836 resultados para Serviço social - Pequenas e médias empresas


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O trabalho aborda a problemática de Recursos Humanos na Administração publica Municipal, especificamente na área do Bem-Estar Social em São Paulo. Através de pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, a autora busca tratar o modelo gerencial predominante no período de 1977 a 1982, considerado marco na descentralização dos serviços da Coordenadoria do Bem-Estar Social através da criação das SURS-Supervisôes Regionais de Serviço Social.


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O presente estudo destina-se a cumprir exigência do Curso de Pós-Graduação, em nível de mestrado,da Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública da Fundação Getúlio Vargas. A dissertação contém pesquisa de caráter descritivo e exploratório, buscando verificar o perfil gerencial da pequena e média indústrias localizadas em Santa Maria, RS, e estabelecer a relação existente entre o perfil gerencial e a imagem de sucesso que a empresa possui na comunidade. A hipótese básica é de que a organização com êxito apresenta tendência ao sistema participativo. As indústrias analisadas foram em número de quatro,aponta das na apreciação de juízes como empresas com maior ou menor i magem de sucesso organizacional. Os dados foram levantados junto ao quadro de chefia da mé dia indústria. A entrevista foi aplicada a todos os chefes e os informes tabulados manualmente, sendo usado tratamento estatístico. A hipótese principal foi confirmada. As empresas que possuem imagem de sucesso são aquelas que mais se aproximam do sistema participativo. Nas hipóteses secundárias foi estabelecida a correlação entre o treinamento ou a escolaridade das chefias e o perfil gerencial.


