777 resultados para research assistantships, research education, research assistants, reserach supervisors, case study


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Tämän pro gradu tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää ominaisuudet, joita ohjelmistoalan yrityksen kansainvälistymisessä tukevalla kumppanilla tulee olla. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää mainitut ominaisuudet yleisesti ja luoda tyÃkalu, jonka avulla potentiaalisia kumppaneita on mahdollista arvioida. Tämän lisäksi ominaisuuksia tarkennettiin tutkielman empiirisessä osassa, jossa kansainvälisen kumppanin ominaisuuksia selvitettiin tapauskohtaisesti tutkielman kohdeyrityksen, CAD Oy:n tilanteessa. Tutkielma jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Ensimmäinen pohjautuu aikaisempaan tutkimukseen ja kirjallisuuteen kansainvälistymisestä, kohdemaiden valinnasta ja kumppanuuksista. Jälkimmäinen on laadullista tapaustutkimusta. Empiriassa selvitettiin CAD Oy:n kansainväliseltä kumppanilta vaadittavat ominaisuudet ja kartoitettiin naita ominaisuuksia omaavia potentiaalisia yhteistyÃkumppaneita tutkimuksen kohdemaista. Empiirinen tutkimus perustui kohdeyrityksen johdolle ja henkilÃstÃlle tehtyihin haastatteluihin sekä verkkomateriaaliin. Empiiriseen tutkimukseen liitettiin kohdeyrityksen toiveesta myÃs kohdemaiden analyysia. Johtopaatoksena todettiin, ettei ole olemassa tiettyjä kriteereitä tai ominaisuuksia, joiden vaatimukset täyttämällä olisi mahdollista lÃytää sopiva kumppani jokaiseen tilanteeseen. Ominaisuudet on aina määriteltävä tapaus ja yrityskohtaisesti. Niihin vaikuttavat myÃs laajentumisen kohdemaan ominaispiirteet. Usein kumppanin toivotaan olevan luotettava, ja sen tulisi voida tarjota komplementaarista osaamista liittyen joko myyntiin ja markkinointiin tai teknologiseen osaamiseen. Sen on lisäksi tunnettava paikalliset toimintatavat ja kyettävä huolehtimaan asiakkaista ja heidän vaatimastaan tuesta. Erikoisvaatimuksia asettavat tuotteiden ominaisuudet ja lokalisointivaatimukset.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella yksilÃn tyÃmotivaation ja osaami-sen muodostumista organisaatiossa. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu tiettyjen tyÃmotivaatioon ja tyÃssä oppimiseen vaikuttavien itse tyÃhÃn, sekä organisaatioon liittyvien tekijÃiden merkitystä näiden kehittymisessä. Tutkimuksella haluttiin ottaa osaa keskusteluun aineettoman, inhimillisen pääoman tärkeydestä organisaatioille kilpailukyvyn luojana. Aineettoman pääoman on sanottu saavan aikaan suuren osan yrityksen kasvusta ja sen arvonnoususta, joten se vaikuttaa keskeisesti organisaation strategiaan ja kilpailukykyyn (LÃnnqvist et al. 2005: 61â63). Palveluryityksen tuote perus-tuu tietoon ja henkilÃstÃn tärkeimmäksi ominaisuudeksi nousee tällÃin osaaminen (Halonen, 2001: 78). Tämän vuoksi oppiminen organisaatiossa on tutkimuksessa erityisen huomion kohteena, koska sen rooli tyÃmotivaa-tion näkÃkulmasta on merkittävä ja sen kautta luodaan osaamista. Osaa-mista, joka koostuu tiedoista, taidoista, asenteista, kokemuksista ja kon-takteista, voi syntyä oppimisen kautta (Sydänmaanlakka, 2001: 14) Osaamisen kautta pystytään rakentamaan myÃs sisäistä, pidempikestoista motivaatiota. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus, jossa motivaatiota ja tyÃssä oppimista on tarkasteltu lähemmin kohdeyrityksen valitun tyÃntekijäryh-män kautta. Tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty puolistrukturoitua teema-haastattelua ja kyselylomaketta.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on analysoida pääjohtajan kaksoisroolin eriytymistä suomalaisissa pÃrssiyhtiÃissä, sekä sen vaikutusta yrityksen suorituskykyyn taloudellisia tunnuslukuja apuna käyttäen. Tutkielmassa lÃydettiin vastaus siihen, mikä on mahdollisesti aiheuttanut yrityksessä pääjohtajan kaksoisroolista luopumisen aineiston perusteella. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on laadullinen tapaustutkimus. Otoksen suuruus on 130 suomalaista pÃrssiyhtiÃtä ja tutkielman aineisto koostuu pääasiallisesti niiden vuosikertomuksista, joista vain kuudella yrityksellä on ollut käytÃssään johtamisrakenteena pääjohtajan kaksoisrooli tutkittavalla ajanjaksolla. Tutkielma osoittaa, että pääjohtajan kaksoisroolista ollaan Suomessa luovuttu 2000-luvulla melkein kokonaan. Merkittävimpänä syynä kaksoisroolin eriytymiseen pidän pÃrssiyhtiÃille laadittuja Corporate Governance âsuosituksia. Johtamisrakenteen vaikutusta yrityksen suorituskyvyn paranemiseen ei yksiselitteisesti pystytä selittämään, vaan analysoitaessa sen merkitystä, tulisi ottaa huomioon myÃs yrityksen toimintaympäristÃn muutokset ja tapahtumat.


