996 resultados para Electric transformer industry


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The overall purpose of this thesis was to increase the knowledge on the biogeochemistry of rural acid sulphate (AS) soil environments and urban forest ecosystems near small towns in Western Finland. In addition, the potential causal relationship between the distribution of AS soils and geographical occurence of multiple sclerosis (MS) disease was assessed based on a review of existing literature and data. Acid sulphate soils, which occupy an area of approximately 17–24 million hectare worldwide, are regarded as the nastiest soils in the world. Independent of the geographical locality of these soils, they pose a great threat to their surrounding environment if disturbed. The abundant metal-rich acid drainage from Finnish AS soils, which is a result of sulphide oxidation due to artificial farmland drainage, has significant but spatially and temporally variable ecotoxicological impacts on biodiversity and community structure of fish, benthic invertebrates and macrophytes. This has resulted in mass fish kills and even eradication of sensitive fish species in affected waters. Moreover, previous investigations demonstrated significantly enriched concentrations of Co, Ni, Mn and Al, metals which are abundantly mobilised in AS soils, in agricultural crops (timothy grass and oats) and approximately 50 times higher concentrations of Al in cow milk originating from AS soils in Western Finland. Nevertheless, the results presented here demonstrate, in general, relatively moderate metal concentrations in oats and cabbage grown on AS soils in Western Finland, although some of the studied fields showed anomalous values of metals (e.g. Co and Ni) in both the soil and target plants (especially oats), similar to that of the previous investigations. The results indicated that the concentrations of Co, Ni, Mn and Zn in oats and Co and Zn in cabbage were governed by soil geochemistry as these metals were correlated with corresponding concentrations extracted from the soil by NH4Ac-EDTA and NH4Ac, respectively. The concentrations of Cu and Fe in oats and cabbage were uncorrelated to that of the easily soluble concentrations in the soils, suggesting that biological processes (e.g. plant-root processes) overshadow geochemical variation. The concentrations of K and Mg in cabbage, which showed a low spread and were strongly correlated to the NH4Ac extractable contents in the soil, were governed by both the bioavailable fractions in the topsoil and plant-uptake mechanisms. The plant´s ability to regulate its uptake of Ca and P (e.g. through root exudates) seemed to be more important than the influence of soil geochemistry. The distribution of P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn and S within humus, moss and needles in and around small towns was to a high degree controlled by biological cycling, which was indicated by the low correlation coefficients for P, K, Ca, Mg and S between humus and moss, and the low spread of these nutrients in moss and needles. The concentration variations of elements in till are mainly due to natural processes (e.g. intrusions, weathering, mineralogical variations in the bedrock). There was a strong spatial pattern for B in humus, moss and needles, which was suggested to be associated with anthropogenic emissions from nearby town centres. Geogenic dust affected the spatial distribution of Fe and Cr in moss, while natural processes governed the Fe anomaly found in the needles. The spatial accumulation patterns of Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb in humus and moss were strong and diverse, and related to current industry, the former steel industry, coal combustion, and natural geochemical processes. An intriguing Cu anomaly was found in moss. Since it was located close to a main railway line and because the railway line´s electric cables are made of Cu, it was suggested that the reason for the Cu anomaly is corrosion of these cables. In Western Finland, where AS soils are particularly abundant and enrich the metal concentrations of stream waters, cow milk and to some extent crops, an environmental risk assessment would be motivated to elucidate if the metal dispersion affect human health. Within this context, a topic of concern is the distribution of multiple sclerosis as high MS prevalence rates are found in the main area of AS soils. Regionally, the AS soil type in the Seinäjoki area has been demonstrated to be very severe in terms of metal leaching, this area also shows one of the highest MS rates reported worldwide. On a local scale, these severe AS soil types coincide well with the corresponding MS clustering along the Kyrönjoki River in Seinäjoki. There are reasons to suspect that these spatial correlations are causal, as multiple sclerosis has been suggested to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors.


