48 resultados para Linguística aplicada

em Línguas


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O presente trabalho aborda uma reflexão sobre como a Linguística Aplicada tem encaminhado suas pesquisas nos últimos anos e em que tem se debruçado para continuar a sua trajetória e conseguir alcançar e firmar o status que almeja enquanto produtora de conhecimento científico. O artigo destaca os aspectos mais relevantes da Linguística Aplicada, principalmente no Brasil, procurando mostrar o que os maiores nomes da área têm defendido, em que concordam e discordam, como têm direcionado a questão das inovações temáticas e epistemológicas e como as pesquisas atuais colaboram com os estudos linguísticos em geral. O entendimento desse estudo é de que a Linguística Aplicada no Brasil tem conseguido produzir substanciosa teoria proveniente de estudos da linguagem enquanto prática social, articulando pesquisas feitas de maneira transdisciplinar e insistindo na importância de voltar o olhar para os problemas localizados nas margens da modernidade recente. Fica claro, nesta observação, que apesar dos incontáveis desafios para essa área de estudo conquistar o espaço merecido entre outras áreas de prestígio, a Linguística Aplicada tem conseguido mostrar que fazer ciência no contexto atual requer olhares dispostos a abandonar crenças inarredáveis nos conhecimentos disciplinares tradicionais, promovendo pesquisas mais alinhadas com os problemas reais que emergem da superdiversidade da modernidade recente.http://dx.doi.org/10.5935/1981-4755.20170021


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo estabelecer um diálogo entre o material Português: um nome, muitas línguas, produzido no âmbito no programa Salto para o futuroe os conceitos de plurilinguismo, interculturalidade, preconceito linguístico (MAHER, 2007; ALTENHOFEN, 2013;CAVALCANTI,2015; dentre outros citados neste estudo),propondo articular a pedagogia do plurilinguismo (ALTENHOFEN; BROCH, 2011) e interculturalidade crítica (WALSH, 2009; MIGNOLO, 2008; MAHER, 2007) para uma visão ampliada de educação linguística (CAVALCANTI, 2015) no Brasil.Assim como no material analisado neste artigo, queremos problematizar o conceito de língua padronizada (MILROY, 2011) e as consequências dessa padronização para o ensino e para a cidadania. Em termos de resultados, apontamos para a necessidade de um diálogo mais intenso da academia com os educadores a fim de reconhecer os conceitos de língua dos alunos, professores e demais agentes educacionais, e a partir desse diálogo pensar em uma pedagogia do plurilinguismo articulada à interculturalidade crítica.3http://dx.doi.org/10.5935/1981-4755.20170030


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Resumo: Neste texto trato da ideia de representação, discutindo como essa se traslada para a da representação linguística e em que esse movimento contribui para a compreensão do objeto língua como um território de saber atravessado por uma perene reformulação e ressignificação de sentidos. Para tanto, revisito o próprio conceito de representação (Far, 2011; Jodelet, 2000, 2001; Moscovici, 1976, 1978, 2009; Sá, 1996; Zarate, 2010) e passo a problematizar o seu deslocamento para o de representação linguística (Arnoux e Del Valle, 2010; Boyer, 1996, 2003; Calvet,1998; Houdebine-Gravaud,2002; Petitjean, 2009), articulando  conceitos como o de imaginário (Pesavento,1995;) e atitudes linguísticas (Dominique Lafontaine,1997; Fasold, 1984; Saville-Troike,1989). Interessa-me, ao longo deste texto, levantar algumas questões de natureza teórica e conceitual com o fim de promover um debate em torno da dimensão simbólica e, mais notadamente, de como essa pode ser relevante para a redefinição das práticas dos sujeitos, no caso de professores de línguas, situando-as no âmbito da educação linguística de professores.Palavras-chaves: Representação; educação linguística; língua