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A presente tese trata do tema redes de cooperação interorganizacionais no contexto brasileiro. O estudo aborda uma política pública governamental desenvolvida no Sul do Brasil voltada a ampliar a competitividade das pequenas empresas e gerar desenvolvimento econômico e social através do incentivo a formação de redes de cooperação entre empresas. O objetivo principal da tese é identificar e compreender os principais fatores que afetam a gestão de redes de cooperação. A partir de uma pesquisa quantitativa realizada em uma amostra de 443 empresas participantes de 120 redes, os resultados evidenciaram os principais elementos de gestão. O Programa Redes de Cooperação, desenvolvido pelo Governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, trata-se de uma política pública que, desde o ano 2000, objetiva o fortalecimento competitivo de pequenas empresas e o desenvolvimento socioeconômico regional. Esse programa sustenta-se em três pilares de atuação: a) uma metodologia de formação, consolidação e expansão de redes entre empresas; b) uma estrutura regionalizada de suporte à implementação formada por uma rede de universidades regionais e c) uma coordenação central por parte do Governo do Estado, responsável pelos instrumentos de promoção, orientação e apoio aos empresários e gestores das redes. Cabe destacar que o caso estudado envolve 120 redes de cooperação, nas quais participam três mil empresas que, juntas, empregam 35.000 pessoas e faturam mais de US$ 1 bilhão. Além disso, a relação próxima com as universidades vem possibilitando uma interação acadêmica em nível nacional que tem gerado avanços teórico-práticos para o fortalecimento da cooperação interorganizacional. Com base nas referências teóricas e em evidências observadas por estudos exploratórios, realizados ex ante no campo de pesquisa, identificaram-se cinco atributos de gestão de redes – mecanismos sociais, aspectos contratuais, motivação e comprometimento, integração com flexibilidade e organização estratégica – e cinco benefícios – ganhos de escala e de poder de mercado, provisão de soluções, aprendizagem e inovação, redução de custos e riscos, e relações sociais. Para confirmação ou não dos dez fatores identificados ex ante e o seu grau de importância, realizou-se uma análise conjunta em uma amostra de 443 proprietários de empresas de uma população de 3.087 associados às 120 redes do programa. Os dados empíricos foram coletados pelo pesquisador em 2005, sendo agregados e processados através do programa estatístico SPSS versão 12.0. Os resultados obtidos pela análise conjunta confirmaram a importância dos dez fatores identificados. Nenhum dos fatores destacou-se significativamente em relação aos demais, o que indica que todos eles têm impacto semelhante na gestão das redes. No campo de estudos sobre redes interorganizacionais, as conclusões da pesquisa contribuíram para uma melhor compreensão dos fatores que influenciam em maior ou menor grau a gestão de redes de cooperação. Demonstraram empiricamente, no caso brasileiro, a coerência de postulados teóricos, desenvolvidos por pesquisas realizadas em outros contextos. No que tange às políticas públicas, os resultados evidenciaram que a promoção da cooperação em redes possibilita ganhos competitivos para as pequenas empresas. No âmbito organizacional, os fatores realçados poderão orientar os gestores nas suas decisões estratégicas no sentido de ampliar os ganhos competitivos da ação em rede.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em explorar os fatores comuns das visões de futuro de três segmentos da comunidade paulistana (executivos, empreendedores sociais e pensadores), especialmente no que diz respeito às possíveis alianças cooperativas entre o mundo dos negócios e a sociedade como um todo, como também as estratégias utilizadas para concretizá-las. Indagamos se, com suas experiências de vida, os sujeitos entrevistados protagonizavam suas visões de futuro; quais eram os aspectos em comum dessas visões referentes ao futuro e ao futuro dos negócios; as estratégias utilizadas para concretizar essas visões comuns, percebidas como positivas, e de que maneira podiam contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma relação cooperativa entre os negócios e a sociedade. Utilizamos 30 entrevistas (10 em cada segmento), em amostra acidental, gravadas e, posteriormente, submetidas a uma análise segundo o referencial da Psicologia Social de Enrique Pichon-Rivière, incluindo alguns dos indicadores do processo interacional (cooperação, comunicação e telecomunicação) e da reação dos entrevistados e entrevistadores com relação aos conteúdos aplicados (transferência e contratransferência). Baseamo-nos no protocolo de Investigação Apreciativa do projeto "Business as an Agent of World Benefit" da Weatherhead School of Management e conceitos convergentes com o referencial adotado no que se refere ao interjogo entre o homem e o mundo, o protagonismo, o contar histórias, o projeto como planejamento de futuro e a criação de novas metáforas. Com relação ao futuro imaginado, encontramos como resultado unânime a preocupação com o meio ambiente, a mudança de valores (com a revisitação da noção de bem-estar, as “mortes subjetivas” por preconceito, o acolhimento expandido aos profissionais da saúde e a saúde como valor); a interconexão (presente no mundo contábil, nos modelos econômicos equitativos, na visão do administrador como estadista, na integração entre o “dentro e fora do negócio”, na consciência da riqueza como medida global e não individual, na ética, no voluntariado por consciência, no cuidado com o ambiente, consigo mesmo, com o outro e com a vida e a morte); coerência, vínculo e escuta (com foco na qualidade das relações e não na tecnologia, no honrar o próximo, no compartilhamento de experiências, na mão dupla entre negócios e comunidade, no bom trato para com as crianças e adultos), inclusão/exclusão (com a criação de espaços públicos intencionalmente inclusivos e a real inclusão dos excluídos na empresa); a educação (através do raciocínio que lide com a linearidade vigente e estimule pensar na complexidade, do reconhecimento de aspectos saudáveis e construtivos no cotidiano, e da formação que abrange gerentes, empreendedores e comunidade, incluindo conhecimento, ética e gratidão); interioridade (alma do negócio, intuição, transcendência como diferencial influindo em uma nova percepção de lucro, sacralidade da vida, encontro consigo próprio); lucro (revisão desse conceito com foco na vida, no bem-estar, no enraizamento das pessoas); consumo/consumidor (com relação à mudança na forma de analisar investimentos inteligentes, uma nova visão de pobreza); longo prazo (ligado à sustentabilidade, à autovalorização das pessoas e à educação dos funcionários). Há muitas estratégias atuantes nos diferentes segmentos, as pensadas são: a intencionalidade de inclusão em espaços públicos por diversos agentes, a revisão do conceito de bem-estar, os benefícios compartilhados, a inclusão mais precoce do jovem no mundo dos negócios e não como forma de exploração, o incentivo às atitudes de liderança nos jovens para o novo mundo e o longo prazo, como tema a ser mais aprofundado. Quanto à relação entre negócios e sociedade parece não haver clareza entre os segmentos quanto ao papel desempenhado pelas empresas, pelas ONGs e pelas comunidades. Surgem pontos como a necessidade da expansão de idéias inovadoras por meio de instituições sem fins lucrativos, do fortalecimento da sociedade civil, de um novo conceito de organização social, das ONGs não serem mais necessárias, das comunidades solidárias como instituições de direito e da ampliação do sentido da responsabilidade social estendido ao ecossistema.


