994 resultados para 518 Media- ja viestintätieteet
Tundranenetsin kielessä on monimutkainen modusjärjestelmä, ja kielen kuvauksissa modusten määrä vaihtelee viidestä kahdeksaantoista. Tutkielmassani tarkastelen kielen tiettyjä verbimoduksia ja niiden merkityksiä. Tutkimukseni kohteena on seitsemän sellaista modusta, jotka aiemman kirjallisuuden mukaan ilmaisevat puhujan arviota kerrotun tapahtuman todennäköisyydestä eli episteemistä modaalisuutta. Työn tavoitteena on tarkastella modusten käyttöä ja esiintymisrajoituksia sekä muotojen merkityksiä. Aineistona käytän N. M. Tereštšenkon (1965) nenetsi-venäjä-suursanakirjan esimerkkilauseiden korpusta. Moduslauseiden merkityksiä tarkastelen teoreettisen nenetsin kielen taitoni sekä lauseiden leksikaalisen ja morfologisen analysoinnin sekä esimerkkilauseiden venäjännösten avulla. Modusten merkitysten tarkastelussa kiinnitän erityisesti huomiota toisaalta puhujan oman arvion ilmaisemiseen, episteemisyyteen, toisaalta puhujan tietolähteen ilmaisemiseen, evidentiaalisuuteen sekä näiden kahden merkityskategorian välisiin eroihin ja yhtäläisyyksiin. Tarkastelen myös modusten esiintymistä eri aspekti- ja tempusympäristöissä ja havainnoin modaalisten merkitysten lisäksi moduslauseiden temporaalisia ja aspektuaalisia merkityksiä. Työssäni totean probabilitatiiveiksi nimitettyjen modusten merkitykset inferentiaalisiksi tai harvemmin myös miratiivi-siksi. Inferentiaalisessa merkityksessä puhujan kertoma asia perustuu loogiseen päätelmään, joka tehdään muun tiedossa olevan asian perusteella. Miratiivisessa merkityksessä modusta käytetään kuvaamaan tapahtumaa, joka on puhujan näkökulmasta odotuksenvastainen tai yllättävä. Miratiivinen funktio on tulkintani mukaan ainoastaan varsinaisilla probabilitatiiveilla, ja niin kutsutut hyper- ja superprobabilitatiivi ilmaisevat inferentiaalisuutta eli ne korostavat puhujan tietolähdettä. Approksimatiiveiksi kutsutut kolme modusta ilmaisevat toisaalta kuvaannollisena, ei konkreettisesti tulkittavana kerrottavaa tapahtumaa. Toisaalta ne ilmaisevat puhujan subjektiivista arviota tilan tai tapahtuman toteutumis- tai voimassaolomahdollisuudesta. Modaalisen merkityksen lisäksi moduksilla on temporaalinen merkitys. Approksimatiivien ja probabilitatiivien ryhmissä on imperfektiiviseksi ja perfektiiviseksi kutsuttu modusmuoto. Imperfektiivisiksi kutsuttujen modusten temporaalinen merkitys vastaa aoristitempusta, joka lauseen aspektin mukaisesti viittaa joko juuri loppuun saatet-tuun tai nykyhetkessä tapahtuvaan. Lauseen aspekti on verbin aspektin mukaisesti hetkellinen tai jatkuva. Perfektiivisiksi kutsutut modukset viittaavat menneeseen aikaan. Perfektiivisen approksimatiivin status morfologisena moduksena voidaan aineistoni perusteella kyseenalaistaa. Menneeseen aikaan viitataan sen sijaan useammin imperfektiivisen approksimatiivin preterititempuksella. Probabilitatiivin ja preterititempuksen yhdistelmää ei aineistossani esiinny. Approksimatiivien ryhmässä on myös futuurinen variantti, joka viittaa yleensä tulevaan aikaan. Tulevaan viittaavat myös imperfektiivisen probabilitatiivin ja approksimatiivin muodot liittyessään johto-opillisen futuuritempukseen. Aineistoni modusesimerkit rajoittuvat usein yhden virkkeen kontekstiin, joten modusten merkitysten analysointi eri käyttöympäristöissä on työssäni vaikeaa. Vaikka onnistun hyvin hahmottelemaan tarkastelemien modusten keskeisimmät merkitysfunktiot aineistoni perusteella, tutkimuksen jatkaminen analyysin tarkentamiseksi on tarpeen.
