762 resultados para practice led research methodology


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia, miten sähköisen taloushallinnon kehitys on vaikuttanut tilintarkastukseen ja miten se näkyy ammattilehtien kirjoittelussa vuosina 2003-2013. Alatavoitteina tutkitaan, mitä sähköisen taloushallinnon kehityksen tuomia hyötyjä ja haasteita on havaittu tarkastellussa suomalaisessa sekä kansainvälisessä ammattilehtikirjoittelussa tilintarkastuksen näkökulmasta. Kyseessä on laadullinen tutkimus ja tutkimusmetodologiana käytetään sisällönanalyysia. Tietokoneavusteisten tilintarkastuksen tekniikoiden kehityksen seurauksena tekniikoita voidaan kehittää kohti jatkuvaa tilintarkastusta. Kannettavien tietokoneiden ja pilvipalveluiden seurauksena tilintarkastuksesta on tullut enemmän ajasta ja paikasta riippumatonta. XBRL:n avulla tietojen vertailtavuus, luotettavuus ja tarkkuus ovat parantuneet. Haasteina voidaan nähdä tilintarkastajien IT-taitojen kehittämisen tarve sekä asiakkaan ja tilintarkastusyhteisön tietojärjestelmien yhteensopivuus. Hyvätkin ohjelmistot voivat altistaa väärinkäytöksille, jolloin tarvitaan uusia innovatiivisia tekniikoita väärinkäytösten havaitsemiseen. Tutkielman empiirisen osion luotettavuus perustuu ammattilehtien artikkeleiden kirjoittajien näkökulmiin. Tilintarkastusalan kehittyminen tulevaisuudessa on kiinni kehittyvän tekniikan lisäksi asenteista.


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This thesis was carried out as a case study of a company YIT in order to clarify the sev-erest risks for the company and to build a method for project portfolio evaluation. The target organization creates new living environment by constructing residential buildings, business premises, infrastructure and entire areas worth for EUR 1.9 billion in the year 2013. Company has noted project portfolio management needs more information about the structure of project portfolio and possible influences of market shock situation. With interviews have been evaluated risks with biggest influence and most appropriate metrics to examine. The major risks for the company were evaluated by interviewing the executive staff. At the same time, the most appropriate risk metrics were considered. At the moment sales risk was estimated to have biggest impact on company‟s business. Therefore project port-folio evaluation model was created and three different scenarios for company‟s future were created in order to identify the scale of possible market shock situation. The created model is tested with public and descriptive figures of YIT in a one-year-long market shock and the impact on different metrics was evaluated. Study was conducted using con-structive research methodology. Results indicate that company has notable sales risk in certain sections of business portfolio.


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Global trends associated with development of information technology, globalization, industrial and economic changes are influencing on company and customer domains and thus transforming company-customer relationship. The company centric paradigm with a strong product focus shifts to a customer oriented one with a strong emphasis on customer collaboration. As a result, the customer role changes from a passive observer to an active player. Moreover, global trends contribute to transformation of competitive environment making it tougher and simplifying an access to resources previously considered as unique. All that factors push the companies towards cooperation with customers in order to identify unarticulated needs and finding the best possible solution to existing customer problems. The Master’s Thesis is done for Outotec (Lappeenranta) which considers extension of dewatering business in Russian coal market. Research aims to identify key features of coal preparation and dewatering of fine coal and tailings in Russian preparation plants; analyze the state of Russian coal market and evaluate market potential for Outotec dewatering solutions. The study has a qualitative nature and implements an action research methodology that involves both creation of knowledge and introduction of changes into the system. The base for taking actions is formed by theoretical framework that targets on describing company - customer interaction and has selected co-creation as the most appropriate method of customer involvement. The integration of co-creation approach into an action research cycle allows not only fulfilling the research objectives but also facilitates organizational learning and intraorganizational collaboration, assists in establishing customer contacts and making the first steps into the market, bringing new joint projects to the company and opening real business opportunities.


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Over the past decades, companies’ interest in controlling indirect sourcing process has increased. New indirect procurement strategies developed for the companies are needed in order to manage their indirect costs. New cost management strategies allow companies to improve their core competences. The research methodology and used in this thesis is qualitative. The theory is based on scientific publications. Empirical data given by the case organization, and was collected in the company’s own systems and in project steering meetings. The purpose of the study was to select a new electronic system for the company and give options for the company to reduce case organization’s indirect costs. The result showed that the most effective indirect cost management strategy was adopting a new electronic procurement system.


