443 resultados para Joá-bravo

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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The aim of this study was to find out how immersion students experience immersion education, how they feel about the implementation of immersion education methods and what role immersion plays in immersion students’ lives outside the school context. In addition, the influence of sex, grade level, school and type of immersion education on students’ perceptions was studied. The population included all students at the lower secondary level in Helsinki who participated in Swedish immersion education during 2002–2003. The sample consisted of 128 students who represented two different forms of immersion: 47% of the students had previously participated in early total immersion while 53 % of the students had taken part in early partial immersion. The data were gathered through a questionnaire and interviews. All 128 students answered the questionnaire, and 10 students were chosen to focus interviews through purposive sampling. In addition, students’ parents were invited to fill in a questionnaire where students’ background information was requested. The data were collected during the spring of 2003. Principal Component Analysis and one-way variance analysis were used as statistical analysis methods. Also frequencies, average, correlations and cross tabs were studied. In the PCA a right-angled varimax-rotation was performed separately to every thematic entity that arose from the theoretical background. Sum variables were formed from the Principal Components by summing up all the items that received over .400 charges for the specific Principal Component. Significance testing of the mean was performed with F and t-tests. Results indicate that immersion students in lower secondary school experience immersion quite diversely as a whole. Students are satisfied with the fact that they are in the immersion class but not with the amount of teaching in Swedish. Students feel it is very important and useful to learn Swedish bearing in mind their future studies and working life. The students estimate their language skills to be very high. Yet they prefer using Finnish during classes. The fact that teachers use Swedish does not considerably affect how well the students learn the factual content in various subjects, especially if the student knows Swedish well. Theoretical subjects seemed to cause most problems. Swedish played only a very small part in students’ lives outside the school context and it was used merely when travelling abroad and in different kinds of guiding situations. Unless the students were talked to in Swedish, they kept on speaking Finnish. When asked about students’ experiences no statistically significant differences between sexes were found in this study. On the contrary, in some cases their grade level but especially their school and form of immersion had clear statistically significant differences on students’ perceptions.


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Oksidatiivisen stressin eli liiallisen reaktiivisten happiyhdisteiden määrän soluissa on jo pitkään arveltu olevan tärkeä Alzheimerin taudin kehittymiseen ja etenemiseen vaikuttava tekijä. Tämän vuoksi kiinnostus erilaisten antioksidanttien (yhdisteitä, jotka neutraloivat näitä happiradikaaleja soluissa) mahdollisia terapeuttisia ominaisuuksia Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa on tutkittu laajalti. Tähän mennessä ei kuitenkaan ole vielä onnistuttu löytämään antioksidanttia, joka olisi hyödyksi Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeää pyrkiä löytämään uusia antioksidanttien lähteitä sekä tutkia niistä löytyviä aktiivisia yhdisteitä. Kiinnostus luonnon antioksidantteja kohtaan on kasvanut voimakkaasti viime aikoina. Huomio on kiinnittynyt erityisesti aromaattisista sekä lääkekasveista löytyviin antioksidantteihin. Lamiaceae- perheeseen kuuluvia tuoksuampiaisyrttiä (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) ja sitruunamelissaa (Melissa officinalis L.) on käytetty Iranissa pitkään sekä ruoanlaitossa että lääkinnässä, minkä vuoksi näiden kasvien uutteiden antioksidanttisisältöä päätettiin analysoida käyttäen useaa erilaista in vitro- menetelmää. Näissä kokeissa ilmeni, että uutteilla oli useita antioksidanttisia vaikutuksia. Näistä antioksidanttisista vaikutuksista vastaavia yhdisteitä pyrittiin tunnistamaan käyttäen HPLC-PDA- tekniikkaa, minkä seurauksena niiden havaittiin sisältävän erilaisia polyfenoleita, kuten hydroksyloituneita bentsoeeni- ja cinnamamidihapon johdannaisia sekä flavonoideja. Kummankin kasvin uutteissa runsaimmin esiintynyt yhdiste oli rosmariinihappo. Sitruunamelissaa (M. officinalis) on käytetty antiikin ajoista alkaen kognitiivisten toimintojen häiriöiden hoidossa. Perustuen tietoon kasvin käytöstä perinteisessä lääkinnässä, sen tehoa Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa on tutkittu viime aikoina kliinisin kokein. Sitruunamelissan todettiinkin olevan hyödyksi