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<b>Appearance of trust in regional, co-operative networks</b> In our times, the value of social networks has been widely acknowledged. One can say that it is important for private persons to get networked, whilst it is even a must for companies and organizations in business life. This doctor's thesis examines three co-operative regional networks. Networks are located in Western Uusimaa (Länsi-Uusimaa) region in southernmost Finland, and they had both public organizations and private companies as participants (later called â˜playersâ). Initially, all of them were co-financed from public funds, and two of them are still operational while writing this. The main target of these networks has been to act as learning networks. The learning network stands for an ensemble of research and development units and workplaces constituting a common forum for learning. The main focus in this study has been on qualitative and structural characteristics of the networks, and how they are relating with intrinsic trust. In addition to the development of trust, it has been studied, at what level organizational learning within the networks takes place, and lastly, what kind of factors facilitate the development of social capital. The theoretical framework for the study is built on analysing trust and social capital. It is a 'mission impossible' to find single definitions for such major concepts. In this study, from the research questions' point of view it has been more relevant to concentrate on the aspects of networking and the relationships between the participating organizations. The total view in this study is very network-centric, and therefore those theories which have similar point of view have been prioritized. Such is the theory about structural holes by Ronald S. Burt (1992). It has been widely applied; especially his views on constraints affecting players in networks. The purpose of this study has not been to create new theories or to analyse and compare thoroughly the existing theoretical trends. Instead, the existing theories have provided the study with conceptual tools, which have been utilized for supporting the empirical results. The aim has been to create an explanatory case study consisting relevant discussion on the relationship between the network characteristics and the appearance of trust. The conceptual categorization for confidence vs. trust created by Niklas Luhmann (1979) is another important theoretical building block. In most cases, co-operation in networks is initiated by people already trusting in each other and willing to work together. However, personal trust is not sufficient in the long run to sustain the co-operation within the network: more abstract systemic trust described by Luhmann must also emerge. In the networks with different structures and at different development phases, these forms of trust appear at different levels. In this study, Luhmannâs systemic trust as a term has been replaced by the concept of 'trust in network as a system'. Structural characteristics of a network (density, centrality, structural holes etc.) have been selected to explain the creation of social capital and trust. The ability to adapt new information is essential for the development of social capital. Qualitative analysis for development phase has been used, and the Learning Network Maturity Test by Leenamaija Otala (2000) and her work have been applied. Thus, the qualitative characteristics and the structural characteristics of the networks are utilized together, when the creation of social capital and appearance of trust are assessed. Social Network Analysis, questionnaires and interviews have been the research methods. Quantitative and qualitative data have been combined. There is a similarity in viewpoints to research data with Extensive Case Study method, in which different cases are searched by exploring various cases and comparing certain common features between them and generic models. Development of trust, social capital and organizational learning has been explained in the study by comparing the networks in hand. Being a case study, it doesn't have targets to provide with general results and findings like conventional surveys. However, in this work phenomena and mechanisms related to them are interpreted from the empirical data. Key finding of this study is that the networks with high structural equality and clear target setting enable building trust to the network as a system. When systemic trust is present, e.g. changes in personnel involved in the co-operation won't hinder the network from remaining operational. On the other hand, if the players are not well motivated to co-operate, if the network is extremely centralized structurally, or if the network has players holding very much more beneficial position compared to the others, systemic trust won't develop: trust tends to remain at the personal level, and is directed to some players only. Such networks won't generate results and benefits to its players, and most probably they wonât live very long. In other words, learning networks cannot solely be based on willingness to learn, but also on willingness to co-operate.


