158 resultados para MATKA-AIKA


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In this study I look at what people want to express when they talk about time in Russian and Finnish, and why they use the means they use. The material consists of expressions of time: 1087 from Russian and 1141 from Finnish. They have been collected from dictionaries, usage guides, corpora, and the Internet. An expression means here an idiomatic set of words in a preset form, a collocation or construction. They are studied as lexical entities, without a context, and analysed and categorized according to various features. The theoretical background for the study includes two completely different approaches. Functional Syntax is used in order to find out what general meanings the speaker wishes to convey when talking about time and how these meanings are expressed in specific languages. Conceptual metaphor theory is used for explaining why the expressions are as they are, i.e. what kind of conceptual metaphors (transfers from one conceptual domain to another) they include. The study has resulted in a grammatically glossed list of time expressions in Russian and Finnish, a list of 56 general meanings involved in these time expressions and an account of the means (constructions) that these languages have for expressing the general meanings defined. It also includes an analysis of conceptual metaphors behind the expressions. The general meanings involved turned out to revolve around expressing duration, point in time, period of time, frequency, sequence, passing of time, suitable time and the right time, life as time, limitedness of time, and some other notions having less obvious semantic relations to the others. Conceptual metaphor analysis of the material has shown that time is conceptualized in Russian and Finnish according to the metaphors Time Is Space (Time Is Container, Time Has Direction, Time Is Cycle, and the Time Line Metaphor), Time Is Resource (and its submapping Time Is Substance), Time Is Actor; and some characteristics are added to these conceptualizations with the help of the secondary metaphors Time Is Nature and Time Is Life. The limits between different conceptual metaphors and the connections these metaphors have with one another are looked at with the help of the theory of conceptual integration (the blending theory) and its schemas. The results of the study show that although Russian and Finnish are typologically different, they are very similar both in the needs of expression their speakers have concerning time, and in the conceptualizations behind expressing time. This study introduces both theoretical and methodological novelties in the nature of material used, in developing empirical methodology for conceptual metaphor studies, in the exactness of defining the limits of different conceptual metaphors, and in seeking unity among the different facets of time. Keywords: time, metaphor, time expression, idiom, conceptual metaphor theory, functional syntax, blending theory


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This doctoral thesis focuses on the translation of Finnish prose literature into English in the United Kingdom between 1945 and 2003. The subject is approached using translation archaeology, interviews, archival material, detailed text analysis and reception material. The main theoretical framework is Descriptive Translation Studies, and certain sociological theories (Bourdieu s field theory, actor-network theory) are also used. After charting the published translations, two periods of time are selected for closer analysis: an earlier period from 1955 to 1959, involving eight translations, and a later one from 1990 to 2003, with a total of six translations. While these translation numbers may appear low, they are actually rather high in proportion to the total number of 28 one-author literary prose translations published in the UK over the approximately 60 years being studied. The two periods of time, the 1950s and 1990s, are compared in terms of the sociological context of translation activity, the reception of translations and their textual features. The comparisons show that the main changes in translation practice between these two periods are increased completeness (translations in the 1950s group often being shortened by hundreds of pages) and lesser use of indirect translation via an intermediary language (about half of the 1950s translations having been translated via Swedish). Otherwise, translation practices have not changed much: except for large omissions, which are far more frequent in the 1950s, variation within each group is larger than between groups. As to the sociological context, the main changes are an increase in long-term institution-level contacts and an increase in the promotion of foreign translation rights by Finnish publishing houses. This is in contrast to the 1950s when translation rights were mainly sold through personal contacts by individual authors and translators. The reception of translations is difficult to study because of scarce material. However, the 1950s translations were aggressively marketed and therefore obtained far more reviews and reprints than the 1990s translations. Several of the 1950s books, mostly historical novels by Mika Waltari, were mainstream bestsellers at the time, while current translations are frequently made for niche markets. The thesis introduces ample new material on the translation of Finnish prose literature into English in the UK. The results are also relevant to translation from a minority literature into a majority one. As to translation theory, they lead us to question the social nature of translation norms and the assumption of a static target culture. The translations analysed here are located in a very fragmented interculture and gain a stronger position in the Finnish culture than in the British one.