998 resultados para Internet art


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Esta investigação pretende explorar a relação entre arte e tecnologia, focando a Internet como meio de criação artística através do exemplo da Internet Art (também denominada arte de Internet ou net art). Desenvolvendo-se através de dois núcleos centrais, que configuram os dois capítulos principais foca, respectivamente, a Internet enquanto meio e espaço de criação artística, e a arte de Internet. A Internet, rede de comunicação global e tecnológica, é apresentada enquanto meio de criação artística a partir de um interesse recorrente pelo desenvolvimento de ambientes e obras virtuais, imersivas, interactivas e ilusórias. A partir deste enquadramento, são apresentadas e analisadas as características deste meio de comunicação, exemplificando através de várias obras de net art a forma como os artistas apropriam estas mesmas características nos seus trabalhos, destacando desta forma a clara relação entre meio e prática artística. A arte de Internet é, por sua vez, apresentada através de um estudo das suas características e das suas particularidades no que respeita a tipologias, temáticas e principais questões no contexto do desenvolvimento de novas possibilidades para a obra, para o artista e para o público. A relação entre a Internet, enquanto meio de comunicação tecnológico, e a arte de Internet, enquanto expressão artística contemporânea, é compreendida através da análise da produção com base nas características que definem a rede. Procura-se, desta forma, destacar a importância da net art no seio da arte contemporânea, promovendo uma nova perspectiva para a compreensão da Internet enquanto meio e espaço de criação artística.


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This Ph.D., by thesis, proposes a speculative lens to read Internet Art via the concept of digital debris. In order to do so, the research explores the idea of digital debris in Internet Art from 1993 to 2011 in a series of nine case studies. Here, digital debris are understood as words typed in search engines and which then disappear; bits of obsolete codes which are lingering on the Internet, abandoned website, broken links or pieces of ephemeral information circulating on the Internet and which are used as a material by practitioners. In this context, the thesis asks what are digital debris? The thesis argues that the digital debris of Internet Art represent an allegorical and entropic resistance to the what Art Historian David Joselit calls the Epistemology of Search. The ambition of the research is to develop a language in-between the agency of the artist and the autonomy of the algorithm, as a way of introducing Internet Art to a pluridisciplinary audience, hence the presence of the comparative studies unfolding throughout the thesis, between Internet Art and pionners in the recycling of waste in art, the use of instructions as a medium and the programming of poetry. While many anthropological and ethnographical studies are concerned with the material object of the computer as debris once it becomes obsolete, very few studies have analysed waste as discarded data. The research shifts the focus from an industrial production of digital debris (such as pieces of hardware) to obsolete pieces of information in art practice. The research demonstrates that illustrations of such considerations can be found, for instance, in Cory Arcangel’s work Data Diaries (2001) where QuickTime files are stolen, disassembled, and then re-used in new displays. The thesis also looks at Jodi’s approach in Jodi.org (1993) and Asdfg (1998), where websites and hyperlinks are detourned, deconstructed, and presented in abstract collages that reveals the architecture of the Internet. The research starts in a typological manner and classifies the pieces of Internet Art according to the structure at play in the work. Indeed if some online works dealing with discarded documents offer a self-contained and closed system, others nurture the idea of openness and unpredictability. The thesis foregrounds the ideas generated through the artworks and interprets how those latter are visually constructed and displayed. Not only does the research questions the status of digital debris once they are incorporated into art practice but it also examine the method according to which they are retrieved, manipulated and displayed to submit that digital debris of Internet Art are the result of both semantic and automated processes, rendering them both an object of discourse and a technical reality. Finally, in order to frame the serendipity and process-based nature of the digital debris, the Ph.D. concludes that digital debris are entropic . In other words that they are items of language to-be, paradoxically locked in a constant state of realisation.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Descripci??n de aplicaciones disponibles en Internet para el programa Cabri-G??om??tre, que permite la ense??anza de la geometr??a de forma m??s visual. La aplicaci??n concreta se refiere a la herramienta que permite trducir en lenguaje HTML un fichero Cabri.


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An??lisis de dos p??ginas web relacionadas con la geometr??a. Se pone ??nfasis especialmente en los resultados visuales desarrollados mediante applets de Java basados en Cabri y Descartes.


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T??tulo del congreso: 'Una lengua, muchas culturas'


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Se presenta un ambicioso proyecto de colaboraci??n y participaci??n, de y para la comunidad educativa, en el que, vali??ndose de las m??s actuales herramientas telem??ticas, se quiere acercar a la sociedad el potencial de las TIC en el desarrollo de la formaci??n colaborativa. Se ha enmarcado dentro del Plan Canari@s-Digital, de difusi??n y generalizaci??n de las nuevas tecnolog??as en la comunidad de Canarias para su incorporaci??n a la Sociedad de la Informaci??n y el Conocimiento en igualdad de condiciones a la ciudadan??a Canaria.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n