999 resultados para Materiales biomédicos
A grande diversidade na arquitetura de dispositivos de hardware, aliada aos seus diferentes protocolos de comunicação, tem dificultado a implementação de sistemas que necessitam realizar o acesso a esses dispositivos. Diante dessas diferenças, surge a necessidade de prover o acesso a esses dispositivos de forma transparente. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho propõe um middleware mult entrada e saída para acesso a dispositivos, como forma de abstrair o mecanismo de escrita e leitura de dados em dispositivos de hardware, contribuindo desta forma, para o aumento na produtividade dos sistemas, uma vez que os desenvolvedores estão focados apenas nos seus requisitos funcionais
Following the new tendency of interdisciplinarity of modern science, a new field called neuroengineering has come to light in the last decades. After 2000, scientific journals and conferences all around the world have been created on this theme. The present work comprises three different subareas related to neuroengineering and electrical engineering: neural stimulation; theoretical and computational neuroscience; and neuronal signal processing; as well as biomedical engineering. The research can be divided in three parts: (i) A new method of neuronal photostimulation was developed based on the use of caged compounds. Using the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA caged by a ruthenium complex it was possible to block neuronal population activity using a laser pulse. The obtained results were evaluated by Wavelet analysis and tested by non-parametric statistics. (ii) A mathematical method was created to identify neuronal assemblies. Neuronal assemblies were proposed as the basis of learning by Donald Hebb remain the most accepted theory for neuronal representation of external stimuli. Using the Marcenko-Pastur law of eigenvalue distribution it was possible to detect neuronal assemblies and to compute their activity with high temporal resolution. The application of the method in real electrophysiological data revealed that neurons from the neocortex and hippocampus can be part of the same assembly, and that neurons can participate in multiple assemblies. (iii) A new method of automatic classification of heart beats was developed, which does not rely on a data base for training and is not specialized in specific pathologies. The method is based on Wavelet decomposition and normality measures of random variables. Throughout, the results presented in the three fields of knowledge represent qualification in neural and biomedical engineering
The great diversity in the architecture of biomedical devices, coupled with their different communication protocols, has hindered the implementation of systems that need to make access to these devices. Given these differences, the need arises to provide access to such a transparent manner. In this sense, this paper proposes an embedded architecture, service-oriented, for access to biomedical devices, as a way to abstract the mechanism for writing and reading data on these devices, thereby contributing to the increase in quality and productivity of biomedical systems so as to enable that, the focus of the development team of biomedical software, is almost exclusively directed to its functional requirements
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