478 resultados para lab


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For the reciprocal-test fixtures, there are six independent S-parameters to. be determined, and the thru-short-match (TSM) calibration can provide eight calibration equations. In this paper, the relation of calibration equations is investigated. It has been shown that the four equations obtained from the measurement with a transmission standard can be used simultaneously in the calibration. Experimental results show that the different choice of equations will lead to quite different solution, and the calibration accuracy can be improved by taking advantages of the established relation among the calibration equations and properly choosing calibration equations.


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In this paper we report the fabrication of 1.3 mum Si-based MEMS tunable optical filter, by surface micromaching. Through wet etching of polyimide sacrificial layer, a tunable Fabry-Perot filter was successfully fabricated. We make the capacitance measurement of the prototype device, compare the experimental curve with the theoretical one, and explain the difference between them.


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Hydrogenated silicon films with diphasic structure have been prepared by using a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) in the region adjacent to the phase transition from amorphous to crystal. line state. The photoelectronic and microstructural properties of the films have been characterized by the constant photocurrent method (CPM), Raman scattering and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). In comparison with typical hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), these diphasic films with a crystalline fraction less than 0.3 show a similar optical absorption coefficient, lower deep-defect densities and higher stability upon light soaking. By using the diphasic nc-Si/a-Si films a p-i-n junction solar cell has been prepared With an initial efficiency of 8.51 % and a stabilized efficiency of 8.02 % on an area of 0.126 cm(2) (AM1.5, 100 mW/cm(2)).


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We have investigated the optical properties of asymmetric multiple layer stacked self-assembled InAs quantum dot with different interlayer. We found that asymmetric multiple stacked QD samples with In0.2Ga0.8As + GaAs interlayer can afford a 180nm flat spectral width with strong PL intensity compared to other samples at room temperature. We think this result is due to the introduction of In0.2Ga0.8As strain-reducing layer. Additionally, for the broad spectral width and the strong PL intensity, this structure can be a promising candidate for quantum-dot superluminescent diodes.


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Polymorphous Si nanowires (SiNWS) have been successfully synthesized on Si wafer by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) at 440degreesC,using silane as the Si source and Au as the catalyst. To grow the polymorphous SiNWS preannealing the Si substrate with Au film at 1100 degreesC is needed. The diameters of Si nanowires range from 15 to 100 urn. The structure morphology and chemical composition of the SiNWS have been characterized by high resolution x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, as well as energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. A few interesting nanowires with Au nanoclusters uniformly distributed in the body of the wire were also produced by this technique.


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A kind of hydrogenated diphasic silicon films has been prepared by a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) near the phase transition regime from amorphous to nanocrystalline. The microstructural properties of the films have been investigated by the micro-Raman and Fourier transformed Infrared (FT-IR) spectra and atom force microscopy (AFM). The obtained Raman spectra show not only the existence of nanoscaled crystallites, but also a notable improvement in the medium-range order of the diphasic films. For the FT-IR spectra of this kind of films, it notes that there is a blueshift in the Si-H stretching mode and a redshift in the Si-H wagging mode in respect to that of typical amorphous silicon film. We discussed the reasons responsible for these phenomena by means of the phase transition, which lead to the formation of a diatomic hydrogen complex, H-2* and their congeries.


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This paper describes a special-purpose neural computing system for face identification. The system architecture and hardware implementation are introduced in detail. An algorithm based on biomimetic pattern recognition has been embedded. For the total 1200 tests for face identification, the false rejection rate is 3.7% and the false acceptance rate is 0.7%.


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A new method of face recognition, based on Biomimetic Pattern Recognition and Multi-Weights Neuron Network, had been proposed. A model for face recognition that is based on Biomimetic Pattern Recognition had been discussed, and a new method of facial feature extraction also had been introduced. The results of experiments with BPR and K-Nearest Neighbor Rules showed that the method based on BPR can eliminate the error recognition of the samples of the types that not be trained, the correct rate is also enhanced.