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia, millaisia käännösstrategioita DVD-tekstittämisessä suositaan reaalioita eli kulttuurisidonnaisia käsitteitä käännettäessä. Lähtökohtana on, että osaa strategioista voidaan käyttää reaalioiden kulttuurisen erilaisuuden korostamiseen, osaa taas tämän erilaisuuden häivyttämiseen. Nämä kaksi kategoriaa eivät kuitenkaan kata kaikkia mahdollisia strategioita, minkä vuoksi myös neutraalit strategiat otetaan tutkielmassa huomioon. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu Suomessa nimillä Ruuvit löysällä ja Pikku-Britannia tunnettujen brittiläisten sketsisarjojen DVD-julkaisuista. Molemmat tutkituista julkaisuista käsittävät yhden tuotantokauden. Formaatiltaan sketsisarjat perustuvat lukuisiin lyhyisiin kohtauksiin, joissa käsitellään useita eri aihealueita. Tämän vuoksi ne soveltuvat erinomaisesti reaalioiden tutkimukseen. Tutkittava kääntämisen laji on DVD-kääntäminen, koska sen merkityksen voidaan katsoa kasvaneen DVD:n lisääntyneen suosion myötä. Tutkielman teoriatausta muodostuu reaalioiden, käännösstrategioiden ja tekstityksen teoriasta. Näistä osa-alueista ensimmäisessä korostuu kulttuurin vaikutus kieleen ja siten myös kääntämiseen, kun taas toinen pohjautuu sekä tekstitason kotouttavista ja vieraannuttavista käännösstrategioista että sanatason lokaaleista strategioista esitettyyn teoriaan, ja kolmannessa nousevat esille sanan ja kuvan yhteistyö sekä muut tekstittämiseen vaikuttavat tekijät, kuten rajallinen käytettävissä oleva tila ja aika. Yhdessä teorian eri osa-alueet mahdollistavat tutkimuksen, jossa voidaan tarkastella kulttuuristen, kielellisten ja audiovisuaalisten piirteiden vaikutusta reaalioiden kääntämiseen. Tutkielmassa käytetään kvalitatiivista ja kvantitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Kvalitatiivinen menetelmä perustuu käännösstrategioiden käyttötapojen kuvaamiseen tutkimalla tutkimusaineistosta transkriboituja reaalioiden käännöksiä yksittäisissä tapauksissa. Analyysissa otetaan huomioon ensisijaisesti reaalioiden tekstuaalinen ja audiovisuaalinen konteksti sekä niiden oletettu tunnistettavuus käännösten kohdekulttuurissa. Tätä analyysia täydennetään kaikkien havaittujen reaalioiden kääntämistä kuvaavalla kvantitatiivisella menetelmällä. Tutkielman tulokset viittaavat siihen, että erilaisten käännösstrategioiden välillä on huomattavia eroja siinä, millä tavoin ja miten usein niitä käytetään. Lisäksi tulokset osoittavat odotetusti sen, että kotouttavat ja vieraannuttavat strategiat eivät sulje toisiaan pois, vaan niitä molempia voidaan käyttää saman käännöksen sisällä. Kokonaisuutena tutkielmassa tuodaan ilmi monia aihealueen tutkimiseen liittyviä haasteita aina kulttuurin määrittelystä audiovisuaalisen aineiston analysoimiseen asti. Avainsanat: Kulttuurisidonnaiset käsitteet, käännösstrategia, tekstittäminen, kotouttaminen, vieraannuttaminen


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on kvalitatiivisen ja kvantitatiivisen analyysin avulla selvittää, millaisia poisjättöjä erityyppiset ohjelmat sisältävät. Tutkimusmateriaalina on lastenohjelma (Sune och hans värld), dokumentti (Yrke: kung) ja keskusteluohjelma (Bettina S) sekä niiden suomenkieliset tekstitykset. Jokaisesta ohjelmasta on analysoitu 15 minuuttia. Poisjättöjen luokittelussa pohjana on Koljosen (1995, 1997 ja 1998) luokittelu, joka koostuu kolmesta pääluokasta ja useasta alaluokasta. Kolme pääluokkaa ovat fakultatiiviset lauseenjäsenet (fakultativa satsdelar), puhekieliset piirteet (talspråkliga drag) ja informatiiviset osaset (informativa fragment). Hypoteeseja tutkielmassa on kaksi: suurin osa poisjätöistä on puhekielisyyksiä, mikä johtuu median vaihtumisesta puhutusta kirjoitettuun, ja informaatiota ei häviä, vaikka paljon on jätettävä pois aika- ja tilarajoitusten takia. Teoriaosassa käsitellään katsojan (tekstityksen vastaanottajan) tärkeää asemaa, poisjättöjen syitä ja poisjättöjä Koljosen luokittelun mukaisesti. Lisäksi teoriaosassa esitellään materiaalina olevat ohjelmatyypit, eli lastenohjelma, dokumentti ja puheohjelma. Analyysiosasta käy ilmi, että ohjelmat sisältävät melko erilaisia poisjättöjä. Tämä johtuu siitä, että lastenohjelmassa dialogi perustuu käsikirjoitukseen, kun taas dokumentissa ja keskusteluohjelmassa puhe on vapaata. Dokumentti on tyypillinen esimerkki monologista, eikä sisällä dialogille tyypillisiä piirteitä, kuten dialogipartikkeleita tai tervehdyksiä. Analyysistä käy myös ilmi, että valinnaisia lauseenjäseniä on jätetty eniten pois. Tämä johtuu ainoastaan siitä, että poisjätettyjen konjunktioiden määrä on suuri. Koljonen ei ole luokitellut konjunktioita tutkimuksissaan. Konjunktiot voitaisiin laskea myös diskurssipartikkeleihin (puhekielisiin piirteisiin), koska niillä on selvästi puhetta ohjaileva funktio, jolloin ensimmäinen hypoteeseista osoittautuisi todeksi. Puhekielisten piirteiden määrä vaihtelee ohjelmatyypistä riippuen. Dokumentti sisältää paljon toistoa, joka voidaan jättää pois. Keskusteluohjelmassa on puolestaan paljon poisjätettyjä dialogipartikkeleita, jotka toimivat vastauksena kysymykseen tai lyhyinä kommentteina. Lastenohjelmassa poisjättöjen jakauma on tasaisin: mikään ryhmä ei prosentuaalisesti erotu joukosta. Poisjätettyjen informaatiota sisältävien osasten määrä ei myöskään ole merkittävä. Analyysin perusteella voidaankin sanoa, että kummatkin hypoteesit osoittautuivat todeksi.