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The objective of this Master’s thesis is to examine working capital management in the automotive industry in years 2006-2008. The study is conducted by the analysis of financial statements. The sample consists of 65 companies that represent different stages in the value chain of automotive industry beginning from raw material suppliers and ending to car dealers. Working capital management is studied by the cash conversion cycle (CCC). The results show that the average CCC of the value chain is 67 days. Car manufacturers had the longest CCC, 106 days, whereas the CCC of oil companies was the shortest, 22 days. The findings suggest that the cycle time of working capital usually follows the cycle time of inventories, since the changes in cycle times of accounts receivable and payable compensate each other. Improvements in working capital management could be achieved by sharing more accurate information in the chain for example about inventory levels and order points of customer. It could also be discussed within the automotive industry, if the long credit periods, which tie up working capital, are really needed. New technologies enable faster payments, which would reduce the cash conversion cycles, improve the profitability of companies, and increase the competitiveness of the value chain. Working capital should not be reduced at the expense of value chain partners, because nowadays the competition is rather between the value chains than between the companies. Similar research design is applied earlier to study working capital management in the value chain of pulp and paper industry. Even if the industries and the structures of the chains differ from each other, results were surprisingly similar. In future research, working capital management in other industries’ value chains could still be studied and compared to previous studies. ICT industry, for example, could be an interesting object.


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Viilunkuivaus vaneriteollisuudessa on energiaintensiivinen prosessi, josta syntyvä hukkalämpö kannattaa ottaa talteen ja hyödyntää. Työ käsittelee erilaisten lämmöntalteenottovariaatioiden tuotteistusta ja kannattavuutta, sekä sisältää laitteiston riskianalyysin. Aiemman asiakaskohtaisen räätälöinnin sijaan, laitteiston modulaarinen tuoterakenne on otettava tuotteistuksen lähtökohdaksi. Modulaarisen tuoterakenteen ansiosta erilaisiin asiakastarpeisiin pystytään vastaamaan aiempaa tehokkaammin, kiitos erilaisten variaatioiden. Standardien ja yhtenäisten rajapintojen myötä muun muassa suunnittelua, projektinhoito ja myyntiä saadaan tehostettua. Lämmöntalteenottoratkaisuille luodaan kolme eri varustelutasoa: perus, korkea ja luksus. Näillä eri varianteilla pystytään vastamaan entistä kattavammin eri markkina-alueiden asiakastarpeisiin. Kannattavuuslaskelmat todistavat, että lämmöntalteenoton avulla saadaan merkittäviä energiasäästöjä ja eri laitteistovariaatiot maksavat itsensä erittäin nopeasti takaisin, vaikka esimerkiksi sähköenergian hinta nousisi radikaalisti. Lämmöntalteenoton voidaankin katsoa olevan aina erittäin kannattavaa. Laitteistosta on tunnistettu myös tekniset riskit, joihin on puututtava välittömästi sekä lukuisia toimenpide-ehdotuksia, joiden avulla laitteiston tuomintaa voidaan tehostaa ja muuttaa turvallisemmaksi. Riskianalyysi antaa myös suuntaviivoja tuotteistukselle sekä laitteiston huolto- ja käyttöohjeistolle.


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This study compares different electric propulsion systems. Results of the analysis of all the advantages and disadvantages of the different propulsion systems are given. This thesis estimates possibilities to apply different diesel-electric propulsion concepts for different vessel types. Small and medium size vessel’s power ranges are studied. The optimal delivery system is chosen. This choice is made on the base of detailed study of the concepts, electrical equipment market and comparison of mass, volume and efficiency parameters. In this thesis three marine generators are designed. They are: salient pole synchronous generator and two permanent magnet synchronous generators. Their electrical, dimensional, cost and efficiency parameters are compared. To understand all the benefits diagrams with these parameters are prepared. Possible benefits and money savings are estimated. As the result the advantages, disadvantages and boundary conditions for the permanent magnet synchronous generator application in marine electric-power systems are found out.


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Over the recent years, development in mobile working machines has concentrated on reducing emissions owing to the tightening rules and needs to improve energy utilization and reduce power losses. This study focuses on energy utilization and regeneration in an electro-hydraulic forklift, which is a lifting equipment application. The study starts from the modelling and simulation of a hydraulic forklift. The energy regeneration from the potential energy of the load was studied. Also a flow-based electric motor speed control was suggested in this thesis instead of the throttle control method or the variable displacement pump control. Topics related to further development in the future are discussed. Finally, a summary and conclusions are presented.


