887 resultados para frequent customer
La littérature suggère que le sommeil paradoxal joue un rôle dans l'intégration associative de la mémoire émotionnelle. De plus, les rêves en sommeil paradoxal, en particulier leur nature bizarre et émotionnelle, semblent refléter cette fonction associative et émotionnelle du sommeil paradoxal. La conséquence des cauchemars fréquents sur ce processus est inconnue, bien que le réveil provoqué par un cauchemar semble interférer avec les fonctions du sommeil paradoxal. Le premier objectif de cette thèse était de reproduire conceptuellement des recherches antérieures démontrant que le sommeil paradoxal permet un accès hyper-associatif à la mémoire. L'utilisation d'une sieste diurne nous a permis d'évaluer les effets du sommeil paradoxal, comparativement au sommeil lent et à l’éveil, sur la performance des participants à une tâche sémantique mesurant « associational breadth » (AB). Les résultats ont montré que seuls les sujets réveillés en sommeil paradoxal ont répondu avec des associations atypiques, ce qui suggère que le sommeil paradoxal est spécifique dans sa capacité à intégrer les traces de la mémoire émotionnelle (article 1). En outre, les rapports de rêve en sommeil paradoxal étaient plus bizarres que ceux en sommeil lent, et plus intenses émotionnellement ; ces attributs semblent refléter la nature associative et émotionnelle du sommeil paradoxal (article 2). Le deuxième objectif de la thèse était de préciser si et comment le traitement de la mémoire émotionnelle en sommeil paradoxal est altéré dans le Trouble de cauchemars fréquents (NM). En utilisant le même protocole, nos résultats ont montré que les participants NM avaient des résultats plus élevés avant une sieste, ce qui correspond aux observations antérieures voulant que les personnes souffrant de cauchemars soient plus créatives. Après le sommeil paradoxal, les deux groupes, NM et CTL, ont montré des changements similaires dans leur accès associatif, avec des résultats AB-négatif plus bas et AB-positif plus grands. Une semaine plus tard, seul les participants NM a maintenu ce changement dans leur réseau sémantique (article 3). Ces résultats suggèrent qu’au fil du temps, les cauchemars peuvent interférer avec l'intégration de la mémoire émotionnelle pendant le sommeil paradoxal. En ce qui concerne l'imagerie, les participants NM avaient plus de bizarrerie et plus d’émotion positive, mais pas négative, dans leurs rêveries (article 4). Ces attributs intensifiés suggèrent à nouveau que les participants NM sont plus imaginatifs et créatifs à l’éveil. Dans l'ensemble, les résultats confirment le rôle du sommeil paradoxal dans l'intégration associative de la mémoire émotionnelle. Cependant, nos résultats concernant le Trouble de cauchemars ne sont pas entièrement en accord avec les théories suggérant que les cauchemars sont dysfonctionnels. Le groupe NM a montré plus d’associativité émotionnelle, de même que plus d'imagerie positive et bizarre à l’éveil. Nous proposons donc une nouvelle théorie de sensibilité environnementale associée au Trouble de cauchemar, suggérant qu'une sensibilité accrue à une gamme de contextes environnementaux sous-tendrait les symptômes uniques et la richesse imaginative observés chez les personnes souffrant de cauchemars fréquents. Bien que davantage de recherches doivent être faites, il est possible que ces personnes puissent bénéficier e milieux favorables, et qu’elles puissent avoir un avantage adaptatif à l'égard de l'expression créative, ce qui est particulièrement pertinent lorsque l'on considère leur pronostic et les différents types de traitements.
Si è analizzato un sistema di stoccaggio rivolgendo l'attenzione all'attività del Customer Service. Dopo il primo periodo di raccolta dati è stato popolato un database che rappresentasse al meglio la realtà osservata. Il database ci ha permesso, attraverso la manipolazione dei dati, di calcolare delle statistiche circa gli eventi più significativi in termini di tempo.