Tutkielmani käsittelee vepsän kielen momentaanisia ja frekventatiivisia verbijohdoksia. Tutkimus on aineistolähtöinen. Selvitän eri-ikäisistä tekstilähteistä kokoamani korpuksen valossa, minkälaista vepsän verbijohto on muihin itämerensuomalaisiin kieliin, erityisesti suomeen ver-rattuna. Yhtäältä näkökulmani on morfologinen. Toisaalta kiinnostukseni kohteena on verbijohdon silmiinpistävä runsaus ja produktiivisuus. Pohdin, missä ympäristöissä johdoksia käytetään ja minkälaisia merkityksiä niillä ilmaistaan. Taustalla on aiemmassa tutkimuksessa esitetty hypoteesi venäjän verbiaspektin vaikutuksesta vepsän verbijohdon runsastumiseen ja merkityskehitykseen. Teoreettiset katsaukset luon derivaatiomorfologiaan ja aspektin tutkimukseen typologian ja itämerensuomalaisten kielten näkökulmasta. Sivuan myös hieman venäjän kielen aspektia. Tutkimuksessani tulee näkyviin diakroninen muutos, sillä 1900-luvun alussa puhuttua vepsän kieltä 2000-luvun kieleen verrattaessa erityisesti frekventatiivijohdosten käyttö näyttää lisääntyneen. Frekventatiivijohtimet voivat liittyä moniin sellaisiin kantasanatyyppeihin, joihin ne eivät semanttisista tai morfotaktisista syistä vepsän lähisukukielessä suomessa liity. Sekä momentaanisten että frekventatiivisten johdinten valikoima on 2000-luvulla käytännössä supistunut 1900-luvun alun teksteissä esiintyvistä ja aiemmassa kirjallisuudessa mainituista useista johdinvarianteista äänteellisesti lyhyempiin, frekventatiivisiin -(e)le- ja momentaanisiin -(a)hta-johtimiin. Johdoksilla ilmaistuista merkityksistä olen tulkinnut erityisesti habituaalisuuden merkitystä merkittävän frekventatiivijohdoksin. Toisinaan vaikuttaa, että frekventatiivijohdoksilla halutaan korostaa toiminnan imperfektiivisyyttä suhteessa johtamattomaan kantaverbiin. Momentaanijohdoksia aineistossani on vähemmän, mutta niilläkin voi katsoa olevan aspektuaalisiin suhteisiin viittaavaa käyttöä. Voidaan sanoa, että vepsän verbijohtimin ilmaistaan aspektuaalisia suhteita laajemmin kuin suomessa. Avoimeksi jää, voiko imperfektiivisyyden ja habituaalisuuden tai perfektiivisyyden merkitsemistä verbijohdoksin pitää tietyissä konteksteissa pakollisena.
Helsingin ja Tallinnan välillä liikennöinyt Copterlinen helikopteri putosi mereen 10.8.2005. Tarkastelen aiheen uutisointia Viron ja Suomen lehdistössä ja siitä mediapalstoilla käytyä “sotaa”. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää minkälaisin keinoin mediasotaa käydään. Analysoin lähemmin yhden artikkelin Iltasanomista, Iltalehdestä, Turun Sanomista, Helsingin Sanomista ja Õhtuleht- ja Postimees-lehdistä. Teoreettisena pohjana käytän Norman Faircloughin teoksessa Language and Power esitettyä kriittistä diskurssianalyysiä. Käytän lisäksi mm. Tiit Hennosten kirjaa Uudise käsiraamat ja Reet Kasikin artikkeleita tekstianalyysistä. Mediasotaan osallistuvat laatulehdiksi luokiteltavat Turun Sanomat, Eesti Päevaleht, Postimees ja Turun Sanomat ja iltapäivälehdiksi luokiteltavat Iltalehti, Iltasanomat ja Õhtuleht. Helsingin Sanomat ei osallistunut mediasotaan, vaan keskittyy objektiiviseen uutisointiin. Keskeisin keino luoda sukellussota on vastakkainasettelu. Suhteet virolaisten ja suomalaisten välillä luodaan kansalaisuussanoilla suomalaiset ja virolaiset. Lukijoille kategorisoidaan maailma virolaiseksi ja suomalaiseksi. Positiivisia ja negatiivisia seikkoja asetetaan vastakkain luomalla tekstin sisäisiä antonyymipareja kuten nopea/ hidas, pieni ryhmä/ suuri ryhmä. Toimittajat luovat lähteilleen ja osallistujille auktoriteettia antamalla heille vastakkain matalan tai korkean statuksen kuten ministeri/ kadunmies. --- Suomalaiset lehdet käyttävät toimittajien itse keksimiä metaforia. Ekspressiivisiä sanoja käytetään välittämään tunteita, asenteita ja ajatuksia. Artikkeleissa hämärretään agentit kieliopin avulla. Käyttämällä passiivia, refleksiivisiä verbejä ja subjektittomia lauseita, esitetään prosesseja toisenlaisina kuin ne ovat ja jätetään näin aktiiviset tekijät mainitsematta. Artikkeleiden alku- ja loppulauseita vertaillessa voi havaita, että syytöksiä, spekulaatioita ja väitteitä esiintyy artikkeleiden otsikoissa ja ensimmäisissä lauseissa. Suomalaiset puolustautuvat huonojen pelastustyöntekijöiden leimaa vastaan ja virolaiset puolestaan oppipojan leimaa vastaan. Vasta-argumentteja tuodaan vain vähän ja ne sijoitetaan viimeisiksi. Molempien maiden lehdistöt kritisoivat viranomaisia. Artikkelit eivät noudata ideaaliuutisen kriteerejä.