lievää ja keskivaikeaa Alzheimeimerin tautia sairastavien potilaiden hoidossa. Väitöskirjan osanan olevasta kooste-artikkelista käy ilmi, että tutkimalla lääkekasvien ominaisuuksia voidaan saada arvokkaita suuntaa-antavia vihjeitä Alzheimerin taudin lääkehoidon kehittämiseen. Tämän perusteella päätettiinkin testatata myös sitruunamelissauutteen kykyä estää asetyylikoliiniesteraasin (AChE) toimintaa, koska tämän entsyymin toiminna estämisen tiedetään olevan hyödyksi Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa. Uute kykeni estämään AChE:n toimintaa, minkä vuoksi uutteen sisältämiä komponentteja päätettiin tutkia terkemmin. Uute jaettiin erilaisiin fraktioihin käyttäen HPLC-menetelmää, minkä jälkeen testattiin jokaisen fraktion kykyä inhiboida AchE. Suurin osa fraktioista kykeni inhiboimaan AChE:n toimintaa selkeästi tehokkaammin, kuin raakauute. Kaikista tehokkainta fraktiota analysoitiin tarkemmin sen aktiivisten yhdisteiden tunnistamiseksi, minkä seurauksena sen sisältämät yhdisteet tunnistettiin cis ja trans-rosmariinihapoiksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa tunnistettujen yhdisteiden hyödyllisyyttä Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa tulisi seuraavaksi tutkia erilaisissa in vivo-malleissa. Lisäksi jäljellä olevien fraktioiden kemiallinen koostumus tulisi selvittää sekä antioksidanttiaktiivisuuden ja AChE:n toiminnan inhiboinnin välistä mahdollista yhteyttä tulisi tutkia tarkemmin. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa tuoksuampiasyrtin (D. moldavica) sekä sitruunamelissan (M. officinalis) sisältävän monenlaisia aktiivisia antioksidantteja. Lisäksi sitruunamelissan sisältämät yhdisteet kykenivät estämään asetyylikoliiniesteraasin (AchE) toimintaa. Nämä tulokset tukevat osaltaan väitöskirjan osana olevan kooste-artikkelin johtopäätöksiä, joiden mukaan etnofarmakologinen kasvitutkimus voi osoittautua erittäin hyödylliseksi kehitettäessä uutta lääkehoitoa Alzheimerin tautiin. Lisäksi tässä väitöskirjassa kuvattu tutkimus osoittaakin, että perinteisesti lääkekasvina käytettyä sitruunamelissaa voidaan mahdollisesti hyödyntää uusien Alzheimerin taudin hoitoon käytettävien lääkkeiden kehityksessä.


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The present challenge in drug discovery is to synthesize new compounds efficiently in minimal time. The trend is towards carefully designed and well-characterized compound libraries because fast and effective synthesis methods easily produce thousands of new compounds. The need for rapid and reliable analysis methods is increased at the same time. Quality assessment, including the identification and purity tests, is highly important since false (negative or positive) results, for instance in tests of biological activity or determination of early-ADME parameters in vitro (the pharmacokinetic study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion), must be avoided. This thesis summarizes the principles of classical planar chromatographic separation combined with ultraviolet (UV) and mass spectrometric (MS) detection, and introduces powerful, rapid, easy, low-cost, and alternative tools and techniques for qualitative and quantitative analysis of small drug or drug-like molecules. High performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) was introduced and evaluated for fast semi-quantitative assessment of the purity of synthesis target compounds. HPTLC methods were compared with the liquid chromatography (LC) methods. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) and atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MS (AP MALDI MS) were used to identify and confirm the product zones on the plate. AP MALDI MS was rapid, and easy to carry out directly on the plate without scraping. The PLC method was used to isolate target compounds from crude synthesized products and purify them for bioactivity and preliminary ADME tests. Ultra-thin-layer chromatography (UTLC) with AP MALDI MS and desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI MS) was introduced and studied for the first time. Because of the thinner adsorbent layer, the monolithic UTLC plate provided 10 100 times better sensitivity in MALDI analysis than did HPTLC plates. The limits of detection (LODs) down to low picomole range were demonstrated for UTLC AP MALDI and UTLC DESI MS. In a comparison of AP and vacuum MALDI MS detection for UTLC plates, desorption from the irregular surface of the plates with the combination of an external AP MALDI ion source and an ion trap instrument provided clearly less variation in mass accuracy than the vacuum MALDI time-of-flight (TOF) instrument. The performance of the two-dimensional (2D) UTLC separation with AP MALDI MS method was studied for the first time. The influence of the urine matrix on the separation and the repeatability was evaluated with benzodiazepines as model substances in human urine. The applicability of 2D UTLC AP MALDI MS was demonstrated in the detection of metabolites in an authentic urine sample.


