989 resultados para SZEMEREDI THEOREM


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We consider conditions which allow the embedding of linear hypergraphs of fixed size. In particular, we prove that any k-uniform hypergraph H of positive uniform density contains all linear k-uniform hypergraphs of a given size. More precisely, we show that for all integers l >= k >= 2 and every d > 0 there exists Q > 0 for which the following holds: if His a sufficiently large k-uniform hypergraph with the property that the density of H induced on every vertex subset of size on is at least d, then H contains every linear k-uniform hypergraph F with l vertices. The main ingredient in the proof of this result is a counting lemma for linear hypergraphs, which establishes that the straightforward extension of graph epsilon-regularity to hypergraphs suffices for counting linear hypergraphs. We also consider some related problems. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this work we show that, if L is a natural Lagrangian system such that the k-jet of the potential energy ensures it does not have a minimum at the equilibrium and such that its Hessian has rank at least n - 2, then there is an asymptotic trajectory to the associated equilibrium point and so the equilibrium is unstable. This applies, in particular, to analytic potentials with a saddle point and a Hessian with at most 2 null eigenvalues. The result is proven for Lagrangians in a specific form, and we show that the class of Lagrangians we are interested can be taken into this specific form by a subtle change of spatial coordinates. We also consider the extension of this results to systems subjected to gyroscopic forces. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A classical theorem of H. Hopf asserts that a closed connected smooth manifold admits a nowhere vanishing vector field if and only if its Euler characteristic is zero. R. Brown generalized Hopf`s result to topological manifolds, replacing vector fields with path fields. In this note, we give an equivariant analog of Brown`s theorem for locally smooth G-manifolds where G is a finite group.


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We consider a family of variational problems on a Hilbert manifold parameterized by an open subset of a Banach manifold, and we discuss the genericity of the nondegeneracy condition for the critical points. Using classical techniques, we prove an abstract genericity result that employs the infinite dimensional Sard-Smale theorem, along the lines of an analogous result of B. White [29]. Applications are given by proving the genericity of metrics without degenerate geodesics between fixed endpoints in general (non compact) semi-Riemannian manifolds, in orthogonally split semi-Riemannian manifolds and in globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds. We discuss the genericity property also in stationary Lorentzian manifolds.


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Motivated by a characterization of the complemented subspaces in Banach spaces X isomorphic to their squares X-2, we introduce the concept of P-complemented subspaces in Banach spaces. In this way, the well-known Pelczynski`s decomposition method can be seen as a Schroeder-Bernstein type theorem. Then, we give a complete description of the Schroeder-Bernstein type theorems for this new notion of complementability. By contrast, some very elementary questions on P-complementability are refinements of the Square-Cube Problem closely connected with some Banach spaces introduced by W.T. Gowers and B. Maurey in 1997. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this work we show that the eigenvalues of the Dirichlet problem for the biharmonic operator are generically simple in the set Of Z(2)-symmetric regions of R-n, n >= 2, with a suitable topology. To accomplish this, we combine Baire`s lemma, a generalised version of the transversality theorem, due to Henry [Perturbation of the boundary in boundary value problems of PDEs, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 318 (Cambridge University Press, 2005)], and the method of rapidly oscillating functions developed in [A. L. Pereira and M. C. Pereira, Mat. Contemp. 27 (2004) 225-241].


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Marciniak and Sehgal showed that if u is a non-trivial bicyclic unit of an integral group ring then there is a bicyclic unit v such that u and v generate a non-abelian free group. A similar result does not hold for Bass cyclic units of infinite order based on non-central elements as some of them have finite order modulo the center. We prove a theorem that suggests that this is the only limitation to obtain a non-abelian free group from a given Bass cyclic unit. More precisely, we prove that if u is a Bass cyclic unit of an integral group ring ZG of a solvable and finite group G, such that u has infinite order modulo the center of U(ZG) and it is based on an element of prime order, then there is a non-abelian free group generated by a power of u and a power of a unit in ZG which is either a Bass cyclic unit or a bicyclic unit.


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In this paper, we study the Reidemeister spectrum for metabelian groups of the form Q(n) x Z and Z[1/p](n) x Z. Particular attention is given to the R(infinity)-property of a subfamily of these groups.


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Homogeneous polynomials of degree 2 on the complex Banach space c(0)(l(n)(2)) are shown to have unique norm-preserving extension to the bidual space. This is done by using M-projections and extends the analogous result for c(0) proved by P.-K. Lin.


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We describe the simple Lie superalgebras arising from the unital structurable superalgebras of characteristic 0 and construct four series of the unital simple structurable superalgebras of Cartan type. We give a classification of simple structurable superalgebras of Cartan type over an algebraically closed field F of characteristic 0. Together with the Faulkner theorem on the classification of classical such superalgebras, it gives a classification of the simple structurable superalgebras over F. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We study focal points and Maslov index of a horizontal geodesic gamma : I -> M in the total space of a semi-Riemannian submersion pi : M -> B by determining an explicit relation with the corresponding objects along the projected geodesic pi omicron gamma : I -> B in the base space. We use this result to calculate the focal Maslov index of a (spacelike) geodesic in a stationary spacetime which is orthogonal to a timelike Killing vector field.


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We prove that the symplectic group Sp(2n, Z) and the mapping class group Mod(S) of a compact surface S satisfy the R(infinity) property. We also show that B(n)(S), the full braid group on n-strings of a surface S, satisfies the R(infinity) property in the cases where S is either the compact disk D, or the sphere S(2). This means that for any automorphism phi of G, where G is one of the above groups, the number of twisted phi-conjugacy classes is infinite.


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We consider a continuous path of bounded symmetric Fredholm bilinear forms with arbitrary endpoints on a real Hilbert space, and we prove a formula that gives the spectral flow of the path in terms of the spectral flow of the restriction to a finite codimensional closed subspace. We also discuss the case of restrictions to a continuous path of finite codimensional closed subspaces. As an application of the formula, we introduce the notion of spectral flow for a periodic semi-Riemannian geodesic, and we compute its value in terms of the Maslov index. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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We prove a coordinatization theorem for noncommutative Jordan superalgebras of degree n > 2, describing such algebras. It is shown that the symmetrized Jordan superalgebra for a simple finite-dimensional noncommutative Jordan superalgebra of characteristic 0 and degree n > 1 is simple. Modulo a ""nodal"" case, we classify central simple finite-dimensional noncommutative Jordan superalgebras of characteristic 0.


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Given a Lorentzian manifold (M,g), a geodesic gamma in M and a timelike Jacobi field Y along gamma, we introduce a special class of instants along gamma that we call Y-pseudo conjugate (or focal relatively to some initial orthogonal submanifold). We prove that the Y-pseudo conjugate instants form a finite set, and their number equals the Morse index of (a suitable restriction of) the index form. This gives a Riemannian-like Morse index theorem. As special cases of the theory, we will consider geodesics in stationary and static Lorentzian manifolds, where the Jacobi field Y is obtained as the restriction of a globally defined timelike Killing vector field.