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O presente estudo suscita uma problematização sobre o papel dos/as professores/as de língua estrangeira no manuseio de materiais didáticos disponíveis em seu contexto de atuação, a partir de uma proposta de análise e de suplementação de um livro didático de língua inglesa, tendo por base teorizações contemporâneas acerca de perspectivas críticas na educação linguística (DUBOC, 2012; PENNYCOOK, 2001, 2006; PESSOA; URZÊDA-FREITAS, 2012; SCHEYERL, 2012; AUTORA 1, 2015; SIQUEIRA, 2010, entre outros/as). A proposta deste estudo surgiu a partir das ações de um projeto desenvolvido no âmbito do programa Pró-Licenciatura de uma universidade pública do centro-oeste brasileiro. Um dos objetivos do projeto era produzir e adaptar materiais didáticos suplementares para uma turma de nível iniciante de inglês do Centro de Idiomas da instituição, que atende gratuitamente a comunidade interna e externa. Assim, com base em uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa e de cunho documental, compartilhamos aqui um recorte do projeto mencionado, apresentando a análise de um dos capítulos do livro didático adotado pela referida instituição, a partir das três visões de mundo discutidas por Leffa (2017): o mundo revelado, o encoberto e o possível. A análise aponta que é possível adaptar e elaborar materiais didáticos pautados em perspectivas críticas em turmas de níveis básicos, mesmo em face de contextos desafiantes e com recursos limitados. Concluímos, então, que o estudo e a ampliação de materiais didáticos sob a ótica dos três mundos discutidos por Leffa (2017) requer análise, pesquisa, reflexão, crítica, agência e coautoria/cocriação, em um processo contínuo, interpretativo e, sobretudo, não prescritivo.


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In this paper, are presented studies of the adjective and its enunciative expressivity in. According to the singular form that Callou and Serra (2003a, 2003b) describe the studies specifically stated on the adjective. This depends on the order which takes over the noun, may submit change of meaning in three ways: the first with the respect to the free position of the adjective with meaning change, the second with the mandatory position on the adjective, and, the third related to the free position of the adjective without a change of meaning. Demonstrating that not all cases can be checked diversity semantics and pragmatics of the adjective in the description. It is made a reflection about the use of enunciative expressions in the adjective use in discursive contexts in order to describe the assumptions of Sales (2006) on the influence of the genre in the order of the adjective to be relevant and, if applicable to this study.


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In this article, I analyze the history of literacy of a student taking up the Languages Course from a private university in the city of São Paulo. Backed up by reflections from the theoretical field of the New Literacy Studies, I investigate how the student’s previous literacy history and her contact with speeches about writing had an impact on the development of expectations about the writing practices in the Languages course. To this end, I refer to stretches in a transcription from a semi-structured interview held in 2009, when the participant in the research was in the first semester of the course. The analysis undertaken herein aims to show that the understanding of the previous literacy history of the public entering university can collaborate so that the academic writing conventions and, in turn, those of the academic genres are not presented to the students as something part of the common sense, rather, as something which can be taught.    


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This study presents the results of an action research whose focus was to identify what significations youths and adults undergoing a schooling process assign to the act of writing – those significations considered under the light of studies on literacy ­–, in order to co-construct ways for the enlargement of those significations. The discussions on this theme are based on Street (1984, 2003), Barton (1994), Barton and Hamilton (2000), Heath (1982), among others. Understanding how different cultural realities deal with everyday writing seems determinant for the comprehension of how literacy practices occur in different ways in the various social spheres, which reverberate in school. This way, it is expected that the school develops a sensitive look to the different realities which constitute the school itself, in order to meet the needs of each social environment. It should be highlighted that the meaning constructions that the subject assigns to texts which circulate in her/his everyday life pass through the interactive contact s/he establishes with the different microspaces constituted by/in culture. Thus, we restate the importance of the teacher’s role in knowing the reality of his/her students before initiating the teaching-learning process of writing and reading. The greater the proximity between the texts and the reality of students, the greater the possibilities for a dialog between the previous knowledge of each subject and the meanings s/he assigns to the writing of texts. This study is based on those conceptions and, in a dialogical fashion, aims to allow for those subjects to have possibilities of participating in new literacy events. Texts which particularize those entities guide the interaction between teachers and students, and of students among themselves, which has been carried out in this action research, whose results point out to some interesting possibilities for the co‑construction of ways to re-signify social uses of writing.


