856 resultados para War in art
Nomadic Narratives, Visual Forces explores issues, questions, and problems emerging in the analysis of epistolary and visual narratives. This book focuses in particular on Gwen John's letters and paintings. It offers an innovative theoretical approach to narrative analysis by drawing on Foucault's theory of power, Deleuze and Guattari's analytics of desire, and Cavarero's concept of the narratable self. Furthermore, it examines the use of letters as documents of life in narrative research and highlights the dynamics of spatiality in the constitution of the female self in art. This study brings together theoretical insights that emerge from the analysis of life documents - some of them previously unpublished - combining innovative research with specific methodological suggestions on doing narrative analysis.
The chapter critiques the rise of participation in art since the 1990s – a development that sees artists and curators searching continually for new and increased levels of audience inclusion. While there has been much discussion about what might be gained by participating in an artwork, we ask what might be lost by this act. We also question the extent to which participation is a useful social or aesthetic strategy in circumstances where it remains bound by the institutional structures of the artworld. For this reason, our work is an attempt to transform the broader ‘apparatus of art’ and to create works in which the roles assigned to individuals and groups remain fluid and subject to continuous negotiation. As a means of an attempt at resisting absorption into the institutional structures of the artworld, we privilege a form of participation that remains immanent in the work, but that never crystallizes into a single or definable role. Kathryn Brown , art historian and editor of Interactive Contemporary Art, says, ‘It is, perhaps, a fitting end to the discussions of the present volume that the most interesting and valuable form of participation envisaged by Freee is one that must remain impossible.’
Die Generation der ab den 1980er Jahren Geborenen, genannt Generation Y, tritt seit einiger Zeit als Arbeitnehmer in die Arbeitsmärkte ein. Im Jahr 2020 wird diese Gruppe die Hälfte der Arbeitnehmer in der Bundesrepublik ausmachen. Lebensstil, Globalisierung, kulturelles und mediales Angebot führen bei dieser Generation auch in der Arbeitswelt zu anderen Erwartungen und Ansprüchen als dies bei vorherigen Generationen der Fall war. In Literatur und Studien wird diese Generation fast ausschließlich als selbstbewusst, ehrgeizig, aufstrebend, sozial engagiert und mobil beschrieben. Vor dem Hintergrund des zu erwartenden Fachkräftemangels widmet sich diese Arbeit unter anderem der Frage, mit welchen Instrumenten das Personalmanagement der Unternehmen auf diese Situation reagieren kann, um bei der Gewinnung und Bindung von Mitarbeitern erfolgreich zu sein.
Estudando a identidade visual em comunicação : uma proposta de intervenção pensando a cultura visual
Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011
Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Educação Artística), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014
E-poltergeist takes over the user’s internet browser, automatically initiating Web searches without their permission. Web-based artwork which explores issues of user control when confronted with complex technological systems, questioning the limits of digital interactive arts as consensual reciprocal systems. e-poltergeist was a major web commission that marked an early stage of research in a larger enquiry by Craighead and Thomson into the relationship between live virtual data, global communications networks and instruction-based art, exploring how such systems can be re-contextualised within gallery environments. e-poltergeist presented the 'viewer' with a singular narrative by using live internet search-engine data that aimed to create a perpetual and virtually unstoppable cycle of search engine results, banner ads and moving windows as an interruption into the normal use of an internet browser. The work also addressed the ‘de-personalisation’ of internet use by sending a series of messages from the live search engine data that seemed to address the user directly: 'Is anyone there?'; 'Can anyone hear me?', 'Please help me!'; 'Nobody cares!' e-poltergeist makes a significant contribution to the taxonomy of new media art by dealing with the way that new media art can re-address notions of existing traditions in art such as appropriation and manipulation, instruction-based art and conceptual art. e-poltergeist was commissioned ($12,000) for 010101: Art in Technological Times, a landmark international exhibition presented by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, which bought together leading international practitioners working with emergent technologies, including Tatsuo Miyajima, Janet Cardiff, Brian Eno. Peer recognition of the project in the form of reviews include: Curating New Media. Gateshead: Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art. Cook, Sarah, Beryl Graham and Sarah Martin ISBN: 1093655064; The Wire; http://www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/news/2000/12/40464 (review by Reena Jana); Leonardo (review Barbara Lee Williams and Sonya Rapoport) http://www.leonardo.info/reviews/feb2001/ex_010101_willrapop.html All the work is developed jointly and equally between Craighead and her collaborator, Jon Thomson, Slade School of Fine Art.
