986 resultados para Customer order decoupling point
Tämä tutkimus on tehty tuulivoimatoimialalla toimivan yrityksen toimeksiannosta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli luoda kohdeyritykselle liiketoimintastrategiaehdotus. Kohdeyrityksen toiveena oli saada tutkimukseen myös teorian näkemys asiakaslähtöisyydestä. Tutkimuksen on tarkoitus antaa yritykselle pohtimisen aihetta liiketoimintastrategian luomiseen ja toimia pohjana, kun yhtiön johto tekee päätöksiä tulevasta strategiasta. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin perusteellinen tuulivoimatoimialan analyysi toimialaraporttien ja yrityksen johdon ja henkilökunnan haastattelujen avulla. Lisäksi kartoitettiin kohdeyrityksen nykytilaa ja strategista asemaa alalla suorittamalla SWOT-analyysi ja toimialan rakenteellinen analyysi. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös keinoja kilpailuedun saavuttamiseksi asiakaslähtöisyyden avulla. Tietoja yrityksen toiminnasta on kerätty haastattelemalla yhtiön johtoa ja henkilökuntaa sekä osallistumalla aktiivisesti yhtiön jokapäiväiseen toimintaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi kohdeyrityksen liiketoimintatilanteeseen soveltuva liiketoimintastrategia, jolla on mahdollista saavuttaa kilpailuetua tuulivoimatoimialalla. Asiakaslähtöisyys huomioitiin tutkimuksessa tuomalla asiakasjohtamisen malli strategiatyöhön. Tutkimuksessa luotiin kaksi erilaista segmentointimallia, joiden avulla yritys voi kohdentaa toimintaansa oikeille asiakkaille oikealla tavalla. Asiakaslähtöinen liiketoimintastrategiaehdotus muodostettiin hyödyntämällä teorian näkemyksiä ja työssä tehtyjen analyysien tuloksia.
Diplomityön tarkoituksena on optimoida asiakkaiden sähkölaskun laskeminen hajautetun laskennan avulla. Älykkäiden etäluettavien energiamittareiden tullessa jokaiseen kotitalouteen, energiayhtiöt velvoitetaan laskemaan asiakkaiden sähkölaskut tuntiperusteiseen mittaustietoon perustuen. Kasvava tiedonmäärä lisää myös tarvittavien laskutehtävien määrää. Työssä arvioidaan vaihtoehtoja hajautetun laskennan toteuttamiseksi ja luodaan tarkempi katsaus pilvilaskennan mahdollisuuksiin. Lisäksi ajettiin simulaatioita, joiden avulla arvioitiin rinnakkaislaskennan ja peräkkäislaskennan eroja. Sähkölaskujen oikeinlaskemisen tueksi kehitettiin mittauspuu-algoritmi.
The objective of this thesis is to find new methods to promote customer loyalty in the telecommunication industry. The study was made on the appointment of Tecnotree Corporation, which operates in a telecommunication software business. This thesis comprises of a theoretical section, which includes the presentation of relevant theoretical background and of an empirical section, which is mostly based on interviews and professional opinions. One of the most important aspects of customer relationship management (CRM) is building customer loyalty. Telecommunication markets are becoming saturated in an increasing number of markets. Customer acquisition is no longer a way to grow; companies need to hold on to their existing customers. Companies are always looking for new ways to avoid churning customers. These new methods are searched from recent studies and they are discussed with marketing professionals from operators. Current CRM lacks the ability to extract data efficiently from databases. Social media’s utilization is also in its early stages. It contains a lot of possibilities, but also things that can be risky for companies. In order to obtain full advantage of the new methods companies are required to invest considerable amounts of time and money to develop new systems, but not all companies are ready for the change.
The objective of this thesis was to study organizational renewal from the customer orientation perspective. Customer orientation is divided into customer relationship management and customer knowledge, which both are important components of customer related organizational renewal capabilities. The study was conducted in knowledge intensive business service firms, which are required to renew their strategy, operations and processes constantly in order to gain and sustain competitive advantage. In the empirical research, two companies were studied, both offering services to their customers. The analysis was done in two phases; first each case was analyzed individually and then the cases were compared in a cross-case analysis. The most important finding was that customer orientation is considered important but it is not being utilized for organizational renewal in full capacity.
