1000 resultados para Cheque de pago diferido
Servicios registrales
Servicios registrales
Servicios registrales
Servicios registrales
Servicios registrales
Servicios registrales
Pago en exceso por impuesto del registro
¿Cuál es el trámite de inscripción que se le da a las reformas estatutarias de entidades sin ánimo de lucro?
¿Cómo debe formalizarse la renuncia de los administradores o revisor fiscal ante la Cámara de Comercio?
Solicitar al Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina la interpretación prejudicial respecto del presente asunto en cuanto corresponde a los artículos 2, 3 y 32 de la Decisión 462 de la Comisión de la Comunidad Andina; 1, 3. 32 y 35 de la Resolución 432 de la Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina, así COITIO de todas aquellas disposiciones comunitarias que el referido Tribunal de Justicia Internacional considere que deben interpretarse para este caso.
El a quo incurrió en una vía de hecho, por lo tanto revoca dicha sentencia.
A photograph of Dorothy Rungeling with the Silver Cup, the caption reads "Dorothy Rungeling, Canadian woman flier, holds Governor-General's Silver Cup, which she won, as well as a cheque for $500 for winning the Governor-General's Race at the National Air Show held in Toronto last September."
Letter to H.K. Woodruff from J.M. Crysler, secretary treasurer of the St. David’s cemetery committee. He received Mr. Woodruff’s cheque to put the lots in proper condition and spoke to Rigg Brothers of Niagara Falls regarding markers for the graves of Ezekiel and Sally Woodruff. This letter is accompanied by an envelope, Mar. 13, 1922.
Letter to Isabel from someone whose last name is Price [the first name is illegible] in which the writer says that the row with Phil regarding the bonds is settled (1 ½ pages). This person does not anticipate any more trouble with Phil. They are sending the personal effects to Isabel as well as a cheque for $3000 as her share of the estate, and more next month, July 15, 1901.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Archibald Johnston which was enclosed with a cheque for the amount of the windows which Mr. Woodruff enclosed to him, Mar. 2, 1855.