This article reflects growing academic interest in the careers and historical significance of professional women town planners, an interest clearly registered in Planning Perspectives and other publications. Unlike other women town planners, however, the career of Monica Felton remains largely obscure. It was certainly short-lived, beginning as it did on the London County Council in 1937 and ending spectacularly while she was Chairman of Stevenage Development Corporation in 1951. Felton became an outcast from both her profession and her country when she gave up on new town development to campaign against British and American involvement in the Korean War in 1951. This article emphasizes her distinctive contribution to the evolving roles of women in British town planning during the mid-twentieth century and shows how this contribution was obscured by her fall from grace.
In 1915 plans for the celebration of the 700th anniversary of Magna Carta had to be dropped following the outbreak of the First World War. Such celebrations marked a sense of Magna Carta as an event in the history of these islands. The usage of the term Magna Carta in Parliament in the run-up to the First World War, however, shows that its granting was not seen only as a significant historical event to be memorialised. During the period from 1900, opening with war in South Africa and ending in 1914 with war throughout Europe, the Great Charter was mentioned 85 times in Parliament. As a period marked by a lengthy constitutional crisis in 1909-11 and beset with problems in Ireland and the Empire, this seems like a good case study period to choose. This short paper attempts to analyse how and why it was invoked in Parliament in the years and what these various usages tell us about how Magna Carta was understood at the time.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Artística, na Especialização de Artes Plásticas na Educação
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Artística
Dissertação de Mestrado em Solicitaria
The obligation of accountability, or the need to make known the economic and financial state of the companies, ceased to be a purely internal activity, becoming a necessity of a general nature. The knowledge of the financial state of the companies, wich is provided by accountability documents, reveals more and more elementary for all interested in the results obtained, whether in terms of profitability, either with a view to assessing the economic and financial health of the companies. This essay aims to a deeper analysis to matters of accountability, in particular, to the special invalidity scheme of corporate resolutions, wich is enshrined in art. 69º of Portuguese Companies Code. We chose to reference the accrual basis accounts approval, through the analysis of financial statements, laying down a set of principles and criteria applicable to different entities. After consideration of the special scheme versed in art. 69º, we conclude there is a certain ambiguity in the adoption of the criteria do delimit each of the hypotheses of the precept, since the legislator uses indeterminate concepts. Nevertheless, if there is a rule, this will be the annulment, and only exceptionally will apply the nullity scheme, where there is injury to the public interest and the interests of the creditors.
Im August 2012 brachte der Heimatverein von Borja, in Spanien, auf seinem Blog seine »tiefe Betroffenheit« über einen, wie es hieß, »unbeschreiblichen Vorgang« zum Ausdruck: Ein Wandgemälde in der Iglesia del Santuario de la Misericordia war in einer Form restauriert worden, die das ursprüngliche Motiv - den Schmerzensmann - fast unkenntlich machte. Die Affäre ging in kürzester Zeit durch die internationale Presse und durch das Internet. Sie schlug dabei unerwartet hohe Wellen, mit denen sich Hohn und Spott über den in fast allen Kommentaren als »misslungen« bezeichneten Restaurierungsakt ergoss. Im Web 2.0 hingegen gab das dergestalt »restaurierte« Antlitz des Ecce homo Anlass zu einer Vielzahl von Neuinterpretationen, es avancierte zu einem regelrechten Internet-Phänomen, das in der vorliegenden Studie in Hinblick auf den Umgang mit und die Aneignung von Bildern im digitalen Zeitalter untersucht werden soll.