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The use of new technologies in classroom, including in foreign language learning, is becoming more and more frequent. The researches already show investigations with the use of emails, chats, blogs, hypertexts, facebook in foreign language classroom especially to develop the students’ written ability. However, there is still a lack of studies concerning educational blogs in foreign language as a digital genre. This work aim characterizing educational blog as a genre under Bakhtinian perspective. To achieve these objectives, the methodology used is characterized as exploratory-descriptive with quali-quantitative base whose collected data consist in analysis of seven educational blogs. The data analysis was done using the theoretical assumptions about textual genres under Bakhtinian perspective. The main results indicate that the analyzed blogs have thematic content, composition and style that are characteristical as digital genres. In conclusion of this work, suggestions are made for future researches into the use of blogs in the foreign language classroom.


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This work aims at reflecting on possible implications of working with pedagogical projects for teacher education through the presentation of a pedagogical project proposal that is based on the genre poem and that is thought for the disciplines of Portuguese and Literature and for the higher grades of middle school. Firstly, we present the theoretical basis that lies behind the pedagogical project proposal and the discussion about its possible implications for teacher education. Thus we present and discuss the concepts of language use (CLARK, 2000), discourse genres (BAKHTIN, 2003), pedagogical project (HERNÁNDEZ, 2004; LEITE; MENDES, 2004; SCHLATTER; GARCEZ, 2012) and teacher education (NÓVOA, 1992). Next we treat the project based on the theoretical basis presented more fully, justifying the choice for its theme – urban life – and for its main genre – poem – and elucidating its objectives and possible final products. Based on that, we present and analyze its different steps. Considering the discussions about the theoretical basis used and the project, we then talk about how this way of working at school can influence teacher education, more specifically how the axis use-reflection-use and the concept of discourse genre can hold implications for teacher education, as well as we discuss about some of the roles of the teacher who works with pedagogical projects. Therefore, we bring to light a reflection and discussion that elucidate the issue of the development of pedagogical projects at school and its influence on the teacher's education and performance, taking into consideration that this approach is based on certain conceptions regarding what is understood by language, teaching and learning, pedagogical project, discourse genre and teacher's roles. 


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Translation has played many roles in foreign language teaching. It has been, on the one hand, considered a fundamental methodological tool, constituting the core of the grammar-translation approach, and, on the other hand, heavily criticized and excluded from the classroom, whether from the practical or the theoretical point of view. Currently, with the communicative approach to language teaching, the study of language varieties has become very important to the learner, and considering the need to understand and interpret the meaning of a word within a specific socio-cultural context during the translation process, it is of paramount importance to acknowledge sociolinguistic variations in the text to be translated. Thus, our goal is to show, through a reflective analysis, that translation can be an educational resource for the teaching of linguistic diversity in foreign language. This study isbased on theoretical assumptions on translation dating from the time of Cicero and Saint Jerome to the present times.


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This paper aims to reflect on the teaching of Portuguese language in the context of twenty-first century, taking as its starting point the proposal of multiliteracies. We propose to discuss the applicability of genres in the classroom as a condition to ensure the construction of fundamental knowledge to social practices of language. For this, we rely on recent studies on the possibilities that the genre can bring to practice reading, writing papers, and linguistic analysis. We intend, therefore, to assist the planning of teachers who still find themselves unsure on curricula that suggest what they have to do, but did not say how. Understand the reason why this work is another contribution to the teaching of Portuguese in the final years of elementary school and high school bringing out a space for discussion about what needs to be taught and some teaching procedures that favor the democratization of school and interaction linguistics. Curricular innovations and new ways of thinking about teaching and learning of mother tongue are already part of the reflections of most professionals, but there is still an open field to think of more effective alternatives through multimodality an interactionist conception of language.


