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Tutkielman tavoitteena on testata ja arvioida tekstianalyysin menetelmien toimivuutta vähemmistökielen puhujien identiteetin tutkimisessa sekä selvittää udmurttien ja Transilvanian unkarilaisten vähemmistöidentiteetin erikois-piirteitä. Työssäni tarkastelen etnonyymien magyar 'unkarilainen' ja udmurt 'udmurtti' esiintymistä lehtiteksteissä. Aineistoni koostuu Romanian unkarilaisvähemmistön sekä udmurttivähemmistön omakielisissä sanomalehdissä alkuvuodesta 2007 ilmestyneistä lehtiteksteistä. Unkarilaisesta Szabadság-lehdestä valitsin tarkasteluun 79 tekstiä, udmurtinkielisestä Udmurt duńńe -lehdestä 64. Tarkastelen etnonyymien magyar ja udmurt esiintymistiheyttä sekä sitä, millaisia pääsanoja ne määrittävät. Näiden tulosten avulla päättelen, kuinka keskeinen rooli näissä lehdissä on vähemmistön itseidentifioinnilla, ja pyrin selvittämään, esiintyykö lehdissä selviä vähemmistöidentiteetin rakennusstrategioita. Tilastollisen ja pääsana-analyysin täydennyksenä käytän kriittistä lähilukua: miten unkarilaiset ja udmurtit esitetään, millaisiksi heidät kuvataan ja miten esitetään heidän suhteensa valtaväestöön? Analyysi osoittaa, että Udmurt duńńe -lehdessä etnonyymi udmurt esiintyy 42 prosentissa teksteistä. Unkarilaisessa lehdessä sana magyar esiintyy vain 19 prosentissa teksteistä. Valtaosa udmurt-sanan esiintymistä on tapauksia, joissa se määrittää pääsanaa 'kieli'. Udmurtin kielen kehityksestä kirjoitetaan Udmurt duńńessa paljon ja uutisointi on sävyltään hyvin positiivista. Lehti antaa myönteisen mielikuvan udmurtin kielen nykytilasta ja tulevaisuudesta sekä eri kielten ja kansallisuuksien suhteista. Samanlaista ilmiötä ei ole havaittavissa Szabadságissa. Unkarin kieli mainitaan harvoin, ja näissä harvoissa tapauksissa aiheena ovat kieleen liittyvät ongelmat, esimerkiksi omakielisen opetuksen vaikeudet. Kansallisuuksien suhteita kuvataan enimmäkseen neutraalisti. Udmurt duńńesta puuttuu kielellisiä oikeuksia koskeva kritiikki lähes kokonaan. Eroja voidaan selittää sosiolingvistisen taustatiedon avulla. Asenteissa heijastuu vähemmistöjen erilainen historia. Udmurtin kieltä ei ole koskaan käytetty laaja-alaisesti modernissa yhteiskunnassa, kun taas unkarin kieli oli Transilvaniassa valtakieli aina ensimmäiseen maailmansotaan saakka. Unkarilaiset kokivat dramaattisen siirtymän vähemmistöasemaan, mutta oletettavasti muisto kielen vanhasta asemasta, tietoisuus sen täydestä käyttökelpoisuudesta yhteiskunnassa saa nykyisen vähemmistön edustajat valvomaan oikeuksiaan. Asiaan vaikuttanee myös Unkarin valtion läheisyys. Rajan takana on malli siitä, kuinka unkarin kieltä voidaan käyttää kaikilla elämänalueilla. Udmurteilla ei vastaavaa mallia ole, ja udmurtin kieli on jäänyt kotikielen asemaan. Oletettavasti Udmurt duńńen asennekampanja pyrkii nostamaan udmurtin kielen hupenevaa arvostusta. Romanian unkarilaisten keskuudessa unkarin kielen arvostus on ollut vankkaa, minkä vuoksi kieltä ei ole tarpeen pitää jatkuvasti esillä. Itsenäinen emämaa ja yli kymmenmiljoonainen puhujamäärä vakuuttavat osaltaan unkarin puhujat kielensä elinkelpoisuudesta. Voidaan todeta, että tekstien perusteella udmurttius usein pelkistyy udmurtin kielen taitoon ja käyttöön, kun taas unkarilaisuus ilmenee useilla eri elämänalueilla. Käyttämäni tilastollinen analyysi antaa karkean kuvan aiheen keskeisyydestä teksteissä, mutta todella luotettavan ja yleistettävän tiedon hankkimiseksi olisi käytettävä laajempaa korpusta. Myös useiden eri lehtien vertailu olisi hedelmällistä. Tarkimpia tuloksia antaa lähiluenta. Sen ongelmana on analysoitavan aineiston rajallisuus. Eräs ratkaisu ongelmaan on valitsemani pääsana-analyysi, mutta on huomattava, että myös sen tuloksien tulkitsemisessa lähiluenta on useimmiten tarpeen. Sosiolingvistinen taustatieto on välttämätöntä, jotta analyysin tuloksen saadaan sijoitettua oikeaan kontekstiin ja selitettyä.


