275 resultados para joint procurement company
The purpose of this Thesis was to study what is the present situation of Business Intelligence of the company unit. This means how efficiently unit uses possibilities of modern information management systems. The aim was to resolve how operative informa-tion management of unit’s tender process could be improved by modern information technology applications. This makes it possible that tender processes could be faster and more efficiency. At the beginning it was essential to acquaint oneself with written literature of Business Intelligence. Based on Business Intelligence theory is was relatively easy but challenging to search and discern how tender business could be improved by methods of Busi-ness Intelligence. The empirical phase of this study was executed as qualitative research method. This phase includes theme and natural interviews on the company. Problems and challenges of tender process were clarified in a part an empirical phase. Group of challenges were founded when studying information management of company unit. Based on theory and interviews, group of improvements were listed which company could possible do in the future when developing its operative processes.
Tämän tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaatio on suuren teollisuusyrityksen sisäinen raaka-aineen hankkija ja toimittaja. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mistä kohdeorganisaation hankinta-asiakkuuksien arvo muodostuu ja kuinka olemassa olevan liiketoimintadatan perusteella voidaan tutkia, arvioida ja luokitella kauppojen ja asiakkuuksien arvokkuutta aikaan sitomatta, objektiivisesti ja luotettavasti. Tutkimuksen teoriaosiossa esitellään lähestymistapoja ja menetelmiä, joiden avulla voidaan jalostaa olemassa olevasta datasta uutta sidosryhmätietämystä liiketoiminnan käyttöön, sekä tarkastellaan asiakaskannattavuusanalyysin, portfolioanalyysin, sekä asiakassegmentoinnin perusteita ja malleja. Näiden teorioiden ja mallien pohjalta rakennetaan kohdeorganisaatiolle räätälöity, indeksoituihin hinta-, määrä- ja kauppojen toistuvuus-muuttujiin perustuva, asiakkuuksien arvottamis- ja luokittelumalli. Arvottamis- ja luokittelumalli testataan vuosien 2003–2007 liiketoimintadatasta muodostetulla 389 336 kaupparivin otoksella, joka sisältää 42 186 arvioitavaa asiakkuussuhdetta. Merkittävin esille nouseva havainto on noin 5 000:n keskimääräistä selkeästi kalliimman asiakkuuden ryhmä. Aineisto ja sen poikkeavuudet testataan tilastollisin menetelmin, jotta saadaan selville asiakkuuden arvoon vaikuttavat ja arvoa selittävät tekijät. Lopuksi pohditaan arvottamismallin merkitystä analyyttisemman ostotoiminnan ja asiakkuudenhallinnan välineenä, sekä esitetään muutamia parannusehdotuksia.
Pitkäaikaisten rakennusurakoiden tarjouslaskennassa on ennakoitava hintojen muutoksia useiden vuosien päähän, kun tarjoukset on tehtävä kiinteillä hinnoilla. Kustannusten ennakointi ja hintariskienhallinta on kriittinen tekijä rakennusalan yrityksen kilpailukyvylle. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on kehittää YIT Rakennus Oy:n Infrapalveluille toimintamalli ja työkalu, joiden avulla hintariskejä voidaan hallita tarjouslaskennassa sekä hankintatoimessa. Ratkaisuksi kehitettiin kustannusten ennakointi -malli, jossa panosryhmien hintojen kehitystä ennustetaan asiantuntijaryhmissä säännöllisesti. Kustannusten ennakointi -mallin käyttöönotto vaatii ennustettavien panosryhmien määrittelyä. Lisäksi on nimettävä asiantuntijaryhmä sekä valittava aikajänne, jolle ennuste tehdään. Ennusteisiin sisältyvä epävarmuus saadaan esiin Monte Carlo simulaatiolla, ja urakan hintariskiä voidaan siten arvioida todennäköisyysjakaumien ja herkkyysanalyysin avulla. Valmiita ennusteita hyödynnetään tarjouslaskennassa sekä hankintatoimessa taktiikoiden ja strategioiden valinnassa.