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Within the last few decades, the videogame has become an important media, economic, and cultural phenomenon. Along with the phenomenon’s proliferation the aspects that constitute its identity have become more and more challenging to determine, however. The persistent surfacing of novel ludic forms continues to expand the conceptual range of ‘games’ and ‘videogames,’ which has already lead to anxious generalizations within academic as well as popular discourses. Such generalizations make it increasingly difficult to comprehend how the instances of this phenomenon actually work, which in turn generates pragmatic problems: the lack of an applicable identification of the videogame hinders its study, play, and everyday conceptualization. To counteract these problems this dissertation establishes a geneontological research methodology that enables the identification of the videogame in relation to its cultural surroundings. Videogames are theorized as ‘games,’ ‘puzzles,’ ‘stories,’ and ‘aesthetic artifacts’ (or ‘artworks’), which produces a geneontological sequence of the videogame as a singular species of culture, Artefactum ludus ludus, or ludom for short. According to this sequence, the videogame’s position as a ‘game’ in the historicized evolution of culture is mainly metaphorical, while at the same time its artifactuality, dynamic system structure, time-critical strategic input requirements and aporetically rhematic aesthetics allow it to be discovered as a conceptually stable but empirically transient uniexistential phenomenon that currently thrivesbut may soon die out.


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The goal of this study was to explore and understand the definition of technical debt. Technical debt refers to situation in a software development, where shortcuts or workarounds are taken in technical decision. However, the original definition has been applied to other parts of software development and it is currently difficult to define technical debt. We used mapping study process as a research methodology to collect literature related to the research topic. We collected 159 papers that referred to original definition of technical debt, which were retrieved from scientific literature databases to conduct the search process. We retrieved 107 definitions that were split into keywords. The keyword map is one of the main results of this work. Apart from that, resulting synonyms and different types of technical debt were analyzed and added to the map as branches. Overall, 33 keywords or phrases, 6 synonyms and 17 types of technical debt were distinguished.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaisnuorten itsemurhia teon inhimillisen ja sosiaalisen ulottuvuuden näkökulmasta. Tutkimustehtävänä on itsemurhan tehneen lapsen vanhempien subjektiivisten kokemusten tavoittaminen. Tarkoituksena on selvittää (1) millaisia sisältöjä ja merkityksiä nuoren elämä ja itsemurha saavat vanhempien kertomuksissa, (2) millä tavoin vanhemmat ovat ennakoineet nuoren tulevaa itsemurhaa ja millaisiksi varjelevat tekijät muodostuvat vanhempien ennakointien pohjalta sekä (3) miten auttamistyö merkityksellistyy osana ennusmerkkeihin ja varjeleviin tekijöihin liittyviä kertomuksia. Tutkimus on suunnattu edistämään itsemurhien ehkäisyä. Tutkimustyyppinä on narratiivinen laadullinen tutkimus. Pääaineistona on 14 lapsen itsemurhakuoleman kokeneen vanhemman kerronnallista haastattelua. Nuorten kuoliniän vaihteluväli on 15–31 vuotta. Täydentävä aineisto koostuu vanhempien kanssa käydyistä sähköpostikeskusteluista sekä heidän antamasta kirjallisesta lisämateriaalista, johon lukeutuu vanhempien omia muistelmia, heidän itsemurhan tehneiden lasten päiväkirjamerkintöjä ja jäähyväiskirjeitä. Analysointi on väljästi ymmärrettynä aineistolähtöinen. Analyysi perustuu narratiivisuuden ja sisällönanalyysin suomiin mahdollisuuksiin tukeutuen myös elämäkerralliseen näkökulmaan. Elämä ja kuolema ovat toistensa vastakohtia ja tiloja, jotka ovat jatkuvassa vuorovaikutuksessa keskenään. Itsensä surmaamisessa merkityksellistyy tavoitteellinen toiminta, jolla on korostuneesti yhteys nuoren sosiaaliseen ympäristöön suhteineen ja tapahtumineen. Ennusmerkit, eli vanhempien jälkikäteen näkemät vihjeet ennen lapsen itsemurhaa, liittyvät useisiin samanaikaisesti tapahtuneisiin prosesseihin, joissa elämään yleisesti liittyvät osa-alueet ovat yhdistyneet toisiinsa ja sekoittuneet keskenään. Varjelevat tekijät rakentuvat ennusmerkkien kääntöpuolina eli sisältöinä, joita vanhemman näkökulmasta nuoren eläessä olisi pitänyt tapahtua. Kyse voi olla myös seikoista, joista vanhempi on jälkeenpäin pohtinut, että tämä jonkun olisi pitänyt ymmärtää tai tehdä toisin. Vanhemmat kritisoivat laajasti auttamistyötä. Kritiikki kohdistui palvelujärjestelmään ja auttamistyötä toteuttaneiden tahojen toimintaan. Vanhempien kriittinen toimijuus tekee näkyväksi yksilön ja yhteiskunnan välisen kompleksisen suhteen. Palvelujärjestelmää on kehitettävä kokemusperäisen tiedon näkökulmasta. Ammattikäytännöissä korostuu psykososiaalisen työn merkitys. Tutkimus osoittaa, että sensitiivisten aiheiden tutkiminen on tärkeää ja laadullisen kulttuurisen kontekstin huomioivain itsemurhatutkimuksen tarve on suuri.