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In this work we have analyzed the political commitment of the social assistance sponsored by the Bradesco Foundation in João Pessoa. This Foundation is a private institution of public interest that provides social assistance to low income populations all over Brazil. This kind of work is one of the oldest management initiatives in what is actually referred to as managers` social responsibility. This thesis assumes that managers who are in fact socially responsible should guide their actions by the principles of social democracy, so that everyone can enjoy citizens` social freedom, and guarantee their rights as well as the political awareness of social actors. Analysis of documents and a qualitative approach have been applied to the pedagogical Project of the Foundation, as well as phenomenology to study the social profile of their students. The analysis of the pedagogical project as well as the students` standpoint towards life reveals that the Bradesco Foundation is indeed committed to the social efficacy of its students. The educational proposal of the organization includes those elements that are required for teenagers` education envisaging participative citizenship. The teenagers` speech reveals that they have developed the project identity, being therefore able to take part in the process of political transformation of our time. The results indicate that the Bradesco Foundation not only guarantees some of the basic social rights for the healthy development of those who attend their courses, but also sponsors a high level education providing both a technical and a political formation


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This work was developed in the extent of the Post Graduation Program in Social Service of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. It talks about the process of inclusion of the disabled people in the Job market in Mossoró-RN, bringing for the academic debate relevant thematic for the Brazilian society, for the profession of Social Service and similar areas and for the people with deficiency. It has the objective to apprehend the determiners that make possible the process of the disabled people's inclusion in the Job market in Mossoró, having as parameter the National Politics for the Integration of People Bearers of Deficiency. The critical theoretical perspective is backed in Marx's ideas for the understanding concerning the work, as well as in Pochamann, concerning the job market, regarding the exclusion/inclusion category is based in Martins, Yasbek and Sposati and on deficiency in the National Politics for the Integration of the Disabled People. The research is of qualitative nature and it took as subjects 26 (twenty-six) people, being 09 (nine) people with deficiency, inserted in the formal job and regulated market, and 17 (seventeen) managers of private companies and public institutions of the city of Mossoró-RN. For the collection of data we used techniques of nonsystemic observation, semi-structured interview and documental analysis. The results of the research mark that any modality of the human workforce used in the current context, they are functional to the capitalism and they move forward towards exploration, alienation and subordination of the work to the capital; the National Politics for the Integration of the People with Deficiency expresses and reproduces the contradictory dynamics of the class society, it reflects the neo liberal shades through the selectivity and of the articulation among the federated beings and organizations of the civil society for its operational system; there is a misproportion between the percentages of the quotas and the amount of people with deficiency inserted in the job market, just corresponding to a tiny numeric magnitude; the developed activities are of low social status and it is expressive the amount of workers that receives between one and two minimum wages. These data drive us to infer that the mentioned politics make possible, partly, the inclusion of the disabled people in the job market, though, such inclusion is executed in the selective or focused dimensions, marginal, precarious and unstable


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The present research study the work professional of the Social worker in the National Institute of Social Security of Rio Grande do Norte s State, especially about the working terms, the demands and working process of Social worker in consequence of the limits established with disorganization of his institutional space derived of the Counter-Reforms of the State and of Social Security. In decade of 1990 there was in Brazil adhesion to the neoliberal politics what configured a new organization of work and a new performance of the State. Inside this context, it was accomplished the Counter-Reforms with emphasis in the privatizations, reform of the Social Security and of the device of the Brazilian State, among other actions. Particularly, in Social Service reforms brought profound consequences for the Social workers of INSS, among it: reduction of professionals and in his institutional space. This study situates the Social Worker of Social Security in front of the contemporary modifications in the world of work as well as in front of the consequences come upon of the Counter-Reforms implemented and executed by the neoliberal governments in the country of way the of frame and to enter to the globalized world and the new order of the capital. From the qualitative research based in the critical and dialectic theoreticianmethodological perspective that study the phenomena from your relations, mediations and contradictions, was possible unveil the limits and the possibilities of the professional work of the Social worker in INSS placed the Counter-Reforms of Social Security. Synthetically, the results of this investigation indicate that, there is an worsening in the inconsistency of the work with relation to social worker's functional situation and his working terms in the institution


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This work deals with an analysis related to the social worker s practice in the oncology area. It aims to identify demands, work conditions as well as current challenges related to this profession. It considers the specificities of breast cancer and relates it to political decisions in the health sector considering the concept of contemporary capitalism. The study analyzes professional action and the demands presented by breast cancer patients who are currently in treatment in Hospital Dr. Luiz Antônio em Natal-Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. The methodological procedures considered of documental analysis, semi-structured interviews (with two social workers that work with fifteen breast cancer patients) as well as participant observation; which was done counting with my own professional practice in the oncology area. Thus, the research also discusses the breast cancer issue in the life of the users considering their social-economical, cultural and political determinants. Factors such as age in which the diagnosis was known, the relation user/social workers, number of children, rights of the oncology patient, place where he/she lives, education, civil status, (re)insertion of the professional in the work field, perception of self-esteem and bio-psycho-social representation of breast cancer in the lives of these women, all of which were dealt with in this research


