940 resultados para Língua inglesa - No estrangeiro


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This work intends to reflect on the impressions of two  teenagers  of 9º years in two public schools in City  of Cascavel, Paraná State. about socialgender identities English language teaching materials. These reflections are part of a field survey had a larger scope. Thus,  the reflections have  focused on a few lines of students. To make it possible to reflect on the social identities of this boys and girls we rely on references that talk about social identities, gender identities, teachers training: Moita Lopes (2002), Auad (2003), Norton (2004), Woodward (2004), Norton and Pavlenko (2004), Ferreira (2006), Louro (2008),  Ferreira and Ferreira (2011), among others.. Regarding to methodology, we followed  a qualitative field research of ethnografic  interviews were made and used questionnaires to students and students to understand the perceptions of the same on the didatic material used at the moment remembering that at the time this research the MEC (Ministry of Education) has not distributed the textbooks of English, then the materials were compiled by professors of disciplines.. The results showed that  perceptions  of adolescents go through the learning material and also initiates discussions on gender in the lives of these students and students in the social contexts to which they operate daily.Perceptions surrounding these issues often seem naturalizard by them, this is not always notice able naturalized by them. These reflections made it possible to understand the relationship between teaching materials and gender relations in the school environment and transcend this environment are brought to life in society.


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ABSTRACT: With this work I aim to identify and inter relate the beliefs of the students from a public school about English language learning, and my beliefs as the students’ teacher about English teaching. To conduct this research I used reflexive diaries as instruments for data collection, they were written throughout the semester by the teacher and the students in a state school from Minas Gerais. With the analysis of the diaries, I noticed that the diary is a profitable tool for the apprehension of beliefs of the students and the teacher. Furthermore, students seem to be more accountable for learning, decentralizing the role of teacher.


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Este artigo tem como foco o Estruturalismo europeu e norteamericano desenvolvido a partir do impulso que o lingüista Ferdinand Saussure deu à lingüística enquanto ciência. Temos como objetivo discorrer sobre a vertente estruturalista apresentando seus pontos positivos e negativos bem como as contribuições que trouxe ao ensino de línguas estrangeiras, em especial a língua inglesa. Faremos, ao final da apresentação teórica, uma breve análise de um capítulo de livro didático de língua inglesa utilizado por professores do ensino médio. Procuramos, assim, mostrar como o estruturalismo ainda prevalece no ensino até os dias de hoje.


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The scope of the present study is to comprehend the professional identity of a group of English Teachers. The research sought the answer to the following question: How does the mastery of the speaking aspect of the English Language influence teacher’s professional identity? The choice of the topic arose during a continuing education course offered by the authors of the present work, whose partakers were EFL teachers. The research took into consideration both, experiences observed during the continuing education course and relevant data collected with the help of an open questionnaire, which participants answered at the end of the course. Contemporary literature also supported the conclusions concerning teacher’s professional identity and its close relation to two important factors: the way teachers perceive themselves and how others see them. Regarding the English Language Teacher professional identity, the participants of the research stated that professionals from this area are not as valued as they should; in their opinion, the lack of oral fluency of most teachers is a key factor on the existence of a professional misrepresentation. Results have shown that, for them, oral fluency is essential for academic and social recognition of their profession. All participants stressed the need of continuing education in terms of oral practice, due to the lack of opportunity of practicing the English Language daily. They also pointed that teachers with limited-fluency tend to avoid the use of the target language in order to “hide their deficit” on EL; on the other hand, teachers that are fluent in English “feel safer and with self-steam”. We have concluded, from our research, that the oral fluency is indeed important for the constitution of English Language teacher’s professional identity, exerting a positive influence on it. On the other hand, the fact of not being fluent in English Language contributes for the so called “teacher’s professional identity crisis”. 


