120 resultados para Videogames
Focusing on the role-playing simulation game SCAPE (Sustainability, Community and Planning Education), this paper proposes that potential disparities between game design practice and the meaning-making process of the players need to be addressed in a wider ecology of learning. The cultural setting of the gameplay experience, and also the different levels of engagement of the players, can be seen to pose vital questions, which are in and of themselves objects of inquiry. This paper argues that ethnographic participant-observation, which is a recognized approach in game studies, allows taking the wider ecology of learning into account to explore the various relations that shape the gameplay.
The player experience is at the core of videogame play. Understanding the facets of player experience presents many research challenges, as the phenomenon sits at the intersection of psychology, design, human-computer interaction, sociology, and physiology. This workshop brings together an interdisciplinary group of researchers to systematically and rigorously analyse all aspects of the player experience. Methods and tools for conceptualising, operationalising and measuring the player experience form the core of this research. Our aim is to take a holistic approach to identifying, adapting and extending theories and models of the player experience, to understand how these theories and models interact, overlap and differ, and to construct a unified vision for future research.
Co-creativity has become a significant cultural and economic phenomenon. Media consumers have become media producers. This book offers a rich description and analysis of the emerging participatory, co-creative relationships within the videogames industry. Banks discusses the challenges of incorporating these co-creative relationships into the development process. Drawing on a decade of research within the industry, the book gives us valuable insight into the continually changing and growing world of video games.
Given the increasing popularity of videogames, understanding when, how and for whom they have a positive or negative impact on wellbeing is critical. We propose a model for exploring these questions based on existing literature and our own research. The People-Game-Play model identifies player characteristics, game features and the experience of play as key determinants of the impact of videogame play on wellbeing. We propose research exploring the relationships within and between each of these key factors is needed and identify some examples of future research in this space.
Videogames are an increasingly popular entertainment choice, yet we have a limited understanding of their potential wellbeing benefits. The current research used an online survey (N = 429) to investigate how gameplay choices and the psychological experience of gameplay impact on player wellbeing. Specifically, a hierarchical multiple regression was conducted to determine if, controlling for age and gender, current gameplay choices (amount of play, game genre, mode of play) and play experience (flow, psychological need satisfaction) predicted current wellbeing. Results indicated that age, social play, relatedness during gameplay and flow were positively associated with player wellbeing. Implications for our understanding of player wellbeing, as well as directions for future research are discussed.
Social media platforms are of interest to interactive entertainment companies for a number of reasons. They can operate as a platform for deploying games, as a tool for communicating with customers and potential customers, and can provide analytics on how players utilize the; game providing immediate feedback on design decisions and changes. However, as ongoing research with Australian developer Halfbrick, creators of $2 , demonstrates, the use of these platforms is not universally seen as a positive. The incorporation of Big Data into already innovative development practices has the potential to cause tension between designers, whilst the platform also challenges the traditional business model, relying on micro-transactions rather than an up-front payment and a substantial shift in design philosophy to take advantage of the social aspects of platforms such as Facebook.
Videogame control interfaces continue to evolve beyond their traditional roots, with devices encouraging more natural forms of interaction growing in number and pervasiveness. Yet little is known about their true potential for intuitive use. This paper proposes methods to leverage existing intuitive interaction theory for games research, specifically by examining different types of naturally mapped control interfaces for videogames using new measures for previous player experience. Three commercial control devices for a racing game were categorised using an existing typology, according to how the interface maps physical control inputs with the virtual gameplay actions. The devices were then used in a within-groups (n=64) experimental design aimed at measuring differences in intuitive use outcomes. Results from mixed design ANOVA are discussed, along with implications for the field.
This paper is a review of the state of play of research linking videogaming and flourishing, and explores the role of videogames and technology to improve mental health and well-being. Its purpose is to develop understandings about the positive intersection of gaming and well-being, to document evidence regarding links between videogames and positive mental health, and to provide guidelines for use by other researchers as they design and use tools and games to improve mental health and well-being. Using Huppert's (Huppert and So, 2013) proposition that to flourish is more than the absence of mental disorder but rather a combination of feeling good and functioning effectively, resulting in high levels of mental well-being, and Seligman's (Seligman, 2011) PERMA theory of well-being, the paper identifies strengths in existing games that generate positive affect, positive functioning, and positive social functioning, contributing to, and supporting mental health and well-being.