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The theme of this doctoral thesis is the Finnish printmaking in the years 1930-1939. During this decade, there were approximately 100 artists making prints in Finland. Indeed, the period was an especially important one for printmaking. Associations for printmakers were founded in Helsinki and Turku, training in the field was launched, and the number of printmaking exhibitions increased considerably. Through their national organisations, Finnish printmakers participated in many exhibitions abroad, interaction with Nordic printmakers being especially intense. Thus, a firm basis for post-war developments was created. However, printmakers' activity- which had continued throughout the 1930s - declined notably after the Winter War broke out in the autumn of 1939. As a result, the period 1930-1939 forms a coherent and distinct unity in Finnish printmaking history. The study consists of two parts: the main text and an appendix in which the production of each printmaking artist active in the 1930s is examined separately. The study also includes a comprehensive list of the prints made in the course of the decade. One of the central themes is the printmakers' relationship to "Finnish nationalist" art and concepts of art in the 1930s. I analyse the various manifestations of this way of thinking in the visual arts of the period. Finnish fine art in the period between the world wars has usually been characterised as conservative, introverted and spiritually isolated from the modern European trends of the time. On the basis of this study, such a view is too simple. Many artists and printmakers adopted a modernistic notion of art that approached the newest in European modernism, including such trends as avant-garde classicism and general European new Objective Realism (Die neue Sachlichkeit). On the other hand, choosing Finnish nationalist motifs did not necessarily mean that the artist was opposed to modernism: modernist artists could still be interested in national themes. The relationship of 1930s printmaking to the world of nationalist ideas is examined in this doctoral thesis from several perspectives. Towards the end of the main text, I examine the issue from the point of view of selected artists. Another feature that emerged during the study and turned out to be surprisingly widespread was the close relationship of many artists to religious, theosophical and pantheistic views. I deal with this issue in greater detail through a few representative printmakers.


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A Sibyl fallen into everyday life. The enfolding of the identity of modern woman in Marja- Liisa Vartio s novel Kaikki naiset näkevät unia ( All Women Have Dreams ). --- Marja-Liisa Vartio played a remarkable part in renewing Finnish literature. My thesis examines her novel Kaikki naiset näkevät unia (1960), which describes the life of a middle-aged housewife, Mrs. Pyy ( Mrs. Hazel Hen ). She has moved from country to city and lives now in a suburb, in the Helsinki of the 1950 s. In Finnish literature, the novel is the first significant description of a modern city woman accomplished by modernistic means. My research examines the identity of a woman in the Finland of the 50 s, an epoch marked by the inevitable transition into modernity. My aim is to look into the ways in which the female identity enfolds in Kaikki naiset näkevät unia, how it takes its form, how it is described and commented. The primary method is contextual close reading; the novel is seen in the social, cultural and historical context of the time it was published. Essential elements in this study are literary motifs and images in the novel, and particularly transtextual relations as defined by Gérald Genette. The focus is on hypertextuality, intertextuality and paratextuality. Kaikki naiset näkevät unia emerges as a modern version of Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert. A woman s life spent in illusive dreaming is transferred from a 1900th century bourgeois town in France to a middle class Finnish suburb in the 1950 s. Vartio s novel is a variant of an ancient Finnish ballad I, a bird without a nest , making it into a modern narration of transition. The inner, mental journey from country to city is of great length, and the liminal life in a suburb does not make the passage any easier. Like the lyrical voices in the poetry of Edith Södergran, also Mrs. Pyy finds it hard to discover any values of sisterhood or those of ideal femininity in modern times. In earlier studies of Marja-Liisa Vartio s prose, stress has been laid on the discourse of her narrators and characters, as well as on its modern literary form. In this research, however, urgent allusions to paintings, old and new, are taken into account, since Mrs. Pyy mirrors herself against art, both classical and modern. Principal images in this context are Michelangelo s Sibyls in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and a modern painting, which remains unidentified. Mrs. Pyy turns out to be a tragicomic character, who has magnanimous illusions about herself, but is compelled to accept the fact the she is only a mediocre person. She is nothing more than a first generation city dweller; she is not a modern, aloof outsider but a mere dilettante, who desperately tries to live out modern city life. Kaikki naiset näkevät unia is a striking picture of the 1950 s, a picture that is construed in the consciousness of Mrs. Pyy. We are shown everyday life growing more and more modern after the war and woman s role growing more and more subject to increasing pressure for change.