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ABSTRACT: Educational policies in Brazil, in the past few years, have recommended the inclusion of visually impaired students in mainstream schools. Considering Vygotsky’s (2000;2008) cultural historical theory of learning and development; Maturana’s (2002) and Tomasello’s (2003) studies on social cognition, this article aims at analyzing the way two students conceive the process of inclusion in an English language classroom. An interview with the students made it possible to observe the positive impact that didactic strategies and the teacher´s attitudes had on the way these students faced learning and the foreign language. KEY WORDS: foreign language learning – blind students - affectivity


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ABSTRACT: With this work I aim to identify and inter relate the beliefs of the students from a public school about English language learning, and my beliefs as the students’ teacher about English teaching. To conduct this research I used reflexive diaries as instruments for data collection, they were written throughout the semester by the teacher and the students in a state school from Minas Gerais. With the analysis of the diaries, I noticed that the diary is a profitable tool for the apprehension of beliefs of the students and the teacher. Furthermore, students seem to be more accountable for learning, decentralizing the role of teacher.


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The text production commands from a collection of textbooks Portuguese (6 to 9 years) were analyzed in order to verify the design of writing that guides the work with this practice in the classroom. Therefore, the study is guided in Applied Linguistics, in theoretical view of Geraldi (1996) and Fiad and Mayrink-Sabison (1994) and methodological of Sercundes (1997). The analysis and systematization of data allowed to highlight the writing concepts such as work, written as a result and writing as a consequence with nuances of gift, and in this article, the commands guided are presented in the latter, given the recurrence that was used in the activities. Thus, the results indicate that the commands of the collection, guided by the concept of writing as a consequence with the nuances of gift, promote dialogue between two predefined by Sercundes conceptions (1997) written as a gift and as a result, showing their overlapping for the realization of production activity. Moreover, the written are the result of activities carried out previously, at the same time that the student is asked to use their imagination, his gift of writing at the time of production, not setting actual production conditions written to students.


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Esta reseña fue elaborada del libro que organiza el Prof. José María Rodríguez (UNA-UCA) recoge las intervenciones de los principales conferencistas de lo que debió ser la realización del cuarto de la serie de “Seminarios Internacionales de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe y la Educación Indígena”. Programado para celebrarse en la ciudad de Asunción, pero que sin embargo a causa de los problemas políticos ocurridos en Paraguay durante el 2012 fue suspendido.La cuarta edición del “Seminario Internacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe y la Educación Indígena” buscó dar continuidad a los propósitos que Rodríguez se planteó desde que concibió el diseño y la realización de estos eventos académicos: el fortalecimiento de la identidad regional como engranaje fundamental de la integración, tomando en cuenta la diversidad y el reconocimiento de los diferentes códigos culturales y lingüísticos de los países suramericanos para favorecer el conocimiento mutuo y la práctica de una educación intercultural, capaz de estimular la sensibilidad por el reconocimiento del otro y por el aprendizaje de los idiomas oficiales del Mercosur. Tal como sostiene, el organizador en esta oportunidad la discusión se programó en torno a las Políticas Lingüísticas para la promoción de la integración educacional y educativa del Mercosur. Así, los principales objetivos del seminario que el libro recoge en detalle fueron discutir sobre las políticas y la praxis pedagógica que priorizan la educación como base para el desarrollo de la cohesión social y sustentabilidad en el Mercosur. En función de fomentar la creación de una identidad mercosurista, donde el portugués, el español y los idiomas indígenas constituyan verdaderas lenguas de diálogos e integración, y contribuyan a la promoción del multilingüismo en el Mercosur para favorecer una cultura de paz, de respecto por la democracia y los derechos humanos en los distintos ámbitos de los países e instituciones suramericanas. Los artículos del libro se agrupan en torno a los ejes: (i) interculturalidad, (ii) educación intercultural, (iii) educación indígena, (iv) política lingüística, (v) lingüística y glotopolítica. Además de incluir tres textos que exclusivamente reflexionan sobre literatura.