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A new theoretical model of Pattern Recognition principles was proposed, which is based on "matter cognition" instead of "matter classification" in traditional statistical Pattern Recognition. This new model is closer to the function of human being, rather than traditional statistical Pattern Recognition using "optimal separating" as its main principle. So the new model of Pattern Recognition is called the Biomimetic Pattern Recognition (BPR)(1). Its mathematical basis is placed on topological analysis of the sample set in the high dimensional feature space. Therefore, it is also called the Topological Pattern Recognition (TPR). The fundamental idea of this model is based on the fact of the continuity in the feature space of any one of the certain kinds of samples. We experimented with the Biomimetic Pattern Recognition (BPR) by using artificial neural networks, which act through covering the high dimensional geometrical distribution of the sample set in the feature space. Onmidirectionally cognitive tests were done on various kinds of animal and vehicle models of rather similar shapes. For the total 8800 tests, the correct recognition rate is 99.87%. The rejection rate is 0.13% and on the condition of zero error rates, the correct rate of BPR was much better than that of RBF-SVM.


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A semi-insulating GaAs single crystal ingot was grown in a recoverable satellite, within a specially designed pyrolytic boron nitride crucible, in a power-travelling furnace under microgravity. The crystal was characterized systematically and was used in fabricating low noise field effect transistors and analogue switch integrated circuits by the direct ion-implantation technique. All key electrical properties of these transistors and integrated circuits have surpassed those made from conventional earth-grown gallium arsenide. This result shows that device-grade space-grown semiconducting single. crystal has surpassed the best. terrestrial counterparts. Studies on the correlation between SI-GaAs wafers and the electronic devices and integrated circuits indicate that the characteristics of a compound semiconductor single crystal depends fundamentally on its stoichiometry.


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The authors have designed and fabricated 2x2 parabolically tapered MMI coupler with large cross-section and large space between difference ports using Silicon-on-Insulator ( SOI) technology. The devices demonstrate a minimum uniformity of 0.8dB and 30% shorter than the straight MMI coupler.


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The mode frequencies and quality factors are calculated for the equilateral triangle semiconductor microlasers with sinusoidal and random Gaussian sidewalls. The results show that the modes can still have high Q-factors.


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Carrier recombination dynamics in AlInGaN alloy has been studied by photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL). The fast redshift of PL peak energy is observed and well fitted by a physical model considering the thermal activation and transfer processes. This result provides evidence for the exciton localization in the quantum dot (QD)-like potentials in our AlInGaN alloy. The TRPL signals are found to be described by a stretched exponential function of exp[(-t/tau)(beta)], indicating the presence of a significant disorder in the material. The disorder is attributed to a randomly distributed quantum dots or clusters caused by indium fluctuations. By studying the dependence of the dispersive exponent 8 on the temperature and emission energy, we suggest that the exciton hopping dominate the diffusion of carriers localized in the disordered quantum dots. Furthermore, the localized states are found to have OD density of states up to 250 K, since the radiative lifetime remains almost unchanged with increasing temperature.


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The structural and optical properties of GaAsSb/GaAs-based quantum wells (QWs) are investigated. The interface quality of GaAsSb/GaAs/GaAsP coupled double (CD) QW structures is improved due to the strain compensation of epitaxial layers. The CD QWs possess a W-shape of energy band structure, and the optical properties display the features characteristic of a type-IQW when the GaAsSb layer thickness is thin enough.


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In this study, silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix were formed by conventional plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) followed by high temperature annealing. The formation of silicon nanocrystals (nc-Si), their optical and micro-structural properties were studied using various experimental techniques, including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, micro-Raman spectra, high resolution transmission electron microscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Very strong red light emission from silicon nanocrystals at room temperature (RT) was observed. It was found that there is a strong correlation between the PL intensity and the substrate temperature, the oxygen content and the annealing temperature. When the substrate temperature decreases from 250degreesC to RT, the PL intensity increases by two orders of magnitude.