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The historical development of Finnish nursing textbooks from the late 1880s to 1967: the training of nurses in the Foucauldian perspective. This study aims, first, to analyse the historical development of Finnish nursing textbooks in the training of nurses and in nursing education: what Foucauldian power processes operate in the writing and publishing processes? What picture of nursing did early nursing books portray and who were the decision makers? Second, this study also aims to analyse the processes of power in nurse training processes. The time frame extends from the early stages of nurse training in the late 1880s to 1967. This present study is a part of textbook research and of the history of professional education in Finland. This study seeks to explain how, who or what contributed the power processes involved in the writing of nursing textbooks and through textbooks. Did someone use these books as a tool to influence nursing education? The third aim of this study is to define and analyse the purpose of nurse training. Michel Foucault´s concept of power served as an explanatory framework for this study. A very central part of power is the assembling of data, the supplying of information and messages, and the creation of discourses. When applied to the training of nurses, power dictates what information is taught in the training and contained in the books. Thus, the textbook holds an influential position as a power user in these processes. Other processes in which such power is exercised include school discipline and all other normalizing processes. One of most powerful ways of adapting is the hall of residence, where nursing pupils were required to live. Trained nurses desired to separate themselves from their untrained predecessors and from those with less training by wearing different uniforms and living in separate housing units. The state supported the registration of trained nurses by legislation. With this decision the state made it illegal to work as a nurse without an authorised education, and use these regulations to limit and confirm the professional knowledge and power of nurses. Nurses, physicians and government authorities used textbooks in nursing education as tools to achieve their own purposes and principles. With these books all three groups attempted to confirm their own professional power and knowledge while at the same time limit the power and expertise of others. Public authorities sought to unify the training of nurses and the basis of knowledge in all nursing schools in Finland with similar and obligatory textbooks. This standardisation started 20 years before the government unified nursing training in 1930. The textbooks also served as data assemblers in unifying nursing practices in Finnish hospitals, because the Medical Board required all training hospitals to attach the textbooks to units with nursing pupils. For the nurses, and especially for the associations of Finnish nurses, making and publishing their own textbooks for the training of nurses was a part of their professional projects. With these textbooks, the nursing elite and the teachers tended to prepare nursing pupils’ identities for nursing’s very special mission. From the 1960s, nursing was no longer understood as a mission, but as a normal vocation. Nurses and doctors disputed this view throughout the period studied, which was the optimal relationship between theory and practice in nursing textbooks and in nurse education. The discussion of medical knowledge in nursing textbooks took place in the 1930s and 1940s. Nurses were very confused about their own professional knowledge and expertise, which explains why they could not create a new nursing textbook despite the urgency. A brand new nursing textbook was published in 1967, about 30 years after the predecessor. Keyword: nurse, nurse training, nursing education, power, textbook, Michel Foucault


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Based on a one-year ethnographic study of a primary school in Finland with specialised classes in Finnish and English (referred to as bilingual classes by research participants), this research traces patterns of how nationed, raced, classed and gendered differences are produced and gain meaning in school. I examine several aspects of these differences: the ways the teachers and parents make sense of school and of school choice; the repertoires of self put forward by teachers, parents and pupils of the bilingual classes; and the insitutional and classroom practices in Sunny Lane School (pseudonym). My purpose is to examine how the construction of differentness is related to the policy of school choice. I approach this questions from a knowledge problematic, and explore connections and disjunctions between the interpretations of teachers and those of parents, as well as between what teachers and parents expressed or said and the practices they engaged in. My data consists of fieldnotes generated through a one-year period of ethnographic study in Sunny Lane School, and of ethnographic interviews with teachers and parents primarily of the bilingual classes. This data focuses on the initial stages of the bilingual classes, which included the application and testing processes for these classes, and on Grades 1─3. In my analysis, I pursue poststructural feminist theorisations on questions of knowledge, power and subjectivity, which foreground an understanding of the constitutive force of discourse and the performative, partial, and relational nature of knowledge. I begin by situating my ethnographic field in relation to wider developments, namely, the emergence of school choice and the rhetoric of curricular reform and language education in Finland. I move on from there to ask how teachers discuss the introduction of these specialised classes, then trace pupils paths to these classes, their parents goals related to school choice, teachers constructions of the pupils and parents of bilingual classes, and how these shape the ways in which school and classroom practices unfold. School choice, I argue, functioned as a spatial practice, defining who belongs in school and demarcating the position of teachers, parents and pupils in school. Notions of classed and ethnicised differences entered the ways teachers and parents made sense of school choice. Teachers idealised school in terms of social cohesiveness and constructed social cohesion as a task for school to perform. The hopes parents iterated were connected to ensuring their children s futurity, to their perceptions of the advantages of fluency in English, but also to the differences they believed to exist between the social milieus of different schools. Ideals such as openmindedness and cosmopolitanism were also articulated by parents, and these ideals assumed different content for ethnic majority and minority parents. Teachers discussed the introduction of bilingual classes as being a means to ensure the school s future, and emphasised bilingual classes as fitting into the rubric of Finnish comprehensive schooling which, they maintained, is committed to equality. Parents were expected to accommodate their views and adopt the position of the responsible, supportive parent that was suggested to them by teachers. Teachers assumed a posture teachers of appreciating different cultures, while maintaining Finnishness as common ground in school. Discussion on pupils knowledge and experience of other countries took place often in bilingual classes, and various cultural theme events were organized on occasion. In school, pupils are taught to identify themselves in terms of cultural belonging. The rhetoric promoted by teachers was one of inclusiveness, which was also applied to describe the task of qualifying pupils for bilingual classes, qualifying which pupils can belong. Bilingual classes were idealised as taking a neutral, impartial posture toward difference by ethnic majority teachers and parents, and the relationship of school choice to classed advantage, for example, was something teachers, as well as parents, preferred not to discuss. Pupils were addressed by teachers during lessons in ways that assumed self responsibility and diligence, and they assumed the discursive category of being good, competent pupils made available to them. While this allowed them to position themselves favourably in school, their participation in a bilingual class was marked by the pressure to succeed well in school.