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Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is a mycotoxin produced by the fungus Fusarium verticillioides, which commonly infects corn and other agricultural products. Fusarium species can also be found in moisture-damaged buildings, and therefore there may also be human exposure to Fusarium mycotoxins, including FB1. FB1 affects the metabolism of sphingolipids by inhibiting the enzyme ceramide synthase. It is neuro-, hepato- and nephrotoxic, and it is classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans. This study aimed to clarify the mechanisms behind FB1-induced neuro- and immunotoxicity. Four neural and glial cell lines of human, rat and mouse origin were exposed to graded doses of FB1 and the effects on the production of reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation, intracellular glutathione levels, cell viability and apoptosis were investigated. Furthermore, the effects of FB1, alone or together with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), on the mRNA and protein expression levels of different cytokines and chemokines were studied in human dendritic cells (DC). FB1 induced oxidative stress and cell death in all cell lines studied. Generally, the effects were only seen after prolonged exposure at 10 and 100 µM of FB1. Signs of apoptosis were also seen in all four cell lines. The sensitivities of the cell lines used in this study towards FB1 may be classified as human U-118MG glioblastoma > mouse GT1-7 hypothalamic > rat C6 glioblastoma > human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. When comparing cell lines of human origin, it can be concluded that glial cells seem to be more sensitive towards FB1 toxicity than those of neural origin. After exposure to FB1, significantly increased levels of the cytokine interferon-γ (IFNγ) were detected in human DC. This observation was further confirmed by FB1-induced levels of the chemokine CXCL9, which is known to be regulated by IFNγ. During co-exposure of DC to both LPS and FB1, significant inhibitions of the LPS-induced levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-1β, and their regulatory chemokines CCL3 and CCL5 were observed. FB1 can thus affect immune responses in DC, and therefore, it is rather likely that it also affects other types of cells participating in the immune defence system. When evaluating the toxicity potential of FB1, it is important to consider the effects on different cell types and cell-cell interactions. The results of this study represent new information, especially about the mechanisms behind FB1-induced oxidative stress, apoptosis and immunotoxicity, as well as the varying sensitivities of different cell types towards FB1.


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This thesis discusses the contemporary construction of the lived worlds of indigenous Amazonian youths. Today’s native peoples are considerably affected by the processes of globalization and urbanization, which have led to new ways of relating to their cultural traditions. This work presents a case study of Manchineri youngsters aged between 14 and 24 years old living in Acre state in Brazilian Amazonia. The Arawak-speaking Manchineri number some 1,000 people; their legally demarcated reserve is situated next to the River Yaco. The research is based on ethnographic material collected in the Mamoadate reserve and in the state capital, Rio Branco. By comparing the youth in different physical and social environments (the reserve and the city), my attempt has been to search for the most typical elements maintained, altered and created in the current lived worlds of Manchineri youths. Fieldwork methods included interviews, participant observation, photographs, video recordings, and drawings. The material was analyzed within the multidisciplinary framework of the social and cultural construction of knowledge. The study applies the concepts of social field, symbolic capital, and habitus as they have been used by Pierre Bourdieu; perspective as developed recently in Amazonian ethnology; the sacred as a cultural category as understood in the study of religion; and individual and person as concepts central to anthropology and sociology. Additionally, the study can be contextualized within youth studies, Latin American studies, and urban studies. The results of the study show that the everyday lives of young Amazonian native people are formed by a complex mixture of ‘modernity’ and ‘tradition’, fragmentation, and transitions between different conceptual frameworks. Part II discusses the ethnographic material in depth and shows that indigenous adolescents act from a variety of social perspectives: the native youth’s own ethnic group, divided into sub-groups, especially into urban residents and those living in the reserve; ancestors, super-human agents and spirits; other indigenous groups and non-natives. Consequently, besides the traditional initiation ritual, we find various contemporary rites of passage to adulthood: state-education, learning traditional practices, shamanism, matrimony, and transitions between the reserve and urban areas. According to these results, new social roles, political organization, responsibilities, and in general the desire to be respected, require both ‘modern’ and ‘traditional’ abilities. In Part III, the study shows that the current power relations constituted by new social contacts, ethnic recognition, and cooperation with different institutions have resulted in the formation of new social fields: youth cultures, the ethnic group, shamanic practices, the ethnopolitical movement, and indigenous students. The capacity of young Amazonian Indians to act in contemporary social fields produces them as full persons. The study also argues that the elements of the lived worlds can be divided into these social fields. When focusing on these fields, it became evident that these comprise the strategies adopted by young Indians to break through social and cultural barriers.