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This article discusses, departing from Critical Applied Linguistics perspectives, English language teaching in the classrooms of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina – IFSC (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina) – more specifically about high school courses integrated to technical teaching, a discussion also useful to other institutions and schools. In the article, the role of IFSC is critically discussed regarding English teaching in the present globalization/globalism era with its demands for bilingualism. A reflection about what kind of English teaching is desirable for IFSC is presented, trying to answer the following question: Which approach of English teaching could be applied to IFSC in the current context? The understanding in the article is that nowadays teaching of English should not be performed any more as a mere study of a language, but that that teaching may occur through a libertarian conception, which, besides preparing the students to the world of work, gives them the possibility to grow as critical citizens, engaged in the organization for a more humane and just world. Keywords: globalization; bilingualism; English teaching.


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This article aims to reflect on language teaching in academic education in the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science at the University of Mato Grosso (Unemat), Campus Colider held in the Practice of English Language Teaching. Search illustrate the approach of the educational reality with the use of technology through the English language, where their theoretical knowledge underlie actual practices in the construction of knowledge necessary for teacher education. The methodological procedures contemplated primarily a literature search, following the presentation of teaching experience of teaching English Language in Higher Education and its reflections that comprised a search field. The practices were entered into the Continuing Extension Project of Graduates and Graduates of the Computer Science Department of the University Campus Valley of Teles Pires (Colider), located in the northern region of Mato Grosso. The interdisciplinary approach encompassing the Practice Teaching and Extension Project was to develop activities that involve observation and reflection of the school reality, aiming at the performance in context, in this case the integration of educational games in the discipline of English Instrumental. The enrolled data indicated that the theoretical and practical knowledge, in view of literacies, new literacies, multiliteracies and critical literacies, enhances the quality of education. Finally, it is possible to signal that this practice, as a curriculum component of a degree course, offered analytical reflections on the educational space, using games as a tool for meaningful learning. This highlights the importance of the relationship between theory and practice in teacher training. Thus, Teaching Practices were a space of transformative praxis that sought to promote autonomy and preparation of critical-reflective teachers who are committed to their professional development.


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In this study we investigate the representations that constitute the teaching culture of eleven English (as an additional language) teachers in Santarém, Pará. Following a qualitative paradigm based on interpretation, we could identify twelve representations that allowed the possibility to affirm that, besides the feelings of accomplished regarding their profession, the teachers hold the need to always seek for improvement.


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O presente artigo faz uma revisão de renomados autores que discutem as características da Abordagem Comunicativa no Ensino de Língua Estrangeira e analisa depoimentos de alguns professores de Língua Inglesa da Rede Pública de Ensino, através dos quais buscou-se verificar como eles descrevem teoricamente essa abordagem de ensino e como a praticam, na tentativa de aferir se a teoria tem sido construída na prática para desenvolver um trabalho comunicativo em sala de aula.


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This paper presents partial results of a collaborative action research conducted in a public school in Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, with a training teacher, a teacher in service and a third year high school class. The collaborative action research, adopted methodology, is considered an alternative way to provide the opportunity for upgrading of in service and in training teachers (Burns 1999). The purpose was to create opportunities for all the participants assimilate a reading in English approach and the language as a sociocultural mediator. From this perspective, reading workshops were developed, whose purpose was to prepare training and in-service teachers for critical-reflexive practice of the classroom, emphasizing the importance of education that addresses cultural aspects of the English language. It was found, once again, that the collaborative work promotes reflection and hence improvements in teaching and learning, which can be significant, considering the lack of actions inspired by research aimed at public English language education in Brazil (CELANI, 2009).


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Based on a sociocultural perspective (LANTOLF, 2000; 2010), the present article aims at presenting a thematic unit especially designed for an advanced leveled English group. This thematic unit has been elaborated in the virtual learning environment  http://pbworks.com , proposing twenty hours of collaborative tasks for the students, and it counted with varied textual genres and diverse digital tools. The objective of this thematic unit is to stimulate the collaboration between the students, focusing on the culture of English speaking countries in relation with crafts, setting up relations with the History of crafts in Brazil and working with the oral and written comprehension and production.  By creating a thematic unit that proposes the study of cultural aspects of other countries, an opportunity for the students to experience the culture of others is created, and for them to notice that culture is not apart from language. Such aspects are noticeable in foreign language classes due to the fact that by dealing with language, individuals also deal with cultural, identitary, and social aspects. Taking into consideration that oral and written comprehension and production are inseparable abilities, the proposed tasks in the thematic unit have been designed considering the students’ context, their necessities, the groups’ interests, and also the three types of knowledge according to Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (1998): systemic, world and genre knowledge, besides the Oxford strategies (1990).