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The position of knowing better and the space for knowing otherwise. Pedagogical mode of address in teaching (and in research) This book is a study of teaching, research, and expertise – the position of “knowing better” – as a pedagogical relationship. The focus of the study is empirical research of the classroom practices of four primary school teachers in a Finnish comprehensive school, and the interpretative discussions on those practices between the researcher and the teachers. To know, or knowing, is considered an interactive action: it is different ways of knowing and encounters between the better and the other knowledge. In these encounters, the different pedagogical modes of address construct space for interaction and relationships between the speakers in the space. In teaching and researching one is involved in practices connected to power/knowledge systems and conceptions of the hierarchies of different knowledges. Teaching is considered as a special interactive relationship interrelating knowledge and power through the discourses of the culturally and historically constructed school institution, discourses which operate in the practices and narratives of the teaching, teacher, and the pedagogical dialogue. This study uses the feminist poststructural perspective in which the discursive construction of the subject position is considered as an ambivalent process of subjectification and in which such concepts as marginality and otherness are salient. The pedagogical dialogue of these discursive practices address the learner and learning, and space is constructed for different positions, and for thinking and knowing otherwise. The ethnographic data on everyday pedagogical practices of teachers in the school institution was constructed jointly by the researchr, teachers and pupils durint the empirical study. The analysis and interpretations concentrate on the pedagogical practices in teaching and how teachers talk about them. In other words, how do the teachers enter the culturally and historically constructed, institutional space of the teacher in the classrooms of the comprehensive school, how do they take the position of the teacher and what kind of pedagogical address do they use? And, by taking those positions and using different modes of address, how do they position their pupils in the pedagogical interaction? These pedagogical practices are considered as surrounded and modified by the discourses that can be found in the cultural images of a school teacher, the historical and theoretical narratives about teaching and teachers of the school institution, and in the educational policy texts. The same discourses are also repeated, transformed and intertwined in the practices and narratives of the academic institution. These are considered in the study through the positionings of the researcher in the process of empirical research. The researcher and research are constructed in terms of the production of the power/knowledge dynamics. These dynamics are examined in the construction of the theoretical perspective and in the considerations of the methodology, epistemology and ethics of the study.


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The present research focused on motivational and personality traits measuring individual differences in the experience of negative affect, in reactivity to negative events, and in the tendency to avoid threats. In this thesis, such traits (i.e., neuroticism and dispositional avoidance motivation) are jointly referred to as trait avoidance motivation. The seven studies presented here examined the moderators of such traits in predicting risk judgments, negatively biased processing, and adjustment. Given that trait avoidance motivation encompasses reactivity to negative events and tendency to avoid threats, it can be considered surprising that this trait does not seem to be related to risk judgments and that it seems to be inconsistently related to negatively biased information processing. Previous work thus suggests that some variable(s) moderate these relations. Furthermore, recent research has suggested that despite the close connection between trait avoidance motivation and (mal)adjustment, measures of cognitive performance may moderate this connection. However, it is unclear whether this moderation is due to different response processes between individuals with different cognitive tendencies or abilities, or to the genuinely buffering effect of high cognitive ability against the negative consequences of high trait avoidance motivation. Studies 1-3 showed that there is a modest direct relation between trait avoidance motivation and risk judgments, but studies 2-3 demonstrated that state motivation moderates this relation. In particular, individuals in an avoidance state made high risk judgments regardless of their level of trait avoidance motivation. This result explained the disparity between the theoretical conceptualization of avoidance motivation and the results of previous studies suggesting that the relation between trait avoidance motivation and risk judgments is weak or nonexistent. Studies 5-6 examined threat identification tendency as a moderator for the relationship between trait avoidance motivation and negatively biased processing. However, no evidence for such moderation was found. Furthermore, in line with previous work, the results of studies 5-6 suggested that trait avoidance motivation is inconsistently related to negatively biased processing, implying that theories concerning traits and information processing may need refining. Study 7 examined cognitive ability as a moderator for the relation between trait avoidance motivation and adjustment, and demonstrated that cognitive ability moderates the relation between trait avoidance motivation and indicators of both self-reported and objectively measured adjustment. Thus, the results of Study 7 supported the buffer explanation for the moderating influence of cognitive performance. To summarize, the results showed that it is possible to find factors that consistently moderate the relations between traits and important outcomes (e.g. adjustment). Identifying such factors and studying their interplay with traits is one of the most important goals of current personality research. The present thesis contributed to this line of work in relation to trait avoidance motivation.