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Through the ages technological changes have created new challenges and possibilities to develop products, services, processes or organizations. Management of the technology concerns all of those activities from technical invention to commercial application. Management of the technologic innovation process is the more challenging the more technology is involved in a process. Researches of the technological innovations are seldom concern the implementation of early phases and especially in product manufacturing company. Still there are research and development activities. Therefore the purpose of this research is to develop the pattern for implementation of research and development phases in technological innovation process. This study focuses the main elements of the technological innovation management and main obstacles and drivers. This study also focuses decision making and the other influencing elements of the decision making. The research design of this explorative research applies a qualitative research strategy where a case study method is utilized to collect and analyze the data. The study consisted of a single case to utilize of technological ideas and possibilities. The selected case company was the product manufacturing company which didnât have own technological research and development organization. The case was a process which was analyzed from two different perspectives. The main unit of analysis was the whole process. The data collecting method of this study included semi-structured and open interviews, participant-observations and experimental tests. Analyzing the case data relies on the theoretical propositions of the framework based on the previous research. Based on this research the key elements of the research and development phases in technological innovation process were technical expertise and preliminary investigation. The obstacles and drivers in the R&D phases by the case were management of the whole process and resources and knowing objectives of process and learning during the process. In addition to the result of the research was the feature of decision making to optimize used time. The findings of this study gave further insight implementation of the technological innovation in the product manufacturing company. The research was based a single case which means the results cannot be generalized to different companies or industry fields. Therefore the results generalizing require further research with multiple researchers.


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The main purpose of this study was to analyze how stress tests are used in risk management in the Finnish banking and insurance sectors. In order to enhance understanding of the topic, stress testing was explored in the context of corporate governance and regulato-ry implications of Basel II and Solvency II on stress testing were examined. In addition, the effects of the global financial crisis on stress testing were mapped and the differences in stress testing practices between the banking and insurance sector were discussed. The research method was qualitative case study and it was conducted by interviewing risk managers from ten institutions and a representative from FIN-FSA. Findings pointed out that stress testing practices vary significantly between different institutions. Interesting observations were made in terms of stress testing practices in the banking and insurance sectors. The increasing importance and use of stress tests were recognized as a result of the financial crisis. Stress testing was even considered more like art than science given the amount of challenges it involves. In general, improvements in stress tests were suggested, with an emphasis on stress concentration between different types of risks.


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Teknologiset muutokset ovat kautta aikojen luoneet uusia haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia tuotteiden, palveluiden, prosessien tai organisaatioiden kehittämiseen. Teknologian johtaminen tarkoittaa kaikki niitä toimia, joiden avulla teknologisesta keksinnÃstä saadaan kaupallinen sovellus. Teknologisen innovaatioprosessin johtaminen on, sitä haasteellisempaa, mitä enemmän siinä on mukana teknologiaa. Harvoin teknologisten innovaatioiden tutkimukset ovat kohdistuneet prosessin varhaisen vaiheen toteutukseen ja erityisesti tuotannolliseen toimintaan keskittyvissä yrityksissä, vaikka kaikissa tuotteita valmistavissa teollisuuksissa tapahtuu tutkimus- ja kehitystyÃtä. Siksi tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehittää toimintamalli teknologisen innovaatioprosessin tutkimus- ja kehitysvaiheen toteuttamiselle. Tutkimus keskittyy teknologisen innovaatioprosessin tärkeimpiin elementteihin johtamisen ja prosessin kannalta sekä sen estäviin ja edistäviin tekijÃihin. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myÃs päätÃksentekoa ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijÃitä. Tutkimus oli kartoittava ja sillä oli laadullinen tutkimusstrategia. Tarkempi tutkimusmenetelmä kerätä ja analysoida tutkimustietoa oli tapaustutkimus. Tämä tutkimus perustui yhteen tapaukseen teknologisten ideoiden ja mahdollisuuksien hyÃdyntämisestä. Valittu tapausyritys oli tuotteita valmistava yritys, jolla ei ollut varsinaista tutkimus- ja kehitysorganisaatiota teknologian kehittämistä varten. Itse tapaus oli prosessi, jota analysoitiin kahdesta eri näkÃkulmasta, mutta primääri analysointiyksikkà oli koko prosessi. Aineiston hankintamenetelmät olivat puolistrukturoidut ja avoimet haastattelut, osallistuva havainnointi ja kokeelliset tutkimukset. Aineiston analysointi perustui aikaisemmin tutkimuksen yhteydessä rakennettuun teoreettiseen viitekehykseen. Teknologisen innovaatioprosessin tutkimus- ja kehitysvaiheen tärkeimmät elementit tutkimuksen mukaan olivat oman teknologian asiantuntemus ja esitutkimusvaihe. Tekijät, jotka tutkimuksen mukaan estivät ja edistivät T&K -vaiheen onnistumista, olivat koko prosessin ja resurssien johtaminen sekä tietoisuus prosessin tavoitteista ja prosessin aikainen oppiminen. Tutkimuksessa lÃydettiin myÃs päätÃksentekoon liittyvä ominaisuus optimoida siihen käytettävää aikaa. Tutkimuksen tulokset lisäsivät näkemystä teknologisten innovaatioiden toteuttamisesta tuotteita valmistavassa yrityksessä. Tutkimus perustui yhteen tapaukseen, minkä vuoksi tulokset eivät ole yleistettävissä muihin yrityksiin tai toimialoihin. Tulosten yleistämistä varten tutkimuksia tulisi suorittaa lisää ja käyttää useita tutkijoita.