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In Finland the period 1880 -1914 constituted an essential phase in the creation of the great national project as well as it was a golden time of Francophilia. With Francophilia, i.e. French-mindedness, is here understood a collectively upheld strong sympathy towards France and French culture. However, the Francophilia of late nineteenth century Finland was free from apparent political intentions and remained a chosen disposition. The strength of its drive was not only based on the older European admiration of everything French, but also on the growing fascination for a novelty emerging besides the traditional influences of the Germanic culture. In Finnish society Francophilia mostly worked as an opposite force to the most confined conceptions of what was considered national ; as a consequence France came to denote more than a country and Francophilia contained an important symbolical meaning in the construction of the Finnish nation. The main tasks of the study are to introduce as the first large historical presentation of the subject a covering examination of the many descriptions of Paris-phases of assorted artists, authors, and intellectuals, to clarify the mental relationship of the Finnish intelligentsia to France prior to national independence, and finally to provide these developments with case studies of certain life paths. However, the examination is not biographical, because the starting point remains within the rhetoric arguments of Francophilia and patriotism as these appeared within the public sphere. Historical persons have thus been dealt with primarily as reflectors of the then-current French-minded mentality. Such Francophiles in Finland were first and foremost Werner Söderhjelm, Juhani Aho, L. Onerva and V. A. Koskenniemi. The networks of the Finnish cultural field are mostly displayed through these examples. In previous research the intensive relationship of Finnish artists and authors with France has not been connected with actual concepts of nationalism. The respective periods of the intellectuals in Paris have simply been viewed as devoid of ideological links with the contemporary advancement of the fatherland, or even as opposites to the patriotic pursuits in Finland. From the viewpoint of this study these now canonized creators of a Finnish culture are primarily seen as patriots and fellow countrymen, and only secondly as artists and artist s colleagues. The dissertation is constructed as both a regional survey of the idealization of France and a study of Finnish history through the mirror of Francophilia. As such France only held an instrumental role for the receiving culture, i.e. for the construction of Finland, as no "objective truths" were sought for in France. Keywords: France, francophilia, Finnishness, national project, Paris


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Earlier studies have shown that the speed of information transmission developed radically during the 19th century. The fast development was mainly due to the change from sailing ships and horse-driven coaches to steamers and railways, as well as the telegraph. Speed of information transmission has normally been measured by calculating the duration between writing and receiving a letter, or between an important event and the time when the news was published elsewhere. As overseas mail was generally carried by ships, the history of communications and maritime history are closely related. This study also brings a postal historical aspect to the academic discussion. Additionally, there is another new aspect included. In business enterprises, information flows generally consisted of multiple transactions. Although fast one-way information was often crucial, e.g. news of a changing market situation, at least equally important was that there was a possibility to react rapidly. To examine the development of business information transmission, the duration of mail transport has been measured by a systematic and commensurable method, using consecutive information circles per year as the principal tool for measurement. The study covers a period of six decades, several of the world's most important trade routes and different mail-carrying systems operated by merchant ships, sailing packets and several nations' steamship services. The main sources have been the sailing data of mail-carrying ships and correspondence of several merchant houses in England. As the world's main trade routes had their specific historical backgrounds with different businesses, interests and needs, the systems for information transmission did not develop similarly or simultaneously. It was a process lasting several decades, initiated by the idea of organizing sailings in a regular line system. The evolution proceeded generally as follows: originally there was a more or less irregular system, then a regular system and finally a more frequent regular system of mail services. The trend was from sail to steam, but both these means of communication improved following the same scheme. Faster sailings alone did not radically improve the number of consecutive information circles per year, if the communication was not frequent enough. Neither did improved frequency advance the information circulation if the trip was very long or if the sailings were overlapping instead of complementing each other. The speed of information transmission could be improved by speeding up the voyage itself (technological improvements, minimizing the waiting time at ports of call, etc.) but especially by organizing sailings so that the recipients had the possibility to reply to arriving mails without unnecessary delay. It took two to three decades before the mail-carrying shipping companies were able to organize their sailings in an optimal way. Strategic shortcuts over isthmuses (e.g. Panama, Suez) together with the cooperation between steamships and railways enabled the most effective improvements in global communications before the introduction of the telegraph.