Osallistuessaan julkisten hankintojen tarjouskilpailuun yritys pyrkii tekemään tarjouksen, jolla se voittaa kilpailun. Ennen tarjousten vertailua yrityksen soveltuvuus arvioidaan tarjoajien valinnassa. Tutkimuksen tavoite on selvittää miten yritys voi varmistaa tarjousvertailuun pääsyn. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on lainoppi. Empiirisessä osiossa aineistona ovat hankintailmoitukset ja -aineistot, joita analysoidaan kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen keinoin. Lain, lainvalmisteluaineiston, oikeuskirjallisuuden ja oikeuskäytännön perusteella muodostetaan peilaavan vastauksen malli. Yritys varmistaa jatkoon pääsyn, kun se tarjouksessaan kuvaa resurssinsa peilaten hankintayksikön ilmoittamia vaatimuksia sekä toimittaa vaaditut liiteasiakirjat määräajassa. Aineiston perusteella mallin todetaan toimivan silloin, kun myös hankintayksikkö toimii mallin odotusten mukaan. Kun hankintayksikkö ei toimi mallin oletusten mukaisesti, yrityksen mallin mukaista toimintaa ei voi arvioida.
The bachelor’s thesis concentrates on the innovativeness in the construction industry. The purpose of the thesis is to define the innovation as a concept reflected on a context of the construction industry. The second objective is to examine how the construction companies could foster and increase the innovativeness. The third objective was to find out tools, methods and phases of the front-end of the innovation process. The construction industry is often considered as a traditional and an old-fashioned manufacturing industry. The innovation or the innovativeness rarely linked to the construction industry. Productivity is a common problem in the construction industry. The construction industry needs to increase the productivity to compete in a globalized world. The productivity can be increased by the innovation. The thesis based on a literature review. The findings from the literature include a description of the innovation as a concept, the innovative culture and the innovation process as a context of the construction industry. The phases of the front-end of the innovation process were explained. Customers centered approach was taken into account in the innovation process. The required tools and methods for managing the front-end of the innovation process were illustrated. The thesis ensures the importance of the innovation facing challenges of the construction industry. Managing the front-end of the innovation is the most important aspect to stand out from the less innovative companies. To take a full advantage of the innovation companies cannot fear of changes. The innovation process requires a full support of the top management of the company. Taking into consideration a theoretical aspect of the thesis a further research is required to respond practical needs of the company. Tools and methods should be considered according the company’s needs and activities. Company’s existing state and culture should be examined before implementing the front-end of the innovation process to ensure the functionality.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää tilintarkastajan vahingonkorvausvastuun syntyedellytykset ja mahdolliset rajoittamistarpeet. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi on valittu lainoppi eli oikeusdogmatiikka. Tutkielmassa käytetty lähdemateriaali kattaa lainsäädännön lisäksi lainvalmisteluaineistoa, oikeuskäytäntöä, yhtiö- ja vahingonkorvausoikeudellista oikeuskirjallisuutta aina 1950-luvulta nykypäivään saakka sekä ajankohtaisia asiantuntija-artikkeleita. Asia on tällä hetkellä hyvin ajankohtainen, niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisestikin. Suomessa on vuonna 2006 teetetty tutkimus koskien tilintarkastajan vahingonkorvausvastuun kehittämistarpeita. Samoin Euroopan Unionin tasolla, on asiaan puututtu ja Euroopan Yhteisöjen Komissio on teettänyt tutkimuksen tilintarkastajan vastuusta. Tutkimuksen pohjalta on järjestetty julkinen kuulemiskierros ja annettu jäsenvaltioille suositus lakisääteisten tilintarkastajien ja tilintarkastusyhteisöjen siviilioikeudellisen vastuun rajoittamisesta. Tutkielmassa on tarkasteltu useita eri menetelmiä vastuun rajoittamiseksi. Johtopäätöksenä on todettavissa, että tilintarkastajan vastuuta sellaisenaan ei tule rajoittaa, sen johtaessa tilanteeseen, joka ei yhtä tehokkaasti kannusta huolelliseen tarkastukseen kuin rajoittamaton vastuu. Tilintarkastajan ja yrityksen johdon välisissä yhteisvastuutilanteissa on sen sijaan nähty paljon problematiikkaa ja epäkohtia, ja niihin tulisi rajoituksin taikka lainsäädännöllä puuttua.
