investigated the Wannier-Stark effect in GaAs/GaAl1-xAs superlattices under electric fields by photocurrent spectroscopy measurements in the range of temperatures 10-300 K. The linewidth of the Oh Stark-ladder exciton was found to increase significantly along with an increase in peak intensity when the electric field increases. We present a mechanism based on an enhanced interface roughness scattering of electronic states due to Wannier-Stark localization in order to explain this increased broadening with electric field. This electric-field-related scattering mechanism will weaken the negative differential conductance effects in superlattices predicted by Esaki and Tsu.


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We report lithium passivation of the shallow acceptors Zn and Cd in p-type GaAs which we attribute to the formation of neutral Li-Zn and Li-Cd complexes. Similar to hydrogen, another group-I element, lithium strongly reduces the concentration of free holes when introduced into p-type GaAs. The passivation is inferred from an increase of both the hole mobility and the resisitivity throughout the bulk of the sample. It is observed most clearly for Li concentrations comparable to the shallow-acceptor concentration. In addition, compensation of shallow acceptors by randomly distributed donors is present in varying degree in the Li-diffused samples. Unlike hydrogenation of n-type GaAs, Li doping shows no evidence of neutralizing shallow donors in GaAs.


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We have observed Wannier-Stark localization in strained In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs superlattices by low- and room-temperature photocurrent spectra measurements. The experimental results are well in agreement with the theoretical predictions. A large field-induced modulation response of the absorption edge of the superlattices at room temperature suggests the possibilities of the application to the design of various kinds of electro-optical devices operating at a wavelength of 0.98 mum, based on Wannier-Stark localization effects.


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We have studied the radiative excitonic lifetime as a function of the well width in GaAs/GaAlAs quantum wells. An increasing lifetime with decreasing well width has been observed in very narrow and high quality GaAs/GaAlAs quantum wells, and attributed to the reduced overlap of the electron and hole wave functions and the increase of the exciton effective volume. This is the first observation of its kind in the conventional GaAs/GaAlAs quantum wells.


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With conventional photolithography and wet chemical etching, we have realized GaAs/AlGaAs buried ridge-quantum-well-wires (RQWWs) with vertically stacked wires in lateral arrays promising for device application, which were grown in situ by a single-step molecular beam epitaxy growth and formed at the ridge tops of mesas on nonplanar substrates. Confocal photoluminescence (CPL) and polarization-dependent photoreflectance (PR) are applied to study optical characteristics of RQWWs. Lateral bandgap modulation due to lateral variation of QW layer thickness is demonstrated not only by CPL but also by PR. As one evidence for RQWWs, a large blue shift is observed at the energy level positions for electronic transitions corresponding to quantum wells (QWs) at the ridge tops of mesas compared with those corresponding to QWs on nonpatterned areas of the same sample. The blue shift is in contradiction with the fact that the GaAs QW layers at the tops of the mesas are thicker than those on nonpatterned areas. The other evidence for RQWWs, optical anisotropy is provided by the polarization-dependent PR, which results from lateral quantum size effect existing at the tops of the mesas.


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We have analyzed electronic transport through a single, 200-angstrom-thick, Ga0.74Al0.36As barrier embedded in GaAs. At low temperatures and high electric field, the Fowler-Nordheim regime is observed, indicating that the barrier acts as insulating layers. At higher temperatures the thermionic regime provides an apparent barrier height, decreasing with the field, which is equal to the expected band offset when extrapolated to zero field. However, for some samples, the current is dominated by the presence of electron traps located in the barrier. A careful analysis of the temperature and field behavior of this current allows to deduce that the mechanism involved is field-enhanced emission from electron traps. The defects responsible are tentatively identified as DX centers, resulting from the contamination of the barrier by donor impurities.