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Viron suurimpien päivälehtien, Postimees ja Eesti Päevaleht, suomalaisia Viron-matkailijoita käsitteleviä tekstejä vuosilta 1996 1997 ja 2003 2004. Ajanjaksot on valittu sillä perusteella, että toukokuussa 1997 astui voimaan viisumivapaus Suomen ja Viron välillä matkustettaessa ja toukokuussa 2004 Viro liittyi EU:n jäseneksi. Tutkittavia tekstejä vuosilta 1996 1997 on 12 ja vuosilta 2003 2004 on 62 tekstiä, joista 19 on valittu tarkempaan analyysiin. Tavoitteena on tutkia, millainen kuva suomalaisesta Viron-matkailijasta tekstien kautta paljastuu ja millaisin keinoin sitä välitetään. Tarkastellaan myös sitä, onko kuva ajanjaksojen välillä muuttunut, ja jos on, niin miten. Tekstejä tutkitaan kriittisen tekstianalyysin keinoin ja pääasiassa tukeudutaan M. A. K. Hallidayn ja Vesa Heikkisen tutkimuksiin. Hallidayn systeemis-funktionaalisessa kieliopissa keskeisiä ovat kielelliset valinnat ja ajatus kielen kolmesta merkitystasosta, jotka ovat ideationaalinen, tekstuaalinen ja interpersoonainen. Tämän työn kannalta merkittävä on interpersoonainen taso, jolla tarkastellaan muun muassa kirjoittajan asenteita ja arvotuksia. Teksteistä etsitään erilaisia kielen keinoja, jotka ilmaisevat kirjoittajien asennoitumista suomalaisiin. Keskeistä on se, ovatko kirjoittajien arvotukset negatiivisia, neutraaleja vai positiivisia. Arvottavien asenteiden kautta muotoutuu tutkittavien tekstien kuva suomalaisista Viron-matkailijoista. Aineistosta nousee esiin kahdeksan erilaista arvotuksia ilmaisevaa kielellistä keinoa: aihevalinnat (otsikointi), nimeäminen, kuvailu, määritteet, verbivalinnat, vihjaukset, edellyttämykset ja lauseen informaatiorakenne. Analyysin perusteella selviää, että kuva suomalaisesta Viron-matkailijasta on hieman muuttunut tarkasteltavien ajanjaksojen välillä. Vuosien 1996 1997 tekstien mukaan suomalainen matkailija on rikas, mutta saita ja etsii Virosta edullisia tuotteita ja palveluita. Hän on tavallisesti keski-ikäinen ja humalassa tai vähintään ostamassa alkoholia. Negatiivinen suhtautuminen nousee selvästi esille. Vuosien 2003 2004 teksteissä kuva suomalaisista on monipuolistunut verrattuna aikaisempaan. Edelleen suomalaisille kuitenkin maistuu alkoholi ja he etsivät edullisuutta. Edullisuuden tavoittelu ja hamstraaminen korostuvat aiempaakin enemmän. Tutkimuksen kautta esiin tulleet kuvat suomalaisista Viron-matkailijoista ovat kyseisten ajanjaksojen sanomalehdistön välittämiä. Jatkossa olisi mielenkiintoista tutkia tekstejä joltain sellaiselta ajanjaksolta, johon ei liity matkustamisen helpottumiseen vaikuttavia muutoksia. Voitaisiin tutkia myös sitä, mitä mieltä tavalliset virolaiset ovat suomalaisista matkailijoista ja mitä virolaiset matkailupalveluyritysten edustajat suomalaisista ajattelevat. Näin ilmiötä voitaisiin lähestyä useammasta näkökulmasta.