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Työ käsittelee Rooman laivaston kehitystä, toimintaa ja osallistumista laajenemispolitiikkaan, jossa Rooma kasvoi kaupunkivaltiosta Välimeren hallitsijaksi. Rooma on aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa nähty maavaltiona vailla kiinnostusta merenkulkuun. On katsottu, että ainoa merkittävä merisota Rooman historiassa on ensimmäinen puunilaissota (264-241 eKr.) ja että siinäkin roomalaiset (jotka historioitsija Polybius kuvaa vasta-alkajiksi) menestyivät Karthagoa vastaan turvautumalla laskusiltoihin, joiden avulla he saattoivat muuttaa meritaistelun maataisteluksi. Polybiuksen kuvaukseen on aina tähän asti luotettu. On katsottu että Roomalla ei ollut laivastoa ennen ensimmäistä puunilaissotaa ja että Rooma kaikissa sodissaan panosti merisodankäyntiin mahdollisimman vähän. Tämä työ pyrkii kumoamaan nämä käsitykset. Laivasto oli osallisena ja ehdottoman välttämätön kaikissa Rooman laajenemispolitiikan käänteissä. Arkeologian tiedot osoittavat, että ennen ensimmäistä puunilaissotaa Rooma kehittyi ja siitä tuli merkittävä kaupunki nimenomaan kaupankäynnin ja ulkomaisten kontaktien seurauksena. Se ei siis ollut puhdas agraarivaltio. Roomalaisilla oli laivasto jo viimeistään 500-luvulta lähtien eKr. ja sitä käytettiin Rooman laajentaessa valtaansa Italiassa. Näin ollen ensimmäisessä puunilaissodassa läntisen Välimeren herruudesta kilpaili kaksi merivaltiota, Rooma ja Karthago. Toinen puunilaissota (218-201) tunnetaan yleensä Hannibalin tulosta Alppien yli Italiaan, mutta se oli myöskin merkittävä merisota ja karthagolaiset hävisivät sen nimenomaan merellä. Rooma osallistui kilpailuun itäisen Välimeren hallinnasta ja kukisti Makedonian ja Syyrian laivastot, jotka eivät olleet mitenkään Rooman laivaston veroisia. Kaikista Rooman vastustajista Karthagolla olisi ollut suurin mahdollisuus pysäyttää Rooman laivaston voittokulu toisessa puunilaissodassa. Laivastoa käytettiin moniin eri tarkoituksiin. Suuret meritaistelut eivät ole ainoa osoitus laivastojen mukanaolosta ja merkityksestä, vaan on myös otettava huomion sotalaivojen rakenne ja toimintaedellytykset. Sotalaivat oli rakennettu taisteluita varten ja niissä oli hyvin niukasti säilytystilaa. Niiden oli päästävä laskemaan maihin aina kun miehistö tarvitsi vettä, ruokaa ja lepoa. Laivastot saattoivat toimia vain niiden rannikoiden tuntumassa, joiden satamiin ja laskupaikkoihin niillä oli turvallinen pääsy. Roomalaiset olivat hyvin tietoisia tästä. Suuret merentakaiset sotaretket Afrikkaan, Espanjaan, Kreikkaan ja Vähän-Aasian rannikolle perustuivat kaikki siihen, että Rooman laivasto hallitsi purjehdusreittejä ja sopivia laskupaikkoja ja saattoi huolehtia joukkojen ja varusteiden kuljettamisesta kaukana taisteleville armeijoille. Samalla Rooman laivasto kävi itsenäistä sotaa merellä ja haastoi ja kukisti kaikki Välimeren merivaltiot. 130-luvulle eKr. tultaessa se oli lyönyt vihollisensa ja riisunut aseista liittolaisensa; Rooman laivasto hallitsi Välimerta yksin.


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In his grammatical treatise, the Astadhyayi, Panini includes sutras that state guiding rules for the right interpretation and application of his other directly grammatical sutras. These sutras are called paribhasas. In addition to these paribhasas, the various commentaries on Panini frequently invoke supplementary paribhasas which are not stated explicitly in his Astadhyayi. These paribhasas have been a subject of study since early times after Panini and have also occupied modern scholars on Panini s grammar. In regard to most of them, it remains unsettled even today whether they are used in the Astadhyayi, where they apply, what is their role, and whether they are necessary in arriving at the desired grammatical form. Some scholars go even further and argue that none of such paribhasas were intended by Panini. This study aims to settle this question by dealing with three such of these paribhasas individually considering all the information available in the commentaries in their regard and examining the cases in which, according to commentaries, the paribhasas apply. I select the paribhasas arthavadgrahane nanarthakasya, laksanapratipadoktayoh pratipadoktasyaiva grahanam and ekadesavikrtam ananyavat, which are all considered nyayasiddha or lokanyayasiddha; they express logical and obvious principles which are found in daily life. On this basis, Paniniyas explain why Panini did not mention them in the Astadhyayi. I discuss each paribhasa separately and all the issues it involves. I present and explain the cases where the specified paribhasas are invoked in the major commentaries, the Mahabhasya, the Kasika and the Siddhantakaumudi and the arguments found in the commentaries concerning these cases. If available, I supply other solutions to the difficulties for which these paribhasas