Management of customer co-development means involving customers in the development of new products and services, and coordinating the process. In business-tobusiness markets, customer co-development enables the development of innovations that better match customer needs and strengthens customer relationships. However, close collaboration with customers can hamper the innovativeness of new products and lead to overly customized solutions. Therefore, the management of co-development is crucial to its success. Yet the existing research on management of co-development has mainly focused on selecting the right collaboration partners, and the field lacks understanding on how to manage the tensions inherent in customer co-development. The purpose of this thesis is to increase understanding on the management of the codevelopment. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first comprises the literature review and conclusions for the whole study, and the second presents four publications. From the methodological perspective, the research papers follow exploratory qualitative research design. The empirical data comprise interviews with 60 persons, representing 25 different organizations, and a group of 11 end users. The study conceptualizes management of customer co-development in three dimensions 1) relational co-development processes, 2) co-development challenges and paradoxes, and 3) internal customer involvement processes. The findings contribute to the customersupplier relationship, innovation, and marketing management literatures by providing a framework on supplier-customer co-development, addressing co-development paradoxes and their management processes, and suggesting practices for customer involvement. For practitioners, the findings provide tools to manage the challenges related to codevelopment with customers.
The process of developing software is a complex undertaking involving multiple stakeholders. While the intentions of these parties might vary to some extent, the ultimate goal can be seen as a satisfactory product. Lean and agile software development practices strive toward this and they place customer contentment as one of the highest aims of the process. An important aspect of any development process is the act of innovation. Without it, nothing progresses and the whole process is unnecessary. As a target domain expert, the customer is an important part of effective innovation. Problems arise, however, when the customer is not actively taking part in the activities. Lack of familiarity with software development can easily cause such issues. Unfortunately, the amount of research conducted on product innovation is unimpressive. This makes it difficult to formulate a recommended approach on stimulating the customer and encouraging a more active participation. Ultimately, a small set of high-level guidelines were identified from the available literary resources for inducing innovation. To conclude, this thesis presents the findings made during the development of a small web application and compares them to the aforementioned literature findings. While the guidelines seem to provide promising results, further empirical research is needed to attain more significant conclusions.
Skepticism of promised value-added is forcing suppliers to provide tangible evidence of the value they can deliver for the customers in industrial markets. Despite this, quantifying customer benefits is being thought as one of the most difficult part in business-to-business selling. The objective of this research is to identify the desired and perceived customer benefits of KONE JumpLift™ and improve the overall customer value quantification and selling process of the solution. The study was conducted with a qualitative case analysis including 7 interviews with key stakeholders from three different market areas. The market areas were chosen based on where the offering has been utilized and the research was conducted by five telephone and two email interviews. The main desired and perceived benefits include many different values for example economical, functional, symbolic and epistemic value but they vary on studied market areas. The most important result of the research was finding the biggest challenges of selling the offering which are communicating and proving the potential value to the customers. In addition, the sales arguments have different relative importance in studied market areas which create challenges for salespeople to sell the offering effectively. In managerial level this means need for investing into a new sales tool and training the salespeople.
Previously conducted research projects in the field of logistics services have emphasized the importance of value added services in customer value creation. Through value added services companies can extend their service portfolio and gain higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. In more general level service marketing has been recognized to be challenging due the intangible nature of services. This has caused issues in pricing and value perceptions. To tackle these issues scholars have suggested well–managed customer reference marketing practices. The main goal of this research work is to identify shortages in the current service offering. Additionally, the focus is on, how these shortages can be fixed. Due the low capacity utilization of warehouse premises, there is a need to find the main factors, which are causing or affecting on the current situation. The research aims to offer a set of alternatives how to come over these issues. All the potential business opportunities are evaluated and the promising prospects are discussed. The focus is on logistics value added services and how those effect on route decisions in logistics. Simultaneously the aim is to create a holistic understanding of how added value and offered services effect on logistics centralization. Moreover, customer value creation and customer references’ effectiveness in logistics service marketing are emphasized in this project. Logistics value added services have a minor effect on logistics decision. Routes are chosen on a low–cost basis. However, it is challenging to track down logistics costs and break those down into different phases. Customer value as such is a difficult concept. This causes challenges when services are sold with value–based principles. Customer references are useful for logistics service providers and this should be exploited in marketing. Those reduce the perceived risk and give credibility to the service provider.
