117 resultados para Tradutores
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this project is to present a literary translation from three short stories of German contemporary writer Julia Franck into Portuguese. The selected short stories are “Bäuchlings”, “Zugfahrt” e “Streuselschnecke” from the book Bauchlandung: Geschichten zum Anfassen (2008). In this project, I present also a small overview about assisted translation tools, including the Translation Memories, and their use by some translators and my experience as a novice user of this tool and the creation of a German-Portuguese glossary based on the translated short stories
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper analyzes the growing adoption of translation tools by the contemporary translator working for markets such as the localization industry. The fast turnaround pace of translation of electronic texts ends up conditioning the employment of translators to their ability to use the resources provided by tools such as translation memories systems efficiently. These systems, as envisioned in their early conception, would allow users to increase productivity and, simultaneously, standardize their terminological production. Seeking to go beyond the predominantly descriptive approaches of these tools, some theoretical assumptions upholding the use of translation memories are examined. From this perspective, the translator’s involvement with the work in progress is analyzed, mainly when this professional is part of a larger process of production and distribution of information by electronic means and for diverse audiences. Ultimately, the consequences of the employment of these tools are taken into consideration, such as those between translator/translation and translator/client, as well as the extension of the responsibility of the translator dedicated to developing partially automated translations.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the paratexts, mainly prefaces and notes, written by translators on writings of foreigners' travels in Brazil, with the purpose of evidencing which perspective guided their translations, if the perspective of the foreign author is adopted or if it is that of the domestic reader. The works examined were published by the Brazilian publishing house Companhia Editora Nacional in the Brasiliana Colllection. Most of the translators adopted a welcoming discourse to the author in their prefaces, but their prefaces, translations and notes reveal a certain tension between what they stated and what was effectively done, with moments of rupture in which the author's meanings are questioned and even denied. According to my analysis, this happens because the several forces acting on the translation, the author, the translator and the text to be translated, the languages involved, the reader are not working linearly, but in constant tension. As a result, different perspectives are adopted in different translations, but in the same translation there are moments in which the foreign pole is privileged and moments in which the domestic pole emerges.
Reconhecer as unidades fraseológicas de um texto ao traduzi-lo representa para o tradutor uma das grandes dificuldades impostas à sua tarefa de interpretação. Para além do simples reconhecimento, a identificação de um equivalente apropriado na língua de chegada, considerando seu registro de uso e a carga metafórica que encerra, dentre outros aspectos presentes em tais unidades, impõem ao tradutor um árduo trabalho de pesquisa e análise linguística. Analisamos aqui, além da organização da mega, macro e microestrutura, a tradução para o português de unidades fraseológicas em três dicionários bilíngues na direção espanhol/português, a saber: Señas – Diccionario para la enseñanza de la lengua española para brasileños (Universidad Alcalá de Henares), Diccionario Bilíngüe de Uso Español-Portugués/Português-Espanhol e o Gran Diccionario Español/Portugués/ Português/Espanhol. A análise é feita a partir de um levantamento abrangendo as unidades agrupadas pelo campo semântico 'nome de animal', especificamente as organizadas na entrada 'gato'. Embora a expressão de idéias afins seja comum a diferentes línguas e culturas, o maior ou menor grau de idiomatismo de algumas expressões pode ocasionar ao tradutor diferentes níveis de dificuldade ao tentar estabelecer equivalentes para os dois idiomas.
This paper, based on Jacques Derrida’s thoughts in Des Tours of Babel, addresses the issue regarding the (in)visible in translation, by arguing that the latter, beyond the traditional conception of communication, produces a complex set of relations between the visible and the invisible, which highlights the values of the non-dit and the secret that take place in their relation to interpretation. This line of thought underpins the discussion of my translation of two poems from Muse & Drudge (1995), by the African-American poet Harryette Mullen, whose dense poetry displays un(expected) possibilities of meanings and associations that proliferate in translation. It is argued that every act of translation entails a relationship between that which is translated (and made visible or intelligible through this act) and that which remains invisible and secret by resisting a definitive translation, which, as such, requires further interpretations in search for intelligibility (or “visibility”). We analyze the extent to which such relation between the visible and the invisible takes part in the translation of the notion of blackness raised by Mullen’s poems and how her translated poetry dialogues with issues of reception in Brazilian culture.
A interrogação sobre o estatuto da língua na qual se escreve é um imperativo para os escritores dos chamados “espaços excêntricos” divididos entre a herança da língua do colonizador e a diversidade dos múltiplos idiomas locais. Escrever nesse contexto é travar um enfrentamento direto com questão da língua, visto que o escritor estabelece com a “língua literária”, que nem sempre é sua língua materna nem sua língua nacional, relações extremamente complexas. No caso específico dos escritores magrebinos de língua francesa, podemos afirmar que suas escritas literárias funcionam como uma espécie de tradução do mundo árabe no Ocidente, como uma mise-en-scène escritural na tentativa de resgatar o passado colonial, as dilacerações subjetivas e as rupturas identitárias. Desta forma, a partir da análise da obra La mémoire tatouée: autobiographie d’un décolonisé (1971), do escritor marroquino AbdelKebir Khatibi, procuraremos mostrar como as questões políticas e identitárias inscrevem-se na tessitura do literário com o intuito de traduzir o outro numa dimensão que ultrapassa os efeitos de ordem linguística para se configurarem como um ato de tradução entre as culturas, os povos e, como diria Khatibi, entre as espiritualidades.
In this article we address the search for equivalents in the elaboration of a model dictionary for sworn translators of terms used in bylaws, in the Portuguese-French translation direction. We present, specifically, some cases in which the morphological similarity between the two languages can lead to errors, for example false cognates.