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Bertrand Russell (1872 1970) introduced the English-speaking philosophical world to modern, mathematical logic and foundational study of mathematics. The present study concerns the conception of logic that underlies his early logicist philosophy of mathematics, formulated in The Principles of Mathematics (1903). In 1967, Jean van Heijenoort published a paper, Logic as Language and Logic as Calculus, in which he argued that the early development of modern logic (roughly the period 1879 1930) can be understood, when considered in the light of a distinction between two essentially different perspectives on logic. According to the view of logic as language, logic constitutes the general framework for all rational discourse, or meaningful use of language, whereas the conception of logic as calculus regards logic more as a symbolism which is subject to reinterpretation. The calculus-view paves the way for systematic metatheory, where logic itself becomes a subject of mathematical study (model-theory). Several scholars have interpreted Russell s views on logic with the help of the interpretative tool introduced by van Heijenoort,. They have commonly argued that Russell s is a clear-cut case of the view of logic as language. In the present study a detailed reconstruction of the view and its implications is provided, and it is argued that the interpretation is seriously misleading as to what he really thought about logic. I argue that Russell s conception is best understood by setting it in its proper philosophical context. This is constituted by Immanuel Kant s theory of mathematics. Kant had argued that purely conceptual thought basically, the logical forms recognised in Aristotelian logic cannot capture the content of mathematical judgments and reasonings. Mathematical cognition is not grounded in logic but in space and time as the pure forms of intuition. As against this view, Russell argued that once logic is developed into a proper tool which can be applied to mathematical theories, Kant s views turn out to be completely wrong. In the present work the view is defended that Russell s logicist philosophy of mathematics, or the view that mathematics is really only logic, is based on what I term the Bolzanian account of logic . According to this conception, (i) the distinction between form and content is not explanatory in logic; (ii) the propositions of logic have genuine content; (iii) this content is conferred upon them by special entities, logical constants . The Bolzanian account, it is argued, is both historically important and throws genuine light on Russell s conception of logic.


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"We have neither Eternal Friends nor Eternal Enemies. We have only Eternal Interests .Finland's Relations with China 1949-1989 The study focuses on the relations between Finland and the People s Republic of China from 1949-1989 and examines how a small country became embroiled in international politics, and how, at the same time, international politics affected Finnish-Chinese relations and Finland s China policy formulation. The study can be divided into three sections: relations during the early years, 1949-1960, before the Chinese and Soviet rift became public; the relations during the passive period during the 1960s and 1970s; and the impact of China s Open Door policy on Finland s China policy from 1978-1989. The diplomatically challenging events around Tiananmen Square and the reactions which followed in Finland bring the study to a close. Finland was among the first Western countries to recognise the People s Republic and to establish diplomatic relations with her, thereby giving Finland an excellent position from which to further develop good relations. Finland was also the first Western country to sign a trade agreement with China. These two factors meant that Finland was able to enjoy a special status with China during the 1950s. The special status was further strengthened by the systematic support of the government of Finland for China's UN membership. The solid reputation earned in the 1950s had to carry Finland all the way through to the 1980s. For the two decades in between, during the passive policy period of the 1960s and 1970s, relations between Finland and the Soviet Union also determined the state of foreign relations with China. Interestingly, however, it appeared that President Urho Kekkonen was encouraged by Ambassador Joel Toivola to envisage a more proactive policy towards China, but the Cultural Revolution cut short any such plan for nearly twenty years. Because of the Soviet Union, Finland held on to her passive China policy, even though no such message was ever received from the Soviet Union. In fact, closer relationships between Finland and China were encouraged through diplomatic channels. It was not until the presidency of Mauno Koivisto that the first high-level ministerial visit was made to China when, in 1984, Foreign Minister Paavo Väyrynen visited the People s Republic. Finnish-Chinese relations were lifted to a new level. Foreign Minister Väyrynen, however, was forced to remove the prejudices of the Chinese. In 1985, when the Speaker of the Finnish Parliament, Erkki Pystynen visited China he also discovered that Finland s passive China policy had caused misunderstandings amongst the Chinese politicians. The number of exchanges escalated in the wake of the ground-breaking visit by Foreign Minister Väyrynen: Prime Minister Kalevi Sorsa visited China in 1986 and President Koivisto did so in 1988. President Koivisto stuck to practical, China-friendly policies: his correspondence with Li Peng, the attitude taken by the Finnish government after the Tiananmen Square events and the subsequent choices made by his administration all pointed to a new era in relations with China.


