1000 resultados para EPITAXIAL GAN


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Strains in cubic GaN films grown on GaAs (001) were measured by a triple-axis x-ray diffraction method. Residual strains in the as-grown epitaxial films were in compression, contrary to the predicted tensile strains caused by large lattice mismatch between epilayers and GaAs substrates (20%). It was also found that the relief of strains in the GaN films has a complicated dependence on the growth conditions. We interpreted this as the interaction between the lattice mismatch and thermal mismatch stresses. The fully relaxed lattice constants of cubic GaN are determined to be 4.5038 +/- 0.0009 Angstrom, which is in excellent agreement with the theoretical prediction of 4.503 Angstrom. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)07918-4].


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We present some results on the effect of initial buffer layer on the crystalline quality of Cubic GaN epitaxial layers grown on GaAs(100) substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Photoluminescence and Hall measurements were performed to characterize the electrical and optical properties of cubic GaN. The crystalline quality subsequently grown high-temperature (HT) cubic GaN layers strongly depended on thermal effects during the temperature ramping process after low temperature (LT) growth of the buffer layers. Atomic force microscope (AFM) and reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) were employed to investigate this temperature ramping process. Furthermore, the role of thermal treatment during the temperature ramping process was identified. Using the optimum buffer layer, the full width at half maxim (FWHM) at room temperature photoluminescence 5.6 nm was achieved. To our knowledge, this is the best FWHM value for cubic GaN to date. The background carrier concentration was as low as 3 x 10(13) cm(-3). (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the photovoltaic effect in cubic GaN on GaAs at room temperature. The photovoltaic spectra of cubic GaN epitaxial film were concealed by the photovoltaic effect from the GaAs substrate unless additional illumination of a 632.8 nm He-Ne laser beam was used to remove the interference of the GaAs absorption in the measurement. On the basis of the near-band-edge photovoltaic spectra of cubic GaN, we obtained the minority carrier diffusion lengths of about 0.32 and 0.14 mu m for two undoped n-type cubic GaN samples with background concentrations of 10(14) and 10(18) cm(-3), respectively. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)00450-7].


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Epitaxial layers of cubic GaN have been grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) with Si-doping carrier concentration ranging from 3 x 10(18) to 2.4 x 10(20)/cm(3). Si-doping decreased the yellow emission of GaN. However, the heavily doped n-type material has been found to induce phase transformation. As the Si-doping concentration increases, the hexagonal GaN nanoparticles increase. Judged from the linewidth of X-ray rocking curve, Si-doping increases the density of dislocations and stacking faults. Based on these observations, a model is proposed to interpret the phase transformation induced by the generated microdefects, such as dislocations and precipitates, and induced stacking faults under heavy Si-doping. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) in a Nz ambient up to 900 degrees C has been investigated for GaN films grown on sapphire(0 0 0 1) substrates. Raman spectra, X-ray diffractometry and Hall-effect studies were performed for this purpose. The Raman spectra show the presence of the E-2 (high) mode and a shift in the wave number of this mode with respect to the annealing processing. This result suggests the presence and relaxation of residual stress due to thermal expansion misfit in the films which are confirmed by X-ray measurements and the structure quality of GaN epilayer was improved. Furthermore, the electron mobility increased at room temperature with respect to decrease of background electron concentration after RTA. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the epitaxial growth and the microstructure of cubic GaN. The layers are deposited by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs and Si substrates. Despite the extreme lattice mismatch between these materials, GaN grows in the metastable cubic phase with a well-defined orientation-relationship to the GaAs substrate including a sharp heteroboundary. The preference of the metastable phase and its epitaxial orientation originates in the interface structure which is found to be governed by a coincidence site lattice.


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Thick GaN films were grown on sapphire in a home-made vertical HVPE reactor. Effect of nucleation treatments on the properties of GaN films was investigated, including the nitridation of sapphire, low temperature GaN buffer and MOCVD-template. Various material characterization techniques, including AFM, SEM, XRD, CL and PL have been used to assess these GaN epitaxial films. It was found that the surface of sapphire after high temperature nitridation was flat and showed high density nucleation centers. In addition, smooth Ga-polarity surface of epitaxial layer can be obtained on the nitridation sapphire placed in air for several days due to polarity inversion. This may be caused by the atoms re-arrangement because of oxidation. The roughness of N-polarity film was caused by the huge inverted taper domains, which can penetrate up to the surface. The low temperature GaN buffer gown at 650 degrees C is favorable for subsequent epitaxial film, which had narrow FWHM of 307 arcsec. The epitaxial growth on MOCVD-template directly came into quasi-2D growth mode due to enough nucleation centers, and high quality GaN films were acquired with the values of the FWHM of 141 arcsec for (002) reflections. After etching in boiled KOH, that the total etch-pit density was only 5 x 106 cm(-2) illustrated high quality of the thick film on template. The photoluminescence spectrum of GaN film on the MOCVD-template showed the narrowest line-width of the band edge emission in comparison with other two growth modes.