Tämä tutkielma käsittelee Paavo Ravilan (1902–1974) ja Leonard Bloomfieldin (1887–1949) tieteenfilosofisia näkemyksiä ja heistä muodostunutta tutkijankuvaa. Työn näkökulma on oppihistoriallinen, ja sen tavoitteena on selvittää Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin teoreettisten näkemysten yhtäläisyyksiä. Työn pääasiallinen lähdekirjallisuus sisältää sekä kotimaista että kansainvälistä kielitieteen historiankirjoitusta. Aineistona on Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin teoreettisen tason kirjoitukset kielitieteestä ja tieteenfilosofiasta; näin ollen heidän kielitieteelliset tutkimuksensa jäävät työn ulkopuolelle. Työtä varten on käytetty myös arkistolähteitä sekä ulkomailta että Suomesta. Ravilan kansainvälisyyttä käsiteltäessä arvokasta aineistoa ovat varsinkin yhdysvaltalaisten yliopistojen arkistoista löytynyt kirjeenvaihto ja muu arkistomateriaali. Luvussa 2 esitellään yleistä kielitieteen historiaa 1800-luvulta 1960-luvulle. Luvussa 3 käsitellään Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin elämää ja uraa ja analysoidaan heistä muodostunutta tutkijankuvaa. Luvussa 4 käsitellään niitä tieteenfilosofisia kysymyksiä, joissa Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin ajatusten samankaltaisuus parhaiten tulee esille: empirismiä, positivismia, merkitystä, formalismia sekä synkronian ja diakronian suhdetta. Ravila ja Bloomfield painottivat empiristisen asennoitumisen tärkeyttä kielitieteessä erityisesti suhteessa aineistoon ja siitä tehtäviin päätelmiin. Lisäksi molemmat olivat positivisteja ja vastustivat siksi sellaisia selityksiä, joita ei voi perustella aineistosta käsin suorien havaintojen avulla. Myös molemmilla toistuva tieteellisyyden vaatimus on johdettavissa positivistisesta asennoitumisesta. Kielitieteen oppihistoriassa Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin tutkijankuva on erilainen varsinkin suhteessa merkityksentutkimukseen, mutta heidän kannanottojensa yksityiskohtaisempi tarkastelu osoittaa, että heidän näkemyksistään voidaan löytää yllättäviä samankaltaisuuksia. Myös synkronian ja diakronian suhdetta tutkittaessa voidaan havaita yhtymäkohtia: synkronistina pidetty Bloomfield ja diakronistina pidetty Ravila pitivät molemmat parhaana lähestymistapana kieleen synkronian ja diakronian yhdistävää tutkimusotetta. Vertailemalla Ravilan ja Bloomfieldin tieteenfilosofisia näkemyksiä voidaan havaita, että heidän käsityksensä kielitieteestä on monilta osin yhteneväinen. Lisäksi vertailu avaa mielenkiintoisia näkökulmia Ravilan suhteeseen suomalaiseen kielitieteeseen. Esimerkiksi positivismin mukainen metafysiikkavastaisuus erottaa hänet ajan eurooppalaisesta kielitieteestä ja toisaalta yhdistää häntä yhdysvaltalaiseen kielitieteeseen.
