822 resultados para Língua portuguesa (Ensino médio) Estudo e ensino
Notre travail propose de comprendre l`immigration africaine contemporaine du Brsil travers l'univers des tudiants guinens participant au Programme tudiants Convnio de Graduao (PEC-G) dans les villes de Fortaleza dans l'Etat Cear et Natal dans l'Etat de Rio Grande do Norte, en tudiant leurs stratgies de convivialit et d'adaptation. Les tudiants trangers slectionns dans ce programme font leur licence gratuitement dans les Instituts d'Enseignement Suprieur (IES). Pour accder ce programme ils doivent rpondre certains critres : montrer qu'ils sont en mesure de payer leurs frais au Brsil, avoir le bac ou un diplme quivalent et matriser la langue portugaise lorsqu'ils sont originaires d'un pays n'appartenant pas la Communaut de Pays de Langue Portugaise (CPLP). Les tudiants qui participent des programmes de dveloppement socio-conomique contracts entre le Brsil et leurs pays d'origine sont prioritaires. Ces accords les contraignent rentrer dans leurs pays d'origine et de travailler dans le domaine dans lequel ils ont t diplms une fois les tudes termines. Les tudiants, qui arrivent au Brsil porteurs de leurs identits ethniques guinennes, entrent en contact avec la socit brsilienne et acquirent ainsi une identit hybride . C'est dans ce contexte que ce travail analyse le quotidien des tudiants africaines au Brsil avec un regard port sur les tudiants de Guine-Bissau Fortaleza et Natal comprendre l'exprience des tudiants qui vivent en terre trangre. Ainsi, le lieu (Brsil) prend toute sa valeur par rapport au distant (Guine) autrefois li par l'histoire coloniale et aujourd'hui li par des relations internationales ou diplomatiques. Finalement, la construction d'une nouvelle identit ethnique, d'une culture guinenne au Brsil s'opre dans une clbration mobile c'est--dire successivement forme et transforme en relation avec les formes travers lesquelles l'individu est reprsent ou interpel dans les systmes culturels dans lesquels il est impliqu.
Dissertao de mest. em Didctica das Línguas e Culturas Modernas Especializao Ingls, Faculdade de Cincias Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2003
Este trabalho de investigao insere-se no mbito da sociolingustica e debrua-se sobre a perceo quanto variao dialetal do Arquiplago da Madeira, que os jovens em escolarizao da Regio Autnoma da Madeira detm face a alguns traos particulares do lxico. Neste sentido, o corpus de trabalho baseou-se nos dados recolhidos em inquritos por questionrio sobre o lxico, realizados a uma amostra de 40 alunos naturais do arquiplago, a frequentarem o 3 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico e distribudos por dez alunos em quatros escolas localizadas: a norte (Santana-So Jorge) e a sul (Funchal e Cmara de Lobos) da ilha da Madeira e na ilha do Porto Santo. Para podermos, efetivamente, determinar quais as influncias extralingusticas ou quais as variveis socioculturais responsveis pelo conhecimento e uso dos dialetos, foi tambm importante analisar alguns fatores de ordem social, tais como, o meio familiar, a idade, o nvel de escolaridade dos alunos, a naturalidade e o contacto destes com os meios urbano vs rural. Com efeito, e com base nos instrumentos de anlise recolhidos, este estudo mostra-nos que os jovens madeirenses em escolarizao ainda evidenciam um interesse em usar e manter a sua identidade dialetal, numa dinmica intergeracional, dado que os mesmos consideram importante no deixar desaparecer um legado lingustico que tem sido herdado pelos seus antepassados. Contudo, constatamos que o domnio dos dialetos madeirenses juntos destes jovens comea a estar um pouco ausente nas suas conversas do quotidiano, principalmente quanto contactam com falantes fora do arquiplago, moldando os seus discursos em norma/padro, por assim entenderem tratar-se de uma forma comunicacional, dotada de mais prestgio social. Em contrapartida, verificmos que o meio familiar e o meio rural contribuem, portanto, para um uso mais frequente da variao dialetal, provando-se esta realidade, sobretudo, nos jovens em escolarizao residentes nos concelhos a norte da ilha da Madeira e na ilha do Porto Santo. Por considerarmos importante novas investigaes, sobretudo pela temtica que aqui foi abordada, consideramos que seria deveras pertinente surgirem futuros estudos. Assim, estes podero explicar a origem do extenso lxico dos dialetos madeirenses e no caso particular da variao dialetal na pequena ilha do Porto Santo, considerando-se, para o efeito, tambm a vertente sociolingustica.