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The structure of micro-LEDs was optimized designed. Optical, electrical and thermal characteristics of micro-LEDs were improved. The optimized design make micro-LEDs suitable for high-power device. The light extraction efficiency of micro-LEDs was analyzed by the means of ray tracing. The results shows that increasing the inclination angle of sidewall and height of mesa, and reducing the absorption of p and n electrode can enhance the light extraction efficiency of micro-LEDs. Furthermore, the total light output power can be boosted by increasing the density of micro-structures on the device. The high-power flip-chip micro-LEDs were fabricated, which has higher quantum efficiency than conventional BALED's. When the number of microstructure in micro-LEDs was increased by 57%, the light output power was enhanced 24%. Light output power is 82.88mW at the current of 350mA and saturation current is up to 800mA, all of these are better than BALED which was fabricated in the same epitaxial wafer. The IN characteristics of micro-LEDs are almost identical to BALED.


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We report a strong circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE) in ZnO epitaxial films under interband excitation. It is observed that CPGE current is as large as 100 nA/W in ZnO, which is about one order in magnitude higher than that in InN film while the CPGE currents in GaN films are not detectable. The possible reasons for the above observations are the strong spin orbit coupling in ZnO or the inversed valence band structure of ZnO.


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The composition and stain distributions in the InGaN epitaxial films are jointly measured by employing various x-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques, including out-of-plane XRD at special planes, in-plane grazing incidence XRD, and reciprocal space mapping (RSM). It is confirmed that the measurement of (204) reflection allows a rapid access to estimate the composition without considering the influence of biaxial strain. The two-dimensional RSM checks composition and degree of strain relaxation jointly, revealing an inhomogeneous strain distribution profile along the growth direction. As the film thickness increases from 100 nm to 450 nm, the strain status of InGaN films gradually transfers from almost fully strained to fully relaxed state and then more in atoms incorporate into the film, while the near-interface region of InGaN films remains pseudomorphic to GaN.


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In this paper we report on the first results of epitaxial growth of GaN layers on GaAs (100) substrates using a modified MBE system, equipped with a DC-plasma source for nitrogen activation in configuration of reverse magnetron at ultra-low pressures.


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High-resolution X-ray diffraction has been employed to investigate the diffuse scattering in a (0001) oriented GaN epitaxial film grown on sapphire substrate. The analysis reveals that defect clusters are present in GaN films and their concentration increases as the density of threading dislocations increases. Meanwhile, the mean radius of these defect clusters shows a reverse tendency. This result is explained by the effect of clusters preferentially forming around dislocations, which act as effective sinks for the segregation of point defects. The electric mobility is found to decrease as the cluster concentration increases.


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Thick GaN films were grown on GaN/sapphire template in a vertical HVPE reactor. Various material characterization techniques,including AFM, SEM, XRD, RBS/Channeling, CL, PL, and XPS, were used to characterize these GaN epitaxial films. It was found that stepped/terraced structures appeared on the film surface,which were indicative of a nearly step-flow mode of growth for the HVPE GaN despite the high growth rate. A few hexagonal pits appeared on the surface, which have strong light emission. After being etched in molten KOH, the wavy steps disappeared and hexagonal pits with {1010} facets appeared on the surface. An EPD of only 8 ×10~6cm~(-2) shows that the GaN film has few dislocations. Both XRD and RBS channeling indicate the high quality of the GaN thick films. Sharp band-edge emission with a full width at half maximum(FWHM)of 67meV was observed, while the yellow and infrared emissions were also found. These emissions are likely caused by native defects and C and O impurities.


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Metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) structures were fabricated by RF-plasma-assisted MBE using different buffer layer structures. One type of buffer structure consists of an AlN high-temperature buffer layer (HTBL) and a GaN intermediate temperature buffer layer (ITBL), another buffer structure consists of just a single A IN HTBL. Systematic measurements in the flicker noise and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) measurements were used to characterize the defect properties in the films. Both the noise and DLTFS measurements indicate improved properties for devices fabricated with the use of ITBL and is attributed to the relaxation of residue strain in the epitaxial layer during growth process. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Photoluminescence (PL) was investigated in undoped GaN from 4.8 K to room temperature. The 4.8 K spectra exhibited recombinations of free exciton, donor-acceptor pair (DAP), blue and yellow bands (Ybs). The blue band (BB) was also identified to be a DAP recombination. The YB was assigned to a recombination from deep levels. The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy show that C and O are the main residual impurities in undoped GaN and that C concentration is lower in the epilayers with the stronger BB. The electronic structures of native defects, C and O impurities, and their complexes were calculated using ab initio local-density-functional (LDF) methods with linear muffin-tin-orbital and 72-atomic supercell. The theoretical analyses suggest that the electron transitions from O-N states to C-N and to V-Ga states are responsible for DAP and the BB, respectively, and the electron transitions between the inner levels of the C-N-O-N complex may be responsible for the YB in our samples. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.