851 resultados para Competitive intelligence
Collective Intelligence (CI ) is a phenomenon that emerges at the crossroads of three worlds: Open Educational Resources (OER), Web 2.0 technologies and Online Learning Communities. Building CI for the OER movement means capturing the richness of information, experiences, knowledge and resources, that the movement is constantly generating, in a way that they can be shared and reused for the benefit of the movement itself. The organisation of CI starts from collecting the knowledge and experiences of OER's practitioners and scholars in new creative forms, and then situating this knowledge in a collective 'pot' from where it can be leveraged with new 'intelligent' meanings and toward new 'intelligent' goals. This workshop is an attempt to do so by engaging participants in a CI experience, in which they will contribute to, and at the same time take something from, the existing CI around OER, Web 2.0 technologies and Online Learning Communities.
Yritykset toimivat yhä enemmän dynaamisessa ja jatkuvasti muuttuvassa yritysympäristössä, joka asettaa erittäin suuria haasteita yritysjohdolle, tilanteet ovat yhä vaikeammin ennustettavissa ja päätöksenteosta on tullut entistä haasteellisempaa. Nykypäivän kilpailuympäristössä yritykset hakevat kilpailuetua tiedon avulla. Yritysten käytettävissä olevan tiedon määrä on jatkuvassa kasvussa ja oleellisen tiedon erottaminen epäoleellisesta on yhä vaativampaa. Yritystä on vaikea johtaa tehokkaasti, jos yrityksessä ei ole käytössä oikeanlaista tietoa oikeaan aikaan oikeilla ihmisillä. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia sitä, että millaista informaatiota ja tietoa tulisi kohdeyrityksen johdolla olla nykyhetkellä yrityksen toiminnan ohjaamiseen, suunnitteluun ja päätöksenteon tueksi. Tutkimusta on tarkasteltu johdon laskentatoimen näkökulmasta ja työssä on keskitytty teorian ja empirian pohjalta kohdeyrityksen johdon strategisen päätöksenteon pohjalla olevan oleellisen liiketoimintatiedon kartoittamiseen ja sen hallintaan. Yritysten toimiessa informaatioähky yhteiskunnassa, liiketoimintatiedon hallinnalla voidaan saavuttaa merkittävää kilpailuetua. Liiketoimintatiedon hallinta on käytäntöjä, toimintoja ja prosesseja, joilla yrityksen tärkeää liiketoimintatietoa hankitaan, jalostetaan ja jaetaan sekä liiketoiminnan johtamista että päätöksentekoa varten. Liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan yhtenä tietolähteenä toimii yrityksen sisäinen tietopääoma, joka tehokkaasti yhdisteltynä yrityksen ulkopuoliseen tietoon mahdollistaa yritysjohdolle laadukkaamman ja kokonaisvaltaisemman tiedon saamisen päätöksenteon tueksi. Tutkituissa yrityksissä käytettiin päätöksenteon tukena erittäin paljon taloudellisia tunnuslukuja, ns. kovia mittareita. Hiljaisia ja heikkoja signaaleja pidettiin myös tärkeinä, mutta ongelmana koettiin niiden havaitseminen, keruu ja raportointi. Yrityksen sisältä ja yrityksen ulkopuolelta raportoitavat tiedot tulisi jatkossa kohdistua enemmän tulevaisuuteen kuin menneisyyteen.
Este proyecto de final de carrera corresponde al área de inteligencia artificial y representa un caso de uso que pretende utilizar datos reales referentes a accidentes de tráfico (datos de accidentes, muertos, heridos, etc.) y analizarlas conjuntamente con datos que puedan tener una posible relación con los accidentes como el parque de vehículos, las temperaturas de la zona de los accidentes, etc. con la finalidad de poder obtener las posibles relaciones causa-efecto.
The purpose of this Thesis was to study what is the present situation of Business Intelligence of the company unit. This means how efficiently unit uses possibilities of modern information management systems. The aim was to resolve how operative informa-tion management of unit’s tender process could be improved by modern information technology applications. This makes it possible that tender processes could be faster and more efficiency. At the beginning it was essential to acquaint oneself with written literature of Business Intelligence. Based on Business Intelligence theory is was relatively easy but challenging to search and discern how tender business could be improved by methods of Busi-ness Intelligence. The empirical phase of this study was executed as qualitative research method. This phase includes theme and natural interviews on the company. Problems and challenges of tender process were clarified in a part an empirical phase. Group of challenges were founded when studying information management of company unit. Based on theory and interviews, group of improvements were listed which company could possible do in the future when developing its operative processes.
