575 resultados para Prisma


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Consultoria de Orçamento e Fiscalização Financeira.


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Trata a das alternativas para viabilização de proposições legislativas quanto à sua admissibilidade em termos de exame de compatibilidade e adequação orçamentária e financeira, em razão da próxima tramitação do Projeto de Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias para o Exercício de 2013.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área I - Direito Constitucional, Eleitoral, Municipal, Direito Administrativo, Processo Legislativo e Poder Judiciário.


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Esta dissertação apresenta estudo sobre o soerguimento de atividades em crise através da constituição de sociedades cooperativas por ex-empregados à luz dos princípios da Economia Social, dentro da área de concentração Pensamento Jurídico e Relações Sociais, na linha de pesquisa Empresa e Atividades Econômicas. Diante do crescente desemprego e precarização dos postos de trabalho, formas organizacionais autogestionárias, notadamente através de cooperativas, tem sido uma alternativa viável em muitos casos. A fim de demonstrar a viabilidade e utilidade de tais iniciativas, esta dissertação traçará uma evolução histórica das cooperativas e fará uma análise de sua estrutura legal (Lei n. 5.764/71) a fim de demonstrar que este tipo societário é a forma jurídica que mais se adéqua à proposta da Economia Social. A fim de atingir tal intento, a empregar-se-á o método indutivo, bem como revisão bibliográfica e análise de leis e projetos de lei na seara do Direito Societário e Direito do Trabalho, por se tratar de proposta interdisciplinar. Além disso, haverá pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa de informações oriundas de bases de dados governamentais e de pesquisas do outros ramos do conhecimento. Ao enfrentar questões delicadas atinentes ao tema proposto buscar-se-á oferecer soluções a fim de contribuir para a maximização de tais experiências.


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Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are essential to summarize evidence relating to efficacy and safety of health care interventions accurately and reliably. The clarity and transparency of these reports, however, is not optimal. Poor reporting of systematic reviews diminishes their value to clinicians, policy makers, and other users. Since the development of the QUOROM (QUality Of Reporting Of Meta-analysis) Statement-a reporting guideline published in 1999-there have been several conceptual, methodological, and practical advances regarding the conduct and reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Also, reviews of published systematic reviews have found that key information about these studies is often poorly reported. Realizing these issues, an international group that included experienced authors and methodologists developed PRISMA ( Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) as an evolution of the original QUOROM guideline for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of evaluations of health care interventions. The PRISMA Statement consists of a 27-item checklist and a four-phase flow diagram. The checklist includes items deemed essential for transparent reporting of a systematic review. In this Explanation and Elaboration document, we explain the meaning and rationale for each checklist item. For each item, we include an example of good reporting and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies and methodological literature. The PRISMA Statement, this document, and the associated Web site (http://www.prisma-statement.org/) should be helpful resources to improve reporting of systematic reviews and metaanalyses.


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IMPORTANCE Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of individual participant data (IPD) aim to collect, check, and reanalyze individual-level data from all studies addressing a particular research question and are therefore considered a gold standard approach to evidence synthesis. They are likely to be used with increasing frequency as current initiatives to share clinical trial data gain momentum and may be particularly important in reviewing controversial therapeutic areas.

OBJECTIVE To develop PRISMA-IPD as a stand-alone extension to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) Statement, tailored to the specific requirements of reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of IPD. Although developed primarily for reviews of randomized trials, many items will apply in other contexts, including reviews of diagnosis and prognosis.

DESIGN Development of PRISMA-IPD followed the EQUATOR Network framework guidance and used the existing standard PRISMA Statement as a starting point to draft additional relevant material. A web-based survey informed discussion at an international workshop that included researchers, clinicians, methodologists experienced in conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of IPD, and journal editors. The statement was drafted and iterative refinements were made by the project, advisory, and development groups. The PRISMA-IPD Development Group reached agreement on the PRISMA-IPD checklist and flow diagram by consensus.

