907 resultados para Insegurança alimentar
A extrusão de alimentos envolve transformações moleculares complexas que permitem grande diversidade nos produtos extrudidos existentes e nas suas propriedades físicas, químicas, sensoriais e nutricionais. Neste artigo são apresentadas aplicações atuais da extrusão na indústria alimentar, assim como as características dos produtos extrudidos.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Na oitava sessão do comité intergovernamental da UNESCO, decorrida no dia 4 de Dezembro de 2013 em Baku, capital do Azerbaijão e a propósito de uma candidatura plurinacional envolvendo 7 países (Portugal, Espanha, Marrocos, Itália, Grécia, Chipre e Croácia), a dieta mediterrânica (DM) foi considerada Património Imaterial da Humanidade. Um dos sinais da descaracterização da DM é o consumo excessivo de alimentos fritos. Para além da recorrência familiar a esta técnica culinária não descuremos a oferta de uma multiplicidade de produtos alimentares tipo snack (fritos) que aumentam o aporte lipídico na dieta (gorduras degradadas) e são veículo de substâncias potencialmente tóxicas como é o caso da acrilamida. As doenças cardiometabólicas (DCM ) afetam a qualidade de vida das populações. A funcionalidade do padrão mediterrânico na reabilitação da saúde mostra-nos o antídoto a estilos de vida nefastos (fast food, sedentarismo) numa sociedade de consumo. Num contexto de nutriprevenção, a slow food mediterrânica poderá ser a solução para atenuar o risco de doença e reduzir os custos em saúde. Constituiu objetivo principal do presente trabalho fundamentar a importância que a DM apresenta para a saúde cardiometabólica e avaliar os prejuízos decorrentes do consumo de alimentos submetidos a fritura, mais concretamente à batata frita (incaracterística da referida dieta). O desenvolvimento desta dissertação mostra que o balanço entre os efeitos benéficos da DM na saúde e as consequências nefastas de um produto de grande consumo (batata frita) apela à utilização esporádica do processo de fritura e à implementação de metodologias tecnológicas que diminuam o teor de acrilamida, apontando para a importância da educação/reeducação alimentar, estruturada a partir de conhecimentos ponderados da antropologia da alimentação.
Informação sobre boas práticas de segurança alimentar a ter em consideração a propósito de épocas festivas, em que é mais fácil deixarmos os alimentos à temperatura ambiente durante mais tempo e assim potenciar a sua contaminação. Se ingerirmos alimentos contaminados com micróbios perigosos podemos ficar doentes, mesmo que os alimentos aparentem aspeto normal. Após 24 a 72 horas da ingestão, podemos sentir dores de barriga, vómitos ou diarreia e, mais tarde, ter problemas em todo o organismo (cardíacos, renais, articulares e, até, afetar o feto em gestação).
1. Noções básicas de Microbiologia Alimentar 2. Fontes de contaminação dos alimentos: microrganismos e outros contaminantes 3. Doenças de origem alimentar 4. Pré-requisitos em unidades de restauração 5. Boas Práticas e 6. Sessão prática
Introdução: Nos últimos anos, a preocupação com a segurança alimentar tem vindo a aumentar; É necessário conhecer e avaliar a contaminação de alimentos por metais tóxicos ou potencialmente tóxicos para prevenir intoxicações e melhorar a saúde pública; O corpo humano não tem a capacidade de produzir nem de destruir metais.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
A Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional do trabalhador brasileiro é uma das formas de garantia de saúde e conseqüente aumento de produtividade refletido pelo compromisso do PAT Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador que completou 30 anos em 2006. O objetivo do estudo é relacionar a variação de preços das commodities de alimentos presentes na refeição do trabalhador de acordo com o sistema normativo do PAT, identificando possíveis conseqüências negativas à Segurança Alimentar do Trabalhador no Brasil. A metodologia, por meio da análise de regressão múltipla, utiliza os dados de ICV Índice de Custo de Vida - de alimentação fora do domicílio como proxy a alimentação do trabalhador. Os resultados sugerem que os alimentos que apresentaram variação negativa com os tipos de refeições analisadas, como a carne suína e a soja, podem ser substituídos por outro valor nutricional semelhante como a carne bovina, o frango e o óleo de milho. Apenas a variação do preço do feijão foi seguida pelo aumento do preço do prato comercial, cuja alternativa é a mudança na maneira de oferecer a refeiç ão ao trabalhador, como os restaurantes por quilo. Diante do cenário exposto, há indícios de que a variação de preços dos alimentos no mercado de commodities teria pouca influência no preço final das refeições, mas a discussão em torno da futura escassez de oferta de alimentos devido ao aumento da população mundial e a mudança dos padrões alimentares com as sociedades urbanizadas insere o risco da SAN no contexto político e econômico da nutrição.(AU)