This paper shows that grammatical subjects are articulated with teaching. In this sense, we comment and reflect on a few results obtained by means of search on the subject relative to the teaching of grammar in Portuguese Language Schoolbooks. The search focused the analysis on a book used in third grade (current fourth year) of Basic Education and guided itself in the hope that the activities would part from the functioning of the language system, and that should not necessarily be related to a lack of consideration to the orientations found in traditional handbooks.
Abstract This article aims to show an overview about how the elementary schools are working on reading in school environment in the last decades in Mato Grosso do Sul. To achieve this goal, twenty three students´ reports enrolled in the second year of Languages at a Federal University were analyzed. The reports were prepared by the students after they have read the Irandé Antunes text "The reading and its functions", this text was used as mainstay of corpus establishment on this study because Antunes discusses about the problems related to reading in school environment. This work is justified because, although several searches related to reading theme developed in many universities in the country, we noticed that old practices prevail in most schools regarding Portuguese lessons. Based on the reports in which students describe their reading histories in the period they were enrolled in the elementary and secondary school, it was possible to describe the problems that arise in school environment related to reading work. We use as theoretical assumptions Irandé Antunes, Sírio Possenti, João Wanderlei Geraldi and Ezequiel Theodoro da Silva´s words. We brought to the fore matters involving the reading and its relation to the family, grammar supremacy in favor of reading, the neglect of reading in school environment, the textbook presence, and last, indications of reading strategies that we consider successful in school where Portuguese lessons happened according to the Languages´ students in the period they studied elementary and secondary school. KEY-WORDS: Reading; School; Teacher
This scientific paper presents the results of an ethnographic study and it is aimed at reflect about the development of writing in language contexts in contact through reflective analysis of the interferences of speech in the writing production of children enrolled in the 7th grade of elementary school. The languages contexts in contact pay attention due to the complexity than the teaching of standard variety takes on linguistic diversity that enters the school. In this sense, we base this research on the theory Educational Sociolinguistic, based on authors: Bortoni-Ricardo (2004, 2005 and 2011) and Damke (1988, 2009 and 2013). The results demonstrate that the marks of the languages in contact that are present in the writing, are regulars and depend on the linguistic contact of the speaker, blending with the linguistic variation of the Portuguese language, and what it allow create pedagogical intervention activities that consider specifics contexts writing.
For years, the discrepancies faced by deaf students in the teaching of the Portuguese language were due to the lack of hearing. Recently, these failures have been attributed to the use of inadequate teaching methodologies and to the lack of communication through Libras between the deaf and the hearers. This article aims at reporting a research study that analyzed the teaching-learning processes from the point of view of a deaf elementary student in Viçosa/MG. The project was primarily developed by a qualitative approach, by utilizing the bibliographical review, the participant observation and the field diary. Results showed the communicative interactions were restrained, since teachers and hearing students were not fluent in Libras, and there was no interpreter available. The methodology was mostly expositive, with a predominance of oral resources. The findings demonstrated the challenges faced by the deaf students are numerous, since the school does not offer the structure to meet their needs, and the teachers do not have the required education to work in an inclusive school environment. This article reports some methodological proposals for the teaching of Portuguese that were elaborated and applied within an inclusive context, all following PCN orientations. It reinforces the need to invest in teacher training to meet the demands of inclusive education to improve the quality of the classes offered to the deaf in regards to the teaching-learning process for Portuguese.