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In search for competitive advantage, designing and managing supply chain networks have become a necessary competence for organizations. The target of this thesis is to answer a question, how to design a multiple supply chain network. The purpose is to study, what kind of different supply chain designs exist and, how to choose appropriate supply chain designs for a company. In the thesis, the focus is on the supply chain alignment to customers, more specifically to customer buying behavior. The research method was a case study. A framework for measuring customer buying behavior was developed based on the literature and it was used in the study of customer buying behavior in the case environment. In the case company structured interviews and data records were used as sources of evidence. Persons working in the customer-interface were interviewed face-to-face and through an e-mail questionnaire. When analyzing the data, a Quality function deployment matrix was used as one analysis method. As a result of the thesis, supply chain network of the case company is proposed to be divided into three separate supply chains, which focus on different areas and they could be called lean, agile and continuous replenishment supply chains. In conclusion, in the supply chain alignment to customer buying behavior several aspects have to be studied from different perspectives. According to the results, a multiple supply chain strategy is recommended to be implemented in the case company, since the diversity of the customer needs cannot be managed efficiently through a single supply chain.


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The purpose of this academic economic geographical dissertation is to study and describe how competitiveness in the Finnish paper industry has developed during 2001â2008. During these years, the Finnish paper industry has faced economically challenging times. This dissertation attempts to fill the existing gap between theoretical and empirical discussions concerning economic geographical issues in the paper industry. The main research questions are: How have the supply chain costs and margins developed during 2001â2008? How do sales prices, transportation, and fixed and variable costs correlate with gross margins in a spatial context? The research object for this case study is a typical large Finnish paper mill that exports over 90 % of its production. The economic longitudinal research data were obtained from the case millâs controlled economic system and, correlation (R2) analysis was used as the main research method. The time series data cover monthly economic and manufacturing observations from the mill from 2001 to 2008. The study reveals the development of prices, costs and transportation in the case mill, and it shows how economic variables correlate with the paper millsâ gross margins in various markets in Europe. The research methods of economic geography offer perspectives that pay attention to the spatial (market) heterogeneity. This type of research has been quite scarce in the research tradition of Finnish economic geography and supply chain management. This case study gives new insight into the research tradition of Finnish economic geography and supply chain management and its applications. As a concrete empirical result, this dissertation states that the competitive advantages of the Finnish paper industry were significantly weakened during 2001â2008 by low paper prices, costly manufacturing and expensive transportation. Statistical analysis expose that, in several important markets, transport costs lower gross margins as much as decreasing paper prices, which was a new finding. Paper companies should continuously pay attention to lowering manufacturing and transporting costs to achieve more profitable economic performance. The location of a mill being far from markets clearly has an economic impact on paper manufacturing, as paper demand is decreasing and oversupply is pressuring paper prices down. Therefore, market and economic forecasting in the paper industry is advantageous at the country and product levels while simultaneously taking into account the economic geographically specific dimensions.


