911 resultados para SRM Strategic Relationship Management


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella nykyinen kunnonvalvonnan toimintomalli Eforan kunnossapitopaikkakunnilla. Tarkastelun pohjalta tutkimuksessa organisoidaan kunnonvalvonta uudelleen niss kohteissa. Kohteena ovat Eforan paikkakunnat Heinola, Imatra, Oulu, Varkaus, Veitsiluoto is Uimaharju. Teoriaosiossa ksitelln strategista johtamista yrityksen perustamisen nkkulmasta, Perustamista lhestytn mys analyysien kautta, sek organisaation liiketoimintamallien ja prosessien kautta. Empiirisess osiossa tehtiin organisaation hahmottamisen kautta portfolio-analyysi, markkinatarkastelu is toimintasuunnitelma. Ne loivat perustan uudelleen organisoitumiselle. Osioon sisltyvt mys toiminnan kynnistmiseen, jrjestytymiseen, mittaamiseen, seurantaan ja raportointiin liittyvt toimet.


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The purpose of this thesis is to examine the level of customer consciousness of the production process employees in a steel factory and to investigate the methods of internal marketing in order to propose development practices to enhance the customer consciousness of the case company employees. The significance of the level of customer consciousness is discussed and practices already implemented affecting the level of customer consciousness in the company are examined. The literature review gives an insight to the role of customer consciousness in the CRM philosophy of a manufacturing company and examines the means of internal marketing in enhancing customer consciousness. In the empirical part of the study, the level and significance of customer consciousness is determined by conducting individual and focus group interviews. The interviews are also used to examine the practices that could function in enhancing the customer consciousness of the employees. Development suggestions to improve the level of customer consciousness in the production process are given based on the results. The level of customer consciousness is at a poor level in the production process and influences above all on work motivation and job satisfaction, but possibly on customer satisfaction as well. The enhancement of customer consciousness in the production process should be done e.g. by ensuring the distribution of right knowledge coherently to all of the employees, gathering large customer reference database to exploit in work and in training, using visual illustration in presenting the customer information, training proactively and letting the employees to participate in the customer oriented development activities. Customer satisfaction focused reward system can be considered.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella maksuehtojen ja niiden aiheuttamien kustannusten merkityst kyttpoman ja asiakkuuksien hallinnassa. Tavoitteena on selvitt maksuehtojen kohdeyritykselle mahdollisesti aiheuttamia kustannuksia ja niiden vaikutusta kyttpomaan ja asiakaskannattavuuksiin. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuuden muodostaa kyttpoman ja asiakkuuksien hallinnan kirjallisuuskatsaus. Ppaino on ostovelkojen ja myyntisaatavien hallinnassa sek asiakaslaskentatoimen laskentamenetelmiss. Tutkimuksen empiriaosuus ksittelee kohdeyrityksen maksuehtojen kautta teoriaosassa esitettyj aihealueita. Johtoptksen voidaan todeta, ett kohdeyrityksen tmn hetkisill maksuehdoilla ei ole suurta negatiivista vaikutusta yrityksen kyttpomaan. Maksuehdoista aiheutuneiden kustannusten merkitys asiakaskannattavuuksissa korostuu enemmn pienten kuin suurten asiakkaiden kohdalla.