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The study is an examination of how the distant national past has been conceived and constructed for Finland from the mid-sixteenth century to the Second World War. The author argues that the perception and need of a national 'Golden Age' has undergone several phases during this period, yet the perceived Greatness of the Ancient Finns has been of great importance for the growth and development of the fundamental concepts of Finnish nationalism. It is a question reaching deeper than simply discussing the Kalevala or the Karelianism of the 1890s. Despite early occurrences of most of the topics the image-makers could utilize for the construction of an Ancient Greatness, a truly national proto-history only became a necessity after 1809, when a new conceptual 'Finnishness' was both conceived and brought forth in reality. In this process of nation-building, ethnic myths of origin and descent provided the core of the nationalist cause - the defence of a primordial national character - and within a few decades the antiquarian issue became a standard element of the nationalist public enlightenment. The emerging, archaeologically substantiated, nationhood was more than a scholarly construction: it was a 'politically correct' form of ethnic self-imaging, continuously adapting its message to contemporary society and modern progress. Prehistoric and medieval Finnishness became even more relevant for the intellectual defence of the nation during the period of Russian administrative pressure 1890-1905. With independence the origins of Finnishness were militarized even further, although the 'hot' phase of antiquarian nationalism ended, as many considered the Finnish state reestablished after centuries of 'dependency'. Nevertheless, the distant past of tribal Finnishness and the conceived Golden Age of the Kalevala remained obligating. The decline of public archaeology is quite evident after 1918, even though the national message of the antiquarian pursuits remained present in the history culture of the public. The myths, symbols, images, and constructs of ancient Finnishness had already become embedded in society by the turn of the century, like the patalakki cap, which remains a symbol of Finnishness to this day. The method of approach is one of combining a broad spectrum of previously neglected primary sources, all related to history culture and the subtle banalization of the distant past: school books, postcards, illustrations, festive costumes, drama, satirical magazines, novels, jewellery, and calendars. Tracing the origins of the national myths to their original contexts enables a rather thorough deconstruction of the proto-historical imaginary in this Finnish case study. Considering Anthony D. Smith's idea of ancient 'ethnies' being the basis for nationalist causes, the author considers such an approach in the Finnish case totally misplaced.


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Important modernists in their own countries, Anna Akhmatova and Edith Södergran are compared in this dissertation as poets whose poetry reflects the climactic events of the early twentieth century in Finland and Russia. A comparatist, biographical and historical approach is used to uncover the circumstances surrounding these events. First the poets’ early works are reviewed and their contemporaries are mentioned to provide a poetic context. Then a brief review of Finnish and Russian history situates them historically. Next, the rich literary diversity of St. Petersburg’s Silver Age is presented and the work of the poets is viewed in context before their poetry is compared, as the First World War, October Revolution and subsequent Finnish Civil War impact their writing. While biography is not the primary focus, it becomes important as inevitably the writers’ lives are changed by cataclysmic events and the textual analysis of the poems in Swedish, Russian and English shows the impact of war on their poetry. These two poets have not been compared before in a critical review in English and this work contributes to needed work in English. They share certain common modernist traits: attention to the word, an intimate, unconventional voice, and a concern with audience. In addition, they both reject formal traditions while they adopt new forms and use modern, outside influences such as art, architecture and philosophy as subject matter and a lens through which to focus their poetry. While it may seem that Anna Akhmatova was the most socially aware poet, because of the censorship she endured under Stalin, my research has revealed that actually Edith Södergran showed the most social consciousness. Thus, a contrast of the poets’ themes reveals these differences in their approaches. Both poets articulated a vibrant response to war and revolution becoming modernists in the process. In their final works created in the years before their deaths, they reveal the solace they found in nature as well as final mentions of the violent events of their youth. Keywords: St. Petersburg, Modernism, Symbolism, Acmeism, Silver Age, Finland-Swedish literature


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Tutkielmani aiheena on noin 2500 vuotta sitten Efesoksen kaupungissa eläneen Herakleitoksen ajattelu. Selvitän, mikä suhde Herakleitoksen ajattelulla on filosofiaan ja metafysiikkaan. Lähestyn tätä kysymystä pääasiassa kahden uuden ajan filosofin italialaisen Giorgio Collin (1917-1979) ja saksalaisen Martin Heideggerin (1889-1976) esittämien tulkintojen pohjalta. Osoitan, että Herakleitoksen ajattelu eroaa olennaisesti Platonin ja Aristoteleen jälkeisestä filosofisesta ja metafyysisestä ajattelusta. Perusteluna tarkastelen Herakleitoksen ajattelua neljästä näkökulmasta: 1) historiallisesti filosofian syntyä edeltäneen viisauden ja uskonnollisen ajattelun edustajana, 2) loogisesti olevan käsitteeseen keskittyvästä metafysiikasta poikkeavana ajatteluna, 3) välittömän kokemuksen ajatteluna ja 4) fenomenologisena ilmiön ja kätkeytymättömyyden ajatteluna. Ensimmäinen ja kolmas näkökulma edustavat Collin tulkintaa, toinen ja neljäs näkökulma puolestaan Heideggerin tulkintaa. Tärkeimpinä lähteinäni ovat Collin teokset Filosofian synty (1975), Filosofia dell'espressione (1969) ja La sapienza greca (1977-80) sekä Heideggerin teokset Oleminen ja aika (1927), Einführung in die Metaphysik (1935/53), Aletheia (1951), Logos (1951) ja Heraklit Seminar (1966-67).