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Strategic partnerships have become a key to competitive advantage and success in a dynamic, global business environment. Partnering provides a strategic response to complex offerings that need multiple sources of technology and knowledge, allowing companies to offer a wider range of services and solutions to meet their customersâ needs. Companies that collaborate with strategic partners in sales channels may significantly grow their business and improve their prospects of winning major contracts. As a consequence, companies are increasingly transforming their go-to-market strategies and sales channel structures to align with the need to create added value to customers together with a business partner. The research objective of this case study is to review and assess the success of an established sales channel partnership in IT services industry and to find ways how to develop it towards a strategic collaboration. The research consists of two main parts. The first part reviews the literature, concluding with the identification of the critical success factors for partnering. The second part sets out for the case findings, focusing on how the success of the established sales channel partnership is perceived by key executives within the partner organizations, and further what actions are required to make the sales channel partnership and joint go-to-market more strategic.


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The core idea of this Master's Thesis was that five key characteristics â market heterogeneity, sociopolitical governance, chronic shortage of resources, unbranded competition, and inadequate infrastructure â of emerging markets are radically different from the traditional industrialized capitalist society and they will require us to rethink the core assumptions of business-to-business marketing, such as business relationships, marketing communication elements, and digitalization. In this research, Russia is considered to be an emerging market that reflects the aforementioned theoretical characteristics. The research was a qualitative case study and furthermore a collective case study. In the beginning three digital marketing professionals were interviewed to better understand digital B2B marketing. The actual research data was collected through seven structured theme interviews with representatives of the case companies operating in Russia. The selection of case companies included three business consulting companies and four industrial companies. The aim of this qualitative study was to understand and clarify how business marketing exploits digital marketing methods as a part of the chosen business marketing strategy under emerging marketsâ special conditions. This objective was divided in three research questions: 1) How the chosen marketing strategy reflects in the business marketing process? 2) How digital marketing communication contributes to business marketing? 3) How are the emerging marketsâ characteristics reflected in the business marketing process? The main research findings indicate that digital business-to-business marketing communications can be useful and effective. Moreover, business DMC can be defined and structured in a reasonable way. The company's prevalent marketing paradigm and the chosen marketing strategy reflect in the business marketing process, and in utilizing digital marketing communications. The assumption that emerging markets set an environment with special characteristics for business marketing was supported by the study. However, the business environmental aspects were not considerably disturbing digital B2B marketing, but making it even more reasonable to harness in Russia.


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This thesis examines partnerships in sustainable urban development projects. Achievement of urban development requires the involvement of several parties. The cooperation of the actors of sustainable urban development is achieved by forming partnerships. The purpose of this study is to find solutions and best practices for the management of partnerships in sustainable residential development projects by examining partnerships and their success factors in sustainable urban development. The impact of the roles, responsibilities and interactions of actors taking part in the processes of creating sustainable urban development in outcomes of these development projects and thus on the overall success of accomplishing sustainable development raises the question of how to manage these collaborations. In order to be able to find the best ways of organizing sustainable urban development projects, it is crucial to have the knowledge of how the interactions between all the parties involved in the development can be managed successfully to give the best outcomes. The main research question of this study is: What are the characteristics of successful partnerships in sustainable urban development projects? In order to answer this question, the success factors in partnerships between actors of sustainable urban development are analyzed. In addition, challenges related to these partnerships are examined to get a more comprehensive view of the features of these collaborative ventures and the obstacles that have to be overcome to ensure the successfulness of cooperation. The research approach is multiple case study comprising four cases. The empirical data has been gathered through theme interviews from four different sustainable residential district projects in Sweden and Finland. A comparative analysis of the cases is performed, based on which seven success factors of partnerships in sustainable urban development supported by the prevailing theories are formulated. In addition, challenges faced by projects regarding the partnerships are discussed.


