921 resultados para Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center.


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A semiconductor optical amplifier and electroabsorption modulator monolithically integrated with a spotsize converter input and output is fabricated by means of selective area growth,quantum well intermixing,and asymmetric twin waveguide technology. A 1550-1600nm lossless operation with a high DC extinction ratio of 25dB and more than 10GHz 3dB bandwidth are successfully achieved. The output beam divergence angles of the device in the horizontal and vertical directions are as small as 7.3°× 18.0°, respectively, resulting in a 3.0dB coupling loss with a cleaved single-mode optical fiber.


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A novel 1.55μm laser diode with spot-size converter is designed and fabricated using conventional photolithography and chemical wet etching process.For the laser diode,a ridge double-core structure is employed.For the spot-size converter,a buried ridge double-core structure is incorporated.The laterally tapered active core is designed and optically combined with the thin and wide passive core to control the size of mode.The laser diode threshold current is measured to be 40mA together with high slop efficiency of 0.35W/A.The beam divergence angles in the horizontal and vertical directions are as small as 14.89°×18.18°,respectively,resulting in low-coupling losses with a cleaved optical fiber (3dB loss).


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A novel 1.55-μm spot-size converter integrated electroabsorption modulator was designed with conventional photolithography and chemical wet etching process. A ridge double-core structure was employed for the modulator, and a buried ridge double-core structure was incorporated for the spot-size converter. The passive waveguide was optically combined with a laterally tapered active waveguide to control the mode size. The figure of merit is 4.1667 dB/V(/100 μm) and the beam divergence angles in the horizontal and vertical directions were as small as 11.2 deg. and 13.0 deg., respectively.


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This paper describes the high performance of narrow-beam divergence spot size converter (SSC) integrated separately confined heterostructure (SCH) LD. The upper optical confinement layer (OCL) and the butt-coupled tapered thickness waveguide were regrown simultaneously, which not only offered the separated optimization of the active region and the integrated spotsize converter, but also reduced the difficulty of the butt-joint selective regrowth. The threshold current was as low as 5.4 mA, the output power at 55 mA was 10.1 mW, the vertical and horizontal far field divergence angles were as low as 9°and 15°, and the 1-dB misalignment tolerances were 3.6 and 3.4μm, respectively.


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Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology offers tremendous potential for integration of optoelectronic functionson a silicon wafer. In this letter, a 1 * 1 multimode interference (MMI) Mach-Zender interferometer(MZI) thermo-optic modulator fabricated by wet-etching method is demonstrated. The modulator has anextinction ratio of -11.0 dB, extra loss of -4.9 dB and power consumption of 420 mW. The response timeis less than 30μs.


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SOI waveguides fabricated by wet-etching method are demonstrated. The single mode waveguide and 1×2 3dB BBI splitter are analyzed and designed by three dimensional beam propagation method to correct the error of effective index method and guided mode method. The devices are fabricated. Excellent performances, such as low propagation loss of -1.37dB/cm, low excess of -2.2dB, and good uniformity of 0.3dB, are achieved.


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The characteristics of thickness enhancement factor and bandgap wavelength of selectively grown In-GaAsP are investigated. A high thickness enhancement factor of 2.9 is obtained. Spotsize converter integrated DFB lasers are fabricated by using the technique of SAG. The threshold current is as low as 10.8mA. The output power is 10m W at 60mA without coating and the SMSR is 35.8dB. The vertical far field angle (FWHM) is decreased from 34 °to 9 °. The tolerance of 1dBm misalignment is 3.4μm vertically.