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In her thesis, Kaisa Kaakinen analyzes how the German emigrant author W. G. Sebald (1944-2001) uses architecture and photography in his last novel "Austerlitz" to represent time, history and remembering. Sebald describes time in spatial terms: it is like a building, the rooms and chambers of which are connected to each other. The poetics of spatial time manifests itself on multiple levels of the text. Kaakinen traces it in architectural representations, photographic images, intertextuality, as well as in the form of the text, using the concept of spatial form by Joseph Frank. Architectural and photographic representations serve as meeting points for different aspects and angles of the novel and illustrate the idea of a layered present that has multiple connections to the past. The novel tells a story of Jacques Austerlitz, who as a small child was sent from Prague to Britain in one of the so-called Kindertransports that saved children from Central Europe occupied by the National Socialists. Only gradually he remembers his Jewish parents, who have most likely perished in Nazi concentration camps. The novel brings the problematic of writing about another person's past to the fore by the fact that Austerlitz's story is told by an anonymous narrator, Austerlitz's interlocutor, who listens to and writes down Austerlitz's story. Kaakinen devotes the final part of her thesis to study the demands of representing a historical trauma, drawing on authors such as Dominick LaCapra and Michael Rothberg. Through the analysis of architectural and photographic representations in the novel, she demonstrates how Austerlitz highlights the sense of singularity and inaccessibility of memories of an individual, while also stressing the necessity - and therefore a certain kind of possibility - of passing these memories to another person. The coexistence of traumatic narrowness and of the infinity of history is reflected in ambivalent buildings. Some buildings in the novel resemble reversible figures: they can be perceived simultaneously as ruins and as construction sites. Buildings are also shown to be able to both cover and preserve memories - an idea that also is repeated in the use of photography, which tends to both replace memories and cause an experience of the presence of an absent thing. Commenting and critisizing some recent studies on Sebald, the author develops a reading which stresses the ambivalence inherent in Sebald's view on history and historiography. Austerlitz shows the need to recognize the inevitable absence of the past as well as the distance from the experiences of others. Equally important, however, is the refusal to give up narrating the past: Sebald's novel stresses the necessity to preserve the sites of the past, which carry silent traces of vanished life. The poetics of Austerlitz reflects the paradox of the simultaneous impossibility and indispensability of writing history.