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The aim of this masterâs thesis is to analyze the mining industry customers' current and future needs for the water treatment services and discover new business development opportunities in the context of mine water treatment. In addition, the study focuses on specifying service offerings needed and evaluate suitable revenue generation models for them. The main research question of the study is: What kind of service needs related to water treatment can be identified in the Finnish mining industry? The literature examined in the study focused on industrial service classification and new service development process as well as the revenue generation of services. A qualitative research approach employing a case study method was chosen for the study. The present study uses customer and expert interviews as primary data source, complemented by archival data. The primary data was gathered by organizing total of 13 interviews, and the interviews were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. The abductive-logic was chosen as the way of conducting scientific reasoning in this study. As a result, new service proposals were developed for Finnish mine industry suppliers. The main areas of development were on asset efficiency services and process support services. The service needs were strongly associated with suppliersâ know-how of water treatment process optimization, cost-effectiveness as well as on alternative technologies. The study provides an insight for managers that wish to pursue a water treatment services as a part of their business offering.


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The objective of this Masterâs Thesis is to examine the current state of environmental costs and investments reporting at Stora Enso in the Business Area of Printing and Reading. Differences and the factors causing the differences in environmental costs and investments reporting are examined in order to further harmonize the reporting between the mills. Research method is a case study, which comprises 11 paper mills. Environmental costs are studied from year 2012 and environmental investments from year 2011 or from 2012 depending on the mill. The results show that there are two types of differences such as actual and harmonisable affecting to environmental costs reporting. Actual differences result from factors such as location and technical features of the mill. Harmonisable differences represent differences, which distort the actual differences. Factors that cause harmonisable differences are identification and traceability of environmental costs as well as interpretation of the instructions. Estimation of the environmental share of indirect environmental investments causes differences between the mills in environmental investments reporting, as it has to be done case-by-case judgments. A further research could consider a detailed examination of the data registering process in order to further improve traceability of environmental costs. Furthermore, identification and reporting of potential savings could be studied from environmental point of view as resource efficiency is an increasing interest.


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Toimituskyky on yrityksen suorituskykyä kuvaava tekijä, jolla on merkittävä vaikutus asiakastyytyväisyyteen, erityisesti valmistusteollisuudessa. Toimituskyky muodostuu materiaalin saatavuudesta ja logistisen järjestelmän toimitusvarmuudesta, joten hyvä toimituskyky edellyttää materiaalipuutteiden hallintaa. Tämän diplomityÃn tavoitteena on esittää, miten toimituskykyä voidaan kehittää tilaus-toimitusprosessin materiaalipuutteita hallitsemalla. Tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktiivisella tutkimusotteella case-tutkimuksena havainnoimalla toimintaa case-yrityksessä sekä analysoimalla case-yrityksen kirjallista materiaalia ja arkistoja. Yrityksessä havaittuja materiaalipuutteisiin liittyviä ongelmia tarkasteltiin tilaus-toimitusprosessin näkÃkulmasta prosessijohtamisen ja systemaattisen ongelmanratkaisun teorioiden avulla. Tutkimuksen tuloksena laadittiin kolme käytännÃnläheistä ratkaisuehdotusta havaittuihin ongelmiin; (1) materiaalipuutteiden syy-seuraussuhteita kuvaavat ongelma-syy-seurausketjut, (2) materiaalipuutteiden ongelmanratkaisumalli systemaattisen ongelmanratkaisun tueksi sekä (3) visuaalinen tilaus-toimitusprosessimalli, joka painottaa osaprosessien yhteyttä koko prosessin toimituskykyyn ja toimitusvarmuuteen. Tulosten mukaan materiaalipuutteet tulisi käsittää prosessin laatuvirheinä, jotka antavat arvokasta tietoa siitä, että prosessissa on laatuongelmia. Tulosten perusteella yrityksen toimituskykyä voidaan kehittää havainnoimalla tilaus-toimitusprosessin laatuvirheitä, selvittämällä laatuvirheiden syy-seuraussuhteet systemaattisesti ongelmanratkaisumallia hyÃdyntäen sekä toimimalla prosessiajattelun mukaisesti tilaus-toimitusprosessin toimituskyvyn jatkuvaa parantamista tavoitellen. Tutkimusongelman tarkastelutapaa ja tyÃn tuloksia voidaan soveltaa samankaltaisiin tapauksiin, joissa tilaus-toimitusprosessin laatuvirheet, esimerkiksi materiaalipuutteet, paljastavat kehittämistä vaativia epäkohtia prosessin toimintatavoissa. Tilaus-toimitusprosessin toimituskykyä voidaan kehittää vain, jos panostetaan ajan hallintaan ja kykyyn toimia asiakaslupausten ja sopimusten mukaisesti.