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In knowledge-intensive economy an effective knowledge transfer is a part of the firms strategy to achieve a competitive advantage in the market. Knowledge transfer related to a variety of mechanisms depends on the nature of knowledge and context. The topic is, however, very little empirical studied and there is a research gap in scientific literature. This study examined and analyzed external knowledge transfer mechanisms in service business and especially in the context of acquisitions. The aim was to find out what kind of mechanisms was used when the buyer began to transfer data e.g. their own agendas and practices to the purchased units. Another major research goal was to identify the critical factors which contributed to knowledge transfer through different mechanisms. The study was conducted as a multiple-case study in a consultative service business company, in its four business units acquired by acquisition, in various parts of the country. The empirical part of the study was carried out as focus group interviews in each unit, and the data were analyzed using qualitative methods. The main findings of this study were firstly the nine different knowledge transfer mechanisms in service business acquisition: acquisition management team as an initiator, unit manager as a translator, formal training, self-directed learning, rooming-in, IT systems implementation, customer relationship management, codified database and ecommunication. The used mechanisms brought up several aspects as giving the face to changing, security of receiving right knowledge and correctly interpreted we-ness atmosphere, and orientation to use more consultative touch with customers. The study pointed out seven critical factors contributed to different mechanisms: absorption, motivation, organizational learning, social interaction, trust, interpretation and time resource. The two last mentioned were new findings compared to previous studies. Each of the mechanisms and the related critical factors contributed in different ways to the activity in different units after the acquisition. The role of knowledge management strategy was the most significant managerial contribution of the study. Phenomenon is not recognized enough although it is strongly linked in knowledge based companies. The recognition would help to develop a better understanding of the business through acquisitions, especially in situations such as where two different knowledge strategies combines in new common company.


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Tm tutkielman tavoitteena on selvitt strategisen hankintatoimen merkityst yrityksen liiketoimintaan ja sen kehittmiseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehitt Veolia Transport Finland Oy:n hankintatoimen eri osa-alueita, prosesseja sek tytehtvien organisointia. Tavoitteena on auttaa mys johtoa ja esimiehi ymmrtmn, mill tavoin hankintafunktio liittyy organisaation taloudellisiin tavoitteisiin ja tuloksiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteisiin pyritn vastamaan analysoimalla yrityksen toimintaa hankinta-aineiston perusteella, joka on kertty tuotettu yrityksen taloushallinnon ohjelmista. Tutkimuksen mukaan hankintafunktion kehittmisprosessissa tulee huomioida hankintojen erilaisuus ja hankintaorganisaation muodostaminen yritysrakenne huomioiden. Tmn lisksi yrityksen kansainvlisyydell on oma trke roolinsa hankintafunktion kehittmisprosessissa.


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Kirjallisuustyn toteutettu kandidaatinty ksittelee riskienhallinnan strategioita ja menetelmi keskittyen erityisesti pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten nkkulmaan. Termien ja mritelmien jlkeen esitelln laskennallisia tapoja arvioida riskej ja esitelln trkeimmt pk-yrityksen kohtaamat riskilajit. Riskilajien pluokat ovat strategiset riskit, operatiiviset riskit, taloudelliset riskit ja vahinkoriskit. Strategista riskienhallintaa ksittelev osuus mrittelee riskienhallinnan tyypilliset tavoitteet ja roolin, riskienhallinnan perusstrategiat, ja esittelee Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) konseptin ja ehdotuksen riskienhallintaprosessin viitekehykseksi, jota voidaan kytt systematisoimaan riskienhallintatoimintaa yrityksess. Lisksi ksitelln lyhyesti strategiatyn ja riskienhallinnan yhteytt ja yrityksen elinkaaren eri vaiheissa riskienhallinnan nkkulmasta huomioon otettavia asioita. Lopussa esitelln riskientunnistamisen ja -arvioinnin menetelmi ja kytnnn toimenpiteit, joilla riskej voidaan poistaa, pienent, tai siirt.


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Tutkimuksessa selvitetn miten asiakassuhteita johdetaan asiakaskannattavuuden perusteella erilaisissa yrityksiss. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdytn laskentatoimen ja markkinoinnin kirjallisuuteen asiakaslaskentatoimen ja asiakassuhdejohtamisen osalta. Asiakaskannattavuusajattelua avataan eri asiakaslaskentatoimen menetelmien avulla. Asiakassuhdejohtamista taas ksitelln suhdemarkkinoinnin ja prosessiajattelun nkkulmasta sek tarkastellaan kannattaviin ja kannattamattomiin asiakassuhteisiin liittyvi mahdollisuuksia, ongelmia ja menettelytapoja. Teoriaosuuden lopuksi esitetn yhteenveto, kuinka kannattavuusajattelun tulisi nky asiakassuhdejohtamisessa. Empiirisess osiossa tutkitaan neljn eri yrityksen tapaa johtaa asiakassuhteitaan sek kannattavuusajattelun nkymist asiakassuhdejohtamisessa. Aineisto kerttiin teemahaastattelujen avulla. Kannattavuusajattelu nousee esille yritysten tavoissa johtaa asiakassuhteitaan. Kuitenkin monenlaiset rajoitukset toimialalla, markkinoilla tai yrityksen resursseissa aiheuttavat sen, ettei kannattavuusperusteinen asiakassuhteiden johtaminen ole yht monipuolista ja syvllist, kuin kirjallisuudessa esitetn.