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Suomessa sähkönjakeluverkon pääasialliset jännitetasot ovat 20 kV ja 400 V. 20 kV jännitetasolla sähkö viedään lähelle kuluttajia ja muunnetaan pienemmäksi lähellä asiakkaita. Haittapuolena on se, että 20 kV avojohtosähkönsiirtoverkko on hyvin vika-altis ja usein yhden haaran vikaantuessa monta muutakin jää ilman sähköä. Lisäksi hintavien ja suurien jakelumuuntajien määrä on suuri. Vaihtoehtona on toteuttaa osa sähkönjakelusta tasajännitteellä, jolloin tehollinen pienjännite olisi 400 V:a suurempi. Tällöin sähköä voitaisiin siirtää pidempiä matkoja ilman, että asiakaskohtaisia tai muutaman asiakkaan kattavia 20 kV siirtolinjoja tarvitsisi käyttää. Tämä edellyttää vaihtosuuntauksen toteuttamista kuluttajan päässä. Tässä työssä esiteltävällä 1 kVA:n tehoisella vaihtosuuntaajalla muodostetaan tasasähköjakeluverkosta saatavasta 750 V tasasähköstä yksivaiheista (230 VRMS, 50 Hz) verkkojännitettä. Laite on suunniteltu toteuttamaan galvaaninen erotus mahdollisimman hyvällä hyötysuhteella. Suurtaajuusmuuntajan mitoitus mahdollisimman hyvälle hyötysuhteelle on haastava tehtävä, koska vaatimuksia sille asettavat sekä syöttävä resonanssikonvertteri että syötettävä syklokonvertteri. Mitoituksessa on pyrittävä löytämään mahdollisimman hyvä hyötysuhde kustannusten ja toteutettavuuden suhteen.


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Asiakas- ja brandiuskollisuutta on tutkittu 1920-luvulta alkaen ja sitä käsittelevän kirjallisuuden kirjo on hyvin laaja. Empiirisiä tutkimuksia löytyy kattava joukko aina pankkimaailmasta päivittäiskaupan tuotteisiin. Iltapäivälehtimarkkinaa tutkivaa empiiristä asiakas- tai brandiuskollisuustutkimusta ei kuitenkaan toistaiseksi ole tieteellisen tutkimuksen saralla tehty. Tässä tutkimuksessa perehdytään asiakas- ja brandiuskollisuuden maailmaan ja tutkitaan brandiuskollisuuden toteutumista suomalaisien iltapäivälehtien keskuudessa. Tutkimuksen keskeisin tavoite on selvittää, voidaanko todeta asiakas- ja brandiuskollisuutta olevan suomalaisien iltapäivälehtien keskuudessa ja mikäli sitä todetaan olevan, mitkä ovat ne tekijät, jotka tämän uskollisuuden muodostumiseen vaikuttavat. Tutkimus toteutettiin yhteistyössä toisen suuren suomalaisen iltapäivälehtitalon kanssa. Empiirinen tutkimus toteutettiin strukturoituna Internet-kyselynä, josta saatu aineisto analysoitiin kvantitatiivisin tutkimusmenetelmin. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että asiakas- ja brandiuskollisuutta löytyy suomalaisien iltapäivälehtien keskuudessa. Tärkeimmät havainnot osoittavat, että muun muassa uskollisuus iltapäivälehden verkkosivustoa kohtaan vaikuttaa positiivisesti uskollisuuteen ja toistuvaan ostokäyttäytymiseen samaa iltapäivälehteä kohtaan. Tämä on merkittävä löytö, sillä asian on monissa aiemmissa tutkimuksissa oletettu olevan päinvastoin. Myös luottamus brandiin, sitoutuneisuus brandiin, asiakkaan kokemat hyödyt ja asiakastyytyväisyys todettiin tutkimustuloksien pohjalta vaikuttavan positiivisesti sekä asenteellisen että behavioristisen uskollisuuden muodostumiseen iltapäivälehtiä kohtaan.


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This study was conducted in order to learn how companies’ revenue models will be transformed due to the digitalisation of its products and processes. Because there is still only a limited number of researches focusing solely on revenue models, and particularly on the revenue model change caused by the changes at the business environment, the topic was initially approached through the business model concept, which organises the different value creating operations and resources at a company in order to create profitable revenue streams. This was used as the base for constructing the theoretical framework for this study, used to collect and analyse the information. The empirical section is based on a qualitative study approach and multiple-case analysis of companies operating in learning materials publishing industry. Their operations are compared with companies operating in other industries, which have undergone comparable transformation, in order to recognise either similarities or contrasts between the cases. The sources of evidence are a literature review to find the essential dimensions researched earlier, and interviews 29 of managers and executives at 17 organisations representing six industries. Based onto the earlier literature and the empirical findings of this study, the change of the revenue model is linked with the change of the other dimen-sions of the business model. When one dimension will be altered, as well the other should be adjusted accordingly. At the case companies the transformation is observed as the utilisation of several revenue models simultaneously and the revenue creation processes becoming more complex.