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There is a natural norm associated with a starting point of the homogeneous self-dual (HSD) embedding model for conic convex optimization. In this norm two measures of the HSD model’s behavior are precisely controlled independent of the problem instance: (i) the sizes of ε-optimal solutions, and (ii) the maximum distance of ε-optimal solutions to the boundary of the cone of the HSD variables. This norm is also useful in developing a stopping-rule theory for HSD-based interior-point methods such as SeDuMi. Under mild assumptions, we show that a standard stopping rule implicitly involves the sum of the sizes of the ε-optimal primal and dual solutions, as well as the size of the initial primal and dual infeasibility residuals. This theory suggests possible criteria for developing starting points for the homogeneous self-dual model that might improve the resulting solution time in practice


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Leite de soja; Farinha de soja; Almondegas (I); Almondegas (II); Ambrosia com leite de soja; Arroz de leite de soja; Bife de soja (I); Bife de soja (II); Bife hamburgues; Bolinho de carne com soja; Bolinho frito de soja; Bolinho para cafe; Bolinhos pingados; Bolo de arroz e soja; Bolo de carne; Bolo de fuba escaldado; Bolo de soja; Bombocado de mandioca e soja; Brigadeiro; Cajuzinho; Croquete; Croquete de soja; Croquete simples; Cuscuz de soja; Docinhos de soja; Farofa doce; Farofa "flor de sabugueiro"; Feijao caseiro de soja; Leite de soja; Paezinhos de mandioca com soja; Pao com carne e soja; Panquecas; Pao-de-lo; Pao de soja cozida; Passoquinha; Pastelao de soja; Pate de soja; "Pistache" de soja; Polenta com molho; Pudim; Queijo de soja; Rocambole; Rocambole de soja; Salada de soja; Sobremesa rapida; Sabao de soja.


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Introdução. Receitas.


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Caracteristicas do oleo de girassol; Caracteristicas do farelo de girassol; Melhoramento genetico e a qualidade do grao; O oleo de girassol e a saude humana;


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Receita basica de tofu; Salgados: Beringela assada com recheio de tofu; Charutos de repolho com tofu; Frigideira de vegetais e tofu; Torta dos monges budistas; Molho de ervas; Panqueca de tofu com presunto e repolho; Salada com molho de tofu; Salada do "chef" com tofu; Tofu a italiana; Tofu com brotos de feijao; Tofu frito com recheio de queijo; Tofu de cinco cores; Tofu com vegetais e ovos; Tofu oito tesouros; Doces: Manjar de tofu e abacaxi; Pudim de tofu; Sufle de tofu; Torta de tofu.


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Melhoramento de soja para alimentacao humana; Manejo do solo; Clima; Cultivares; Populacao e densidade de semeadura; Epocas de semeadura; Instalacao da lavoura; Controle de plantas daninhas; Manejo de pragas; Controle de doencas; Colheita.


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Receitas basicas; Extrato ou leite de soja; Extrato de soja condensado; Farinha de soja; Graos de soja cozido; Hidratacao da PVT (Proteina Vegetal Texturizada); Tofu ou "queijo" de soja; Salgados; Bolinho de mandioca ou batata e residuo de soja; Bolo salgado de soja; Croquete de residuo de soja; Hamburguer de PVT; Macarrao com molho de ¨leite¨ de soja e PVT; Pao de cebola com farinha e "leite" de soja; Salada de soja; Sopa de frango, arroz e residuo de soja; Sopa de residuo de soja; Strogonoff de camarao e graos de soja cozidos; Sufle de milho verde e residuo de soja; Torta de mandioca com residuo de soja e PVT; Doces; Arroz doce com "leite" de soja; Biscoito de coco e farinha de soja; Creme de soja; Curau de milho verde e "leite" de soja; Pudim de "leite" de soja; Rosquinhas fritas de chocolate com "leite" e farinha de soja; Torta de banana caramelada; Rosquinhas fritas de chocolate com "leite" e farinha de soja; Bolos; Bolo de cenoura com farinha de soja; Bolo de coco com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo de fuba com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo de laranja com farinha de soja; Bolo de formigueiro com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo de maracuja com farinha de soja; Receitas festivas; Bolo de natal com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo ingles com farinha e "leite" de soja; Colomba Pascal com farinha e "leite" de soja; Panetone com farinha de soja.