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A lack of conceptual clarity and multivariate studies has impeded research on paranormal, superstitious, and magical beliefs. In this series of studies a new conceptual framework of these beliefs was presented. A general belief in the paranormal was shown to lead to specific paranormal, superstitious, and magical beliefs. The beliefs were defined equally as category mistakes where the core attributes of psychological, physical, and biological phenomena are confused with each other. This definition was supported by an empirical examination: Paranormal believers confused more core knowledge than skeptics. A multivariate study revealed that the best predictors of paranormal beliefs were intuitive thinking and a humanistic world view, while low analytical thinking was a less important predictor. Another study showed that women s greater belief in the paranormal compared to men was partially explained by women s higher intuitive and lower analytical thinking. Additionally, it was shown that university students were originally more skeptical than vocational school students, but university studies did not increase skepticism. The finding that paranormal beliefs mainly arise from an intuitive system, instead of a malfunctioning analytical system, explains why the beliefs do not vanish with the increase of education, scientific knowledge, and rational thinking. Religious and paranormal beliefs share important qualities and generally, they were positively related. The most religious people, however, abandoned paranormal beliefs. Religious people and paranormal believers differed from the skeptics similarly by being more intuitive, having experienced more mystical phenomena, and having peers and parents with more positive attitudes toward the supernatural. Religious people had, however, higher conservation and benevolence values than paranormal believers. The new conceptual framework presented in this series of studies integrates research on paranormal, superstitious, magical, and religious beliefs. Hopefully it will enable researchers to develop more elaborated hypotheses and theoretical statements about paranormal beliefs in the future.


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Reciprocal development of the object and subject of learning. The renewal of the learning practices of front-line communities in a telecommunications company as part of the techno-economical paradigm change. Current changes in production have been seen as an indication of a shift from the techno-economical paradigm of a mass-production era to a new paradigm of the information and communication technological era. The rise of knowledge management in the late 1990s can be seen as one aspect of this paradigm shift, as knowledge creation and customer responsiveness were recognized as the prime factors in business competition. However, paradoxical conceptions concerning learning and agency have been presented in the discussion of knowledge management. One prevalent notion in the literature is that learning is based on individuals’ voluntary actions and this has now become incompatible with the growing interest in knowledge-management systems. Furthermore, commonly held view of learning as a general process that is independent of the object of learning contradicts the observation that the current need for new knowledge and new competences are caused by ongoing techno-economic changes. Even though the current view acknowledges that individuals and communities have key roles in knowledge creation, this conception defies the idea of the individuals’ and communities’ agency in developing the practices through which they learn. This research therefore presents a new theoretical interpretation of learning and agency based on Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. This approach overcomes the paradoxes in knowledge-management theory and offers means for understanding and analyzing changes in the ways of learning within work communities. This research is also an evaluation of the Competence-Laboratory method which was developed as part of the study as a special application of Developmental Work Research methodology. The research data comprises the videotaped competence-laboratory processes of four front-line work communities in a telecommunications company. The findings reported in the five articles included in this thesis are based on the analyses of this data. The new theoretical interpretation offered here is based on the assessment that the findings reported in the articles represent one of the front lines of the ongoing historical transformation of work-related learning since the research site represents one of the key industries of the new “knowledge society”. The research can be characterized as elaboration of a hypothesis concerning the development of work related learning. According to the new theoretical interpretation, the object of activity is also the object of distributed learning in work communities. The historical socialization of production has increased the number of actors involved in an activity, which has also increased the number of mutual interdependencies as well as the need for communication. Learning practices and organizational systems of learning are historically developed forms of distributed learning mediated by specific forms of division of labor, specific tools, and specific rules. However, the learning practices of the mass production era become increasingly inadequate to accommodate the conditions in the new economy. This was manifested in the front-line work communities in the research site as an aggravating contradiction between the new objects of learning and the prevailing learning practices. The constituent element of this new theoretical interpretation is the idea of a work community’s learning as part of its collaborative mastery of the developing business activity. The