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It discusses the social place occupied by the youth of outlying areas in the urban social imaginary. Having the stigma issue as an axle, it presents the essential categories to its understanding, such as (in)visibility, violence and exclusion, pointing out this quarrel in a social- anthropologychal approach. The research was carried through with teenagers of the age band from 15 to 24 years old, living in Mãe Luiza neighborhood, a popular quarter of Natal s east zone, that has close to 16.000 inhabitants. Quantitative methods had been used, through questionnaires application to 364 teenagers; and qualitative methods through the accomplishment of 5 focal groups with the adolescents. The results point a strong youth concern regarding the quarter daily violence; and the weaved image in the urban social imaginary of the neighborhood As dangerous", "violent". It is also possible to perceive the social groups diversity, in general, related with churches and cultural activities, which are important catalysers of the envolvement process of the youth with the quarter


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This Project was built to reflect about juvenile violence and the socio-educational´s range of community services provision. It is known that the juvenile violence is a phenomenon inserted on the capitalism system, backed on neo liberal project. Though, it is essential a historical analysis, showing the economical, political, social and cultural mechanisms which determine the juvenile violence personality. On this way, it is seek understand the elements that leads on work world changes, on the State and public politics sphere, that deepens social dissimilarities. On this propose, it is known that there is a relation among the violence, while one of many manifestations of social question on society and the macroestructuals´determinant that lead the teenager to a social rick situation. This research focused on a inquiry quail-quantitative, using the theoric-metodological procedures of observation, interview and documental quest techniques. The universe had been defined by the intentional sample of 22 interviewed on total, during August and October 2008, covering adolescents and their relatives, technical and the coordinator, which subsidized the Socio educational program of community services provision from Natal analysis of limits and their range. The results of this investigation indicate the necessity of development, with the teenagers authors of infringement acts, a care system that is grounded on a professional formation, respect on human rights and citizenship conquest, regarding that children and teenagers are designed as people on development, that have theirs rights and integral protection, being the State, society and family responsibility assure the integral development of them


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This research deals with children and teenagers who are in childish work situation like juridical and institutional conquests connected with public politics in order to effects rights and social support about childish work eradication program (PETI) in terms of evaluation context under social work. The analysis of this research records the PETI implantation process at social nucleus in Cidade Nova (Natal/RN) to absorb children and teenagers who come from lixão . It does this based on the two thousands (2005) and presents the program importance linking users and their families such as the investigation of PETI actions, intending to give a contribution in the childish work combat and how they have been developed social-education protection for children and teenagers (seven to fifteens). About quality and quantity it was make a survey of social-economical characterization of the people benefits (to families) through interviews with users. This study (make us) sure brings new subventions which can cooperate to the childish work eradication by others public politics articulations


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The provident rights were results of intense fights in between the capital and work, claiming the interventions of the state for the creation of an ample social protection system. In Brazil the law, Providence Social mark, dated 1923, from then on, the advances and extensions were many, of this diverse categories of politics. Mean while, in the 1990 s, the Brazilian government adopted the examples of other developed countries, the new pattern that hinted the realization of substantial changes on the states purpose, the reached rights and the proper organization of working classes. For the Social Providence, the principal loses turned out in 1998 and 2003; respectively in FHC governments and Lula, with the realization of two counter reforms that restricted the provident rights and motivated the privatization of public providence. In the scenery, the CUT, one of the representative organizations from working classes, founded in 1983, that has always itself with changed direction, from fighting to negotiating. This inflection determined the proposition of the center before the offers of the counter reforms, of Social Providence. The present work has the objective to analyze the social politic content of the fights from Brazilian union movement in the period of the conquests and disassembled rights and, to analyze the proposition, acting and offers from CUT in the counter reform period from Providence in the Government FHC and Lula. To perform this study beyond the essential bibliographical revision to found and deepen the subject, we use, the documental search through the internet pages, resolutions, informations and others publications from CUT. Using CUT in the governments worked in an elegant way, the FHC government against-reforms, showed itself through diverse actions, even though they didn t have homogeneous inside, contrary the neoliberalists politicians from this government, also the offers and precaution changers. While during the reign of Lula it shoved itself priority negociative and propositive


