989 resultados para Single event upset


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This thesis presents the study and development of fault-tolerant techniques for programmable architectures, the well-known Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), customizable by SRAM. FPGAs are becoming more valuable for space applications because of the high density, high performance, reduced development cost and re-programmability. In particular, SRAM-based FPGAs are very valuable for remote missions because of the possibility of being reprogrammed by the user as many times as necessary in a very short period. SRAM-based FPGA and micro-controllers represent a wide range of components in space applications, and as a result will be the focus of this work, more specifically the Virtex® family from Xilinx and the architecture of the 8051 micro-controller from Intel. The Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) with voters is a common high-level technique to protect ASICs against single event upset (SEU) and it can also be applied to FPGAs. The TMR technique was first tested in the Virtex® FPGA architecture by using a small design based on counters. Faults were injected in all sensitive parts of the FPGA and a detailed analysis of the effect of a fault in a TMR design synthesized in the Virtex® platform was performed. Results from fault injection and from a radiation ground test facility showed the efficiency of the TMR for the related case study circuit. Although TMR has showed a high reliability, this technique presents some limitations, such as area overhead, three times more input and output pins and, consequently, a significant increase in power dissipation. Aiming to reduce TMR costs and improve reliability, an innovative high-level technique for designing fault-tolerant systems in SRAM-based FPGAs was developed, without modification in the FPGA architecture. This technique combines time and hardware redundancy to reduce overhead and to ensure reliability. It is based on duplication with comparison and concurrent error detection. The new technique proposed in this work was specifically developed for FPGAs to cope with transient faults in the user combinational and sequential logic, while also reducing pin count, area and power dissipation. The methodology was validated by fault injection experiments in an emulation board. The thesis presents comparison results in fault coverage, area and performance between the discussed techniques.


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Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technologies have been developed for radiation-hardened military and space applications. The use of SOI has been motivated by the full dielectric isolation of individual transistors, which prevents latch-up. The sensitive region for charge collection in SOI technologies is much smaller than for bulk-silicon devices potentially making SOI devices much harder to single event upset (SEU). In this study, 64 kB SOI SRAMs were exposed to different heavy ions, such as Cu, Br, I, Kr. Experimental results show that the heavy ion SEU threshold linear energy transfer (LET) in the 64 kB SOI SRAMs is about 71.8 MeV cm(2)/mg. Accorded to the experimental results, the single event upset rate (SEUR) in space orbits were calculated and they are at the order of 10(-13) upset/(day bit).


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Cell biology is characterised by low molecule numbers and coupled stochastic chemical reactions with intrinsic noise permeating and dominating the interactions between molecules. Recent work [9] has shown that in such environments there are hard limits on the accuracy with which molecular populations can be controlled and estimated. These limits are predicated on a continuous diffusion approximation of the target molecule (although the remainder of the system is non-linear and discrete). The principal result of [9] assumes that the birth rate of the signalling species is linearly dependent on the target molecule population size. In this paper, we investigate the situation when the entire system is kept discrete, and arbitrary non-linear coupling is allowed between the target molecule and downstream signalling molecules. In this case it is possible, by relying solely on the event triggered nature of control and signalling reactions, to define non-linear reaction rate modulation schemes that achieve improved performance in certain parameter regimes. These schemes would not appear to be biologically relevant, raising the question of what are an appropriate set of assumptions for obtaining biologically meaningful results. © 2013 EUCA.


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This paper presents a methodology to emulate Single Event Upsets (SEUs) in FPGA flip-flops (FFs). Since the content of a FF is not modifiable through the FPGA configuration memory bits, a dedicated design is required for fault injection in the FFs. The method proposed in this paper is a hybrid approach that combines FPGA partial reconfiguration and extra logic added to the circuit under test, without modifying its operation. This approach has been integrated into a fault-injection platform, named NESSY (Non intrusive ErrorS injection SYstem), developed by our research group. Finally, this paper includes results on a Virtex-5 FPGA demonstrating the validity of the method on the ITC’99 benchmark set and a Feed-Forward Equalization (FFE) filter. In comparison with other approaches in the literature, this methodology reduces the resource consumption introduced to carry out the fault injection in FFs, at the cost of adding very little time overhead (1.6 �μs per fault).


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This paper presents the vulnerabilities of single event effects (SEEs) simulated by heavy ions on ground and observed oil SJ-5 research satellite in space for static random access memories (SRAMs). A single event upset (SEU) prediction code has been used to estimate the proton-induced upset rates based oil the ground test curve of SEU cross-section versus heavy ion linear energy transfer (LET). The result agrees with that of the flight data.