This essay shows the report of a series of searches that deal the acquisition of a first and a second language by deaf children, in inclusive contexts. Due to hearing deprivation, and for not having a whole acoustic duct, deaf people end up not acquiring naturally the language that is common for Brazilians in general. Among the searches carried out, those that deal the written expression of deaf undergraduates, whose path in the acquisition of the language(s) did not follow the model prescribed by current theoreticians. The search shows that the analyzed students did not acquire sign language as first language in the first phase of childhood and Portuguese as second language, contradicting the bilingual model adopted in Brazil
Desde a publicação dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN – BRASIL, 1997; 1998), os gêneros textuais são propostos como objeto de ensino de Língua Portuguesa (LP) e de Línguas Estrangeiras (LE) nos níveis Fundamental e Médio. Na prática, isso implica o planejamento e a execução de um trabalho com enunciados concretos, ou seja, com textos que circulam num contexto real de interação verbal, e não mais uma abordagem da língua voltada para a estrutura descontextualizada do processo enunciativo. Esse enfoque sustenta a proposta apresentada no Projeto de Iniciação Científica Voluntário (PICV) intitulado Práticas de leitura pautadas na proposta de sequência didática com gêneros textuais, aplicada em Cascavel/PR, numa turma de 5ª série do Ensino Fundamental, durante o segundo semestre de 2008, sendo a mesma objeto de reflexão e apresentação do presente artigo. Essa pesquisa tem, como base teórica, os estudos de Bakhtin (2003) e Bakhtin/Volochínov (2006), a proposta de ensino de língua materna do grupo de Genebra (DOLZ; NOVERRAZ; SCHNEUWLY, 2004) e a adaptação desta ao contexto educacional da região Oeste do Paraná, realizada por Costa-Hübes e colaboradores (AMOP, 2007a; 2007b).
This paper aims to reflect on the teaching of Portuguese language in the context of twenty-first century, taking as its starting point the proposal of multiliteracies. We propose to discuss the applicability of genres in the classroom as a condition to ensure the construction of fundamental knowledge to social practices of language. For this, we rely on recent studies on the possibilities that the genre can bring to practice reading, writing papers, and linguistic analysis. We intend, therefore, to assist the planning of teachers who still find themselves unsure on curricula that suggest what they have to do, but did not say how. Understand the reason why this work is another contribution to the teaching of Portuguese in the final years of elementary school and high school bringing out a space for discussion about what needs to be taught and some teaching procedures that favor the democratization of school and interaction linguistics. Curricular innovations and new ways of thinking about teaching and learning of mother tongue are already part of the reflections of most professionals, but there is still an open field to think of more effective alternatives through multimodality an interactionist conception of language.
Writing concepts in the textbook of elementary school: writing as a consequence with nuances of gift
The text production commands from a collection of textbooks Portuguese (6 to 9 years) were analyzed in order to verify the design of writing that guides the work with this practice in the classroom. Therefore, the study is guided in Applied Linguistics, in theoretical view of Geraldi (1996) and Fiad and Mayrink-Sabison (1994) and methodological of Sercundes (1997). The analysis and systematization of data allowed to highlight the writing concepts such as work, written as a result and writing as a consequence with nuances of gift, and in this article, the commands guided are presented in the latter, given the recurrence that was used in the activities. Thus, the results indicate that the commands of the collection, guided by the concept of writing as a consequence with the nuances of gift, promote dialogue between two predefined by Sercundes conceptions (1997) written as a gift and as a result, showing their overlapping for the realization of production activity. Moreover, the written are the result of activities carried out previously, at the same time that the student is asked to use their imagination, his gift of writing at the time of production, not setting actual production conditions written to students.
