970 resultados para Basic research


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The photoluminescence (PL) of In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As self-assembled quantum dots has been measured at 15 and 80 K under hydrostatic pressure. The lateral size of the dots ranges from 7 to 62 nm. The emissions from the dots with 26, 52 and 62 nm size have a blue shift under pressure, indicating that these quantum dots have the normal type-I structure with lowest conduction band at the Gamma -valley. However, the PL peak of dots with 7 nm diameter moves to lower energy with increasing pressure. It is a typical character for the X-related transition. Then these small dots have a type-II structure with the X-valley as the lowest conduction level. An envelope-function calculation confirms that the Gamma -like exciton transition energy will rise above the X-like transition energy in the In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As structure if the dot size is small enough.


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We have measured photoluminescence of ZnSxTe1-x alloys (x > 0.7) at 300 K and under hydrostatic pressure up to 7 GPa. The spectra contain only a broad emission band under excitation of the 406.7 nm line. Its pressure coefficients are 47, 62 and 45 meV/GPa for x = 0.98, 0.92 and 0.79 samples, which are about 26%, 7% and 38% smaller than that of the band gap in the corresponding alloys. The Stokes shifts between emission and absorption of the bands were calculated by fitting the pressure dependence of the emission intensity, being 0.29, 0.48 and 0.13 eV for the three samples, respectively. The small pressure coefficient and large Stokes shift indicate that the emission band observed in our samples may correspond to the Te isoelectronic center in the ZnSxTe1-x alloy.


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We present a new method for detecting near-infrared, mid-infrared, and far-infrared photons with an ultra-high sensitivity. The infrared photon detection was carried out by monitoring the displacement change of a vibrating microcantilever under light pressure using a laser Doppler vibrometer. Ultrathin silicon cantilevers with high sensitivity were produced using micro/nano-fabrication technology. The photon detection system was set up. The response of the microcantilever to the photon illumination is theoretically estimated, and a nanowatt resolution for the infrared photon detection is expected at room temperature with this method.


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N-shaped negative differential resistance (NDR) with a high peak-to-valley ratio (PVR) is observed in a GaAs-based modulation-doped field effect transistor (MODFET) with InAs quantum dots (QDs) in the barrier layer (QDFET) compared with a GaAs MODFET. The NDR is explained as the real-space transfer (RST) of high-mobility electrons in a channel into nearby barrier layers with low mobility, and the PVR is enhanced dramatically upon inserting the QD layer. It is also revealed that the QD layer traps holes and acts as a positively charged nano-floating gate after a brief optical illumination, while it acts as a negatively charged nano-floating gate and depletes the adjacent channel when charged by the electrons. The NDR suggests a promising application in memory or high-speed logic devices for the QDFET structure.


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Some progress in the research of GaN based LED with photonic crystal structure has been made recently. Based on the photonic crystal's photonic band gap effect and photon grating diffraction principle, the extraction efficiency of LED with photonic crystal can be improved. In this paper, the restriction on AlGaInP LED's extraction efficiency is analyzed, and the photonic crystal is introduced in to the AlGaInP LED to improve the extraction efficiency. The theoretical analyses and the experiment results show that the output luminous intensity of LED with photonic crystal is improved by 16%, which results from some effect of the GaN based LED with photonic crystal.


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We report on an 880 nm LD pumped passive mode-locked TEM00 Nd:YVO4 laser based on a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) for the first time. When the incident pump power was 16 W, 4.76 W average output power of continuous-wave mode-locked laser with an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 30% was achieved. The repetition rate of mode-locked pulse was 80 MHz with 25 ps pulse width. The maximum pulse energy and peak power were 60 nJ and 2.4 kW, respectively.


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An electrical-to-green efficiency of more than 10% was demonstrated by intracavity-frequency-doubling a Q-switched diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG laser with a type II lithium triborate (LBO) crystal in a straight plano-concave cavity. An average power of 69.2 W at 532 nm was generated when electrical input power was 666 W. The corresponding electrical-to-green conversion efficiency is 10.4%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest electrical-to-green efficiency of second harmonic generation laser systems with side-pumped laser modules, ever reported. At about 66 W of green output power, the power fluctuation over 4 hours was better than +/-0.86%.