are invoked. The study aims to make the issue of these paribhasas clearer, which will help us to reach a solution to the key question, that is, whether Panini has presupposed them in his Astadhyayi. My study shows that Panini has presupposed the paribhasa ekadesavikrtam ananyavat (or a similar principle). He also may have used the paribhasa arthavadgrahane nanarthakasya (or a similar principle) as this paribhasa does not lead to undesired results. As for the paribhasa laksanapratipadoktayoh pratipadoktasyaiva grahanam (or a similar principle), the original scope of this paribhasa was clearly extended by later Paniniyas. Moreover, their interpretation of this paribhasa conflicts with Panini s procedure. If Panini has used this paribhasa, he has used it in a very limited way.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on analysoida eräitä lakitermejä, jotka esiintyvät papyruksessa P. Petra inv. 83. Kyseinen dokumentti, joka sisältää sopimuksen kahden naapuruksen välisen kiistan lopettamiseksi, ajoittuu todennäköisesti vuodelle 574 jKr. ja se kuuluu Jordanian Petrasta vuonna 1993 löydettyyn hiiltyneeseen papyrusarkistoon. Papyrus on tällä hetkellä vielä julkaisematon, ja tämä työ on osa siihen liittyvää perustutkimusta, jonka tarkoituksena on toisaalta selittää tekstin itsensä sisältö, toisaalta arvioida sen antaman informaation merkitystä laajemmassa historiallisessa kontekstissa. Papyrus on kirjoitettu kreikaksi, Bysantin eli Itä-Rooman valtakunnan virallisella kielellä, mutta itse lakitermeistä suurin osa liittyy alun perin latinan kielellä luotuun roomalaiseen oikeuteen. Paikallinen väestö puolestaan oli seemiläistä alkuperää, jolla ei ainoastaan ollut oma kieli, vaan jolla oli ollut ennen valtakuntaan liittämistä omat oikeustraditionsakin. Niinpä papyruksessa esiintyvien termien tutkimuksen kautta nousevat esille monenlaiset laajemmatkin kysymyksenasettelut. Lakitermejä analysoidaan pääasiassa kolmesta näkökulmasta. Ensisijaisena pyrkimyksenä on selvittää niiden tarkka merkitys asiayhteydessään, joka papyruksen fragmentaarisuuden vuoksi ei ole etukäteen selvä, ja siten edistää tekstissä puheena olevien asianhaarojen ymmärtämistä. Toiseksi termien käyttöä koskevat tulokset suhteutetaan yleiseen oikeushistoriaan ja pyritään arvioimaan niiden merkitystä Petrassa käytössä olleen oikeusjärjestelmän kannalta. Kolmas näkökulma on kielitieteellinen, sillä termien käyttö papyruksessa on nähtävä osana laajempaa kehitystä, jossa roomalaisen oikeuden vähittäinen muuttuminen bysanttilaiseksi johti kielten vaihtumiseen ja koko juridisen käsitteistön siirtymiseen latinasta kreikkaan. Siksi tässä työssä käytetään itse papyruksen analyysin lisäksi laajaa vertailumateriaalia, joka koostuu ennen kaikkea roomalaisesta ja bysanttilaisesta lakikirjallisuudesta sekä dokumentaarisesta lähdeaineistosta, etenkin egyptiläisistä papyruksista. Niin tässä papyruksessa kuin muissakin kreikankielisissä lähteissä esiintyvät roomalaiseen oikeuteen liittyvät termit voidaan jaotella suoriin lainoihin, käännöslainoihin sekä komparaatiolainoihin. Jälkimmäisillä tarkoitetaan kreikan kielessä jo aiemmin käytössä olleita termejä, jotka eivät sananmukaiselta merkitykseltään vastaa latinalaisia, mutta joita alettiin käyttää jonkin latinalaisen termin vastineina. Tutkimus tekee selväksi, että olipa kyse mistä lainakategoriasta tahansa, lakitermien siirtyessä kielestä toiseen tapahtui yleensä semanttisia muutoksia eikä termejä aina käytetty samalla tavalla kuin alkukielessä. Merkityskenttä saattoi esimerkiksi supistua taikka laajentua tai sanalle saattoi kehittyä lainautumisen jälkeen täysin uusiakin merkityksiä. Oikeushistorian suhteen on huomioitava ero virallisten säännösten ja provinsseissa noudatettujen käytäntöjen välillä. Kaiken kaikkaan Petra näyttää kuitenkin olleen kiinteä osa Bysantin valtakuntaa, jonka lakeja ainakin pääpiirteissään noudatettiin. Kaikkien termien käytötavat eivät tosin ole johdettavissa suoraan virallisiin lakikorpuksiin, mutta ne eivät myöskään sodi niitä vastaan. Roomalaisen oikeuden tuntemus näyttää olleen Petrassa jopa parempaa kuin esimerkiksi Egyptissä. Mitä tulee papyruksessa puheena oleviin konkreettisiin asianhaaroihin, termien merkityksen ymmärtäminen selventää joidenkin aspektien pääpiirteitä, kun taas yksityskohdat jäävät tekstin fragmentaarisuuden takia useimmiten epäselviksi. Avainsanat: papyrologia, Petra, roomalainen oikeus, terminologia, kreikan kieli, latinan kieli, lainasanat