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The purpose of this academic economic geographical dissertation is to study and describe how competitiveness in the Finnish paper industry has developed during 2001–2008. During these years, the Finnish paper industry has faced economically challenging times. This dissertation attempts to fill the existing gap between theoretical and empirical discussions concerning economic geographical issues in the paper industry. The main research questions are: How have the supply chain costs and margins developed during 2001–2008? How do sales prices, transportation, and fixed and variable costs correlate with gross margins in a spatial context? The research object for this case study is a typical large Finnish paper mill that exports over 90 % of its production. The economic longitudinal research data were obtained from the case mill’s controlled economic system and, correlation (R2) analysis was used as the main research method. The time series data cover monthly economic and manufacturing observations from the mill from 2001 to 2008. The study reveals the development of prices, costs and transportation in the case mill, and it shows how economic variables correlate with the paper mills’ gross margins in various markets in Europe. The research methods of economic geography offer perspectives that pay attention to the spatial (market) heterogeneity. This type of research has been quite scarce in the research tradition of Finnish economic geography and supply chain management. This case study gives new insight into the research tradition of Finnish economic geography and supply chain management and its applications. As a concrete empirical result, this dissertation states that the competitive advantages of the Finnish paper industry were significantly weakened during 2001–2008 by low paper prices, costly manufacturing and expensive transportation. Statistical analysis expose that, in several important markets, transport costs lower gross margins as much as decreasing paper prices, which was a new finding. Paper companies should continuously pay attention to lowering manufacturing and transporting costs to achieve more profitable economic performance. The location of a mill being far from markets clearly has an economic impact on paper manufacturing, as paper demand is decreasing and oversupply is pressuring paper prices down. Therefore, market and economic forecasting in the paper industry is advantageous at the country and product levels while simultaneously taking into account the economic geographically specific dimensions.


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Companies invest in employer branding in order to get good applicants, retain employees and create the image of a great employer. Employer branding will become more prominent in the future because companies strive to gain competitive advantage. Power industry is an internationally remarkable field of business. Energy and the solutions of power technology are always needed and there is a major need for new experts in power industry. The competition of talented workforce will increase because of the decrease in working-age population. The fundamental purpose of this study is to examine what kind of motives and practices company has for employer branding in power industry. The objective is to find out the benefits of employer branding and how it is targeted towards potential and current employees. In addition, the aim is to examine whether companies see employer branding as a process and what kind of processes they have for employer branding. The theoretical contribution of this study is based on literature review, which provides a better understanding of employer branding. The empirical part is a qualitative case study of two large and international companies in the field of power industry. Employer branding in the case companies is examined using theme interviews. According to this study, employer branding is a significant part of companies’ business in power industry. The main motives for employer branding are better employer image, more efficient recruitment and improved job satisfaction. Employer branding is communicated and targeted according to target group. Recruitment and educational co-operation are the main objects of employer branding towards potential employees, whereas training and development are an essential part of employer branding towards current employees. This study also discovers that there is some kind of process aspect in the background of employer branding.


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The objective of the thesis is to enhance understanding of the evolution of convergence. Previous research has shown that the technological interfaces between distinct industries are one of the major sources of new radical cross-industry innovations. Despite the fact that convergence in industry evolution has attracted a substantial managerial interest, the conceptual confusion within the field of convergence exists. Firstly, this study clarifies the convergence phenomenon and its impact to industry evolution. Secondly, the study creates novel patent analysis methods to analyze technological convergence and provide tools for anticipating the early stages of convergence. Overall the study combines the industry evolution perspective and the convergence view of industrial evolution. The theoretical background for the study consists of the industry life cycle theories, technology evolution, and technological trajectories. The study links several important concepts in analyzing industry evolution, technological discontinuities, path-dependency, technological interfaces as a source of industry transformation, and the evolutionary stagesof convergence. Based on reviewing the literature a generic understanding of industry transformation and industrial dynamics was generated. In the convergence studies, the theoretical basis is in the discussion of different convergence types and their impacts on industry evolution, and in anticipating and monitoring the stages of convergence. The study is divided in two parts. The first part gives a general overview, and the second part comprises eight research publications. Our case study is based historically on two very distinct industries of the paper and electronics companies as a test environment to evaluate the importance of emerging business sectors and technological convergence as a source of industry transformation. Both qualitative and quantitative research methodology are utilized. The results of this study reveal that technological convergence and complementary innovations from different fields have significant effect to the emerging new business sector formation. The patent-based indicators in the analysis of technological convergence can be utilized on analyzing technology competition, capability and competence development, knowledge accumulation, knowledge spill-overs, and technology-based industry transformation. The patent-based indicators can provide insights to the future competitive environment. Results and conclusions from empirical part seem not be in conflict with real observations in the industry.


