921 resultados para Canned fruit.


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DNA in canned tuna is degraded into short fragments of a rew hundred base pairs. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify short sequences of mitochondrial DNA, which were denatured and analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (native PAGE) for detection of single strand conformation polymorphisms. Species specific patterns of DNA bands were obtained for a number of tuna and bonito species. DE: In Thunfischkonserven liegt die DNA in Form kurzkettiger Fragmente von wenigen Hundert Basenpaaren Länge vor. Mit Hilfe der Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR) wurden kurze Sequenzen der mitochondrialen DNA vervielfältigt. Anschließend wurde die gebildete DNA in Einzelsträngen überführt, die durch eine native Polyacrylamidgel-Elektrophorese (PAGE) aufgetrennt wurde. Für eine Reihe von Thunfischen und Boniten ergaben die Einzelstränge artspezifische Bandenmuster, die auf unterschiedliche Konformationen der DNA-Stränge der einzelnen Fischarten zurückzuführen sind.


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In this thesis we describe a system that tracks fruit flies in video and automatically detects and classifies their actions. We introduce Caltech Fly-vs-Fly Interactions, a new dataset that contains hours of video showing pairs of fruit flies engaging in social interactions, and is published with complete expert annotations and articulated pose trajectory features. We compare experimentally the value of a frame-level feature representation with the more elaborate notion of bout features that capture the structure within actions. Similarly, we compare a simple sliding window classifier architecture with a more sophisticated structured output architecture, and find that window based detectors outperform the much slower structured counterparts, and approach human performance. In addition we test the top performing detector on the CRIM13 mouse dataset, finding that it matches the performance of the best published method.