753 resultados para Linguagens imagéticas
Abstract: Using studies about erotism (Bataille, Baudrillard and Maingueneau) and dialogism explored by Bakhtin, we proposed to analyze the parafrastic dialogic mechanism which is focused by Fucs and Afonso Romano de Sant’Anna. We aimed to research the Mario Vargas LLosa’s book Greetings to the Stepmother. In this book, verbal and visual establish an insistent dialogue, due to the fact that every two chapters are opened by a classical painting. This painting is a summing and anticipating paraphrase of the verbal conditional which is coming after and it places a fundamental role Llosa’s production since the reiteration of the same – different languages but with the same sense – is the way through which the book goes on. Keywords: Erotism. Seduction. Dialogism.
Este artigo analisa os discursos atados à natureza por meio desuas imagens, na edição número um da revista O Cruzeiro (1928-1975). Esta publicação foi a primeira revista de circulação nacional e periodicidade semanal e desempenhou importante papel na formação não apenas de um público leitor, mas na formação de editores, jornalistas e fotógrafos. Esta publicação, pelo tempo de circulação, promoveu a educação estética e visual dos produtores de revistas atuais o que acaba por promover a persistência de memórias e linguagens presentes nas revistas hodiernas. Analisar as revistas do passado é importante para perceber e desfraldar os diversos discursos presentes não apenas nas revistas contemporâneas, mas na cultura midiática de forma geral. Dentre tais discursos, o da natureza como elemento lançado à alteridade e em oposição ao urbano é recorrente. Na sua primeira edição, a revista O Cruzeiro aborda a temática do progresso, elemento que representa em discurso a não-natureza, hoje latente, silenciado no discurso da ecologia, da sustentabilidade e da salvação do planeta.
ABSTRACT: This article talks about the female contemporary poetry, specifically in the era of blogs. It explores the idea that female poetry, in the contemporary production, surpasses the value of phallocentric tradition and religious mysticism that previously contributed to suffocate voices, referring women, as for their practices of reading and writing, the expansion of a silent poetry. This text develops some elements of the current female creation, placing poetry written by women in the virtual world defined by the diversity of environment, theme and languages. Thus, this paper presents data from a literary experience on the internet by twelve writers from all over Brazil. They differ in their professional and educational daily practices. Once the article discusses the multiplicity of forms of contemporary poetics on feminine writing production, it presents the case study “Maria Clara: universos femininos” - a collection born in a new genre and context -, in the realm of gender and poetry. KEYWORKS: Gender and poetry. Era blog. Maria Clara: uniVersos femininos.
After winning The Man Booker Prize, a prestigious English literary prize, with The Gathering, the Irish writer Anne Enright has achieved a considerable international prominence as a writer in the contemporary literary scene. The book tells the history of Veronica Hegarty, narrator and protagonist, who, after her brother’s suicide, goes through a difficult period in order to deal with the event. During this period, she reveals the history and conflicts of three generations of her family. This paper aims to present an analysis of this novel in the light of New Historicism as an introduction to its interpretation.
Inserted in the perspective of literary studies, this paper proposes an analysis of the “Cartas Portuguesas” (Portuguese Letters), a work attributed to Mariana Alcoforado, assuming that this work is constituted within the Lusitanian literature as an important formative element of the imaginary loving Portuguese female voice. Through the study, it is possible to identify the fact that the letters are prefaced, stylistically or thematically, by the songs of love and of friend, and succeeded by works such as “Livro de Sóror Saudade” (Book of Longing Sóror), of Florbela Espanca, and “Novas Cartas Portuguesas” (New Portuguese Letters) by Maria Isabel Barreno, Maria Velho da Costa and Maria Teresa Horta.
This paper is a synthesis of the ideas discussed in the theme titled Culture, Technology and Education. The issues addressed in this discussion were: Scenarios of education in Brazil and E-Learning, Culture and Digital Communication, practical and systematic educational activities in Virtual Environment for Teaching and Learning and the training of educators to interact in contexts of employment with learning digital technology and the cultural movement that frames our conceptions of teaching and learning in Brazilian society.
