841 resultados para Education media - Teacher training


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Proactive communication management instead of mortification in the glare of hostile media attention became the theme of a four-day training program for multi-cultural community leaders, the object of this research. The program in Brisbane from December 2009 through to February this year was conducted under auspices of a Community Media Link grant program shared by Griffith University and the Queensland Ethnic Communities Council, together with Journalism academics from the Queensland University of Technology. Twenty-eight participants from 23 organisations took part, with a team of nine facilitators from the host organisations, and guest presenters from the news media. This paper reviews the process, taking into account: its objectives, to empower participants by showing how Australian media operate and introducing participants to journalists; pedagogical thrust, where overview talks, with role play seminars with guest presenters from the media, were combined with practice in interviews and writing for media; and outcomes, assessed on the basis of participants’ responses. The research methodology is qualitative, in that the study is based on discussions to review the planning and experience of sessions, and anonymous, informal feed-back questionnaires distributed to the participants. Background literature on multiculturalism and community media was referred to in the study. The findings indicate positive outcomes for participants from this approach to protection of persons unversed in living in the Australian “mediatised” environment. Most affirmed that the “production side” perspective of the exercise had informed and motivated them effectively, such that henceforth they would venture far more into media management, in their community leadership roles.


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There has been an abundance of education reform recommendations for teaching and teacher education as a result of national and international reviews. A major criticism in education is the lack of connection between theory and practice (or praxis), that is, how the learning at university informs practical applications for teaching in the classroom. This paper presents the Teacher Education Done Differently (TEDD) project, funded by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). It outlines how it has re-structured its offering of coursework in a Bachelor of Education (BEd) held at an Australian university campus to embrace praxis. Establishing partnerships was crucial to the development of this project. TEDD initially gathered a reference group of educators, which included university staff, school executives, and other key stakeholders, who formed an Advisory Group and Steering Committee. These groups formed a collective vision for TEDD and aimed to motivate others, foster team work, and create leadership roles that would benefit all stakeholders. The paper presents how university units changed to include a stronger praxis development for preservice teachers. Preservice teachers take their learning into schools within lead-up programs such as Ed Start for practicum I, III, and IV; Science in Schools, and Studies of Society and its Environment (SOSE). Findings showed that opportunities for undertaking additional real-world experiences were perceived to assist the preservice teachers’ praxis development. Additional school-based experiences as lead-up days for field experiences and as avenues for exploring the teaching of specific subject areas presented as an opportunity for enhancing education for all.


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The poverty rate in Ontario affects approximately 1 in 6 children. Consequently, many classrooms in the province include students who come from poverty, and teachers are faced with the challenge of providing an equitable education to students who come from economically diverse backgrounds. Because student poverty in our education system is so prevalent, this challenge exists also for teacher candidates who enter the education system and complete their practicums in classrooms that often include students from impoverished backgrounds. This project examined issues of poverty and education and developed a workshop to assist teacher candidates to develop knowledge in this area. The project combined existing pedagogical approaches with participants’ recommendations and developed a workshop that could be delivered to Faculty of Education students. The workshop addresses poverty, the relationship between poverty and education, student academic achievement and well-being, and the relationship between school and home. The goal and hope of the workshop is that teacher candidates will be better prepared when working in economically diverse school environments.


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Free online training resources on using web 2.0 tools for busy lecturers. - 'Outstanding ICT initiative of the year' winner of the JISC award is commended for 'commitment to open access to online content' A wealth of openly available multimedia content won the JISC/Times Higher Award. Created by University of Westminster lecturer Russell Stannard's websites build upon pioneering work using video to mark students' work. Using screen recording software, Stannard recorded himself walking through various Web 2.0 technologies with a voice-over, which were then uploaded to a website - www.teachertrainingvideos.com. The site quickly proved popular and rapidly built into a bank of over 30 videos.


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Libro dirigido a formadores de profesores. Incluye treinta lecciones perfectamente estructuradas y planificadas, acompañadas de hojas de trabajo que se pueden fotocopiar y notas explicativas para el formador, que desarrollan los conocimientos de los profesores en tres áreas básicas: metodología, lenguaje y teoría; y al mismo tiempo les anima a reflexionar activamente sobre su propio aprendizaje y experiencias previas. El libro se divide en tres secciones: metodología en clase, desarrollo de la conciencia lingüística y contexto para la enseñanza.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: " Formaci??n de profesores. Perspectivas de Brasil, Colombia, Espa??a y Portugal"


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La tesi titulada "El cinema com a recurs i matèria d'estudi: l'experiència de Drac Màgic", consta de quatre parts clarament diferenciades, però complementàries entre si, que responen a la voluntat d'orientar la introducció del cinema en l'àmbit de l'educació. L'objectiu fonamental de la primera part de la tesi és el de crear un marc teòric en el que conflueixin les recerques i les opinions de diversos autors, provinents del camp de la comunicació o bé especialistes en l'àmbit de l'educació, que s'han interrogat, des de la seva particular parcel·la d'estudi, sobre aspectes relacionats amb la presència dels mitjans de comunicació, en general, o bé sobre la incidència del cinema, en particular, en la nostra societat i en les persones. Les qüestions més bàsiques que constitueixen, segons el meu parer, els principals dubtes que ha de dissipar un educador que està interessat en la possibilitat d'introduir el cinema en la seva pràctica educativa i que són les següents: què és el cinema, per què introduir el cinema, quin cinema introduir i com introduir el cinema. La segona part de la tesi està dedicada íntegrament a l'estudi de l'experiència d'una cooperativa de Barcelona, anomenada Drac Màgic, que des de fa vint-i-cinc anys treballa en l'aplicació del cinema en l'àmbit de l'educació formal i en la formació permanent del professorat. L'anàlisi d'aquesta proposta, ens permet concretar amb un exemple pràctic, que és molt proper a la nostra realitat immediata, es aspectes teòrics que hem presentat en la primera part de la tesi. Per altra banda, l'estudi d'aquesta experiència pretén ser un punt de referència a l'hora de realitzar la proposta pràctica d'integració del cinema en els plantejaments educatius, que realitzem a la quarta part de la tesi. En la tercera part de la tesi, hem investigat en el marc legal que configura les possibilitat i els límits que se'ls hi plantegen als professors que estan interessats en introduir els mitjans de comunicació, en general, i el cinema, en particular, en les seves pràctiques educatives. Així, doncs, per conèixer el nivell de compromís que les institucions públiques adopten per potenciar la introducció dels mitjans de comunicació en general, i del cinema, en particular, a les escoles, hem investigat en el marc legal que regula actualment el funcionament dels centres escolars i que es coneix amb el nom de Reforma educativa i també hem volgut conèixer els principals objectius i les activitats que desenvolupen dues iniciatives institucionals El Programa de Noves Tecnologies de la Informació i de la Comunicació del Ministeri d'Educació i Ciència espanyol i el Programa de Mitjans Audiovisuals del Departament d'Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya. En la quarta part de la tesi, hem dissenyat una proposta pràctica per introduir el cinema a les escoles del nostres país, que s'ha concretat en l'elaboració d'un crèdit variable sobre cinema destinat als alumnes que cursen l'Educació Secundària Obligatòria.