For the paper mill profitability it is crucial to minimize overproduction and underproduction. Overproduction and underproduction both generate undesired costs and profit losses in paper mill production. This master’s thesis examines paper production order fulfillment subject from paper production level point of view. Research and development approach is selected due to clarification requirements in lately implemented manufacturing execution system. Manufacturing execution systems are generally expected to offer reliable and accurate information about mill production details. However, confusions are likely to occur after implementation of new manufacturing execution system. These confusions are usually harmful and become cumulatively more influential the longer they keep occurring. In this master’s thesis is presented actions to improve order fulfillment at paper mill production level. Central points of the improvement actions are a model for successful order fulfillment in paper mill production and manufacturing execution system catalogue configuration redesign. Improvement actions are implemented in Jokilaakso paper production plant and it is examined as a case study. In the end of this master’s thesis is presented performance measurements which demonstrate order fulfillment from case Jokilaakso.
Consumers increasingly demand convenience when dealing with companies and therefore it is important to provide professional, diverse and speedy service via customer’s preferred communication channel. These interactions between the customer service and customer have a critical role in customer’s future purchasing decisions. Those customers who don't receive satisfactory customer service are willing to do business with another company that charges more but offers better customer service. This study identifies the critical success factors for the customer service in order to improve the customer service according to the company’s mission and meet customer expectations. Case study is used as a research method and data is collected via observation, archival records and interviews during a time span of fourteen months. The analysis suggests three critical success factors: voice support, scalable and flexible customer service and customer service champions. The study further analyzes the improvement measures according to the critical success factors concluding the Business Process Outsourcing to be the most proper to proceed with. As a conclusion of the study, critical success factors enable achieving the goals of the customer service and align operations according to the company’s mission. Business Process Outsourcing plays important role in improving the customer service by allowing fast expansion of new service offering and obtaining specialized workforce.
Supplier companies on industrial marketing have recognized good customer-supplier relationship improve retention, customer loyalty and competitiveness of the companies. This is the key reason for initiation of key account management. Another key reason for key account management is globalization of the customer, because then suppliers have to serve custo-mers all over the world in a coordinated way. This study aimed to identify and understand the success factors of the key account management in order to find out how to improve key account management of the target company. The additional aims were to explore the benefits of the key account management from the point of supplier and customer, and to find out how to measure those. This qualitative study utilizes a case study approach. Semi structured interviews with one supplier company in technology sector and one key account company in forest industry were conducted and content analyzed. The challenges of the key account management of supplier company were related to internal organization and the role of key account management in the company. Benefits cited for key account management were easiness of the business from the customer point of view, strengthened business from the supplier point of view, and deepened relationship because of the increased trust. Key success factors for the key account management were the key account manager and suitability and willingness of the customer for the key account management. Sales volumes, profitability, development of the market share were identified as sui-table values for measuring the success of the key account management. Development proposals for the key account management of the supplier company were presented on the report and those are: role of the key account management, the role of the key account manager, nature and selection of the key accounts, measuring of the key account management and corporate wide customer relationship database.
To describe the change of purchasing moving from administrative to strategic function academics have put forward maturity models which help practitioners to compare their purchasing activities to industry top performers and best practices. However, none of the models aim to distinguish the purchasing maturity from the after-sales point of view, even though after-sales activities are acknowledged as a relevant source of revenue, profit and competitive advantage in most manufacturing firms. The maturity of purchasing and supply management practices have a large impact to the overall performance of the spare parts supply chain and ultimately to the value creation and relationship building for the end customer. The research was done as a case study for a European after-sales organization which is part of a globally operating industrial firm specialized in heavy machinery. The study mapped the current state of the purchasing practices in the case organization and also distinguished the relevant areas for future development. The study was based on the purchasing maturity model developed by Schiele (2007) and investigated also how applicable is the maturity model in the spare parts supply chain context. Data for the assessment was gathered using five expert interviews inside the case organization and other parties involved in the company’s spare parts supply chain. Inventory management dimension was added to the original maturity model in order to better capture the important areas in a spare parts supply chain. The added five questions were deduced from the spare parts management literature and verified as relevant areas by the case organization’s personnel. Results indicate that largest need for development in the case organization are: better collaboration between sourcing and operative procurement functions, use of installed base information in the spare parts management, training plan development for new buyers, assessment of aligned KPI’s between the supply chain parties and better defining the role of after-sales sourcing. The purchasing maturity model used in this research worked well in H&R Leading, Controlling and Inventory Management dimensions. The assessment was more difficult to conduct in the Supplier related processes, Process integration and Organizational structure –dimensions, mainly because the assessment in these sections would for some parts require more company-wide assessment. Results indicate also that the purchasing maturity model developed by Schiele (2007) captures the relevant areas in the spare parts supply as well.