O presente trabalho procura interpretar a novela A Construção de Franz Kafka e na mesma medida estabelece relação do personagem dessa novela com o personagem JK de O Processo. Esse estudo de interpretação vale-se das cartas, diários e obras do autor, que são transfigurados em imagens e em movimento das confluências temporais do monólogo interior do personagem de A Construção. A Linguagem de Kafka é repleta de ambiguidades; nesse emaranhado universo de significações repousa uma série de alusões que consideramos fazer parte de seu mundo. Assim, os temas recorrentes em sua obra, tais como: os personagens transfigurados em animais, o sacrifício, a violência e a culpa surgem no interior desse estudo. Interpretar A Construção constitui uma experiência cultural de aproximações de mundos e linguagens tensas e, no fluxo do monólogo interior, somos transportados para uma narração dispersa que se materializa em imagens das ruínas que rodeiam o homem e a civilização.
The present work belongs to the Sociolinguistics area, specifically to the Linguistic Politics research line, and it aims to infer from the analyses of official documents the MERCOSUL linguistic politics to its region and to its frontiers answering the question “which linguistic politics motivates the implementation of the Frontier’s Intercultural Bilingual Schools Project?” It is unveiled, then, different linguistic politics that request different teaching strategies, involving or a foreign language teaching (in the large scope of Mercosul) or a second language teaching (in the restricted scope of MERCOSUL’s frontiers). By analyzing the Brazil-Argentina Bilateral Meeting Reports of the Frontier’s Intercultural Bilingual Schools Project (PEIBF) and the sociolinguistic diagnostics done by the teams of the two countries in theirs respective cities, it is shown how the lack of a larger systematization of the differences between the Mercosul linguistic politics can be characterized as a hindrance to the development of PEIBF, once some of the proposals made by the argentine team responsible for the PEIBF seems to go at the meeting of the foreign language teaching and not at the meeting of the second language teaching.
This paper proposes to make an intonational comparison of the tonemes found in the Chilean and Spanish news broadcast reading, making a phonetic description and a phonological analysis. The analysis is done from intonative phrases, which are limited by the complete sentence limited pauses. Acoording to our point of view, intonative phrases are divided into three groups: continuative intonative phrases, internal intonative phrases and terminative intonative phrases, according to their position in the complete sentence. Its objective is to find the convergent and divergent points between the two Spanish language varieties. Its corpus is constituted of 12 sentences, recorded from the Chilean international channel TVN and SpanishTVE, in 2001 August. Twelve sentences are analyzed in total, six for each geographical origin, which were read by TV presenters when they read the news on the news broadcast. The analysis are based on the Pierrehumbert's Autosegmental-Metric theory (AM) (1980), adapted to Spanish language by Sosa (1999). As a result, not only the same tonal attribution for all the cases was found, but important differences when it comes to F0 behavior. When considering the duration, also many differences were not found according to the predominant tendency; nonetheless, important differences related to the percentual value were observed. As an example, we can consider terminative intonative phrases, where the observed pattern is L*L% both in Chile and Spain, but with soundless cases in the Spanish stressed vowel and post-stressed one, but just one case of a descendent movement in the Chilean stressed one. Considering the duration, there is an increase from the stressed from the pre-stressed and from the post-stressed to the stressed, but in different proportions: the increase is more perceived in the Chilean stressed vowel and in the Spanish post-stressed one.
The purpose of this research is to build reading routes from the analysis of verbal and visual productions developed by undergraduate students. For this goal, learning sequences are created, based in the identified routes so as to try to reach more elaborate comprehension levels. The set of propositions of this research offers the teacher strategies that embody an inter- and trans- disciplinary proposal by relating visual and verbal languages, supported by the French-based Semiotics.