Videogamers are often portrayed as adolescent overweight males eating fast food in their bedroom, and videogames often blamed in the media for violent crime, obesity, social isolation and depression. However videogaming is a mainstream activity. In Australia 65% of the population play videogames (Digital Australia 2014), and humanity as a species play about 3 billion hours of videogames a week. This paper dispels the myths and sensationalised negative tabloid headlines that videogames are bad by presenting the latest research showing that videogames can help fight depression, improve brain function and stimulate creativity; that gamers have higher levels of family closeness and better attachment to school; and that videogames help boys and young men to relax, cope and socialise. Children and adolescents deliberately choose to play videogames in the knowledge that they will feel better as a result, and videogame play allow players to express themselves in ways they may not feel comfortable doing in real life because of their appearance, gender, sexuality, and/or age. The potential benefits of videogames to the individual and to society are yet to be fully realised. However already videogames are helping many gamers to flourish in life.
Creating better gameplay experiences is dependent upon understand the act of gameplay. An expert focus group of games researchers, designers and players refined 16 activity categories from an existing list of 30 commonly used videogame challenges. Identifying categories of play activities has future potential to facilitate better research design and game design.
O objetivo desta pesquisa é, a partir do estudo sobre as abordagens de diversos autores para o conceito de jogabilidade, propor uma definição do termo por meio de teorias de comunicação. A palavra jogabilidade é frequentemente utilizada em matérias jornalísticas especializadas, trabalhos científicos e conversas de jogadores de videogame, tendo sido criada sobre ela uma falsa impressão de clareza conceitual. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica foram analisadas as principais propostas de autores para o conceito de jogabilidade, sem que houvesse unanimidade sobre ele. Além da análise da literatura relacionada à jogabilidade,foram também utilizados vídeos de gameplay e experimentação direta de alguns jogos que compuseram o corpus desta pesquisa. Por fim, através da relação teórica entre os conceitos de agência, interface e interação, esta pesquisa define a jogabilidade sob três grupos de interesse: o controle do jogador, o design e a experiência de jogar. Com isso, a pesquisa pretende auxiliar a compreensão e utilização do termo em futuros trabalhos acadêmicos da área de comunicação relacionada com o estudo dos jogos eletrônicos.
Na pesquisa Club Penguin: a produção de subjetividade capitalística na narrativa interativa nos videogames vamos realizar a cartografia (Deleuze & Guattari) do gameplay do Club Penguin, em sua plataforma principal, online. É uma pesquisa em andamento, já que o jogo não tem um objetivo único a ser alcançado e sua narrativa não é conclusiva, pois depende integralmente do agenciamento entre formas de pensar, agir e sentir do usuário com a programação do jogo, produzindo um rizoma que nunca se fecha. Para poder verificar seus efeitos na produção da subjetividade capitalística das primeiras pistas que seguimos foi a presença das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, que, ao mesmo tempo em que permitem a autonomia do usuário, exercem uma vigilância e um controle consentidos, produzindo dados que servem de base para a manutenção e preservação da sociedade de controle (Gilles Deleuze). Nossa segunda pista está ligada às práticas e laços que se formam no decorrer do jogo, que refletem os efeitos das relações presentes no capitalismo contemporâneo, que tem como base o consumo e a produção de signos e afetos, tal como descritas por Hardt & Negri. O percurso da terceira pista está ligado às linhas de enunciação e visibilidade cujos efeitos se refletem nos processos de subjetivação das crianças que participam do jogo, visto que o público alvo deste jogo está na faixa dos 6 aos 14 anos de idade.
This dissertation has as its object the concept of creativity, as applied on entertainment products, more specifically on video games. Since this is a concept that has been used as an analysis category for researches within the CiberCog Research Lab, we want to problematize and redefine its parameters for future investigations. Thus our goal is to revise the concept of creativity, seeking to uncover how this category shall be used to study cognitive abilities that are required (and/or stimulated) for the fruition of entertainment products, most specially video games. The selected games for this study were divided into two groups (according to their genre): (1) action/adventure games, and (2) platform games. In the first group, we have Assassins Creed III (Ubisoft 2012); in the second, we have Rayman Origins (Ubisoft 2011). For the implementation of the research, there is a Cartographic-inspired method which stimulated the writing of collected data