Macrobrachium rosenbergii is a freshwater prawn which presents agonistic behavior and heterogeneous growth. It is known that captive conditions can intensify agonism causing injuries and decreased survival, generating a condition of poor welfare. Based on this, we aim to investigate the behavior of M. rosenbergii in the juvenile phase according to different types of shelter and frequencies of feed offer, emphasizing their agonistic behavior. For this, juveniles were observed in the laboratory in three steps. At step I we characterized the behavioral profile; prawns were kept in eight aquariums (27 prawns/m2 ), identified and observed four times along both phases of 24 h light cycle. At step II (2 experiments), we evaluated the use of shelters (brick or polyethylene rolls) and their influence on agonism by the animals. For classification of animals in dominance rank, the method used was David's Score. At step III (3 experiments), we evaluated different frequencies of feed offer on the behavior of individuals, in particular agonism. Results showed that juveniles do not present a pattern activity/inactivity between the phases of the light cycle. We identified a dominance hierarchy among individuals taking advantage of access to food by the dominant, which showed greater weight gain although the frequency of intake did not differ between individuals. The type of shelter influenced the behavior of animals. Brick shelter generated a higher frequency of permanence and a reduction in the frequency of agonistic interactions. The distribution of food more frequently throughout the day, decreased the motivation of animals for food, as well as to fight. Prawns fed four times showed lower frequency of feed intake and agonistic interactions. Thus, we conclude the shelters which reduce animal’s detection by coespecifics and offer the food four times along the day reduce agonistic behavior. This result causes na improvement in life quality of the prawns and also in its quality as final product.
The proposition of this research is supported by the definition of Food Safety and Nutrition (FSN), established by the II FSN National Conference. Taking this concept as reference, the research instrument aimed to analyze strategies and actions related to FSN, developed by members of Ceará Mirim Organic Producers Association, located in Rio Grande do Norte state (Brazil), from aspects related to family feeding, as well as means of access, quantity and food culture. It was aimed to answer the following questions: Do the families benefited from Ceará Mirim Organic Producers Association have strategies that assure their FSN? If so, do these strategies originate from public policies or own actions? Do these strategies focus on family revenue? In expenses with food and proper feeding? How do these strategies articulate together and which social networks do they form? In this research, there were also approached questionings which comprise market opening through the declaration of the products as Organization of Social Control (OSC), aggregate value and participation in agroecological fairs, aiming to identify and characterize if these strategies contribute for Food Safety and Nutrition of these families. The data here analyzed were obtained from semi-structured interviews, conducted in the production sites of each farmer, and have a qualitative approach. 21 questionnaires were applied to the family farmers, in seven projects of agrarian reform settlements (Carlos Marighella, Nova Esperança II, Aliança, Marcoalhado I, Santa Águeda, Santa Luzia and União). From this study, it was concluded that most of FSN strategies result from a series of distinct public policies, which potentiate the existing strategies and create new ones, such as in the case of organic production, which is the main motivation, even for the organization of the studied group. These strategies brought improvements in feeding and caused changes in eating habits, especially in the diversification of production for own consumption. This, on the other hand, is assuring greater food autonomy and increasing marketing channels, through fairs or institutional markets. It was also verified that reciprocity relations increased after the organic production, and they are indispensable to assure food in difficult times, also contributing to incentive organic production itself, through supplies exchange.