The historical development of Finnish nursing textbooks from the late 1880s to 1967: the training of nurses in the Foucauldian perspective. This study aims, first, to analyse the historical development of Finnish nursing textbooks in the training of nurses and in nursing education: what Foucauldian power processes operate in the writing and publishing processes? What picture of nursing did early nursing books portray and who were the decision makers? Second, this study also aims to analyse the processes of power in nurse training processes. The time frame extends from the early stages of nurse training in the late 1880s to 1967. This present study is a part of textbook research and of the history of professional education in Finland. This study seeks to explain how, who or what contributed the power processes involved in the writing of nursing textbooks and through textbooks. Did someone use these books as a tool to influence nursing education? The third aim of this study is to define and analyse the purpose of nurse training. Michel Foucault´s concept of power served as an explanatory framework for this study. A very central part of power is the assembling of data, the supplying of information and messages, and the creation of discourses. When applied to the training of nurses, power dictates what information is taught in the training and contained in the books. Thus, the textbook holds an influential position as a power user in these processes. Other processes in which such power is exercised include school discipline and all other normalizing processes. One of most powerful ways of adapting is the hall of residence, where nursing pupils were required to live. Trained nurses desired to separate themselves from their untrained predecessors and from those with less training by wearing different uniforms and living in separate housing units. The state supported the registration of trained nurses by legislation. With this decision the state made it illegal to work as a nurse without an authorised education, and use these regulations to limit and confirm the professional knowledge and power of nurses. Nurses, physicians and government authorities used textbooks in nursing education as tools to achieve their own purposes and principles. With these books all three groups attempted to confirm their own professional power and knowledge while at the same time limit the power and expertise of others. Public authorities sought to unify the training of nurses and the basis of knowledge in all nursing schools in Finland with similar and obligatory textbooks. This standardisation started 20 years before the government unified nursing training in 1930. The textbooks also served as data assemblers in unifying nursing practices in Finnish hospitals, because the Medical Board required all training hospitals to attach the textbooks to units with nursing pupils. For the nurses, and especially for the associations of Finnish nurses, making and publishing their own textbooks for the training of nurses was a part of their professional projects. With these textbooks, the nursing elite and the teachers tended to prepare nursing pupils’ identities for nursing’s very special mission. From the 1960s, nursing was no longer understood as a mission, but as a normal vocation. Nurses and doctors disputed this view throughout the period studied, which was the optimal relationship between theory and practice in nursing textbooks and in nurse education. The discussion of medical knowledge in nursing textbooks took place in the 1930s and 1940s. Nurses were very confused about their own professional knowledge and expertise, which explains why they could not create a new nursing textbook despite the urgency. A brand new nursing textbook was published in 1967, about 30 years after the predecessor. Keyword: nurse, nurse training, nursing education, power, textbook, Michel Foucault
The study is a philosophical analysis of Israel Scheffler’s philosophy of education, focusing on three crucial conceptions in his philosophy: the conception of rationality, the conception of human nature, and the conception of reality. The interrelations of these three concepts as well as their relations to educational theorizing are analysed and elaborated. A conceptual problem concerning Scheffler’s ideal of rationality derives from Scheffler’s supposition of the strong analogy between science education and moral education in terms of the ideal of rationality. This analogy is argued to be conceptually problematic, since the interconnections of rationality, objectivity, and truth, appear to differ from each other in the realms of ethics and science, given the presuppositions of ontological realism and ethical naturalism, to which Scheffler explicitly subscribes. This study considers two philosophical alternatives for solving this problem. The first alternative relates the analogy to the normative concept of personhood deriving from the teleological understanding of human nature. Nevertheless, this position turns out to be problematic for Scheffler, since he rejects all teleological thinking in his philosophy. The problem can be solved, as it is argued, by limiting Scheffler’s rejection of teleology – in light of his philosophical outlook on the whole – in a manner that allows a modest version of a teleological conception of human nature. The second alternative, based especially on Scheffler’s later contributions, is to suggest that reality is actually more complex and manifold than it appears to be in light of a contemporary naturalist worldview. This idea of plurealism – Scheffler’s synthesis of pluralism and realism – is represented especially in Scheffler’s contributions related to his debate with Nelson Goodman dealing with both constructivism and realism. The idea of plurealism is not only related to the ethics-science-distinction, but is more widely related to the relationship between ontological realism and the incommensurable systems of description in diverse realms of human understanding. The Scheffler-Goodman debate is also analysed in relation to the contemporary constructivism-realism debate in educational philosophy. In terms of educational questions, Scheffler’s plurealism is argued as offering a fruitful perspective. Scheffler’s philosophy of education can be interpreted as searching for solutions to the problems deriving from the tension between the tradition of analytical philosophy and the complexity and multiplicity of educational reality. The complexity of reality combined with the supposition of the limitedness of human knowledge does not lead Scheffler to relativism or particularism, but, in contrast, Schefflerian formulations of rationality and objectivity preserve the possibility for critical inquiry in all realms of educational reality. In light of this study, Scheffler’s philosophy of education provides an exceptional example of combining ontological realism, epistemological fallibilism, and the defence of the ideal of rationality, combined with a wide-ranging understanding of educational reality.