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Tm kandidaatinty ksittelee CRM: tietojrjestelmn ja strategiana. CRM:ll (Customer Relationship Management) tarkoitetaan asiakkuuksien hallintaa. Suppea mritys ksitt CRM:n vain tietojrjestelmn, laajempi mritys sislt tietotekniikan lisksi sek organisaation ett asiakkaat eli CRM nhdn kokonaisvaltaisena strategiana. Tietojrjestelmt ovat olennainen osa CRM:, sill ne mahdollistavat asiakkuuksien hallinnan. Kun CRM ymmrretn strategiana, siit saadaan enemmn hytyj. Tllin kyttnottoprosessista tulee kuitenkin haastavampi. Kyttnotossa tulee huomioida CRM:n eri nkkulmat ja menestystekijt sek organisaation kulttuurin muutos. Niden tekijiden aliarvioiminen johtaa usein eponnistumiseen. CRM:n kytt on yleistynyt viime vuosina merkittvsti. Tm on johtunut muuttuvasta kilpailuympristst sek asiakkaiden kulutustottumusten muuttumisesta. CRM on laajemmin kytss isoilla yrityksill ja kytt vaihtelee mys toimialan mukaan. Kyttnottoa ovat ajaneet CRM:st saatavat hydyt: asiakkaista saatavan voiton maksimointi, kannattavien asiakkaiden parempi tunnistaminen ja trkeksi muodostuneiden pitkaikaisten asiakassuhteiden silyttminen. Hytyjen mittaamiseen ei ole viel kehittynyt yhtenist mitta-asteikkoa, mutta tulokset tulee mitata CRM-mittareiden avulla. CRM-jrjestelmien kysynt lisntyy, mutta tavat kytt niit muuttuvat. Oman jrjestelmn hankkimisen tilalle on tullut ulkopuolisten palveluntarjoajien pilvipalvelut. CRM:st tulee tulevaisuudessa sosiaalisempaa ja avoimet ohjelmistoratkaisut lisntyvt.


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Tss kandidaatintyss tutustutaan asiakkuudenhallinnan aihepiiriin. Ksittelyss ovat asiakkuudenhallinta, asiakkuudenhallintajrjestelmt sek niden ymprill pyrivt ksitteet. Aihetta ksitelln shkisen liiketoiminnan nkkulmasta. Tyss kuvataan mys kuinka asiakkuudenhallintaa toteutetaan kytnnss sek pyritn vastataan kysymykseen: Mit hytyj ja vaikeuksia asiakkuudenhallinta voi aiheuttaa yrityksille?


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Customer satisfaction has been widely studied concept due to its importance on business performance. Customer satisfaction should ideally lead to customer loyalty and have a positive effect on business profitability and growth. This study investigates customer satisfaction and loyalty in the Do-It-Yourself retailing in Russian market. K-rauta retail chain was chosen as a focus company for this study. Goal of the study was to investigate what creates customer satisfaction in this given market and what is the role of quality, trust and satisfaction for creating customer loyalty. The role of internet in consumer purchasing process was also investigated. Furthermore, consumer preferences towards new marketing solutions such as smart phone applications were briefly examined.