development of the business activity is at the same time a practical and an epistemic object for the community. This kind of changing object cannot be mastered by using learning practices designed for the stable conditions of mass production, because learning has to change along the changes in business. According to the model introduced in this thesis, the transformation of learning proceeds through specific stages: predefined learning tasks are first transformed into learning through re-conceptualizing the object of the activity and of the joint learning and then, as the new object becomes stabilized, into the creation of new kinds of learning practices to master the re-defined object of the activity. This transformation of the form of learning is realized through a stepwise expansion of the work community’s agency. To summarize, the conceptual model developed in this study sets the tool-mediated co-development of the subject and the object of learning as the theoretical starting point for developing new, second-generation knowledge management methods. Key words: knowledge management, learning practice, organizational system of learning, agency


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, characterized especially by myelin and axon damage. Cognitive impairment in MS is common but difficult to detect without a neuropsychological examination. Valid and reliable methods are needed in clinical practice and research to detect deficits, follow their natural evolution, and verify treatment effects. The Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) is a measure of sustained and divided attention, working memory, and information processing speed, and it is widely used in MS patients neuropsychological evaluation. Additionally, the PASAT is the sole cognitive measure in an assessment tool primarly designed for MS clinical trials, the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite (MSFC). The aims of the present study were to determine a) the frequency, characteristics, and evolution of cognitive impairment among relapsing-remitting MS patients, and b) the validity and reliability of the PASAT in measuring cognitive performance in MS patients. The subjects were 45 relapsing-remitting MS patients from Seinäjoki Central Hospital, Department of Neurology and 48 healthy controls. Both groups underwent comprehensive neuropsychological assessments, including the PASAT, twice in a one-year follow-up, and additionally a sample of 10 patients and controls were evaluated with the PASAT in serial assessments five times in one month. The frequency of cognitive dysfunction among relapsing-remitting MS patients in the present study was 42%. Impairments were characterized especially by slowed information processing speed and memory deficits. During the one-year follow-up, the cognitive performance was relatively stable among MS patients on a group level. However, the practice effects in cognitive tests were less pronounced among MS patients than healthy controls. At an individual level the spectrum of MS patients cognitive deficits was wide in regards to their characteristics, severity, and evolution. The PASAT was moderately accurate in detecting MS-associated cognitive impairment, and 69% of patients were correctly classified as cognitively impaired or unimpaired when comprehensive neuropsychological assessment was used as a "gold standard". Self-reported nervousness and poor arithmetical skills seemed to explain misclassifications. MS-related fatigue was objectively demonstrated as fading performance towards the end of the test. Despite the observed practice effect, the reliability of the PASAT was excellent, and it was sensitive to the cognitive decline taking place during the follow-up in a subgroup of patients. The PASAT can be recommended for use in the neuropsychological assessment of MS patients. The test is fairly sensitive, but less specific; consequently, the reasons for low scores have to be carefully identified before interpreting them as clinically significant.


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When experts construct mental images, they do not rely only on perceptual features; they also access domain-specific knowledge and skills in long-term memory, which enables them to exceed the capacity limitations of the short-term working memory system. The central question of the present dissertation was whether the facilitating effect of long-term memory knowledge on working memory imagery tasks is primarily based on perceptual chunking or whether it relies on higher-level conceptual knowledge. Three domains of expertise were studied: chess, music, and taxi driving. The effects of skill level, stimulus surface features, and the stimulus structure on incremental construction of mental images were investigated. A method was developed to capture the chunking mechanisms that experts use in constructing images: chess pieces, street names, and visual notes were presented in a piecemeal fashion for later recall. Over 150 experts and non-experts participated in a total of 13 experiments, as reported in five publications. The results showed skill effects in all of the studied domains when experts performed memory and problem solving tasks that required mental imagery. Furthermore, only experts' construction of mental images benefited from meaningful stimuli. Manipulation of the stimulus surface features, such as replacing chess pieces with dots, did not significantly affect experts' performance in the imagery tasks. In contrast, the structure of the stimuli had a significant effect on experts' performance in every task domain. For example, taxi drivers recalled more street names from lists that formed a spatially continuous route than from alphabetically organised lists. The results suggest that the mechanisms of conceptual chunking rather than automatic perceptual pattern matching underlie expert performance, even though the tasks of the present studies required perception-like mental representations. The results show that experts are able to construct skilled images that surpass working memory capacity, and that their images are conceptually organised and interpreted rather than merely depictive.