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Rakennusteollisuuden prosessit ovat vielä usein paperipohjaisia, mikä aiheuttaa työmaiden luonteesta johtuen tiedon hajaantumista, hidastaa tiedon siirtymistä ja vaikeuttaa tiedon käsittelyä. Työmaiden väliaikaisilla konttoreilla tiedon määrä voi nousta hallitsemattoman suureksi, mikä haittaa ja hidastaa työnjohdon päätöksentekoa. Käyttämällä sähköisiä työkaluja tiedon keräämistä, keskittämistä ja siirtoa voidaan tehostaa. Projektin tavoitteeksi otettiin teollisuuden laadunvalvonnan tarkastusprosessin tehostaminen ajallisesti käyttämällä tarkastustyöhön sähköistä tarkastuspöytäkirjaa. Tätä varten suunniteltiin sähköinen tarkastusjärjestelmä, joka koostuu kolmesta erillisestä osasta: Tarkastajan mukana kulkeva mobiililaite, jolle tallennetaan suoraan tarkastuksen laatutietoa, palvelinkone avustamaan tiedonsiirrossa ja –varastoinnissa sekä työpöytäsovellus työnjohdon tarpeisiin. Järjestelmää testattiin sähköalan asennuksia tekevässä yrityksessä osana yrityksen normaalia tarkastustyötä. Verrattuna paperiseen pöytäkirjaan sähköinen tarkastusjärjestelmä nopeutti prosessia moninkertaisesti. Nopeustesteissä havaittiin kuitenkin, että valittu tiedon synkronointikirjasto oli järjestelmän tarpeisiin liian hidas. Järjestelmä saavutti sille asetetut tavoitteet tehostamalla prosessia ajallisesti, mutta järjestelmässä on vielä osa-alueita, jotka tarvitsevat jatkokehittämistä.


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The objective of the research was to understand the success factors of the Danish energy service industry. The research phenomenon was studied greatly but the aim was to examine it from the service logic point of view. The research was threefold and it examined the phenomena from the company, industrial and national levels. The purpose of the multi-level study was to understand all the success factors and to examine how they are combined together. First, the research problem was approached through the literature review. After that, the empirical part of the study was conducted as a case study and the data was collected by theme interviews. The collected data was analyzed through theoretical point of view and compared with earlier studies. This study shows that the most important success factor was the country, because it has affected to the other aspects of the success. Because the actors of the industry are linked together tightly, communication and common understanding of business is essential to the industry success. The new energy technologies do not produce directly added value for the customers. This has sifted energy business towards service business, and the customers have been included in the value creation process.


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The purpose of the Thesis was to evaluate the business environment of electrical vehicle charging equipment (EVSE) in USA, find the key issues of entering the US EVSE markets and to form a marketing plan for possible market entry. The external market research analyzed the environment, customers, competitors and demand of EVSEs. In the internal analysis the focus was on resources and capabilities, offering, performance, business relations and US related issues. The research about the business environment was done using already available information from market studies and seminars. In external analysis there were also two semi-structured interviews from market experts used. The internal analysis was done mostly by interviews, but also company’s internal data sources were used. The interviews were semi-constructed and included eight interviewees from each part of EVSE value chain. The research findings were analyzed using SWOT analysis, which was converted to a so called TOWS matrix for extracting strategies. As a result of the Thesis, valuable information about the US markets and their requirements for EVSEs was gained. By matching the strengths of the case company and market requirements, customer segmentation and targeting were done and a marketing plan was constructed for the case company to help their management to evaluate the feasibility of possible market entry and investments to USA.