International audience
Objective of the thesis is to develop project management procedure for chilled beam projects. In organization is recognized that project management techniques could help in large and complex projects. Information sharing have been challenging in projects, so improvement of information sharing is one key topic of the thesis. Academic researches and literature are used to find suitable project management theories and methods. Main theories are related to phases of the project and project management tools. Practical knowledge of project management is collected from two project business oriented companies. Project management tools are chosen and modified to fulfill needs of the beam projects. Result of the thesis is proposed project management procedure, which includes phases of the chilled beam projects and project milestones. Project management procedure helps to recognize the most critical phases of the project and tools help to manage information of the project. Procedure increases knowledge of the project management techniques and tools. It also forms coherent project management working method among the chilled beam project group.
Most economic transactions nowadays are due to the effective exchange of information in which digital resources play a huge role. New actors are coming into existence all the time, so organizations are facing difficulties in keeping their current customers and attracting new customer segments and markets. Companies are trying to find the key to their success and creating superior customer value seems to be one solution. Digital technologies can be used to deliver value to customers in ways that extend customers’ normal conscious experiences in the context of time and space. By creating customer value, companies can gain the increased loyalty of existing customers and better ways to serve new customers effectively. Based on these assumptions, the objective of this study was to design a framework to enable organizations to create customer value in digital business. The research was carried out as a literature review and an empirical study, which consisted of a web-based survey and semi-structured interviews. The data from the empirical study was analyzed as mixed research with qualitative and quantitative methods. These methods were used since the object of the study was to gain deeper understanding about an existing phenomena. Therefore, the study used statistical procedures and value creation is described as a phenomenon. The framework was designed first based on the literature and updated based on the findings from the empirical study. As a result, relationship, understanding the customer, focusing on the core product or service, the product or service quality, incremental innovations, service range, corporate identity, and networks were chosen as the top elements of customer value creation. Measures for these elements were identified. With the measures, companies can manage the elements in value creation when dealing with present and future customers and also manage the operations of the company. In conclusion, creating customer value requires understanding the customer and a lot of information sharing, which can be eased by digital resources. Understanding the customer helps to produce products and services that fulfill customers’ needs and desires. This could result in increased sales and make it easier to establish efficient processes.
This case study aims at filling the research gap in the literature, by researching how customers experience customer involvement in new service development, in addition to giving insight on what are the organisational customers’ motivations to become involved in service development. These subjects are studied by conducting three interviews. The thesis gives a review of previous findings regarding customer-driven new service development, customer involvement, customer roles, modes of involvement, communication in the involvement process, what is the role of customer engagement and what are the motivational drivers for customers. The thesis also explains what new service development is and makes a distinction between new service development and new service design. The results revealed that organisational customers want to be involved throughout the development process, with active involvement in the beginning and end phases. Moreover, customers prefer face-to-face methods and active and bidirectional communication throughout the process. The findings propose seven motivational factors, a new framework for customer-driven new service development and communication process map. The managerial implications list five themes for service providers to take into consideration when involving customers to the service development process.
Tutkimuksen kohteena oleva yritys avasi innovaatiokeskuksen 2015 vuoden loppupuolella. Tutkimuksen tavoite on tutkia keinoja löytää asiakastarpeita innovaatiokeskuksessa sekä selvittää, kuinka asiakastarpeet sisällytetään innovaatio- ja tuotekehitysstrategiaan. Kattava prosessi asiakastarvekartoituksesta esitellään ja prosessi säädetään yritykselle sopivaksi asiakkaille tehdyn kyselyn tulosten mukaan. Lisäksi yrityksen tuotepäälliköille järjestettiin haastattelu, jotta heidän näkemyksiään asiakastarvekartoituksen kehittämisestä ja tarpeiden lisäämisestä strategiaan päästiin myös hyödyntämään. Asiakastarpeiden kartoittamiseen soveltuvaksi menetelmäksi löydettiin ryhmätyömalliin perustuva menetelmä, jossa tarpeita kerätään innovaatiokeskuksessa. Lisäksi tietokoneita hyödyntävä GDSS-kokous auttaa välttämään useita yleisiä kokousten ongelmia. Tutkimuksen mukaan asiakastarpeiden suuret kehityslinjat ja kaikista tärkeimmät tarpeet voidaan lisätä strategiaan hyödyntämällä innovaatiokenttiä, skenaarioita ja roadmappeja sekä asiakastarvetaulukkoja.