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The study concentrated on interdisciplinary teamwork of students in Helsinki University Department of Education and Helsinki University of Technology. Students worked in small interdisciplinary groups (n 12) to plan and teach in an information- and communication technology (ICT) club in elementary schools. The focus of the study was co-operation in the student groups and students learning experiences. Theoretical background of the study consists of theories of collaboration and socially shared cognition. Study was an qualitative case study and the data was collected with individual focus interviews and learning diaries. The data was categorised and the connections between categories were analysed with a table. Shared cognition appeared as a form of distribution of tasks and in the actual processes of shared expertise. The tasks were shared according to students expertise. Processes of shared expertise were joint knowledge building, integration of interests, awareness and exploitation of others expertise and allowing freedom for others to use their expertise. Additionally expression of ones own views and setting an example to others were one sided sharing of expertise. Students of technology were responsible of technical issues and the responsibility sphere of educational science students was more fragmented. For instance they concentrated in taking children s abilities into consideration. The sphere of shared cognition included also the need for tutoring and learning from others. Usually students did not directly learn from representative of other discipline, instead the learning for instance of social skills happened indirectly. Learning was fostered if learning was set as a goal and prevented if the differences in expertise were too minor. Sharing of cognition was prevented if co-operation was too problematic. Co-operation was usually successful. Good planning, good person chemistry and appreciation of expertise of others promoted success. Problems caused by different backgrounds were usually slight. Successful interaction was complementary and equal. Groups were usually able to circumvent problems in communication and use of justification in discussion promoted co-operation. When comparing the groups in the scope of the study, two were found to be notably opposed and the other groups located between these extreme cases, but the elements of success prevailed. Learning experiences concentrated on social skills, project management, school world and ICT. Essential was achieved field experience and observation of ones own capabilities. In organisation of student interdisciplinary co-operation is important to ensure sufficient differences in expertise and guide students to gain complementary interaction and appropriate setting of goals. Interdisciplinary field project prepared students to face the demands of


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, voidaanko oppimispäiväkirjaa käyttää kliinisen laboratoriotyönkäytännön opiskelijaohjaustoiminnassa oppimisen apuvälineenä. Tutkimuksessa lähdetään liikkeelle teoreettisten tietojen ja käytännön taitojen yhdistämisen tärkeydestä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan oppimista kokemuksellisen oppimisen näkökulmasta ja kuinka se auttaa laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijaa laatimaan mieleensä käytännön opiskelun skeemoja ja kuinka ne toteutuvat heidän käytännön taitojen karttuessa. Tutkimukseen osallistui vuoden 1997 aikana HYKS:n laboratoriossa käytännön opiskelujaksolla olleita laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoita. Heitä pyydettiin laatimaan käytännön opiskeluohjauksestaan oppimispäiväkirja. Laatiminen oli vapaaehtoista. Oppimispäiväkirjamerkinnöissä kiinnitettiin huomiota, kuinka he oppivatkäytännön taitoja ja kuinka heidän oppimisprosessinsa kehittyy heidän itsearvioimana. Jotkut laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijat halusivat laatia useammalta käytännön opiskelujaksoltaan oppimispäiväkirjan, joten oppimispäiväkirjoja (n=9) on enemmän kuin tutkimukseen osallistuneita laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoita (n=6). Tutkimuksen keskeisenä menetelmenä on kvalitatiivinen analyysimenetelmä. Sisällönanalyysiä ja luokittelumenetelmää käyttäen pyrittiin löytämään käsityksiä ja niistä edelleen käsitysluokkia. Käsitysluokat tukivat sitä käsitystä, että oppimispäiväkirjaa voidaan käyttää apuvälineenä laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoiden oppimisen tukena kliinisen laboratoriotyön käytännön opiskelussa. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että oppimispäiväkirjat toimivat laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoiden tiedon jäsentäjinä käytännön opiskelujakson aikana. Oppimispäiväkirjan avulla laboratoriohoitajaopiskelija selventää itselleen kokonaiskuvaa kliinisen laboratoriotyön prosessista. Oppimispäiväkirjan avulla voidaan kerrata jo opittuja asioita ja voidaan suorittaa itsearviointia ja reflektoida oppimiskokemuksien antamia hyötyjä ja haittoja. Oppimispäiväkirjoissa tuli esille se, että laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijat selkiyttivät oppimiaan asioita ja omiaajatuksiaan suhteessa työelämään silloin, kun he kirjoittivat oppimispäiväkirjojaan. Oppimispäiväkirjojen kirjoittaminen koko käytännön opiskelujakson aikana tuki myös muiden käytännön opiskelujaksojen tavoitteiden asettamista. Oppimispäiväkirja on ammatillisen kehittymisen kannalta hyvä kertauksen, kriittisen ajattelun ja reflektoinnin väline. Oppimispäiväkirjoissa tuli kuvauksia itsearvioinnista, laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijat asettivat itsensä alttiiksi omalle arvioinnilleen hyvinkin helposti ja esittivät kriittisiä kannanottoja työskentelytapojen kehittämiseksi, huolellisuuden, tarkkuuden ja vastuuntunnon vahvistamiseksi. Tärkeimmät lähteet taustateorian kannalta olivat Engeströmin, Hätösen, Lonka & al, Leino-Kilven, Rauste-von Wrightin ja Silven & Kinnunen & Keskisen teokset. Tutkimusmenetelmän kannalta tärkeimmät lähteet olivat Hirsjärvi & Remes & Sajavaara, Lincoln & Cubanja Varton teokset. Avainsanat: Oppimispäiväkirja, reflektio, itsearviointi, kliininen laboratoriotyö, sisällönanalyysi