Työ on tehty Siemens Osakeyhtiön Logistiikka ja Osto yksik6ssa. Tavoitteena oli kartoittaa toimittajien hallintamallin toimivuutta sekä pyrkiä parantamaan toimittajien valintaa. Ostettaessa toimittajilta palveluita toteutettaviin projekteihin toimittajien hallintamalli toimii perustana sille, kuinka toimittaja valitaan ja mitä toimittajan valinnassa on otettava huomioon. Laadukkaaseen lopputulokseen pyrittäessä on erittäin tärkeää, että projektiin saadaan toimittaja, joka täyttää kaikki sille asetetut laadulliset, taloudelliset sekä tekniset vaatimukset. Työ pohjautuu teoriassa esitettyihin projektin määrittelemiseen, hankintatoimeen, toimittajien luokitteluun, yhteisty6n kehittämiseen sekä laatujohtamiseen. Työ toteutettiin haastattelututkimuksella, jossa haastateltiin Siemens Osakeyhtiön viiden eri toimialan projektipäällikköä. Tarkoituksena oli perehtyä toimialojen tapoihin hankkia toimittajia toteutettaviin projekteihin. Tutkimuksen pääpaino oli toimittajissa, jotka toteuttavat sdhk6asennuksia, kaytt6onottoa, suunnittelua, kokoonpanoa sekä rakentamista. Haastattelujen perusteella tutustuttiin toimialojen totutettuihin projekteihin, joita verrattiin haastattelusta saatuihin tuloksiin. Havaintojen perusteella annettiin kehitysehdotuksia, joilla kyettäisiin parantamaan toimittajien valintaa sekä toimittajien hallintamallia.
The objectives of this thesis areto identify the best elements from Information Technology Infrastructure Library financial management for an international company. The elements need to be customized to fit existing elements and the thesis needs to provide implementation proposal. The new IT financial management needs to improve cost visibility and bring benefits to the company. In order to find the best elements for IT financial management, there needs to be a research to discover the companys business needs. The ITIL library is used to find answers and solutions to the companys issues in IT financial management. Other IT frameworks can and will be used as well, if they are able to work with ITIL model. ITIL consists from budgeting, accounting and charging in IT financial management, which all needs to be investigated. In addition more ITIL elements such as contract management and supplier management can be used, in order to make IT financial management work better.
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate creating and improving category purchasing visibility for corporate procurement by utilizing financial information. This thesis was a part of the global category driven spend analysis project of Konecranes Plc. While creating general understanding for building category driven corporate spend visibility, the IT architecture and needed purchasing parameters for spend analysis were described. In the case part of the study three manufacturing plants of Konecranes Standard Lifting, Heavy Lifting and Services business areas were examined. This included investigating the operative IT system architecture and needed processes for building corporate spend visibility. The key findings of this study were the identification of the needed processes for gathering purchasing data elements while creating corporate spend visibility in fragmented source system environment. As an outcome of the study, roadmap presenting further development areas was introduced for Konecranes.
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to examine the IT Service Management (ITSM) capabilities of a large international company and develop a design for the IT Service Management of the company. The thesis consists of two parts: a literature review and a case study. The first part is the literature review. It examines different aspects of IT Service Management. The purpose of the literature review is to increase the credibility of the case study. In the case study, the IT Service Management of a large industrial company is assessed, and an improved design for IT Service Management is created. The services are limited to common IT services, and management is limited to operative management. To assess and develop the case company’s IT Service Management, the IT organization and its ITSM capabilities are analyzed, and on the basis of the analyses, an improved IT Service Management model is created. As a result of the analyses, it was found out that the management of the IT organization is function-oriented. Therefore, the organization needs a management model that breaks the functional borders and brings services to the center of management. The designed model aspires to achieve this by defining IT services and modeling management processes from the service perspective.
More and more companies are interested in implementing knowledge management. However, the majority of knowledge management initiatives will fail to have any significant impact. In this study, theories regarding knowledge management implementation and adoption are investigated further. The objective of this study is to deepen understanding regarding the critical factors that contribute to successful knowledge management adoption in large multinational companies. The study is formulated around the following four research questions: 1. What are the key success and failure factors in knowledge management implementation? 2. How can knowledge management adoption be improved at the individual, group and organizational levels of the company? 3. What are the critical factors that hinder knowledge management adoption in the case company? 4. How can the case company promote the adoption of knowledge management among company personnel? The methodology used in this study is a combination of a literature review and an explanatory, exploratory, qualitative single-case study. The literature review answers the first and second research questions. Based on the literature review, a framework is presented to illustrate the factors contributing to the success of knowledge management implementation. The framework also links together knowledge management implementation and adoption. The third research question is answered by revealing the relevant findings from 21 expert interviews and 2 online questionnaires with 42 respondents in total. By comparing and contrasting the results of the literature review with the findings of the empirical case study, the fourth research question is answered. The concrete outcomes of this study are a framework to elucidate the factors contributing to the success of knowledge management implementation, a case study highlighting the issues that hinder knowledge management adoption within the case company, and recommendations for the case company.