This article aims to study the historical constitution of Portuguese Language Teaching Manuals in Brazil (PLT) in Brazil. To do this, we offer firstly an overview view of research on these Teaching Manuals as used in schools and in Portuguese language classes throughout the whole time they have existed. From this extensive period we draw attention to some historical perspectives that have decisively changed the direction of PLT, its classes and the day to day life in schools. From these we shall single out the public policies regarding quality pertaining to the National Program for Teaching Manuals (NPTM) and to the National Program for Teaching Manuals for High Schools, specifically and for 2015 (NPTMHS 2015). We seek theoretical support in: Comenius (1954), Oliveira et al. (1984), Soares (1986, 1998, 2001), Bittencourt (1993), Freitag et al. (1993), Munakata (1997), Coracini (1999), Batista (2001, 2003, 2004), Batista and Costa Val (2004), Bunzen (2001, 2005, 2009), Bunzen and Rojo (2008) Rojo and Batista (2008), among others. The result of this research will give a history of PLT made up of diverse social and political factors, as well as those continually arising.
As prticas de leccionao da língua portuguesa no ensino bsico e secundrio, aps a instaurao da democracia em Portugal, tm-se pautado pela inexistncia quer de um paradigma, quer de um mtodo aceites pela generalidade dos diferentes agentes educativos. Em consequncia disso, foi possvel assistir, nestes ltimos trinta anos, substituio de um paradigma tradicional, centrado no texto literrio e na gramtica normativa, por um outro que, na nsia de fazer depender o estudo da língua da sua utilidade prtica, se revela muitas vezes redundante relativamente s experincias lingusticas quotidianas dos estudantes, no contribuindo dessa forma para promover o seu desenvolvimento. Neste artigo, procura-se demonstrar que o binmio aprendizagem/grau de desenvolvimento intelectual se funda numa relao de mtua implicao e no de subordinao da primeira ao segundo. Cumulativamente, defende-se a idia de que, sendo os textos literrios objectos nos quais as potencialidades cognitivas, expressivas e comunicativas de uma língua se encontram maximamente exploradas, eles se impem como altamente produtivos em contexto de ensino-aprendizagem, quer pelas competncias que permitem desenvolver, quer pelos contedos que se prestam a abordar, quer ainda pela prpria diversidade de estratgias lingusticas que mobilizam.
This paper presents the results of a study in which we discuss the use of proverb genre in teaching Portuguese. To achieve the proposed objective we have developed a literature in which it sought to compile and analyze the conceptualization/characterization of proverbs, as well as the potential of the genre to the acquisition and/or improvement of linguistic and discursive skills. Therefore, it was possible to ensure that the proverb brings substantial teaching of Portuguese language contributions, because it is a genre that has various exploration possibilities. It was observed methodological possibilities for the development of educational activities involving issues related to phonology, morphology, the lexicon, syntax and semantics, and ideological and cultural issues, which can make the Portuguese language lessons more interesting and fruitful , which will provide students with an analysis of linguistic elements used daily in their social context , as well as analysis of ideological / cultural content present in proverbial expressions, expanding the linguistic and discursive student proficiency.
O artigo analisa um debate na lingustica brasileira ocorrido na dcada de 1980 entre os linguistas Rodolfo Ilari e Kanavillil Rajagopalan. Esse debate colocou em destaque limites e alcances de abordagens semnticas e pragmticas para o estudo de fenmenos lingusticos, evidenciando, assim, momentos de ruptura terica e metodolgica na histria da lingustica no Brasil. A anlise proposta ser realizada por meio da observao de retricas (tal como compreendidas nos estudos da Historiografia da Lingustica) adotadas por linguistas em situaes de confronto terico e metodolgico. Apresenta-se em perspectiva interpretativa de que modo se deu, em um momento da histria da lingustica brasileira, uma divergncia terico-metodolgica nos domnios de estudos do significado e da significao. Essa divergncia estabeleceu pontos de conflito em relao a objetos tericos de anlise, evidenciados por meio de retricas dos linguistas que ressaltaram a oposio e a ruptura cientfica. Descontinuidades, enfim, no processo de implantao e desenvolvimento de teorias e mtodos no mbito da cincia da linguagem praticada na comunidade brasileira de pesquisa lingustica.