914 resultados para LEUKOPLAKIA, ORAL
This paper discusses oral deaf adults and use of speech.
This paper discusses a study to compare test results of the CID GAEL test among hearing impaired children who are enrolled in cued speech vs. oral vs. signed english programs.
This study assesses communication breakdowns in children with cochlear implants from oral and total communications backgrounds. More communication breakdowns occurred between the total communication child and the conversational partner than the oral communication child and the conversational partner. Both total and oral communication children used non-specific repair strategies.
This paper reviews a study of CID students and their scores on the Meadow-Kendall Social-Emotional Assessment Inventory test (SEAI).
This study examines which factors might be related to the successful development of good oral communication skills in hearing-impaired students at a school for the deaf.
This paper is a survey and discussion of the teaching methods, objectives, and benefits associated with music programs in oral schools for children who are deaf and hard of hearing.
This paper discusses the instruction of reading for hearing impaired children.
Reading growth rate averages were established for children who are deaf, have a unilateral cochlear implant and attend an auditory-oral school.
The purpose of this study was to create a parent workshop that was developed around the parents’ educational needs. The workshop demonstrated that the parents’ educational needs can be met through a workshop that is based on those needs and takes into consideration factors that will encourage parent involvement.
This study examined oral education components that could be successfully implemented with culturally and linguistically diverse deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) children and their families. A literature review of oral program strategies used with culturally diverse families and their children with special needs, and federal guidelines related to programs serving DHH children were conducted. Recent statistics of children in programs for DHH students who are from racially and linguistically diverse backgrounds were discussed. Additional data sources included classroom observations and multidisciplinary interviews. The data obtained was utilized to design a framework for oral programs to support culturally and linguistically diverse DHH children and their families.
This descriptive study aims at determining the most widely used reading instructional practices that are used by teachers of the deaf in oral deaf education schools.
This paper supports the need for oral deaf educators in rural communities and their importance in the education of children who are deaf and hard of hearing.
The purpose of this literature review was to determine the social functioning of oral deaf adolescents in the mainstream educational setting.
This study investigates whether deaf children with cochlear implants have oral reading fluency scores comparable to reading-age matched hearing peers. It also examines the reading comprehension skills of deaf children with cochlear implants.
Trata sobre la aplicación del procedimiento oral en materia laboral en el Ecuador, a través de la audiencia preliminar, dirigida por el Juez de Trabajo, considerando la trascendencia que este sistema tiene en el derecho procesal, en función de la simplicidad, uniformidad, eficacia y agilidad, que permite fortalecer el estado social de derecho. En el capítulo primero establecemos aspectos históricos del proceso, aspectos doctrinarios del proceso civil y laboral, y las características e importancia de este último. En una segunda parte tratamos la audiencia preliminar de conciliación, contestación a la demanda y formulación de pruebas, como la primera expresión de la oralidad; determinamos sus objetivos, tendientes a establecer el objeto procesal y la solución, a remediar incidentes, a fijar pruebas; destacándose la conciliación, que persigue la finalización de las controversias, y fijamos también sus momentos procesales. Finalmente, revisamos la prueba, los diferentes medios, la práctica, la importancia de solicitarla oportunamente, la oficialidad, en función del interés social y de brindar plenos elementos de convicción al juzgador, tendiente a resolver con total seguridad la controversia. Se enfatiza que la audiencia preliminar pretende la solución de los conflictos laborales mediante un procedimiento rápido y eficaz, contando con una destreza forense apropiada, donde las partes alegan verbalmente, procurando efectivizar el derecho de los trabajadores, acorde a los principios del derecho social.