Workflow management systems aim at the controlled execution of complex application processes in distributed and heterogeneous environments. These systems will shape the structure of information systems in business and non-business environments. E business and system integration is a fertile soil for WF and groupware tools. This thesis aims to study WF and groupware tools in order to gather in house knowledge of WF to better utilize WF solutions in future, and to focus on SAP Business Workflow in order to find a global solution for Application Link Enabling support for system integration. Piloting this solution in Nokia collects the experience of SAP R/3 WF tool for other development projects in future. The literary part of this study will guide to the world of business process automation providing a general description of the history, use and potentials of WF & groupware software. The empirical part of this study begins with the background of the case study describing the IT environment initiating the case by introducing SAP R/3 in Nokia, the communication technique in use and WF tool. Case study is focused in one solution with SAP Business Workflow. This study provides a concept to monitor communication between ERP systems and to increase the quality of system integration. Case study describes a way create support model for ALE/EDI interfaces. Support model includes monitoring organization and the workflow processes to solve the most common IDoc related errors.
The primary objective of this thesis was to research delivery reliability of mill business unit of a forest industry company, especially timely and quantitative accuracy of sales orders. Delivery reliability is an important factor of customer satisfaction, which has a great influence for success of a company. The secondary objective was to find out reasons for possible problems of delivery reliability and give propositions for improvable performances. The empirical part of the thesis based on reporting database of the forest industry company’s ERP-software and detailed information of the mill system. The delivery reliability results of the mill business unit were compared to delivery reliability of similar mill business unit inside the forest industry company. The research results expressed problems in the supply chain. The delivery reliability reporting should be also developed further. This would advance delivery reliability monitoring. The improvement propositions of the thesis were logistic operation mode estimation, particular benchmarking of the compared mill business unit and more detailed survey on production delivery reliability.
It is necessary to use highly specialized robots in ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) both in the manufacturing and maintenance of the reactor due to a demanding environment. The sectors of the ITER vacuum vessel (VV) require more stringent tolerances than normally expected for the size of the structure involved. VV consists of nine sectors that are to be welded together. The vacuum vessel has a toroidal chamber structure. The task of the designed robot is to carry the welding apparatus along a path with a stringent tolerance during the assembly operation. In addition to the initial vacuum vessel assembly, after a limited running period, sectors need to be replaced for repair. Mechanisms with closed-loop kinematic chains are used in the design of robots in this work. One version is a purely parallel manipulator and another is a hybrid manipulator where the parallel and serial structures are combined. Traditional industrial robots that generally have the links actuated in series are inherently not very rigid and have poor dynamic performance in high speed and high dynamic loading conditions. Compared with open chain manipulators, parallel manipulators have high stiffness, high accuracy and a high force/torque capacity in a reduced workspace. Parallel manipulators have a mechanical architecture where all of the links are connected to the base and to the end-effector of the robot. The purpose of this thesis is to develop special parallel robots for the assembly, machining and repairing of the VV of the ITER. The process of the assembly and machining of the vacuum vessel needs a special robot. By studying the structure of the vacuum vessel, two novel parallel robots were designed and built; they have six and ten degrees of freedom driven by hydraulic cylinders and electrical servo motors. Kinematic models for the proposed robots were defined and two prototypes built. Experiments for machine cutting and laser welding with the 6-DOF robot were carried out. It was demonstrated that the parallel robots are capable of holding all necessary machining tools and welding end-effectors in all positions accurately and stably inside the vacuum vessel sector. The kinematic models appeared to be complex especially in the case of the 10-DOF robot because of its redundant structure. Multibody dynamics simulations were carried out, ensuring sufficient stiffness during the robot motion. The entire design and testing processes of the robots appeared to be complex tasks due to the high specialization of the manufacturing technology needed in the ITER reactor, while the results demonstrate the applicability of the proposed solutions quite well. The results offer not only devices but also a methodology for the assembly and repair of ITER by means of parallel robots.