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Tutkielma käsittelee cubiculum-nimistä huonetilaa roomalaisessa kirjallisuudessa. Cubiculum-termin määrittelyn pohjana on antiikin latinankielinen kirjallisuus ja työn tarkoituksena on selvittää perinpohjaisesti cubiculum-huoneen olemus sellaisena kuin se voidaan teksteissä nähdä. Tekstikohdat on valittu pääasiallisesti Thesaurus linguae Latinae -hakuteosta käyttäen. Tekstien perusteella on tarkoitus selvittää huoneen fyysinen olemus sekä sen erilaiset käyttötavat. Tarkastelun kohteena on myös cubiculum-nimityksen käyttö arkeologisissa kohteissa, eli voiko tätä nimitystä käyttää mm. pompejilaistalojen keskushallin tai peristyylin sivustalla sijaitsevista huoneista. Oman käsittelynsä saavat myös huoneeseen suuntautuneen liikkeen kuvaus sekä huoneen käyttäjien selvittäminen. Työ liittyy laajemmin roomalaisten yksityistalojen (domus) tutkimukseen, jonka taustalla on ajatus siitä, että tilankäyttö kertoo yhteisöjen arvoista ja rakenteista. Roomalaistaloissa nähtävissä oleva huonetilojen kaavamainen asettelu heijastaa yhteisön ajatusmaailmaa. Käsitellyt tekstit paljastavat, että cubiculum on joustava tilanimitys, jota voidaan käyttää paitsi eliitin edustajien yksityistalojen, myös huviloiden, keisarillisten asumusten ja vaatimattomampien talojen makuutiloista. Nukkuminen on tilan keskeinen funktio ja tämä merkitys sanalla esiintyy vielä keskiaikaisissa ja moderneissakin teksteissä. Myöhäisantiikin tekstit antavat sanalle myös kuvaannollisia merkityksiä. Tekstien perusteella cubiculum on selkeästi rauhallinen, pimeä ja suljettava tila, joka antoi mahdollisuuden yksityisyyteen. Cubiculum todisti useita funktioita, joita tunnetaan osin jo varhaisemmasta tutkimuksesta: tilassa mm. viihdytettiin ystäviä ja hoidettiin yksityisasioita. Huoneeseen suuntautuneen liikkeen kuvaus paljastaa, että varsin usein tilaan pääsy vaati kutsun. Kutsumattomat vieraat pääsivät sisään usein lähinnä voimaa käyttäen. Cubiculum-huoneen käyttäjät olivat pääasiassa vapaita, aikuisia roomalaisia, niin miehiä kuin naisiakin. Lapset mainitaan cubiculum-huoneen yhteydessä harvoin, eikä sanaa käytetä palveluskunnan makuutiloista, vaan palvelijat kuvataan usein nukkumassa cubiculum-huoneen ulkopuolella. Tekstit antavat vain viitteitä huoneen sijoittelusta yksityistaloissa, joten arkeologinen jatkotutkimus onkin välttämätöntä pompejilaistalojen makuuhuonejärjestelyiden selvittämiseksi.


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The work integrates research in the language and terminology of various fields with lexicography, etymology, semantics, word formation, and pragmatics. Additionally, examination of German and Finnish provides the work with perspective of contrastive linguistics and the translation of texts in specialized fields. The work is an attempt to chart the language, vocabulary, different textual types, and essential communication-connected features of this special field. The study is primary concerned with internal communication within the field of ecology, but it also provides a comparison of the public discussion of environmental issues in Germany and Finland. The work attempts to use textual signs to provide a picture of the literary communication used on the different vertical levels in the central text types within the field. The dictionaries in the fields of environmental issues and ecology for the individual text types are examined primarily from the perspective of their quantity and diversity. One central point of the work is to clarify and collect all of the dictionaries in the field that have been compiled thus far in which German and/or Finnish ware included. Ecology and environmental protection are closely linked not only to each other but also to many other scientific fields. Consequently, the language of the environmental field has acquired an abundance of influences and vocabulary from the language of the special fields close to it as well as from that of politics and various areas of public administration. The work also demonstrates how the popularization of environmental terminology often leads to semantic distortion. Traditionally, scientific texts have used the smallest number of expressions, the purpose of which is to appeal to or influence the behavior of the text recipient. Particularly in Germany, those who support or oppose measures to protect the environment have long been making concerted efforts to represent their own views in the language that they use. When discussing controversial issues competing designations for the same referent or concept are used in accordance with the interest group to which the speaker belongs. One of the objectives of the study is to sensitize recipients of texts to notice the euphemistic expressions that occur in German and Finnish texts dealing with issues that are sensitive from the standpoint of environmental policy. One particular feature of the field is the wealth and large number of variants designating the same entry or concept. The terminological doublets formed by words of foreign origin and their German or Finnish language equivalents are quite typical of the field. Methods of corpus linguistics are used to determine the reasons for the large number of variant designations as well as their functionality.


