226 resultados para Interactividad
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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: "La formaci??n del profesorado desde distintas miradas: inclusi??n, g??nero y evaluaci??n".
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n.
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Introduction: This study is part of some activities developed in a school library in Marília - SP. Objective: To approach the voice pad use in historical narratives. Methodology: The book chosen by the storyteller for this experiment was “A Menina do Narizinho Arrebitado” written by Monteiro Lobato, the first Brazilian book to gain an interactive version for the pad device. Results: It was observe in that activity like a digital device excites children, being a new way to interaction with stories. With features enticing and easier to use, the tablets provide the reading levels of dynamism and interactivity so far unthinkable. Conclusions: With the results of this research, it is concluded that audiovisual resources allow interaction and dynamism, providing enthusiasm to the listeners; being a pleasurable and diverse action that enables the professional to use new tools to stimulate the taste to hear and share stories as well as to attend a school library.
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
The use of music and/or its elements (instruments, sound, rhythm, melody and harmony) in environments with people attended by public health centers, aims at promoting communication, facilitating the expression and the relationship in the first contact, hence favoring organization of standards and other relevant therapeutic objectives to assist physical, mental, social and cognitive needs of people, thus promoting the process of environmental adaptation, behavioral conditioning and social inclusion. The purpose of this project is to use music and its sound elements, as well as recreational activities, developed in stages called: socialization session, art workshop and complementary activities, with patients assisted at CAOE (Disabled People Dental Care Center) and their relatives. The objective is to provide them psychological wellbeing, inclusion to physical space, relaxation, stimulation of rhythmic and sonorous perceptions, memorization, emotions externalization, help and encouragement for the development of motor coordination during their daily activities of daily. Recreational activities, handling and contacting with musical instruments, broadcasting and producing sounds, stimulate cognitive capacity, interactivity and entertainment activities can greatly contribute to improve the behavioral reaction and adaptation of these patients, during their dental treatment.
The TV news, like other productions for television, are in the process of adaptation of its discursive structures and its production as a consequence of the structures of the digital systems. Focusing not only the formatting, but mainly on the routines, its possible to notice the emergence of a new dynamic of production and consumption of information. Interactivity is the resource that has mobilized the most effort in the adaptation of television companies, anticipating the trend towards a more strengthening receiver role in communication relationship, which should be intensified by the convergence of medias with the deployment of Brazilian digital TV. While this is not realized, producers encourage a forged approach of receivers, since the proposal is not fully enforceable, either because of limitations in the routine production or in the technological devices. Then, the enunciative strategy of interactivity seeks to renew the social bond between the TV news and its audience.
This study aims at comprehending the dialogic potential of language radiophonic, in context of educational radio stations. This work based on a multidisciplinary approach. The study employed concepts of discourse analysis, mainly media related, dialogism and oral language. One of the conclusions is that language radiophonic has an educational potential, to allow interactivity with the listener. After all, audience participation can happen, even in a limited way, in a direct interaction (phone, email) or on the radio statement, aspect of the construction of language, of particular interest to this work.
This paper presents proposals for the use of interactivity in the telejournalism in an open television broadcaster and the consequences of this use. The issues raised here go beyond technical issues and also addresses issues of theoretical field. The fundamental purpose of this paper is to present interactive possibilities in television journalism as a way of providing this television format tools to keep up with technological changes in the field of production and sharing news. However, by using these tools, the television news is enabling reversal of two important hypotheses that describe the analog television journalism: Scheduling Hypothesis and the Spiral of Silence. To reach your main goal we used a theoretical framework relevant to the issues addressed here and a survey of some interactive applications for digital television developed specifically for TV newscast. From this instrument, we selected two sets of interactive features that can be employed, in general, newscasts, and how these features relate to the hypotheses of Scheduling and Spiral of Silence.
[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es el de crear un portal web en el que los usuarios de la red puedan expresarse a través de propuestas de carácter social o personal, con la finalidad de alcanzar un objetivo marcado para conseguir un cambio en el orden establecido. El portal web permitirá a los usuarios crear peticiones y publicarlas en la red de forma que los demás usuarios de internet que accedan al portal puedan aportar sus votos o firmas a cada una de las propuestas. Esta interactividad en conjunto con la posibilidad de añadir comentarios a las propuestas, permite afianzar las características de todo portal web 2.0 quedando una plataforma de uso social y fácil de usar con una base marcada por la seguridad de un CMF como Drupal. La realización de la página web será desarrollada con el CMF Drupal que permitirá dar una mayor funcionalidad al portal, además de aportar un mejor control sobre la gestión de los tipos de contenido creados para el desarrollo web. Para la implementación fue necesaria la creación de tipos de contenido que englobarán los campos necesarios para la selección, búsqueda y votación de las propuestas. Además de la instalación de múltiples módulos en Drupal que son imprescindibles para el correcto desarrollo del portal.
[ES] El ordenador es una herramienta de enorme potencial para el arte visual [Spalter99], tanto en el marco de la imagen estática, como en el contexto del video o imagen en movimiento. Las imágenes son fácilmente comprendidas por los humanos, motivo por el cual es un ámbito válido de trabajo creativo. Por otro lado, ocupa también a multitud de científicos del campo de la Visión por Computador en su búsqueda de técnicas para detectar y reconocer objetos. La tecnología digital, presenta la singularidad de la no existencia de un original único, de disponer del original en cualquier parte y ser copiable hasta la saciedad sin pérdida. Por otro lado, la introducción de la interactividad a través del uso de las tecnologías de visión por computador aporta un nuevo canal expresivo y unas posibilidades para la generación de sensaciones a través del concepto de obra interactiva [Krueger85]. La obra se puede convertir en única y cambiante, reactiva a la interacción en cada momento, recuperando su exclusividad. Este enfoque se relaciona con el concepto de instalación donde una obra es instalación si dialoga con el espacio que la circunda [Iges99]. La motivación de este proyecto es investigar el uso de capacidades actuales de Visión por Computador e Inteligencia Artificial para su integración en instalaciones artísticas. Se destaca que nuestra experiencia se relaciona fundamentalmente con el mundo tecnológico, nuestro objetivo es mostrar las posibilidades interactivas que la Inteligencia Artificial puede introducir y explorar las posibilidades de interfaces y formas de interacción hombre-máquina.