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China’s phenomenal economic growth and social development have brought along interesting opportunities for Finnish companies. One intriguing sector offering significant growth potential is the food industry. Due to the local food safety issues, rising disposable income level and changing consumer habits, the demand for foreign food is increasing. Finnish food companies have much to offer in terms of high quality, food safety in production, technological development and innovation. The purpose of this study is to examine how the Finnish food enterprises choose their entry modes in the Chinese market. This study increases understanding of entry modes the Finnish companies can use to successfully enter the unpredictable market of China in the food industry context. The study examines the industry specific challenges and the possible solutions to them. Qualitative research is selected as research methodology for this study because the intention is to understand the reasons behind the Finnish food enterprises’ entry mode choices in the Chinese market. The study is conducted as a qualitative case analysis. Six Finnish case companies operating in the food industry were interviewed. The results of the research indicate that most of the food industry companies use exporting as their entry mode to China; only one case company used an investment mode. This study illustrates the significance of the factors related to company’s background, mode concerns and Chinese market influences in the entry mode choice.


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This research studied the project performance measurement from the perspective of strategic management. The objective was to find a generic model for project performance measurement that emphasizes strategy and decision making. Research followed the guidelines of a constructive research methodology. As a result, the study suggests a model that measures projects with multiple meters during and after projects. Measurement after the project is suggested to be linked to the strategic performance measures of a company. The measurement should be conducted with centralized project portfolio management e.g. using the project management office in the organization. Metrics, after the project, measure the project’s actual benefit realization. During the project, the metrics are universal and they measure the accomplished objectives relation to costs, schedule and internal resource usage. Outcomes of these measures should be forecasted by using qualitative or stochastic methods. Solid theoretical background for the model was found from the literature that covers the subjects of performance measurement, projects and uncertainty. The study states that the model can be implemented in companies. This statement is supported by empirical evidence from a single case study. The gathering of empiric evidence about the actual usefulness of the model in companies is left to be done by the evaluative research in the future.


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The objective of the research was to identify knowledge conversion states in consultancy sales and delivery processes for the company’s one business unit, to know where to store certain types of information and knowledge, and to create best practices for the company’s knowledge management activities in the selected business processes. The used research methodology was action research. The current business processes were analyzed by interviewing people involved in them. The results were documented and catego- rized, and based on them the target states of the processes were developed. Knowledge man- agement activities were integrated to the business processes. The main findings of the research were that roles and responsibilities in the processes were not clear to people, information systems did not fully support individuals and time was wasted searching for information and knowledge. There were also many variations of how the processes actually realized, which affected the overall quality of the process. The conclusions of the research were that knowledge management activities should be high- lighted in businesses where knowledge workers are the main assets of the company. Knowledge management practices can be supported by company culture, leadership and in- formation systems. However, one main factor is each individual’s willingness to share knowledge. By integrating knowledge management activities to business processes and hav- ing information systems supporting knowledge management, individual productivity can be improved.


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The goal of this thesis is to define and validate a software engineering approach for the development of a distributed system for the modeling of composite materials, based on the analysis of various existing software development methods. We reviewed the main features of: (1) software engineering methodologies; (2) distributed system characteristics and their effect on software development; (3) composite materials modeling activities and the requirements for the software development. Using the design science as a research methodology, the distributed system for creating models of composite materials is created and evaluated. Empirical experiments which we conducted showed good convergence of modeled and real processes. During the study, we paid attention to the matter of complexity and importance of distributed system and a deep understanding of modern software engineering methods and tools.