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This dissertation contributes to the fields of theoretical translation studies, semiotic translation theory, and the semiotics of translation. The aim of this work is to explore the alternative and potential which the semiotic approaches to translation entail from the viewpoint of contemporary translation studies. The overall objective is thus to show that a general semiotic translation theory, and in particular, a Peircean translation theory, are possible and indispensable. Furthermore, this study contributes to the semiotranslational approach and to its theory-building by developing the concept of abductive translation (studies). The specific theoretical frame of reference adopted in this study is provided by the semiotranslation introduced by Dinda L. Gorlée. This approach is primarily based on the semeiotic of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839 1914), and aims at a fusion of semiotics and translation studies. A more general framework is provided by the threefold background and material: the published and unpublished writings of Peirce, Peirce scholarship and Peircean-semiotic publications, as well as the translation-theoretical literature. Part One of this study concentrates on the justification, existence, and nature of the semiotic approaches to translation. This part provides a historical survey, a status report, and a discussion of this area of research, by employing the findings in a boundary-clearing that is multilayered both conceptually and terminologically. Part Two deals with Peircean semiotranslation. Here Gorlée s semiotranslational research is examined by focusing on the starting points, features, and development of semiotranslation. Attention is also paid to the state-of-the-art of semiotranslation theory and to the possibilities for future elaborations. Part Three focuses on the semiotranslational claim that translation is an abductive activity. The concept of abductive translation is based on abduction, one of Peirce s three modes of reasoning; at the same time Firstness, the category of abduction, becomes foregrounded. So abductive translation as a form of possibilistic translation receives here an extensive theoretical discussion by citing examples in which abduction manifests itself as (scientific) reasoning and as everyday contemplation. During this treatise, translation is first equated with sign action, then with interpretation and finally with reasoning. All these approaches appear to embody different facets of the same phenomenon Peirce s ubiquitous semiosis, and they all suggest that translation is inherently an intersemiotic activity in which a sign is inferred from another sign. Translation is therefore semiosis, semiosis is translation and interpretation, interpretation is reasoning, and so on ad infinitum all being manifestations of the art of marshalling signs. The three parts of this study are linked by the overall goal of abductive translation studies: investigation into abductive translation develops the theory of semiotranslation, and this enrichment of semiotranslation in turn constructs a semiotic paradigm within translation studies.


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In this study I offer a diachronic solution for a number of difficult inflectional endings in Old Church Slavic nominal declensions. In this context I address the perhaps most disputed and the most important question of the Slavic nominal inflectional morphology: whether there was in Proto-Slavic an Auslautgesetz (ALG), a law of final syllables, that narrowed the Proto-Indo-European vowel */o/ to */u/ in closed word-final syllables. In addition, the work contains an exhaustive morphological classification of the nouns and adjectives that occur in canonical Old Church Slavic. I argue that Proto-Indo-European */o/ became Proto-Slavic */u/ before word-final */s/ and */N/. This conclusion is based on the impossibility of finding credible analogical (as opposed to phonological) explanations for the forms supporting the ALG hypothesis, and on the survival of the neuter gender in Slavic. It is not likely that the */o/-stem nominative singular ending */-u/ was borrowed from the accusative singular, because the latter would have been the only paradigmatic form with the stem vowel */-u-/. It is equally unlikely that the ending */-u/ was borrowed from the */u/-stems, because the latter constituted a moribund class. The usually stated motivation for such an analogical borrowing, i.e. a need to prevent the merger of */o/-stem masculines with neuters of the same class, is not tenable. Extra-Slavic, as well as intra-Slavic evidence suggests that phonologically-triggered mergers between two semantically opaque genders do not tend to be prevented, but rather that such mergers lead to the loss of the gender opposition in question. On the other hand, if */-os/ had not become */-us/, most nouns and, most importantly, all adjectives and pronouns would have lost the formal distinction between masculines and neuters. This would have necessarily resulted in the loss of the neuter gender. A new explanation is given for the most apparent piece of evidence against the ALG hypothesis, the nominative-accusative singular of the */es/-stem neuters, e.g. nebo 'sky'. I argue that it arose in late Proto-Slavic dialects, replacing regular nebe, under the influence of the */o/- and */yo/-stems where a correlation had emerged between a hard root-final consonant and the termination -o, on the one hand, and a soft root-final consonant and the termination -e, on the other.


