991 resultados para 218


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O presente trabalho pretende caracterizar a associação existente entre a função cognitiva executiva e a capacidade para o trabalho em profissionais de saúde (médicos e enfermeiros) e profissionais de educação (professores). A função cognitiva executiva é definida como uma série de processos cognitivos de ordem superior (capacidade de planeamento, raciocínio abstrato, flexibilidade cognitiva e resolução de problemas) determinantes no controlo e coordenação de operações cognitivas e fundamentais na organização e monitorização do comportamento humano. A integridade destas funções, são determinantes para a realização adequada de tarefas da vida diária, incluindo o contexto organizacional. A capacidade para trabalho é um forte preditor do desempenho laboral, sendo definida como a autoavaliação que o trabalhador faz do seu bem-estar no presente e no futuro próximo e da capacidade para assegurar o seu trabalho tendo em conta as exigências do mesmo, a saúde e os recursos psicológicos e cognitivos disponíveis. Assim, com o objetivo de compreender a relação entre estas duas variáveis em médicos, enfermeiros e professores, no presente trabalho utilizamos uma amostra composta por 218 sujeitos, sendo que 93 são enfermeiros, 100 professores (ensino secundário) e 25 médicos. Para avaliar as funções cognitivas executivas, nomeadamente a flexibilidade cognitiva e raciocínio abstrato não-verbal utilizamos o Halstead Category Test (HCT). Para avaliar a capacidade de planeamento e resolução de problemas, utilizamos a Torre de Hanoi (TH). Para determinamos o valor da capacidade para o trabalho, utilizamos o índice de capacidade para o trabalho. No sentido de controlar variáveis que poderiam influenciar esta relação, utilizamos Questionário Geral de Saúde (GHQ-12), escala de ansiedade-traço, Questionário de Personalidade de Eysenck, escala de satisfação no trabalho e uma questão dicotómica (Sim/Não) sobre o trabalho por turnos. Pela análise dos resultados, verificamos que alterações nas funções cognitivas executivas poderão prejudicar a capacidade para o trabalho. No entanto, verificamos que variáveis como a idade, trabalho por turnos, personalidade e saúde mental poderão exercer um efeito moderador desta relação. Por fim, em comparação com médicos, enfermeiros e professores, verificamos que os médicos e enfermeiros apresentam um maior prejuízo nas funções cognitivas executivas que os professores, mas não na capacidade para o trabalho. Como conclusão, o nosso trabalho contribuiu para uma melhor compreensão da ação das funções executivas em contexto laboral (em particular na área da saúde e educação), contribuindo para o desenvolvimento e implementação de programas de promoção de saúde laboral em contexto organizacional.


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Diagnosis of developmental or congenital prosopagnosia (CP) involves self-report of everyday face recognition difficulties, which are corroborated with poor performance on behavioural tests. This approach requires accurate self-evaluation. We examine the extent to which typical adults have insight into their face recognition abilities across four studies involving nearly 300 participants. The studies used five tests of face recognition ability: two that tap into the ability to learn and recognise previously unfamiliar faces (the Cambridge Face Memory Test, CFMT, Duchaine & Nakayama, 2006 and a newly devised test based on the CFMT but where the study phases involve watching short movies rather than viewing static faces – the CFMT-Films) and three that tap face matching (Benton Facial Recognition Test, BFRT, Benton, Sivan, Hamsher, Varney, & Spreen, 1983; and two recently devised sequential face matching tests). Self-reported ability was measured with the 15-item Kennerknecht et al. (2008) questionnaire; two single-item questions assessing face recognition ability; and a new 77-item meta-cognition questionnaire). Overall, we find that adults with typical face recognition abilities have only modest insight into their ability to recognise faces on behavioural tests. In a fifth study, we assess self-reported face recognition ability in people with CP and find that some people who expect to perform poorly on behavioural tests of face recognition do indeed perform poorly. However, it is not yet clear whether individuals within this group of poor performers have greater levels of insight (i.e., into their degree of impairment) than those with more typical levels of performance.


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Dissertação mest., Agricultura sustentável, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Tese de dout., Ciências da Educação (Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa), Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2010


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Contractual agreements have become an accepted part of participation processes for athletes in a variety of sport contexts. Closer readings of these contracts,however, pose several questions regarding organizational intentions and motivations,the conceptualization of athletes as “workers,” and representation parity. In this article, we draw on four types of athlete contractual documents from both select international “amateur” and “professional” sport settings. Our key considerations include athletes’ ownership over their image and identities; medical and health disclosures; lifestyle, behavioral and body choices, and restrictions beyond sport; adherence to organizational philosophy and commitments; and social media and publicity constraints. Our exegesis here encourages sport researchers to deliberate whose “wellbeing” matters most when signing that seductive dotted line.


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2016


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A linguistic game of prepositions in order to define the following: (1) What is the Environment? What is 'environment' for environmental law? (2) How does the law react to the complexity of its environment? (3) How to take into account the ecological crisis within a rather narrow, anthropocentric legal frame? (4) How to move away from the hackneyed binarism econcentricity/anthropocentricity and venture a different, de-centred conceptualisation? (5) How can utopia be considered in its potential realisation? The paper is a further investigation of the concept of the paradox in the ecological legal crisis.


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This paper evaluates an initiative to improve the effectiveness of personal tutoring by embedding it into the curriculum. Structured group tutorials help students make the transition to learning in higher education. These tutorials are delivered within a core module and focus on enabling students to develop study skills, reflect on their learning and plan for their future. The tutor has a role in familiarising students with the practices, norms and skills required for learning at university. The system developed provides a structure and rationale for the interaction of tutors and students, with a clear place and value within the curriculum.


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Recent changes in the operation and planning of power systems have been motivated by the introduction of Distributed Generation (DG) and Demand Response (DR) in the competitive electricity markets' environment, with deep concerns at the efficiency level. In this context, grid operators, market operators, utilities and consumers must adopt strategies and methods to take full advantage of demand response and distributed generation. This requires that all the involved players consider all the market opportunities, as the case of energy and reserve components of electricity markets. The present paper proposes a methodology which considers the joint dispatch of demand response and distributed generation in the context of a distribution network operated by a virtual power player. The resources' participation can be performed in both energy and reserve contexts. This methodology contemplates the probability of actually using the reserve and the distribution network constraints. Its application is illustrated in this paper using a 32-bus distribution network with 66 DG units and 218 consumers classified into 6 types of consumers.


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Demand response concept has been gaining increasing importance while the success of several recent implementations makes this resource benefits unquestionable. This happens in a power systems operation environment that also considers an intensive use of distributed generation. However, more adequate approaches and models are needed in order to address the small size consumers and producers aggregation, while taking into account these resources goals. The present paper focuses on the demand response programs and distributed generation resources management by a Virtual Power Player that optimally aims to minimize its operation costs taking the consumption shifting constraints into account. The impact of the consumption shifting in the distributed generation resources schedule is also considered. The methodology is applied to three scenarios based on 218 consumers and 4 types of distributed generation, in a time frame of 96 periods.


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The positioning of the consumers in the power systems operation has been changed in the recent years, namely due to the implementation of competitive electricity markets. Demand response is an opportunity for the consumers’ participation in electricity markets. Smart grids can give an important support for the integration of demand response. The methodology proposed in the present paper aims to create an improved demand response program definition and remuneration scheme for aggregated resources. The consumers are aggregated in a certain number of clusters, each one corresponding to a distinct demand response program, according to the economic impact of the resulting remuneration tariff. The knowledge about the consumers is obtained from its demand price elasticity values. The illustrative case study included in the paper is based on a 218 consumers’ scenario.