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia tiedonhakustrategioita tiedonhakijatkäyttävät etsiessään tietoa Internetistä. Käyttäjät luokitellaan kolmeen ryhmään tiedonhakustrategiansa mukaan. Haku-suuntautuneet käyttäjät käyttävät enimmäkseen hakukoneita, niin koko Internetin kattavia kuin sivustojen sisäisiäkin. Linkkisuuntautuneet taas joko tietävät tai arvaavat kohdesivuston osoitteen tai käyttävät laajoja hierarkkisia hakemistoja tiedon löytämiseen. He navigoivat mielummin sivustollakin linkkejä käyttäen eivätkä yleensä käytä hakutoimintoa. Eriytyneet käyttäjät eivät säännönmukaisesti suosi kumpaakaan tapaa, vaan valitsevat strategian tehtävän mukaan. Tietoa kerättiin kahdella tavalla: WWW-sivulla olleella kyselylomakkeella ja tiedonhakutestillä, jossa käyttäjille annettiin suoritettavaksi erilaisia tiedonhakutehtäviä. Tiedonhakutehtävät lajiteltiin kolmeen ryhmään sen mukaan, mitä strategiaa ne suosivat: hakustrategiaa suosivat, linkkistrategiaa suosivat ja neutraalit tehtävät. Tutkimusongelmana oli selvittää, kuinka tehtävän tyyppi ja ATK- ja Internet-kokemus vaikuttavat tiedonhakustrategian valintaan. Kävi ilmi, ettei käyttäjien suuntautuneisuus tiettyyn strategiaan vaikuta tiedonhakustrategian valintaan, vaan ainoastaan tehtävän tyyppi oli merkitsevä tekijä. Aikaisemman tutkimustiedon valossa kokeenet suosivat haku-suuntautunutta strategiaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kokemus lisäsi molempien strategioiden käyttöä yhtäläisesti, mutta tämä ilmiö oli havaittavissa ainoastaan kysely-lomakkeen pohjalta, ei testeissä. Molempien tiedonhakustrategioiden käyttö lisääntyy kokemuksen myötä, mutta suhteelliset osuudet pysyvät samoina. Syyksi sille, että kokeneet eivät suosineet hakustrategiaa, esitetään sitä, että tehtävät olivat liian helppoja, jolloin kokemus ei pääse auttamaan. Oleellisia eroja suoritusajoissa tai hakustrategian vaihdon tiheydessä ei havaittu suhteessa kokemukseen, ainoastaan suhteessa tehtävän tyyppiin.Tämäkin selitettiin toisentyyppisten tehtävien helppoudella. Tutkimuksessa pohditaan lisäksi asiantuntijuuden syntyä tiedonhakukontekstissa sekä esitetään metatietohypoteesi, jonka mukaan tiedonhakustrategian valintaan vaikuttaa tärkeänä tekijänä käyttäjän metatieto hakupalveluista. Metatietoon kuuluu tieto siitä, mitä hakukoneita on saatavilla, mitä tietoa verkosta kannattaa hakea, millä yrityksillä ja yhteisöillä on sisältörikkaat sivut jne, ja minkä tyyppistä tietoa yleensä on saatavilla. Kaikenkaikkiaan strategian valintaan esitetään taustalle kolmen tason tiedon vaikutusta: 1) oma asiantuntemus haettavasta alasta, 2) metatieto Internetin tiedonhakupalveluista sekä 3) tekninen tieto siitä, kuinka hakukoneet toimivat. Avainsanat: tiedonhaku, tiedonhakustrategia, hakukone, WWW, metatieto, kognitiivinen psykologia


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This research has its background on Knowledge Practices Laboratory (KP-Lab) research project. One of the aims of KP-Lab is to create virtual and technological tools to support the interventionist who use the Change Laboratory method as a developmental tool. In this research I studied the interventionists' mirror material practices which are context and theory bound and for that reason they pose challenges on the development of new tools. I focused on the gathering and working on the mirror material. The purpose of this study was to find out what kind of user knowledge does the research on narratives of mirror material practices in Change Laboratory provide to the developers of virtual tools? I answered this question by three sub questions: 1. What kind of mirror material the interventionists gather and analyze in different phases of developmental cycle of Change Laboratory project? 2. What kind of knowledge the different mirror materials contain and how is the knowledge transformed when the mirror material is analyzed and worked on? 3. What kind of tools the interventionists use and create when gathering and working on the mirror material? What wishes do the interventionists have on tools? I interviewed five interventionists in four different projects. I created narratives from the document supported interviews. Then I analyzed the narratives in three steps: first I placed the mirror materials in the developmental cycle. Secondly, I analyzed the mirror materials by placing them in a table by the form of the knowledge. Thirdly, I examined the tools the interventionists had used and created and what wishes they had on virtual tools. This research showed that different user groups of Change Laboratory method have different needs. All interventionists transform knowledge from one form to another so they seem to need especially tools by which they can analyze and transform knowledge. It seems that standardized model of gathering and analysing mirror material is not meaningful because mirror material is constructed in accordance with the object developed. This research also shows that the mirror material has a social function. This finding should be also noted when developing virtual tools together with actual users.