This thesis focused on the roles of parenting styles (including parental norm-breaking attitudes and parents perceptions of players coach-athlete relationship), players achievement strategies, perceptions of coaching behaviours, coaches own perceptions, and perceptions of team leaders, in explaining player satisfaction and team cohesion. Five studies based on the same data provided by the Finnish Ice Hockey Association (FIHA) were carried out. The sample sizes were as follows: players, 1,018; parents, 979; coaches, 35; and team leaders, 57. Questionnaires and self-report questionnaires were used to collect data. The results revealed that: (1) family-parenting styles provided a basis for adolescents achievement strategies and influenced whether the sons played fairly or engaged in rule breaking. Democratic parenting was associated with the adolescents high level of mastery-oriented behaviour, low level of task-irrelevant behaviour, and low level of norm-breaking behaviour. The adaptive achievement strategies enhanced player satisfaction. (2) Democratic parenting styles influenced parents perception of the coach-athlete relationship, which was further associated with a coaching style that also influenced how the child experienced his own cohesion within the team. (3) The adolescents tended to reflect the similarity in leadership behaviours between home and sport from both democratic and autocratic backgrounds. In particular, the compensating combination of non-demanding styles at home and a high level of support by a positive coach was associated with high team cohesion. (4) The stress factor changed the dynamics of the parenting behaviour. (5) Players ratings, coaches ratings, and the ratings of team leaders all differed upon coaching behaviours and team cohesion. Only the players ratings were associated with cohesion high with positive coaching and low with autocratic coaching. The developmental age and the long-lasting membership on an ice hockey team made positive coaching acceptable for all players. Sixteen year-olds from all families rated high team cohesion with positive coaching. Parenting styles were associated with adolescent ice hockey players achievement strategies, norm breaking, and satisfaction. The combination of parenting and coaching was associated with cohesion rated by players. The staff s experiences of coaching and its effects on cohesion differed from the players experiences. These results contribute to understanding links between parenting styles, achievement strategies, norm breaking, and satisfaction, as well as parenting styles, coaching behaviour and cohesion. This work has importance for parents, coaches, sport organizations, and teachers.
The possibilities of developmental rehabilitation. A study on the construction of work relatedness and the customer in Aslak rehabilitation The challenge of work-related rehabilitation is to anticipate the factors threatening work ability and to affect them. The purpose of this study was to analyze how work-related rehabilitation is constructed in practice and what are the challenges and, at the same time, the possibilities of an innovative transformation of rehabilitation when trying to achive this goal. The theoretical basis is cultural-historical activity theory and developmental work research. Based on a historical analysis, I studied rehabilitation activity empirically using the data gathered from one Aslak programme (Aslak = occupationally oriented medical rehabilitation) over two years. I described and analysed the construction of Aslak using ethnographic data and interviews. The data includes audio- and video-recordings of the Aslak course, fieldnotes, documents and other materials used in the course. The study aimed to reveal rehabilitation practices from different perspectives carried out by different stakeholders and participants in the Aslak course. It focused on the Aslak trajectory produced by a multiorganizational subject. I analyzed the rehabilitation activity using the method of ethnographic analysis of infrastructure. The method of analyzing the construction of the object of rehabilititation the customer was a membership categorization analysis (MCD) based on the ethnomethodological research tradition. I analyzed the meanings denoting customers given by different parties during one Aslak process and the relations between the meanings. Based on this analysis, I studied the disturbances, ruptures, and innovations in the rehabilitation activity. The results of the study show that the infrastructure of Aslak has different basic ideas. Aslak is constructed most explicitly on the infrastructure of medical rehabilitation. The second layer has been provided with some tools of identifying and preventing well-defined occupation-specific load factors. However, it has failed to perform a new structure, as Aslak has encountered, at the same time, rapid changes in working life. The study identified some promising markers representing new kinds of work-related rehabilitation ideas, but they proved to be incomplete and fragile. As a consequence of the multilayered infrastructure, the contents of the Aslak course were split into fragmented phases and disconnected themes, which were blocked in by the master idea of medical orientation. Its relationship to work remained weak and obscure. The categorizations of customers in Aslak were manifold and contradictory. According to the results, the possibilities for transforming work-related rehabilitation lie both in changing the orientation to the customer to be more relevant to changing working life and forging the infrastructural innovations related to this change. The results showed that a new work-relatedeness would be difficult but possible to construct. What is needed is the construction of an infrastructure that will support a coherent master idea of work-related rehabilitation over the entire trajectory of a process. A shared idea of a rehabilitation object must be constructed in close collaboration between different stakeholders, such as Kela (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland), occupational health services, work organizations, and rehabilitation institutes. Key words: Aslak rehabilitation, work-related rehabilitation, development of rehabilitation, customer of rehabilitation, developmental work research, analysis of infrastructure, membership category analysis