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The methodology of designing normative terminological products has been described in several guides and international standards. However, this methodology is not always applicable to designing translation-oriented terminological products which differ greatly from normative ones in terms of volume, function, and primary target group. This dissertation has three main goals. The first is to revise and enrich the stock of concepts and terms required in the process of designing an LSP dictionary for translators. The second is to detect, classify, and describe the factors which determine the characteristics of an LSP dictionary for translators and affect the process of its compilation. The third goal is to provide recommendations on different aspects of dictionary design. The study is based on an analysis of dictionaries, dictionary reviews, literature on translation-oriented lexicography, material from several dictionary projects, and the results of questionnaires. Thorough analysis of the concept of a dictionary helped us to compile a list of designable characteristics of a dictionary. These characteristics include target group, function, links to other resources, data carrier, list of lemmata, information about the lemmata, composition of other parts of the dictionary, compression of the data, structure of the data, and access structure. The factors which determine the characteristics of a dictionary have been divided into those derived from the needs of the intended users and those reflecting the restrictions of the real world (e.g. characteristics of the data carrier and organizational factors) and attitudes (e.g. traditions and scientific paradigms). The designer of a dictionary is recommended to take the intended users' needs as the starting point and aim at finding the best compromise between the conflicting factors. When designing an LSP dictionary, much depends on the level of knowledge of the intended users about the domain in question as well as their general linguistic competence, LSP competence, and lexicographic competence. This dissertation discusses the needs of LSP translators and the role of the dictionary in the process of translation of an LSP text. It also emphasizes the importance of planning lexicographic products and activities, and addresses many practical aspects of dictionary design.


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This study examines the position and meaning of Classical mythological plots, themes and characters in the oeuvre of the Russian Modernist poet Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941). The material consists of lyric poems from the collection Posle Rossii (1928) and two longer lyrical tragedies, Ariadna (1924) and Fedra (1927). These works are examined in the context of Russian Modernism and Tsvetaeva s own poetic development, also taking into account the author s biography, namely, her correspondence with Boris Pasternak. Tsvetaeva s appropriations of the myths enter into a dialogue with the Classical tradition and with the earlier Russian and Western literary manifestations of the source material. Her Classical texts are inextricably linked with her own authorial myth, they are used to project both her ideas about poetry as well as the authored self of her poems. An important context for Tsvetaeva s application of the Classical myths is the concept of the Platonic ladder of Eros. This plot evokes the process of transcendence of the mortal subject into the immaterial realm and is applied by the author as an extended metaphor of the poet s birth. Emphasizing the dialectical movement between the earthly and the divine, Tsvetaeva s Classical personae foreground various positions of the individual between these two realms. By means of kaleidoscopic reformulations of similar metaphors and concepts, Tsvetaeva s mythological poems illustrate the poet s position between the material and the immaterial and the various consequences of this dichotomy on the creative mission. At the heart of Tsvetaeva s appropriation of the Sibyl, Phaedra, Eurydice and Ariadne is the tension between the body and disembodiment. The two lyrical tragedies develop the dichotomous worldview further, nevertheless emphasizing the dual perspective of the divine and the earthly realms: immaterial existence is often evaluated from a material perspective and vice versa. The Platonic subtext is central for Ariadna, focussing on Theseus development from an earthly hero to a spiritual one. Fedra concentrates on Phaedra s divinely induced physical passion, which is nevertheless evoked in a creative light.


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This doctoral thesis focuses on the translation of Finnish prose literature into English in the United Kingdom between 1945 and 2003. The subject is approached using translation archaeology, interviews, archival material, detailed text analysis and reception material. The main theoretical framework is Descriptive Translation Studies, and certain sociological theories (Bourdieu s field theory, actor-network theory) are also used. After charting the published translations, two periods of time are selected for closer analysis: an earlier period from 1955 to 1959, involving eight translations, and a later one from 1990 to 2003, with a total of six translations. While these translation numbers may appear low, they are actually rather high in proportion to the total number of 28 one-author literary prose translations published in the UK over the approximately 60 years being studied. The two periods of time, the 1950s and 1990s, are compared in terms of the sociological context of translation activity, the reception of translations and their textual features. The comparisons show that the main changes in translation practice between these two periods are increased completeness (translations in the 1950s group often being shortened by hundreds of pages) and lesser use of indirect translation via an intermediary language (about half of the 1950s translations having been translated via Swedish). Otherwise, translation practices have not changed much: except for large omissions, which are far more frequent in the 1950s, variation within each group is larger than between groups. As to the sociological context, the main changes are an increase in long-term institution-level contacts and an increase in the promotion of foreign translation rights by Finnish publishing houses. This is in contrast to the 1950s when translation rights were mainly sold through personal contacts by individual authors and translators. The reception of translations is difficult to study because of scarce material. However, the 1950s translations were aggressively marketed and therefore obtained far more reviews and reprints than the 1990s translations. Several of the 1950s books, mostly historical novels by Mika Waltari, were mainstream bestsellers at the time, while current translations are frequently made for niche markets. The thesis introduces ample new material on the translation of Finnish prose literature into English in the UK. The results are also relevant to translation from a minority literature into a majority one. As to translation theory, they lead us to question the social nature of translation norms and the assumption of a static target culture. The translations analysed here are located in a very fragmented interculture and gain a stronger position in the Finnish culture than in the British one.