The purpose of this historiographical work is to make a comparison between editorial translation projects of narratives about Brazil written by foreign travelers published in two collections: Brasiliana, by Companhia Editora Nacional (1940s), and Reconquista do Brasil, by Itatiaia jointly with EDUSP (1970s). Both have similar goals, that is, to publish works describing Brazil and Brazilians, but, whereas, the former mostly offers texts written by domestic authors, the latter makes greater room for translations. The most apparent difference among the collections is that, while Brasiliana makes allowances for translators to reveal, in their prefaces and notes, their views on the author, the work, as well as their translation projects, Reconquista publishes few notes and prefaces by translators. The comparisons between the editions explore the difference between the focus given to the works by different institutional guidelines.
This research, theoretically founded on Corpus Linguistics and Phraseology, has the purpose of extracting and analyzing general language and specialized collocations in the medical field, taken from a parallel corpus comprised of transcriptions of the TV serial Grey’s Anatomy. Based on this extraction, it is proposed a compilation of a bilingual glossary, so that the referred material can be used by learner translators as well as English language teachers.
Brazil was one of the countries that stood out in the list of nations that publishes more articles in scientific journals. From 2007 to 2008, the Brazilian scientific production has moved from 15th to 13rd place in the world ranking published articles in professional journals. However, 60% of articles published by the Brazilians are in Portuguese, which makes the Brazilian work have little international attention. The purpose of this research is to build and analyze a parallel corpus composed of a book of Remote Sensing and its translation in the direction English into Portuguese in order to create a glossary of most recurrent terms in the literature of Remote Sensing. The achievement of these goals will take for theoretical and methodological foundation the Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996; CAMARGO, 2005), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and principles of Terminology (BARROS, 2004; KRIEGER & FINATTO, 2004). It will also use Wordsmith Tools program and its tools. Besides the parallel corpus, we will also build two comparable corpora respectively from articles published in Brazilian and international journals in the area. The first results show that the translators made use of greater variation of vocabulary in their translations, which can be a way to make the text more clear to the reader. For the analysis of glossary entries, professionals from the National Institute for Space Research - INPE, will be consulted and their views aggregated to this research to give consistency to the production of the proposed bilingual glossary.
This investigation has as an objective to observe the translation of the word “eyes” and its collocates, in similar and (re)used fragments extracted from two books written by Clarice Lispector, A Descoberta do Mundo, translated by Giovanni Pontiero as Discovering the World and Uma Aprendizagem ou o Livro dos Prazeres, translated by Richard A. Mazzara and Lorri A. Parris as An Apprenticeship or The Book of Delights.Another objective is to identify aspects of normalization found in the respective translations of these fragments. The metodology is situated in the field of Corpus-based Translation Studies, (proposed by Baker, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2004; studies on normalization by de Scott, 1998); research and project by Camargo 2003a, 2003b, 2004, 2008), and in Corpus Linguistics (studies by Berber Sardinha, 2004); also, it is based on the author’s critical heritage (studies by Gotlib, 1993, 2009; Nunes, B., 1995; Sant‘Anna, 1997; Ruggero 2000; Sá, O., 2000; Franco Júnior, 2000; Ranzolin (1985), Varin, 2002; e Cherem, 2003). The results found in this research enabled to carry out a comparative study among the respective translators concerning tendencies to normalization and show Pontiero’s smaller tendency in relation to the couple of translators Richard A. Mazzara e Lorri A. Parris.
This study analyzes the translation process into English of neologisms and expressions in the works written by the anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro and in their respective translations, made by Betty J. Meggers and Gregory Rabassa. Our research project draws on Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1995, 1996, 2000; CAMARGO, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and on some concepts of Terminology (ALVES, 1999; BARROS, 2004; BOULANGER, 1989; CABRÉ, 1993, 1999). Results show that terms do not present similarities within the language related to Brazilian Anthropology, being necessary for the author to look up alternative terminology and to create new concepts that can be used by other anthropologists. The translation of words and expressions developed by the author reflects lexical variation due to the options chosen by the respective translators for the target language. These tendencies may be found in Ribeiro’s translated texts, indicating the difficulty to conceptualize the anthropological Brazilian universe in English.
Neste artigo, apresentaremos um estudo da tradução da obra Inferno da autora Patrícia Melo, com o título Inferno, por Clifford Landers. Buscamos refletir sobre como são projetados no exterior uma visão da realidade violenta de grandes centros urbanos brasileiros e sobre o quanto o tradutor conseguiu resgatar da nossa sociedade no texto traduzido. Partimos do pressuposto de que o tradutor, consciente ou inconscientemente, usa recursos durante o processo de mediação entre o texto de partida e o texto de chegada, que tornam a leitura da obra traduzida mais fácil. Baker (1996) propõe a investigação de tipos de comportamento linguístico característicos de textos traduzidos. O objetivo desse trabalho é identificar aspectos de normalização presentes na tradução. Para a investigação, recorremos aos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus (Baker, 1993, 1996; Camargo, 2005, 2007), à Linguística de Corpus (Berber Sardinha, 2004) e aos estudos sobre normalização de Scott (1998). Pode-se observar a ocorrência de mudança de registro de linguagem, omissões, adições, diferenças no comprimento das sentenças e relacionadas a imprecisões de expressões. Espera-se que o presente trabalho possa contribuir para uma maior conscientização das tendências apresentadas pelos tradutores, e para apresentar as possibilidades oferecidas pela intersecção dos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus e da Linguística de Corpus.