The internet has been an increasingly important support for advertising various products. We witness the proliferation of educational advertisements on youtube, aiming for membership of an audience that craves attend university. Thus, the advertising discourse uses linguistic and imagistic strategies increasingly effective. The image constructed in discourse this is a strategy. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to analyze the emerging ethos of sceneries built in educational advertising on youtube. Therefore, we analyzed five videos aimed at pre-university students, adopting as theoretical presuppositions of discourse analysis (AD) French oriented, based on Maingueneau research on the scenes of enunciation. The analysis revealed the variation of topographies and cronografias featuring sceneries, linked to the scenic framework of educational advertising discourse on youtube. Therefore, based on scenes of enunciation, we see the construction of a bold ethos, brave, challenging, among others.
The following work focuses on experimental writing of the Chilean Diamela Eltit, who published his first novel in 1983, during the military dictatorship of Pinochet. Through its "bold" text, Eltit achieved dictatorial circumvent censorship and began his career as a writer.
Trascender las fronteras del lenguaje fue una de las grandes obsesiones de la escritora argentina Alejandra Pizarnik (1936-1972). Con una breve carrera literaria interrumpida por el suicidio, Pizarnik dejó una obra que revela una relación vital con su escritura. Buscando al máximo la unión entre poesía y vida al dedicarse totalmente a la tarea literaria, registró el deseo de escribir el poema con el propio cuerpo, convirtiéndose en su absoluto verbal. De este intento tenemos como resultado una escritura que revela una variedad de artificios para burlar los límites del lenguaje. La propuesta de este trabajo es discutir uno de estos artificios, la creación del doble, una reiterada estrategia utilizada por Alejandra. Para este fin, fue fundamental analizar importantes obras que la influenciaron, tal como: El teatro y su doble de Antonin Artaud que presenta la idea de que tanto en el teatro como en la poesía es necesario destruir el lenguaje para alcanzar la vida, extendiendo así las fronteras de la realidad. Para desnudar la necesidad de Pizarnik de unirse al poema, fue necesario un acercamiento a la obra de Octavio Paz, otra revelada influencia. Octavio Paz revela la imposibilidad de la tarea surrealista de unir hombres y poesía ya que para él abolir tal distancia sería hacer desaparecer el lenguaje. Consciente de tal imposibilidad, Alejandra, comulgando con el surrealismo, forja simulacros de nuevas realidades donde no existen fronteras. Teniendo como cable conductor las ideas de Artaud y Octavio Paz, nuestro trabajo busca analizar ese intento, teniendo como foco la creación del doble.
Neste artigo, descrevemos e refletimos sobre experiências de pesquisa e formação de professoras e professores indígenas e afro-brasileiros, com foco nos seus múltiplos letramentos, no sentido de contribuir para a inclusão da história e cultura afro-brasileira, africana e indígena na educação formal, como estabelecem as Leis 10.639/03 e 11.645/08. Através dessa reflexão, estabelecemos diálogos com autores (as) que versam sobre educação para relações étnico-raciais, linguística aplicada, letramento e literatura negra, tendo em vista a proposição de ações direcionadas por uma educação antirracismo.
As narrativas e as histórias sobre as experiências dos professores em formação, antes e durante seu trabalho profissional, são comumente utilizadas para entender as identidades dos professores de línguas, por elas estar influenciadas pelas experiências gravadas nas memórias. Porém, o conceito de pós-memória emergiu recentemente e parece não ter sido ainda utilizado na educação dos professores de línguas. Neste artigo, se comentam as possibilidades de utilizar o conceito de pós-memória na educação de professores de línguas, através das narrativas sobre as suas experiências. O propósito é estudar com mais profundidade as influências de eventos históricos traumáticos, como O Regime Militar no Brasil, sobre as identidades dos professores de inglês no Brasil, antes e durante seu trabalho profissional, através das narrativas e histórias sobre as suas experiências. O principal objetivo é analisar as relações e inter-relações entre memória, pós-memória e experiências e as identidades dos professores de inglês, especialmente com relação às experiências influenciadas pelo período militar no Brasil.