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This dissertation analyzes the configuration of the financing of Social assistance in the municipality of Natal-RN in the context of their particular expressions of the problematizando municipal budget against neoliberal adjustment macroeconomic policy. The current trends of "disclaimer" and "desfinanciamento" of social protection by the State, in the context of contemporary capitalism, bring strong implications for Social Security, especially through the redirection of public resources to the international capital, which highlights the overlapping economic interests on social needs. Whereas the changes and innovations occurring in connection with the financing of Social assistance policy, the goal of this documentary research is to identify the characteristics and trends of funding this policy in Natal-RN, from the secondary data analysis from the City of Natal, the Ministry of Social development and hunger and Portal of transparency. In the light of the theoretical, research now presented, shows trends of investment in Social assistance in the municipality of Natal-RN, in the period 2005 to 2009, which are: the tiny role membership (08) Social assistance in the municipal budget; the dispersion and fragmentation of the resources of Social assistance in other organs and/or secretariats of municipal administration; the participation of just 47.5% in expenditure from own organ Manager; the low percentage of implementation of resources foreseen in the Annual Budget Laws; the low allocation of resources in Municipal Social Assistance Fund (FUMAS), which contradicts the national policy for Social Assistance-PNAS/2004; and the predominance of government transfers in the composition of the resources of Social assistance in the municipality. The results of this research suggest that the process of financing of Social assistance in Natal is distant from the principles and guidelines pointed by PNAS/2004. In addition to the effort to understand the complexity of the financing of Social assistance in Natal, this work seeks to contribute to a political analysis in the direction of strengthening social control and the struggle for the expansion of investment in social spending


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The present paper analyses the social assistance management in small cities, starting from the reality of Currais Novos City. Its main objective is to analyse the management of this politic in the context of the Nacional Sistem of Social Assistance (SUAS) through the management instruments materialized in the city: Social Assistance Plan, Budget, Management Report, Information Management, Monitorizing and Evaluation. It reveals a discrepancy between the instruments purpose and their concretude, and it identifies the main challenges in order to make them real, revealing the contradictions of such politic, through which the advances relate with the retrocesses. It remarks, in this context, the debate about Public Management and some aspects of the trajetory of the Social Assistance management in the brazilian context and the configurations of (SUAS) and of the politics in Currais Novos city. Such path allows us to identify the feebleness in the city ways to adopt the (SUAS) criteria, which is much more effective in burocratic aspects than in the change of the Social Assistance conception and in the effective incorporation of the (SUAS) principles and guidelines. Thus, problems are identified in what concerns to the important aspects for its effectivation, with the human resources, financing and social control mechanisms. It makes possible to reafirm the importance of the analysed management instruments for the effectivation of one participative and democratic management, as well as the urgency of its materialization as one of the important ellements for this politic to happen as a right and to make a stop to the unconformities between the (SUAS) determinations and its materialization


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This work demonstrates the results obtained from research on violence against women: an analysis of the work from reference center of the Social Assistance-CREAS, held in the city of Parnamirim/RN from September 2008 extending through the february of 2009. Having as goal to investigate and examine in a longitudinal cut, which specifically covers the period from 2006 to 2007, find out extent the actions taken by the Reference Center Specialized Social Assistance- CREAS, contributed to the change of women who were there, by checking if there was any change in their positions ahead of the violence and if they began to realize how social subjects, able to control their living conditions and interfere in the orientation of social dynamics Have a particular emphasis on the presence of work and schooling or lack of them is also a factor to be allied to the barriers and rules imposed on women in contemporary society. In this study it was found through a qualitative research guided by dialectical and implemented through the use of documentary research, observation, semi-structured interview and an extensive theoretical background on the subject in question that the woman victim of violence is in a complex and contradictory context where there is both the construction and deconstruction of rights, a view that there are strong influences of patriarchal culture and the consequences of social issues that specifically searched for the public, focuses on social, economic , political, social and cultural. In this sense, the National Policy to Combat Violence against Women, operated by CREASE Parnamirim, is also reflected in its early stages in the life of these women are to nurture a real chance for these victims of violence, to perceive themselves as social subjects can control their lives and interfere in their own destinies. We want this study to add more knowledge to help and most appropriate intervention in this reality, but without the intention of reaching exhaustion, but to subsidize future studies on the topic of women victims of violence