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O presente artigo versa sobre as atitudes de quarenta e dois alunos em relação à aprendizagem da língua inglesa. Para tanto, são delineados fatores que estão intimamente relacionados às atitudes, tais como orientação, motivação, desmotivação, ideologia e resistência. Este trabalho, desenvolvido à luz da linguística aplicada, tem caráter interdisciplinar, e por isso está ancorado nas concepções sobre o tema, encontradas na psicologia social. Os dados apresentados aqui foram obtidos através de uma pesquisa etnográfica sobre atitudes, desenvolvida em duas escolas públicas, na região do Recôncavo Baiano por Anjos (2013). Foram utilizados três instrumentos de geração de dados: um questionário, uma entrevista e observação de aulas. Os resultados apontaram alto grau de atitudes positivas para aprender inglês e de orientação instrumental. Entretanto, alguns estudantes pesquisados sinalizaram atitudes negativas. Os resultados são discutidos na parte final do artigo com a apresentação de dados qualitativos e quantitativos.


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As narrativas e as histórias sobre as experiências dos professores em formação, antes e durante seu trabalho profissional, são comumente utilizadas para entender as identidades dos professores de línguas, por elas estar influenciadas pelas experiências gravadas nas memórias. Porém, o conceito de pós-memória emergiu recentemente e parece não ter sido ainda utilizado na educação dos professores de línguas. Neste artigo, se comentam as possibilidades de utilizar o conceito de pós-memória na educação de professores de línguas, através das narrativas sobre as suas experiências. O propósito é estudar com mais profundidade as influências de eventos históricos traumáticos, como O Regime Militar no Brasil, sobre as identidades dos professores de inglês no Brasil, antes e durante seu trabalho profissional, através das narrativas e histórias sobre as suas experiências. O principal objetivo é analisar as relações e inter-relações entre memória, pós-memória e experiências e as identidades dos professores de inglês, especialmente com relação às experiências influenciadas pelo período militar no Brasil.


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Este trabalho discute os efeitos dos novos direcionamentos da Política Linguística Educativa no Brasil, especialmente sobre o ensino de línguas estrangeiras no estado do Amapá, fronteira com a Guiana Francesa. Propõe-se nesse artigo uma avaliação da política linguística brasileira para o ensino de línguas estrangeiras (LE) a partir das leis que constituem e/ou constituíram o ordenamento jurídico para o ensino de LE nas últimas três décadas, a saber, a LDB 9394/96, a Lei 11.161/2005 e a Lei 13415/2017. Fundamentado em pesquisas de campo, de natureza qualitativa e descritiva (XXX, 2005, 2013 e 2016), o artigo inscreve sua discussão no campo das Políticas Linguísticas (GRIN, 2005; CALVET, 1996; BEACCO, 2004) e aponta os impactos das mudanças promovidas no ensino de LE no Brasil sobre a região fronteiriça e o surgimento de um movimento de resistência promovido pela sociedade civil em favor da manutenção do ensino da língua francesa na região da fronteira franco-brasileira.Palavras-chaves: Ensino de línguas, francês, Política Linguística.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente relatório apresenta uma reflexão, levada a cabo durante a realização da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, sobre a importância da utilização de materiais autênticos no ensino de línguas estrangeiras e sobre a forma como enriquece o contexto de aprendizagem. Analisamos as perspectivas de vários autores no que diz respeito à definição de materiais autênticos e às vantagens e desvantagens associadas à leccionação com recurso a esses materiais e exploramos alguns conceitos e processos relacionados com essa temática, tais como a avaliação da autenticidade dos textos, materiais, actividades/tarefas de ensino desenvolvidas e das atitudes e percepções dos alunos face a esta estratégia pedagógica. Por último, detemo-nos nos programas de ensino das Línguas Inglesa e Espanhola em vigor em Portugal à luz desta questão.