This research is an analysis of the value and content of local service offerings that enable longer periods of living at home for elderly people. Mobile health care and new distribution services have provided an interesting solution in this context. The research aim to shed light on the research question, ‘How do we bundle services based on different customer needs?’ A research process consisting of three main phases was applied for this purpose. During this process, elderly customers were segmented, the importance of services was rated and service offerings were defined. Value creation and service offering provides theoretical framework for the research. The target group is South Karelia’s 60 to 90-year old individuals and the data has been acquired via a postal questionnaire. Research has been conducted as exploratory research utilizing the methods of quantitative and social network analysis. The main results of the report are identified customer segments and service packages that fits to the segments’ needs. The results indicate the needs of customers and the results are additionally analysed from the producer’s point of view. In addition to the empirical results, the used theory framework has been developed further in order for the service-related theories to be seen from the customer’s point of view and not just from the producer’s point of view.
The purpose of the study is to examine and increase knowledge on customer knowledge processing in B2B context from sales perspective. Further objectives include identifying possible inhibiting and enabling factors in each phase of the process. The theoretical framework is based on customer knowledge management literature. The study is a qualitative study, in which the research method utilized is a case study. The empirical part was implemented in a case company by conducting in-depth interviews with the company’s value-selling champions located internationally. Context was maintenance business. Altogether 17 interviews were conducted. The empirical findings indicate that customer knowledge processing has not been clearly defined within the maintenance business line. Main inhibiting factors in acquiring customer knowledge are lack of time and vast amount of customer knowledge received. Enabling factors recognized are good customer relationships and sales representatives’ communication skills. Internal dissemination of knowledge is mainly inhibited by lack of time and restrictions in customer relationship management systems. Enabling factors are composition of the sales team and updated customer knowledge. Inhibiting utilization is lack of goals to utilize the customer knowledge and a low quality of the knowledge. Moreover, customer knowledge is not systematically updated nor analysed. Management of customer knowledge is based on the CRM system. As implications of the study, it is suggested for the case company to define customer knowledge processing in order to support maintenance business process.
Diplomityö liittyy taajuusmuuttajien takuuhuoltoprosessiin. Tutkitaan prosessin toimintaa, sen tehokkuutta, sekä sen yhteydessä tapahtuvaa viestintää. Keskitytään prosessin ylimpään tasoon ja erityisesti vaativampiin tapauksiin, joissa takuuaikana käydään useita kertoja asiakkaan tiloissa tekemässä huoltotoimenpiteitä. Useat perättäiset vikaantumiset asettavat myös viestinnän koetukselle. Lähtökohtana on saada kokonaiskuva, mitä prosessissa tapahtuu siitä lähtien kun taajuusmuuttaja on toimitettu ja ensimmäinen yhteydenotto tulee Helsingin tehtaalle vikatilanteessa. Tutkitaan mitä tapahtuu tehtaan ja paikallisen yhtiön välillä toimituksesta aina siihen asti, kun viimeinen korjauskäynti on tehty kyseisellä työmaalla. Koko prosessi kuvataan, mutta varsinaiset kehitystoimet keskittyvät kuitenkin Product Engineering & Quality -osastoon. Työssä käytettäviä tutkimusmetodeja ovat kirjallisuus, prosessikuvaukset ja haastattelut. Työn tuloksena saadaan yleinen prosessin nykytilan kuvaus, korjauskäyntikohtainen arvovirtauskaavio ja löydetään mahdolliset parannuskohteet prosessiin. Viestintään saadaan systematiikkaa soveltaen kriisiviestinnän ja kriisinhallinnan kirjallisuutta. Näiden avulla päästään tehokkaampaan, ammattimaisempaan ja resursseja paremmin hyödyntävään tapaan toimia. Pitkällä aikavälillä myös asiakkaan luottamus kasvaa ja asiakassuhde säilyy entistä paremmin.
A fast changing dynamic business environment is becoming a norm today in different areas, including retailing. The aims of this study are to explore existing store formats of branded sportswear retailing and their characteristics, and to identify the trends which might shape their future. The ultimate goal, however, is to create and analyze images of the future of branded sportswear retailing in Germany 2030 by applying the methods of futures studies. As theoretical background, the cyclical theories of retail evolution have been used. Empirical material is obtained by conducting a Disaggregative Policy Delphi method based study, the aim of which is to obtain well–argued qualitative and quantitative information from experts about store format development in order to create future images based on cluster analysis. Flagship stores, Concept stores, Factory Outlets, Pop-up stores, E-commerce and M-commerce represent the diversity of store formats existing in Germany today. They have different aims, roles, and advantages which retailers try to leverage. However such trends as multichannel integration, technological enhancements, growing popularity of online channels, switching customer behaviors, customization and personalization, and economic turbulence might shape the future of sportswear retailing. Four future images constructed: “Multichannel Integration”, “Smart and Personal”, “Consumer Diversification”, and “Always Online” – describe alternative futures of German branded sportswear store formats in 2030 based on different trends, assumptions, hopes and fears. They also point out uncertainties in retailing such as cannibalization of channels, the growing power and expectations of consumers, the complexity of multichannel synergies, and the switching customer behavior. Constructed future images, thus, provide readers with an opportunity to imagine and explore alternative states of the future of branded sportswear store formats in Germany 2030. They could serve well as a tool to communicate the results to decision–makers, compare them, and to analyze to inspire and direct actions for a better future tomorrow.