Residential homegardens have environmental and social roles in the urban environment. These green spaces can potentially minimize the impacts caused by the growth of cities, being an alternative to connect fragmented areas or offer refuge to wildlife and therefore support the conservation of biodiversity. In addition, the homegardens demonstrate a leading role in increasing human well-being by promoting socialization opportunities, contact with nature, local culture as well as improvements in food security for the urban families. Nevertheless, it is still unclear what specific characteristics of homegardens can act effectively in the conservation of the biodiversity, as well as in the construction of food security and well being of the homegardeners and their families. The first chapter of this thesis analyzed the diversity of plant species (native and exotic) and assessed the contribution of different types of urban gardens (ornamental and forest gardens alike) in the presence of wildlife such as birds, monkeys and lizards. In the second chapter we evaluated the contribution of those gardens to the welfare and food security of their owners. In order to do this, 41 gardens were visited in Pium, a southern coastal town in the northeastern Brazil, which also happens to be in a periurban region undergoing rapid urban expansion and pressure from the real estate market. We surveyed the planned biodiversity and fauna associated with homegardens. The data related to food security and welfare were sampled through interviews with the person in charge of taking care of the gardens. These interviews covered issues on the supply of food from the garden and absence of chemical products, as well as aspects of the GNH indicator (Gross National Happiness). The results showed that these homegardens generally contribute little to the maintenance of native plant species (native species = 29/ total = 187). From its main features, the gardens were classified as ornamental, forest gardens and forest farms. These groups had a different effect on the presence of the animals studied and the last two contained most of the sampled native species. The diversity of plants and trees was a good predictor of the presence of birds and monkeys. Thus, the contribution of yards for the conservation of biodiversity depends on the type of garden: some even can have negative effects on conservation. These results can direct new approaches to detailed understanding of gardens and also of public policies applied to urban planning. The results of the second chapter showed that the two types of forest gardens contributed to household food security, for providing food and medicinal herbs, which mostly did not have pesticides and chemical 12 fertilizers. But the three groups of gardens are important components for the well being of their stakeholders. Gardens help promote the transmission of knowledge on agriculture, socialization, contact with nature and bring up feelings related to peace and harmony. Thus, forest gardens can be considered important means to get through public projects and policies designed to encourage biodiversity and promote food security and well-being in urban areas
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the use of cashew bagasse bran (CBB) as food ingredient in qualitative feed restriction programs on the carcass traits, meat quality, organs weight and intestinal morphometry of barrows and gilts. Twenty – four crossbred pigs were used (12 barrows and 12 gilts) with an average initial body weight of 57.93 ± 3.67 kg/LW. The experimental designs was in randomized blocks 3x2 factorial arrangement with three level (0%, 15% e 30% CBB), two genders (barrows and gilts) and four repetition. A total of twenty-four instalments. The treatments were composed of basal diet (BD) formulated with corn, soybean meal and commercial base mix for finishing pigs, being containing different levels of CBB. At the end of the trial period the animals were slaughtered for the evaluation of the meat quality, traits carcass, Absolute Weight (AW) and Relative Weight (RW) of the organs and morphometric study of small intestine fragment. The inclusion of (CBB) in the diets did not affect the traits carcass of gilts, but interfered in the traits carcass of the barrow positively, increasing the yield of meat into cold carcass and reducing the thickness of subcutaneous fat, without affecting the fatty acid profile. However, we observed increased weight of organs and partial volume of absortiva mucosa of gilts. In the comparison between sex was observed a greater liver weight (AW) and (RW), and surface density of absortiva mucosa of barrow. The use of CBB was considered as ingredient to be used in programs of qualitative feed restriction for finishing pigs.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the use of cashew bagasse bran (CBB) as food ingredient in qualitative feed restriction programs on the carcass traits, meat quality, organs weight and intestinal morphometry of barrows and gilts. Twenty – four crossbred pigs were used (12 barrows and 12 gilts) with an average initial body weight of 57.93 ± 3.67 kg/LW. The experimental designs was in randomized blocks 3x2 factorial arrangement with three level (0%, 15% e 30% CBB), two genders (barrows and gilts) and four repetition. A total of twenty-four instalments. The treatments were composed of basal diet (BD) formulated with corn, soybean meal and commercial base mix for finishing pigs, being containing different levels of CBB. At the end of the trial period the animals were slaughtered for the evaluation of the meat quality, traits carcass, Absolute Weight (AW) and Relative Weight (RW) of the organs and morphometric study of small intestine fragment. The inclusion of (CBB) in the diets did not affect the traits carcass of gilts, but interfered in the traits carcass of the barrow positively, increasing the yield of meat into cold carcass and reducing the thickness of subcutaneous fat, without affecting the fatty acid profile. However, we observed increased weight of organs and partial volume of absortiva mucosa of gilts. In the comparison between sex was observed a greater liver weight (AW) and (RW), and surface density of absortiva mucosa of barrow. The use of CBB was considered as ingredient to be used in programs of qualitative feed restriction for finishing pigs.