Tähän raporttiin on koottu Uudenmaan ELY-keskuksen ja Etelä-Suomen aluehallintoviraston (AVI) yhteisen, YVA- ja ympäristölupa-menettelyjen yhteyttä edistävän kokeiluhankkeen ensimmäisen vaiheen (9 / 2015 – 8 / 2016) tulokset. Tavoitteena on ollut mm. selvittää ympäristövaikutusten arviointia (YVA), ympäristölupaa ja mahdollista kemikaaliturvallisuuslupaa edellyttävien hankkeiden etenemis-tä nopeuttavia käytäntöjä sekä keinoja parantaa viranomaisten välistä yhteistyötä. YVA- ja lupamenettelyjen ohella tarkasteltiin kaavoitusmenettelyä ja kaavoituksen liittymäpintoja muihin ympäristömenettelyihin. Tiedonkeruumenetelminä käytettiin haastatteluja, kyselyjä ja käytännön kokeiluja. Keskeinen tarkasteltu käytäntö oli toiminnanharjoittajan ja eri viranomaisten välinen yhteisneuvottelu. Neuvottelun tavoitteena on toiminnanharjoittajan hankkeeseen liittyvien YVA-, lupa-, Natura-arviointi-, ja kaavoitusmenettelyjen yhteensovittaminen. Lisäksi neuvottelussa on tarkoitus tunnistaa hankkeeseen liittyviä (ympäristö)selvitystarpeita sekä mahdollisuuksia parantaa yhteistyötä ja tiedonvaihtoa hankkeen kanssa tekemisissä olevien tahojen välillä. Vastaavantyyppisistä neuvotteluista on aiemmissa selvityksissä käytetty termiä ennakkoneuvottelu. Yhteisneuvotteluja voidaan järjestää hankkeen ja siihen liittyvien viranomaismenettelyjen eri vaiheissa. Neuvottelujen määrä, ajoittuminen ja osallistujat suunnitellaan tapauskohtaisesti, hankkeen tarpeista ja siihen liittyvistä viranomaismenettelyistä riippuen. Kaikissa hankkeissa yhteisneuvotteluja ei välttämättä tarvita. Tulosten perusteella raportissa suositellaan viranomaisten välisen yhteistyön parantamista mm. verkostoitumisen ja tiiviimmän yhteydenpidon keinoin. Samoin suositellaan viranomaismenettelyjen yhteensovittamista yhteisneuvottelujen avulla, menettelyjen tiiviimmän yhdistämisen kokeiluja, toiminnan asiakaslähtöisyyden lisäämistä ja viranomaistiedon saatavuuden parantamista. Neuvottelujen onnistumiseksi osallistujilta edellytetään luottamusta, yhteistyöhalukkuutta sekä vastuunottoa yhteensovittamiselle asetettujen tavoitteiden saavuttamisesta. Lisäksi suositellaan, että yhteisneuvottelu säädetään lailla joustavaksi ja tapauskohtaisen harkinnan mahdollistavaksi. Kokeiluhankkeen toisessa vaiheessa (9 / 2016 – 2 / 2017) selvitetään tarkemmin YVA- ja lupamenettelyjen yhteyden vahvistamista ja viranomaisyhteistyön parantamismahdollisuuksia lupavaiheen näkökulmasta. Hankkeen loppuraportti ilmestyy alkuvuodesta 2017.
Agent-based modelling and simulation offers a new and exciting way of understanding the world of work. In this paper we describe the development of an agent-based simulation model, designed to help to understand the relationship between human resource management practices and retail productivity. We report on the current development of our simulation model which includes new features concerning the evolution of customers over time. To test some of these features we have conducted a series of experiments dealing with customer pool sizes, standard and noise reduction modes, and the spread of the word of mouth. Our multidisciplinary research team draws upon expertise from work psychologists and computer scientists. Despite the fact we are working within a relatively novel and complex domain, it is clear that intelligent agents offer potential for fostering sustainable organisational capabilities in the future.