Customer knowledge management (CKM) practices enable organizations to create customer competence with systematic use of customer information that is integrated throughout the organization. Nonetheless, organizations are not able to fully exploit the vast amount of data available. Previous research on use of customer information is limited especially in a multichannel environment. The aim of this study was to identify the main obstacles for utilizing customer information efficiently across multiple sales channels. The study was conducted as a single case study in order to gain deeper understanding of the research problem. The empirical findings indicate that lack of CKM practices and a common goal are major challenges obstructing effective utilization of customer information. Furthermore, decentralized organizational structure and insufficient analytical skills create obstacles for information sharing and capabilities to process information and create new knowledge. The implications of the study suggest that in order to create customer competence organizations should shift their focus from technology to the organizational factors affecting use of information and implement CKM practices throughout the organization.
Prior customer orientation research has concentrated mainly on studying the economical potential of customer orientation to companies. Service quality research instead has concentrated on emphasizing the evaluation of service quality from the customer’s perspective. This means that the service providers lack important information regarding customer orientation and service quality they would need for managerial purposes such as selecting and training employees. Therefore, there is an emerging need to study how customer orientation and service quality relate to company processes, policies and employees, and this study answers to those calls. The objective of this study was to examine what is the role of sales personnel’s’ customer orientation in quality of service delivery and what features support the development of customer orientation among sales personnel. Also the components customer orientation were studied extensively in order to understand how they relate to service quality. The empiric part of the study was conducted as a qualitative research by interviewing seven sales people from operative, tactical and strategic levels of the case corporation in order to get a broader view for customer orientation. The findings propose that both organizational factors and individual factors are affecting customer orientation construct inseparably. Organizational factors are bundled in this study under standards, support and systems, whereas individual factors are formed of employees’ personal attributes, motivation and self-perceived decision making authority. The findings suggest that in the service delivery process at an operative level, customer orientation appears largely in the employees’ individualistic characteristics. Their social and technical skills and motivation to serve customers are the most identifiable factors for customer orientation and consequently, quality service. However, organizational standards, support and systems are strongly dictating the frames the operative sales people operate in, having an influence on how the employees are experiencing their decision making authority and in the end, customer orientation. When looking at the service delivery process at tactical and strategic levels, customer orientation is affecting mainly in the organizational constructs through setting standards, support and systems. However, tactical and strategic level employees influence the operative level through individual customer orientation components as well. The findings indicate that their emotion and personal interaction skills are affecting the overall service delivery process mainly through supervisor support and motivation of the operative level employees. Based on this study it can be argued that an organization can operate as a facilitator and create certain frames for customer oriented sales behavior through standards, support and systems. However, as the impact of individual customer orientation factors on sales people’s service quality seems decisive, from an organizational perspective it puts pressures on the recruitment.
In recent decade customer loyalty programs have become very popular and almost every retail chain seems to have one. Through the loyalty programs companies are able to collect information about the customer behavior and to use this information in business and marketing management to guide decision making and resource allocation. The benefits for the loyalty program member are often monetary, which has an effect on the profitability of the loyalty program. Not all the loyalty program members are equally profitable, as some purchase products for the recommended retail price and some buy only discounted products. If the company spends similar amount of resources to all members, it can be seen that the customer margin is lower on the customer who bought only discounted products. It is vital for a company to measure the profitability of their members in order to be able to calculate the customer value. To calculate the customer value several different customer value metrics can be used. During the recent years especially customer lifetime value has received a lot of attention and it is seen to be superior against other customer value metrics. In this master’s thesis the customer lifetime value is implemented on the case company’s customer loyalty program. The data was collected from the customer loyalty program’s database and represents year 2012 on the Finnish market. The data was not complete to fully take advantage of customer lifetime value and as a conclusion it can be stated that a new key performance indicator of customer margin should be acquired in order to profitably drive the business of the customer loyalty program. Through the customer margin the company would be able to compute the customer lifetime value on regular basis enabling efficient resource allocation in marketing.