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Tutkielman aiheena ovat Painonvartijat-yrityksen mainonnassa käytetyt menestystarinat. Tutkielmassa kysytään, minkälaisia merkityksiä menestystarinoissa annetaan muutokselle ja miten yrityksen mainonnassa tuotetaan kulttuurisesti hyväksyttäviä sukupuolitettuja ruumiita. Tutkimus kuuluu naistutkimuksen alaan ja siinä tarkemmin feministisen lihavuustutkimuksen kenttään. Tutkielman lähtökohtana on, että lihavuuden merkitykset eivät tyhjene ainoastaan lääke- ja ravitsemustieteellisiin näkemyksiin, vaan lihavuutta ja laihduttamista tulee tarkastella useista eri näkökulmista. Lihavuus ja laihduttaminen rakentuvat tutkielmassa kulttuurisesti määrittyneinä ilmiöinä. Tutkimusaineistona on vuoden 2003 alusta alkaen ilmestyneen Painonvartijat-lehden laihdutustarinan muotoon kirjoitetut artikkelit (10 artikkelia) sekä Suomen Painonvartijoitten www-sivuilla julkaistut menestystarinat (18 tarinaa). Niissä käydään läpi Painonvartijoitten laihdutusohjelmalla tavoitepainonsa saavuttaneiden laihdutuskokemuksia. Tutkimukseni kohteena ovat naisten menestystarinat. Aineistoni lukemista ovat ohjanneet seuraavanlaiset kysymykset: mitä laihduttaminen menestystarinoitten mukaan on, miten sukupuoli näyttäytyy menestystarinoissa, miten ruumis kerrotaan. Analyysin edetessä olen kirjoittanut tarinoista koostuvan aineistoni teemoittain uudeksi tarinaksi asettamalla aineistoni keskusteluyhteyteen eri teorioitten kanssa. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan, miten menestystarinoissa kuvaillaan laihduttamista ruokavalion muutoksena ja miten niissä rakennetaan sukupuolta ruoan ja syömisen kautta. Minkälaisia syömisen tapoja laihdutustarinoissa esitetään ja minkälaisia syöjiä niiden kautta rakennetaan? Lisäksi tutkielmassa analysoidaan, miten menestystarinoissa kuvaillaan laihduttamista ruumiin muokkauksena ja miten niissä rakennetaan hyväksyttäviä naisruumiita vaatteiden ja pukeutumisen kuvailun kautta. Tutkielman viimeisessä luvussa pysähdytään vielä hetkeksi pohtimaan ruumiin muutoksen ja muuttumattomuuden vaatimusten jännitettä menestystarinoissa. Minkälaista ruumiinpolitiikkaa menestystarinoissa rakennetaan ja minkälaista vastustavaa lukureittiä menestystarinoihin on mahdollista rakentaa? Laihduttamisessa epäonnistumisen stigma asetetaan menestystarinoissa vankasti yksilöön. Sen sijaan onnistuneella laihduttamisella on vaikutuksensa yksilöä laajempaan joukkoon. Naisen ruokailun rajoittamisen opettelun kautta toteutettava ruumiin ulkoisten rajojen kontrolloiminen heijastelee naisen oletettua sisäistä maailmaa ja sosiaalisten suhteiden tilaa. Uusissa ruokavalinnoissa korostuvat rasvattomat valinnat ja kohtuudella nautitut makeat herkut. Painonvartijat-ruokapuhe tuottaa varsin stereotyyppisen kuvan naisista syöjinä, jotka valitsevat lautasilleen "kevyitä vaihtoehtoja": salaattia, kasviksia, kanaa, kalaa. Suomalainen kotiruoka ja puhtaat raaka-aineet esitetään nostalgisessa diskurssissa laihduttajalle parhaana vaihtoehtona. Roskaruoan ja einesten sijaan laihduttajan perheessä nautitaan kunnon kotiruokaa. Laihduttamisesta ei ole hyötyä ainoastaan perheen äidille, vaan koko perheelle kun mies laihtuu "siinä sivussa" ja lapset saavat terveelliset ruokatottumukset perintönä kotoaan. Yhdessä nautittu ja äidin rakkaudella valmistama perheateria heijastelee perheen suhteiden tilaa. Painonvartijoitten menestystarinoissa rakennetaan normatiivista kuvaa perheestä, joka koostuu kahdesta toisiaan täydentävästä eri sukupuolta olevasta vanhemmasta ja heidän lapsistaan. Vaatekaapin sisällön uusiminen konkretisoi muutoksen ja toiveena on, ettei muutosta tarvitse tehdä enää koskaan uudelleen. Kiristävien vaatteiden pitäisikin toimia varoituksen signaalina painonvartijalle siitä, milloin on taas aika palata ruotuun ja kaivaa laihdutusmateriaali esille, sillä lihominen merkitsisi jälleen kaiken laihtumalla saavutetun muutoksen menettämistä. Menestyksekkäimmillään painonvartija omaksuu itsetarkkailun ja -hallinnan osaksi omaa identiteettiään loppuiäkseen. Lihomisen pelko muotoutuu painonvartijasubjektissa osaksi sekä lihavan että laihan painonvartijan identiteettiä. Uusien mahdollisuuksien avautumisen ja uuden rohkeuden löytämisen rinnalla menestystä mitataan kuitenkin useissa tarinoissa heteroseksuaalisen halun kohteena olemisen kautta. Uusissa vartalonmyötäisissä pienissä vaatteissa laihduttanut nainen on lihavaa naista naisellisempi - todisteena tästä toimivat etupäässä vastakkaisen sukupuolen edustajien myönteiset huomionosoitukset. Menestystarinat tarinamuotona luovat varsin ehyitä kertomuksia, joissa normeista poikkeavat naiset tuovat vaatetarinoissaan kyllä esiin syrjinnän ja ulossulkemisen kokemuksiaan, mutta ratkaisu ongelmiin on aina itsensä muuttaminen.