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Competition for customers in business-to-business markets is rough, and in order to survive a seller has to be able to deliver more value to its customers than its competitors. This thesis is done for the sales department of an energy technology company operating in business-to-business markets. The company is a relatively small in its field, and it aims to expand internationally and differ itself from its competitors by providing better service for its customers and selling solutions. This study aims to design the transformation from a product seller into a solution seller by defining what is a solution and how solutions are sold, and creating an action plan for sales. Data for the study is collected in ten theme interviews, and analyzed with thematic and content analysis. The action plan is constructed based both on the data and theory. According to the findings of the study, solution is defined as a specially designed unique combination of elements such as products, services, knowledge, experience and thinking that work with and complement each other, and bring value to a particular customer. Solution sales requires capabilities to anticipate; build relationships with customers; identify needs and define requirements; cocreate solutions by customizing and integrating elements; and provide postdeployment support. Vision for the change is to sell solution through sensing customers needs and responding to them, and the steps of the action plan are to (1) cascade customer-focus, (2) involve other departments in solution sales, (3) develop customer relationship management, and (4) involve the whole organization in solution business.


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This research is focused on deriving framework for the value thought for from the Customer Relationship Management system adopted by an enterprise operating in the financial services industry. It will analyze existing academic work to derive a conceptual value model, while applying secondary industry specific case studies provided by the CRM vendors to check the validity and commonality of these drivers. Furthermore this work locates the variances and correlation between value thought for from CRM system, scope of enterprise operations and size of the enterprise.


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The objective of this thesis is to find new methods to promote customer loyalty in the telecommunication industry. The study was made on the appointment of Tecnotree Corporation, which operates in a telecommunication software business. This thesis comprises of a theoretical section, which includes the presentation of relevant theoretical background and of an empirical section, which is mostly based on interviews and professional opinions. One of the most important aspects of customer relationship management (CRM) is building customer loyalty. Telecommunication markets are becoming saturated in an increasing number of markets. Customer acquisition is no longer a way to grow; companies need to hold on to their existing customers. Companies are always looking for new ways to avoid churning customers. These new methods are searched from recent studies and they are discussed with marketing professionals from operators. Current CRM lacks the ability to extract data efficiently from databases. Social medias utilization is also in its early stages. It contains a lot of possibilities, but also things that can be risky for companies. In order to obtain full advantage of the new methods companies are required to invest considerable amounts of time and money to develop new systems, but not all companies are ready for the change.


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Tyn lhtkohtana on ICT-alan yrityksen AinaCom Oy:n toimintaympristn muutos, ja siihen toteutettava vaatimusmrittely. Vaatimusmrittelyn toteutukseen otetaan tueksi tietojohtaminen, jonka avulla saadaan syvyytt perinteiseen vaatimusmrittelyyn. Sek vaatimusmrittely ett toimintaympristn muutosta, tarkemmin ERP (Enteprise Resource Planning) toiminnanohjausjrjestelm-projektia, tehostetaan tietojohtamisen keinoin. Tyn tavoitteena on selvitt miten tietojohtaminen voidaan ottaa vaatimusmrittelyn tueksi toimintaympristn muutoksessa. Sek kirjallisuuskatsauksen ett AinaCom Oy:n vaatimusmrittelyprojektin perusteella voidaan todeta, ett tietojohtamisen ja tiedon spiraalin (SECI-malli) avulla voidaan edesauttaa tiedon hallitsemista mittavissa ohjelmistoprojekteissa, kuten ERP-projektissa, sek vaatimusmrittelyss. Nin tietojohtamisen avulla voidaan saavuttaa hallittavampia aikatauluja, kohtuullisempia kustannuksia, sek menestyksekkmpi projekteja.


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The objective of this thesis was to study organizational renewal from the customer orientation perspective. Customer orientation is divided into customer relationship management and customer knowledge, which both are important components of customer related organizational renewal capabilities. The study was conducted in knowledge intensive business service firms, which are required to renew their strategy, operations and processes constantly in order to gain and sustain competitive advantage. In the empirical research, two companies were studied, both offering services to their customers. The analysis was done in two phases; first each case was analyzed individually and then the cases were compared in a cross-case analysis. The most important finding was that customer orientation is considered important but it is not being utilized for organizational renewal in full capacity.