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The radiation environment of space presents a significant threat to the reliability of nonvolatile memory technologies. Ionizing radiation disturbs the charge stored on floating gates, and cosmic rays can permanently damage thin oxides. A new memory technology based on the magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ) appears to offer superior resistance to radiation effects and virtually unlimited write endurance. A magnetic flip flop has a number of potential applications, such as the configuration memory in field-programmable logic devices. However, using MTJs in a flip flop requires radically different circuitry for storing and retrieving data. New techniques are needed to insure that magnetic flip flops are reliable in the radiation environment of space. We propose a new radiation-tolerant magnetic flip flop that uses the inherent resistance of the MTJ to increase its immunity to single event upset and employs a robust “Pac-man” magnetic element.


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El hardware reconfigurable es una tecnología emergente en aplicaciones espaciales.Debido a las características de este hardware, pues su configuración lógica queda almacenada en memoria RAM estática, es susceptible de diversos errores que pueden ocurrir con mayor frecuencia cuando es expuesta a entornos de mayor radiación, como en misiones de exploración espacial. Entre estos se encuentran los llamados SEU o Single Event Upset, y suelen ser generados por partículas cósmicas, pues pueden tener la capacidad de descargar un transistor y de este modo alterar un valor lógico en memoria, y por tanto la configuración lógica del circuito. Por ello que surge la necesidad de desarrollar técnicas que permitan estudiar las vulnerabilidades de diversos circuitos, de forma económica y rápida, además de técnicas de protección de los mismos. En este proyecto nos centraremos en desarrollar una herramienta con este propósito, Nessy 7.0. La plataforma nos permitirá emular, detectar y analizar posibles errores causados por la radiación en los sistemas digitales. Para ello utilizaremos como dispositivo controlador, una Raspberry Pi 3, que contendrá la herramienta principal, y controlará y se comunicará con la FPGA que implementará el diseño a testear, en este caso una placa Nexys 4 DDR con una FPGA Artix-7. Finalmente evaluaremos un par de circuitos con la plataforma.


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Commercial off-the-shelf microprocessors are the core of low-cost embedded systems due to their programmability and cost-effectiveness. Recent advances in electronic technologies have allowed remarkable improvements in their performance. However, they have also made microprocessors more susceptible to transient faults induced by radiation. These non-destructive events (soft errors), may cause a microprocessor to produce a wrong computation result or lose control of a system with catastrophic consequences. Therefore, soft error mitigation has become a compulsory requirement for an increasing number of applications, which operate from the space to the ground level. In this context, this paper uses the concept of selective hardening, which is aimed to design reduced-overhead and flexible mitigation techniques. Following this concept, a novel flexible version of the software-based fault recovery technique known as SWIFT-R is proposed. Our approach makes possible to select different registers subsets from the microprocessor register file to be protected on software. Thus, design space is enriched with a wide spectrum of new partially protected versions, which offer more flexibility to designers. This permits to find the best trade-offs between performance, code size, and fault coverage. Three case studies have been developed to show the applicability and flexibility of the proposal.


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The use of microprocessor-based systems is gaining importance in application domains where safety is a must. For this reason, there is a growing concern about the mitigation of SEU and SET effects. This paper presents a new hybrid technique aimed to protect both the data and the control-flow of embedded applications running on microprocessors. On one hand, the approach is based on software redundancy techniques for correcting errors produced in the data. On the other hand, control-flow errors can be detected by reusing the on-chip debug interface, existing in most modern microprocessors. Experimental results show an important increase in the system reliability even superior to two orders of magnitude, in terms of mitigation of both SEUs and SETs. Furthermore, the overheads incurred by our technique can be perfectly assumable in low-cost systems.


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Integrity assurance of configuration data has a significant impact on microcontroller-based systems reliability. This is especially true when running applications driven by events which behavior is tightly coupled to this kind of data. This work proposes a new hybrid technique that combines hardware and software resources for detecting and recovering soft-errors in system configuration data. Our approach is based on the utilization of a common built-in microcontroller resource (timer) that works jointly with a software-based technique, which is responsible to periodically refresh the configuration data. The experiments demonstrate that non-destructive single event effects can be effectively mitigated with reduced overheads. Results show an important increase in fault coverage for SEUs and SETs, about one order of magnitude.


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Although it is extremely important when interviewing children about alleged abuse to determine whether the abuse was a single or a repeated occurrence, we have little information about how children judge the frequency of events. The aim of the current study was to examine children's accuracy in providing estimates of event frequency that were numerical (that is, 1, 2, 3, . . .) and qualitative (that is, once, a few times, or many times). Younger (4- to 5-year-old) and older (6- to 8-year-old) children took part in a single event or an event that was repeated 6 or 11 times. They were interviewed after a short or long delay; some were interviewed a second time. Overall, children were very accurate at judging the frequency of a single event, but much less so for repeated events. Based on our findings, we make two recommendations for professionals trying to establish the frequency of events when interviewing young children.