Surgical treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a treatment option for those patients who remain severely symptomatic after a course of conservative treatment. Majority of the patients treated surgically enjoy good-to-excellent outcomes with respect to pain alleviation and functional recovery. However, between 20% and 40% of the patients who have surgery for LSS do not benefit from it. The knowledge of the psychological factors associated with recovery and treatment outcome is still scarce. The aim of this study was to assess LSS patients selected for surgical treatment. Specifically, the study assessed the prevalence of depression (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI) before surgical treatment and three months after the treatment. Also preoperative life satisfaction (four-item Life Satisfaction scale) of the LSS patients was studied. Furthermore, the patients satisfaction with surgery outcome at the three months postoperative stage was studied. One-fifth (20%) of the LSS-patients were found to have depression preoperatively. The patients assessments of the pain intensity or location were not associated with depression. The factors that did associate with depression were subjective disability of everyday living and poor life satisfaction. In addition to this, low sense of coherence and poor life satisfaction were associated with depression in logistic regression models. Significant associations were seen between preoperative depression and postoperative high disability scores, high symptom severity scores and higher pain intensity ratings. The patients with continuous depression (60% of the patients who had preoperative depression) showed less improvement in symptom severity, disability, pain and walking capacity than the patients who did not experience depression at any stage. In those patients who recovered from depression (35% of the patients with preoperative depression), the postoperative improvement was rather similar to the improvement seen in the normal mood group. One-fourth (25%) of the preoperative patients with LSS were found to be dissatisfied with life. The dissatisfied patients were significantly younger and had more self-reported somatic comorbidity. The dissatisfied patients had also elevated subjective disability scores and more extensive pain locations. Also lower coping resources and higher BDI scores were associated with life dissatisfaction. Younger age and somatic comorbidity were associated with life dissatisfaction in regression models. Two-thirds (66%) of the patients were at least clearly satisfied with the surgery outcome at three months postoperative stage. In group comparisons, the lack of physical, functional and emotional well-being was associated with the patients dissatisfaction with the surgery outcome. Younger age, postoperative symptom severity, disability and depression were independently associated with dissatisfaction with the surgery outcome. The results show that depression and psychological well-being are important factors with respect to LSS patients functional ability and recovery both before and three months after surgical treatment. Therefore, the clinical practice recommendations should include an assessment of depression
Paremmin tietäjän paikka ja toisin tietämisen tila : Opettajuus (ja tutkijuus) pedagogisena suhteena
The position of knowing better and the space for knowing otherwise. Pedagogical mode of address in teaching (and in research) This book is a study of teaching, research, and expertise – the position of “knowing better” – as a pedagogical relationship. The focus of the study is empirical research of the classroom practices of four primary school teachers in a Finnish comprehensive school, and the interpretative discussions on those practices between the researcher and the teachers. To know, or knowing, is considered an interactive action: it is different ways of knowing and encounters between the better and the other knowledge. In these encounters, the different pedagogical modes of address construct space for interaction and relationships between the speakers in the space. In teaching and researching one is involved in practices connected to power/knowledge systems and conceptions of the hierarchies of different knowledges. Teaching is considered as a special interactive relationship interrelating knowledge and power through the discourses of the culturally and historically constructed school institution, discourses which operate in the practices and narratives of the teaching, teacher, and the pedagogical dialogue. This study uses the feminist poststructural perspective in which the discursive construction of the subject position is considered as an ambivalent process of subjectification and in which such concepts as marginality and otherness are salient. The pedagogical dialogue of these discursive practices address the learner and learning, and space is constructed for different positions, and for thinking and knowing otherwise. The ethnographic data on everyday pedagogical practices of teachers in the school institution was constructed jointly by the researchr, teachers and pupils durint the empirical study. The analysis and interpretations concentrate on the pedagogical practices in teaching and how teachers talk about them. In other words, how do the teachers enter the culturally and historically constructed, institutional space of the teacher in the classrooms of the comprehensive school, how do they take the position of the teacher and what kind of pedagogical address do they use? And, by taking those positions and using different modes of address, how do they position their pupils in the pedagogical interaction? These pedagogical practices are considered as surrounded and modified by the discourses that can be found in the cultural images of a school teacher, the historical and theoretical narratives about teaching and teachers of the school institution, and in the educational policy texts. The same discourses are also repeated, transformed and intertwined in the practices and narratives of the academic institution. These are considered in the study through the positionings of the researcher in the process of empirical research. The researcher and research are constructed in terms of the production of the power/knowledge dynamics. These dynamics are examined in the construction of the theoretical perspective and in the considerations of the methodology, epistemology and ethics of the study.