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We report an LD side-pumped continuous-wave passive mode-locked Nd:YAG laser with a Z-type folded cavity based on a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM). The average output power 2.95 W of mode-locked laser with electro-optical conversion efficiency of 1.3% and high beam quality (M-x(2) = 1.25 and M-y(2) = 1.22) is achieved. The repetition rate of mode-locked pulse of 88 MHz with pulse energy of 34 nJ is obtained.


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This paper describes the design and fabrication process of a two-dimensional GaAs-based photonic crystal nanocavity with InAs quantum dots (QDs) emitters and analyzes the optical characteristics of cavity modes at room temperature. The micro-luminescence spectrum recorded from the nanocavities exhibits a narrow optical transition at the lowest order resonance wavelength of about 1137 nm with about 1 nm emission linewidth. In addition, the spectra of photonic crystal nanocavities processed under different etching conditions show that the verticality of air hole sidewall is an important factor determing the luminescence characteristics of photonic crystal nanocaivties. Finally,,the variance of resonant modes is also discussed as a function of r/a ratio and will be used in techniques aimed at improving the probability of achieving spectral coupling of a single QD to a cavity mode.


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This work was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (60976008 and 60776015), the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Project (973 program) of China (2006CB604907), and the 863 High Technology R&D Program of China (2007AA03Z402 and 2007AA03Z451). The authors express their appreciations to Prof. Yongliang Li (Analytical and Testing Center, Beijing Normal University) for FE-SEM measurements, to DrTieying Yang and Prof. Huanhua Wang (Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) for XRD measurements and helpful discussions.


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The Fermi-level pinning (FLP) at the metal/high-k interface and its dependence on the electron state density of the metal gate are investigated. It is found that the FLP is largely determined by the distortion of the vacuum level of the metal which is quantitatively ruled by the electron state density of the metal. The physical origin of the vacuum level distortion of the metal is attributed to an image charge of the interface charge in the metal. Such results indicate that the effective work function of the metal/high-k stack is also governed by the electron state density of the metal.


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Based upon a hybrid ferromagnet/semiconductor structure consisting of two-dimensional electron gas and a pair of surface ferromagnetic stripes on top, we have theoretically investigated the effect of in-plane stray field omitted frequently in previous studies on the spin-dependent ballistic transport properties in hybrid structure. It is demonstrated here that, in combination with an external-controllable electrostatic modulation, the concerned structure shows a similar function as a lateral spin-polarized resonant tunneling device, where the strong spin-filtering effect occurs and nearly single-mode polarization is anticipated for the proper modulation. More importantly, the spin polarity of transmission electron can be easily transferred from one extreme to the other by switching the magnetization of stripes, showing the promising application as an efficient spin aligner in the developing semiconductor spintronics.


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A polycrystalline silicon thin film was fabricated on glass substrate by means of aluminum induced crystallization (AIC). Al and alpha-Si layers were deposited by magnetron sputtering respectively and annealed at 480A degrees C for 1 h to realize layer exchange. The polycrystalline silicon thin film was continuous and strongly (111) oriented. By analyzing the structure variation of the oxidation membrane and lattice mismatch between gamma-Al2O3 and Si, it was concluded that aluminum promoted the formation of (111) oriented silicon nucleus by controlling the orientation of gamma-Al2O3, which was formed at the early stage of annealing.


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This work was supported by the 863 High Technology R&D Program of China (Grant Nos. 2007AA03Z402 and 2007AA03Z451), the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Project (973 program) of China (Grant No. 2006CB604907), and the National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60506002 and 60776015). The authors express their appreciation to Dr. Tieying Yang and Prof. Huanhua Wang (Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) for XRD measurements and helpful discussions.


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The spin splitting in GaN-based heterostructures has been investigated by means of circular photogalvanic effect experiments under uniaxial strain. The ratios of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling coefficients (R/D ratios) have been measured in AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures with various Al compositions. It is found that the R/D ratio increases from 4.1 to 19.8 with the Al composition of the AlxGa1-xN barrier varied from 15% to 36%. The Dresselhaus coefficient of bulk GaN is experimentally obtained to be 0.4 eV angstrom(3). The results indicate that the spin splitting in GaN-based heterostructures can be modulated effectively by the polarization-induced electric fields.