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Teknillisen korkeakoulun Tuotantotalouden osaston jatko-opintojenohjauksen nykykäytännöt ja kartoittaa jatko-opiskelijoiden kokemuksia jatko-opintojen ohjauksesta. Lisäksi haluttiin kehittää ohjauksen käytäntöjä. Tutkimusote oli kvalitatiivinen ja pääasialliset tutkimusmenetelmät olivat grounded theory ja teemahaastattelu. Jatko-opiskelijoita haastateltiin yhteensä 18 Tuotantotaloudenosaston kaikilta jatkokoulutuslinjoilta: perinteiseltä linjalta, valtakunnallisesta tohtoriohjelmasta ja teollisuuden tohtoriohjelmasta ExIMasta. Tutkimuksen teoriapohjana olivat konstruktivistinen oppimiskäsitys ja sosiaalikonstruktivismi. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin löytämään tutkimuksen teon elementit ja selvittämään, kuinka tutkijankoulutusprosessia tulisi konstruktivistisen oppimiskäsityksen mukaisesti tukea. Tieteellisen tiedon tuottamista sosiaalisena prosessina ja ryhmän tukea tutkimuksen teossa käsiteltiin sosiaalikonstruktivistisen teorian avulla. Tutkimuksen päätulokseksi saatiin, että jatko-opiskelijan tutkimusprosessin ohjaamiseen kaivataan suunnitelmallisuutta ja struktuuria. Tutkimuksen tuloksena esitetyn ohjausmallin mukaan opiskelija halutaan aktivoida pohtimaan omia tavoitteitaan ja tutkimuksen teon etenemistä sekä ohjaustarpeitaan jatahoja, joista ohjausta voi hakea. Tämän prosessin tueksi sekä jatko-opiskelijan ja ohjaajan avuksi tutkimuksessa esitetään käytännön työkalu, ohjaussuunnitelma. Yksilöohjauksen järjestäminen on kaikilla jatkokoulutuslinjoilla opiskelijan omalla vastuulla, ja usein ohjaustilanteiden järjestäminen koetaan vaikeaksi. Jatko-opiskelijoilla on useita ohjaustahoja, esimerkiksi oman korkeakoulun ja muiden korkeakoulujen professorien lisäksi tutkijakollegat ja teollisuuden edustajat. Yksilöohjaus on menetelmä- ja sisältötukea, henkistä tukea, kannustusta, keskustelua, ideoita ja ajatusten jäsennystä. Vertaisohjaukseen kuuluu näiden lisäksi samassa tilanteessa olevien ihmisten tuki, palaute ja kritiikki. Hyvän ohjauksen elementtejä ovat kannustaminen ja innostaminen, neuvominen ja jäsentäminen sekä seuranta ja säännöllisyys. Ohjauksessa tulisi lisäksi ottaa huomioon jatkotutkinnon erilainen merkitys eri opiskelijoille. Jatkotutkinto merkitsee joillekin ajokorttia akateemiseen maailmaan, toisille ammatillista kehitystä teollisuudessa. Tutkimuksen teon eri vaiheissa tarvitaan erilaista ohjausta: alkuvaiheessa tiukkaa ohjausta, jotta tutkimuksen oikeat urat löytyvät, raakatyön vaiheessa tukea ja kannustusta, jotta aineistonkeruu ja analyysi onnistuvat, ja loppuvaiheessa tutkimusraportin kommentointia. Tutkimuksessa todetaan lisäksi, että tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaa hyödyntäen voidaan hoitaa joitakin ohjausalueita paremmin kuin nykykäytännöillä. Tutkimuksen tärkeimpiä lähteitä olivat grounded theoryn osalta Strauss & Corbinin(1990) teos, ohjauksen osalta Aittolan (1995), Aittolan & Määtän (1997, 1998) tutkimukset ja Ackerin,Hillin & Blackin (1994) tutkimukset sekä konstruktivismin osalta von Wrightin (1996) ja Tynjälän (1999) tutkimukset. Avainsanat: Tieteelliset jatko-opinnot, teollisuuden tohtoriohjelma, ohjaus, tutorointi, mentorointi, konstruktivismi, sosiaalikonstruktivismi, grounded theory Keywords: Postgraduate education, Ph.D. studies, industry-university collaboration in Ph.D. studies, constructivism, social constructivism, grounded theory, tutoring, mentoring, supervision


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The aim of this study is to explore by systematic textual analysis the crucial conceptions of constructive alignment and to reconstruct the concept of constructive alignment and examine the relation between conceptual relationships in John Biggs’s texts. In this study, I have also analyzed the presuppositions of the concept of constructive alignment and its possible implications. The research material includes Biggs’s (1996b; 2003) article entitled Enhancing Teaching through Constructive Alignment and book entitled Teaching for Quality Learning at University. The primary purpose of the systematic textual analysis is to reconstruct concepts and gain access to a new or more profound understanding of the concepts. The main purpose of the constructive alignment is to design a teaching system that supports and encourages students to adopt a deep approach learning. At the center of the constructive alignment are two concepts: constructivism in learning and alignment in teaching. A tension was detected between these concepts. Biggs assumes that students’ learning activities are primed by the teaching. Because of this it is not important what the teacher does. At the same time he emphasizes that teaching interacts with learning. The teacher’s task is to support student’s appropriate learning activities. On the basis of the analysis, I conclude these conceptions are not mutually exclusive. Interaction between teaching and learning has an effect on student’s learning activities. The most essential benefit of the model of constructive alignment is that Biggs brings together and considers teaching at the same level with learning. A weakness of Biggs’s model relates to the theoretical basis and positions of the concept of constructive alignment. There are some conflicts between conceptions of epistemology in Biggs’s texts. In addition, Biggs writes about constructivism also as conceptions of epistemology, but doesn’t consider implications of that position or what follows or doesn’t follow from that commitment. On the basis of the analysis, I suggest that constructivism refers in Biggs’s texts rather to constructivism in learning than philosophical constructivism. In light of this study, constructive alignment doesn´t lead to philosophical constructivism. That’s why constructive alignment stays out of idealism. Biggs’s way of thinking about teachers possibility to confronting students’ misconceptions and evaluate and assess students’ constructions support a realist purpose in terms of philosophical stance. Realism does not drift toward general problems of relativism, like lack of criteria for assessing or evaluate these constructions.