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The aim of this Master’s Thesis is to develop project logistics functions in large scale en-gineering, procurement and construction projects. The background of the research topic is compounded from two separate subjects; OPAL Program and case study of an actual EPC project. The purpose is to examine Project Logistics process in accordance with OPAL Program as well as logistics process in focus EPC project. Both entities are researched by using the case study research methodology. Logistics process of the focus EPC project is described as well as presented and in addi-tion, logistics related findings and observations are introduced. Significant findings and observations are found from logistics costs as well as shipment volume estimations in the early phase of the focus ECP project. A notable finding is also that because goods were transported as readily assembled as possible it caused expensive oversized cargo deliveries. From findings and observation of the focus EPC project it can be derived that logistics has to be involved in the early sales phase in order to receive more accurate logistics cost esti-mations for project deliveries. It is also noticed that in order to obtain savings in logistics costs, oversized deliveries must be avoided.


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Diplomityössä tutkitaan hitsatun duplex-teräksen, laatu: EN 1.4462 (Outokumpu laatu 2205) väsymislujuutta. Tutkimusmetodologia noudattaa sekä kokeellisia että laskennallisia menetelmiä. Kokeelliset menetelmät sisältävät hitsatun teräksen väsytystestaukset laboratoriossa, hitsausten jälkikäsittelyt (HiFIT) sekä perusaineelle ja hitseille tehtävät metallurgiset tutkimukset. Väsytyskokeista saatavia tuloksia verrataan kansainvälisen hitsausinstituutin (IIW) vahvistamiin rakennekohtaisiin standardeihin sekä kirjallisuudessa esiintyviin tutkimustuloksiin. Laskennalliset menetelmät sisältävät vertailulaskelmia tehollisen lovijännityksen (ENS) menetelmää hyödyntäen. Tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmässä liitoksissa vaikuttavat teholliset lovijännitykset selvitetään elementtimenetelmän (FEM) avulla. Tulokset vahvistavat, että hitsauksella ja hitsausten jälkikäsittelyllä on suuri merkitys rakenteen kestoikään. Suurin osa väsytyskokeiden tuloksista osoitti parempia väsymiskestävyyden arvoja kuin rakennekohtaiset standardit, mutta liitosten liitosvirheiden todettiin heikentävän väsytyskestävyyttä. Jälkikäsittelyiden todettiin parantavan liitosten väsymiskestävyyden tuloksia ja todettiin tulosten olevan hyödynnettävissä mitoituksessa.


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The purpose of this qualitative research study was to foster an understanding of the rehabilitation counselling practice offamilies of the brain-injured. Specifically, the study explores the perceptions of stakeholders in regards to the degree of satisfaction with the quality of service received. Questionnaires were administered, and semi-structured, openended interviews were conducted, with six participating families (n=8). Preliminary data were collected via two instruments: (i) the Family Participant Questionnaire, consisting of participants' sample characteristics, information pertaining to the history of the family, details of the injury, and information relating to the type, use, and need offamily services utilized; and (ii) the Community Integration Questionnaire, a measurement of the degree of social displacementllevel of community integration of the injured family member. Utilizing the procedural steps outlined by Colaizzi's (1978) method of protocol analysis, recommendations for a future program based on related and current family needs are discussed in detail. Substantiating and supporting information are offered to rehabilitation practitioners, educational planners, and policymakers alike, concerning the degree of satisfaction with rehabilitative service, and the means of improving upon the overall quality of health care to families of the brain-injured. Implications for clinical practice and research are also raised for discussion.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the oral health status of residents residing in 2 long-term care facilities and determine if dental hygiene education was required in order to improve their current oral health. The oral health status of 6 independent and 4 dependent individuals residing in 2 long-term care facilities was evaluated. In addition, the current oral health and disease prevention practices employed by 4 caregivers who were responsible for providing oral care to dependent residents in the long-term care facilities were evaluated. Furthermore, an evaluation of the oral care practices of independent residents who were responsible for providing their own care was conducted. Finally, the challenges that caregivers and independent residents faced when performing oral care were determined, and methodological changes were proposed. Using a generic qualitative research methodology, data collection was comprised of semi structured interviews, field observations, and documentation. The oral health status of the residents was reevaluated 3 months later. The findings of this study demonstrated an increase in plaque accumulation, gingival inflammation, and unhealthy gingival tissue colour changes among the residents over the 3-month period. The study revealed that poor oral health among the residents was a result of inadequate oral hygiene care techniques, difficulties accessing oral health care, financial limitations, insufficient care staff, insufficient time for personal care duties, lack of professional development, minimal interprofessional collaboration of health disciplines, and lack of perseverance on the part of the caregivers and residents. Overall, oral health is essential, and maintaining optimal oral health requires increased collaboration and communication between health care providers.