FINDINGS Compared with standard PRISMA, the PRISMA-IPD checklist includes 3 new items that address (1) methods of checking the integrity of the IPD (such as pattern of randomization, data consistency, baseline imbalance, and missing data), (2) reporting any important issues that emerge, and (3) exploring variation (such as whether certain types of individual benefit more from the intervention than others). A further additional item was created by reorganization of standard PRISMA items relating to interpreting results. Wording was modified in 23 items to reflect the IPD approach.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE PRISMA-IPD provides guidelines for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of IPD.


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Protocols of systematic reviews and meta-analyses allow for planning and documentation of review methods, act as a guard against arbitrary decision making during review conduct, enable readers to assess for the presence of selective reporting against completed reviews, and, when made publicly available, reduce duplication of efforts and potentially prompt collaboration. Evidence documenting the existence of selective reporting and excessive duplication of reviews on the same or similar topics is accumulating and many calls have been made in support of the documentation and public availability of review protocols. Several efforts have emerged in recent years to rectify these problems, including development of an international register for prospective reviews (PROSPERO) and launch of the first open access journal dedicated to the exclusive publication of systematic review products, including protocols (BioMed Central's Systematic Reviews). Furthering these efforts and building on the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) guidelines, an international group of experts has created a guideline to improve the transparency, accuracy, completeness, and frequency of documented systematic review and meta-analysis protocols--PRISMA-P (for protocols) 2015. The PRISMA-P checklist contains 17 items considered to be essential and minimum components of a systematic review or meta-analysis protocol.This PRISMA-P 2015 Explanation and Elaboration paper provides readers with a full understanding of and evidence about the necessity of each item as well as a model example from an existing published protocol. This paper should be read together with the PRISMA-P 2015 statement. Systematic review authors and assessors are strongly encouraged to make use of PRISMA-P when drafting and appraising review protocols.


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Systematic reviews should build on a protocol that describes the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review; few reviews report whether a protocol exists. Detailed, well-described protocols can facilitate the understanding and appraisal of the review methods, as well as the detection of modifications to methods and selective reporting in completed reviews. We describe the development of a reporting guideline, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses for Protocols 2015 (PRISMA-P 2015). PRISMA-P consists of a 17-item checklist intended to facilitate the preparation and reporting of a robust protocol for the systematic review. Funders and those commissioning reviews might consider mandating the use of the checklist to facilitate the submission of relevant protocol information in funding applications. Similarly, peer reviewers and editors can use the guidance to gauge the completeness and transparency of a systematic review protocol submitted for publication in a journal or other medium.


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Dissertação mest., Psicologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Resumen tomado del autor


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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El artículo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada a investigación. - Resumen tomado parcialmente de la revista.


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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: 'Factores asociados a la calidad de los IPUEC desde el prisma de la evaluaci??n institucional '


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Este estudo objetiva investigar o estágio em que se encontra a auditoria operacional no Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCE-RJ), quais as suas modalidades já foram realizadas, os benefícios gerados para a melhoria da gestão do gasto público e os estágios que faltam para ser considerada plenamente implementada. A pesquisa parte do pressuposto de que no TCE-RJ a auditoria operacional ainda se encontra num estágio embrionário, assim como em quase todos os Tribunais de Contas dos demais estados, e necessita avançar mais para alcançar o estágio pleno, uma vez que este tipo de auditoria amplia os seus papéis para além da fiscalização legal das ações governamentais, ao ter que verificar a existência de eficiência, eficácia, economicidade e efetividade nessas ações. Além de proporcionar o fortalecimento dos controles internos e aperfeiçoamento das rotinas e procedimentos dos órgãos auditados e abrir um canal para interação com os gestores públicos. Para materializar os objetivos fixados, levantamos todas as auditorias com enfoque de auditoria operacional ou de avaliação de programas realizados nos últimos dois anos no TCE-RJ, selecionamos então uma delas para uma análise detalhada dos seus conteúdos e benefícios gerados ao aperfeiçoamento da gestão pública. O estudo analisou, ainda, como os técnicos gestores do Tribunal percebem auditoria operacional, a fim de identificar os benefícios que ela traz e os estágios a serem alcançados para a sua plena implementação.