According to the models conceptualizing work stress, increased risk of health problems arise when high job demands co-occur with low job control (the demand-control model) or the efforts invested by the employee are disproportionately high compared to the rewards received (effort-reward imbalance model). This study examined the association between work stress and early atherosclerosis with particular attention to the role of pre-employment risk factors and genetic background in this association. The subjects were young healthy adults aged 24-39 who were participating in the 21-year follow-up of the ongoing prospective "Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns" study in 2001-2002. Work stress was evaluated with questionnaires on demand-control model and on effort-reward model. Atherosclerosis was assessed with ultrasound of carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT). In addition, risk for enhanced atherosclerotic process was assessed by measuring with heart rate variability and heart rate. Pre-employment risk factors, measured at age 12 to 18, included such as body mass index, blood lipids, family history of coronary heart disease, and parental socioeconomic position. Variants of the neuregulin-1 were determined using genomic DNA. The results showed that higher work stress was associated with higher IMT in men. This association was not attenuated by traditional risk factors of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease or by pre-employment risk factors measured in adolescence. Neuregulin-1 gene moderated the association between work stress and IMT in men. A significant association between work stress and IMT was found only for the T/T genotype of the neuregulin-1 gene but not for other genotypes. Among women an association was found between higher work stress and lower heart rate variability, suggesting higher risk for developing atherosclerosis. These associations could not be explained by demographic characteristics or coronary risk factors. The present findings provide evidence for an association between work stress and atherosclerosis in relatively young population. This association seems to be modified by genetic influences but it does not appear to be confounded by pre-employment adolescent risk factors.
Aptitude-based student selection: A study concerning the admission processes of some technically oriented healthcare degree programmes in Finland (Orthotics and Prosthetics, Dental Technology and Optometry). The data studied consisted of conveniencesamples of preadmission information and the results of the admission processes of three technically oriented healthcare degree programmes (Orthotics and Prosthetics, Dental Technology and Optometry) in Finland during the years 1977-1986 and 2003. The number of the subjects tested and interviewed in the first samples was 191, 615 and 606, and in the second 67, 64 and 89, respectively. The questions of the six studies were: I. How were different kinds of preadmission data related to each other? II. Which were the major determinants of the admission decisions? III. Did the graduated students and those who dropped out differ from each other? IV. Was it possible to predict how well students would perform in the programmes? V. How was the student selection executed in the year 2003? VI. Should clinical vs. statistical prediction or both be used? (Some remarks are presented on Meehl's argument: "Always, we might as well face it, the shadow of the statistician hovers in the background; always the actuary will have the final word.") The main results of the study were as follows: Ability tests, dexterity tests and judgements of personality traits (communication skills, initiative, stress tolerance and motivation) provided unique, non-redundant information about the applicants. Available demographic variables did not bias the judgements of personality traits. In all three programme settings, four-factor solutions (personality, reasoning, gender-technical and age-vocational with factor scores) could be extracted by the Maximum Likelihood method with graphical Varimax rotation. The personality factor dominated the final aptitude judgements and very strongly affected the selection decisions. There were no clear differences between graduated students and those who had dropped out in regard to the four factors. In addition, the factor scores did not predict how well the students performed in the programmes. Meehl's argument on the uncertainty of clinical prediction was supported by the results, which on the other hand did not provide any relevant data for rules on statistical prediction. No clear arguments for or against the aptitude-based student selection was presented. However, the structure of the aptitude measures and their impact on the admission process are now better known. The concept of "personal aptitude" is not necessarily included in the values and preferences of those in charge of organizing the schooling. Thus, obviously the most well-founded and cost-effective way to execute student selection is to rely on e.g. the grade point averages of the matriculation examination and/or written entrance exams. This procedure, according to the present study, would result in a student group which has a quite different makeup (60%) from the group selected on the basis of aptitude tests. For the recruiting organizations, instead, "personal aptitude" may be a matter of great importance. The employers, of course, decide on personnel selection. The psychologists, if consulted, are responsible for the proper use of psychological measures.