Globalization is the trend which is realized in all areas in today’s business world. Pressure for cost reduction, changes in market situation and available scale economies have changed business environment more global than ever. To respond to new situation, companies are establishing global strategies. In this thesis, available global competitive advantages in electrical machine industry are studied in context of gaining them by global technology transfers. In theory part, establishing global strategy and competitive advantage is considered with connection to global sourcing and supply chain management. Additionally, market development in 21st century and its impact on global strategies is studied. In practice, global manufacturing is enabled by technology transfer projects. Smooth and fast project implementation enables faster and more flexible production ramp up. By starting the production available competitive advantages can be realized. In this thesis the present situation of technology transfer projects and the risks and advantages related to global manufacturing are analyzed. The analysis of implemented technology transfer projects indicates that project implementation is in good level. For further development of project execution 10 minor suggestions could be presented with two major ones: higher level standardization and development of product information model to support better global manufacturing.
Systems suppliers are focal actors in mechanical engineering supply chains, in between general contractors and component suppliers. This research concentrates on the systems suppliers’ competitive flexibility, as a competitive advantage that the systems supplier gains from independence from the competitive forces of the market. The aim is to study the roles that power, dependence relations, social capital, and interorganizational learning have on the competitive flexibility. Research on this particular theme is scarce thus far. The research method applied here is the inductive multiple case study. Interviews from four case companies were used as main source of the qualitative data. The literature review presents previous literature on subcontracting, supply chain flexibility, supply chain relationships, social capital and interorganizational learning. The result of this study are seven propositions and consequently a model on the effects that the dominance of sales of few customers, power of competitors, significance of the manufactured system in the end product, professionalism in procurement and the significance of brand products in the business have on the competitive flexibility. These relationships are moderated by either social capital or interorganizational learning. The main results obtained from this study revolve around social capital and interorganizational learning, which have beneficial effects on systems suppliers’ competitive flexibility, by moderating the effects of other constructs of the model. Further research on this topic should include quantitative research to provide the extent to which the results can be reliably generalized. Also each construct of the model gives possible focus for more thorough research.
The study focuses on the front end of innovation process. Due to changes in innovation policies and paradigms customers, users and shopfloor employees are becoming increasingly important sources of knowledge. New methods are needed for processing information and ideas coming from multiple sources more effectively. The aim of this study is to develop an idea evaluation tool suitable for the front end of innovation process and capable of utilizing collective intelligence. The study is carried out as a case study research using constructive research approach. The chosen approach suits well for the purposes of the study. The constructive approach focuses on designing new constructs and testing them in real life applications. In this study a tool for evaluating ideas emerging from the course of everyday work is developed and tested in a case organization. Development of the tool is based on current scientific literature on knowledge creation, innovation management and collective intelligence and it is tested in LUT Lahti School of Innovation. Results are encouraging. The idea evaluation tool manages to improve performance at the front end of innovation process and it is accepted in use in the case organization. This study provides insights on what kind of a tool is required for facilitating collective intelligence at the front end of innovation process.
This paper proposes the use of an autonomous assistant mobile robot in order to monitor the environmental conditions of a large indoor area and develop an ambient intelligence application. The mobile robot uses single high performance embedded sensors in order to collect and geo-reference environmental information such as ambient temperature, air velocity and orientation and gas concentration. The data collected with the assistant mobile robot is analyzed in order to detect unusual measurements or discrepancies and develop focused corrective ambient actions. This paper shows an example of the measurements performed in a research facility which have enabled the detection and location of an uncomfortable temperature profile inside an office of the research facility. The ambient intelligent application has been developed by performing some localized ambient measurements that have been analyzed in order to propose some ambient actuations to correct the uncomfortable temperature profile.
We study cooperative and competitive solutions for a many- to-many generalization of Shapley and Shubik (1972)'s assignment game. We consider the Core, three other notions of group stability and two al- ternative definitions of competitive equilibrium. We show that (i) each group stable set is closely related with the Core of certain games defined using a proper notion of blocking and (ii) each group stable set contains the set of payoff vectors associated to the two definitions of competitive equilibrium. We also show that all six solutions maintain a strictly nested structure. Moreover, each solution can be identified with a set of ma- trices of (discriminated) prices which indicate how gains from trade are distributed among buyers and sellers. In all cases such matrices arise as solutions of a system of linear inequalities. Hence, all six solutions have the same properties from a structural and computational point of view.
The productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding work are critical for metal industry today. Welding processes must get more effective and this can be done by mechanization and automation. Those systems are always expensive and they have to pay the investment back. In this case it is really important to optimize the needed intelligence and this way needed automation level, so that a company will get the best profit. This intelligence and automation level was earlier classified in several different ways which are not useful for optimizing the process of automation or mechanization of welding. In this study the intelligence of a welding system is defined in a new way to enable the welding system to produce a weld good enough. In this study a new way is developed to classify and select the internal intelligence level of a welding system needed to produce the weld efficiently. This classification contains the possible need of human work and its effect to the weld and its quality but does not exclude any different welding processes or methods. In this study a totally new way is developed to calculate the best optimization for the needed intelligence level in welding. The target of this optimization is the best possible productivity and quality and still an economically optimized solution for several different cases. This new optimizing method is based on grounds of product type, economical productivity, the batch size of products, quality and criteria of usage. Intelligence classification and optimization were never earlier made by grounds of a made product. Now it is possible to find the best type of welding system needed to welddifferent types of products. This calculation process is a universal way for optimizing needed automation or mechanization level when improving productivity of welding. This study helps the industry to improve productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding workshops.
Digital social media: An interactive technology incorporated as a competitive advantage for business
In a more transparent and dynamic world, in which consumers trust other consumers more for advice and recommendations on products and services, the continuity of organizations appears to be associated with socialization, the sharing of interests and the interaction with the audience. This is associated with the incorporation of digital technologies to business, specifically the use of social media. Consequently, it is timely and interesting to explore the phenomenon of virtual socialization, although it is a littlestudied field and what is needed is an innovative and theoretical approach based upon theories of marketing and communication. Expertise in these areas is present in all organizations and their performance is important for appropriate development of them. This work is a qualitative analysis about the behavior, reactions and attitudes of individuals to organizations, in order to understand the social factors that contribute to sustainable competitive advantages of organizations which can support strategic and future actions. We conclude that relevant factors associated with the tacit knowledge of the organization, specifically to learning and social interaction of the organization and their knowledge of virtual communities. The higher the coexistence of factors, the more difficult is the replication and greater will be the hypothesis of sustainable competitive advantage.
Mixtures of races of Colletotrichum graminicola, causing sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) anthracnose and differing in their virulence range, were inoculated for five and six generations on the susceptible sorghum cultivar BR009 (Tx623), in two experiments in a greenhouse. In each generation a sample of 50 single spore isolates was obtained and inoculated on a standard differential set to determine the proportion of each race in the mixture. Isolates of the race 30A, with the narrowest virulence range, predominated over isolates of the more complex races 31B, 31C and 31E indicating the existence of differences in the survival ability among races of this pathogen.
Business intelligencellä tarkoitetaan liiketoimintatiedon hallintaan liittyviä prosesseja ja tekniikoita. Se pitää sisällään tiedon keräämiseen, tallentamiseen, analysointiin ja jakamiseen käytettyt tuotteet, tekniikat ja prosessit, joiden tavoitteena on auttaa yrityksen työntekijöitä liiketoimintaan liittyvässä päätöksenteossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia uuden yritysryhmän laajuisen BI-tietojärjestelmän suunnitteluun ja käyttöönotoon liittyviä seikkoja ja luoda valmiudet BI-tietojärjestelmän kehitys- ja käyttöönottoprojektin kohdeyrityksessä, jonka toimiala on kansainvälinen terveydenhoitoalan tukkuliiketoiminta. Uuden BI-järjestelmän halutaan tukeva yritysryhmän yritysten välistä integraatiota ja tehostavan tiedonhakuun ja analysointiin liittyviä prosesseja. Tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktiivisena tutkimuksena, joka kattaa kohdeyrityksen IT-arkkitehtuurin, tietosisällön, prosessit ja organisaation raportoinnin kannalta. Lisäksi työssä suoritettiin ohjelmistovertailu kahden markkinoilla toimivan merkittävän ohjelmistotalon BI-tuotteiden välillä. Työssä havaittiin, että BI-projekti on laaja-alainen ja suuri hanke, joka ulottuu läpi koko organisaation. BI-ohjelmiston tehokas hyödyntäminen asettaa vaatimuksia erityisesti taustajärjestelmien tiedon huolelliseen mallintamiseen liittyen. Työssä saatiin pilotoinnin kautta käytännön kokemuksia uudesta järjestelmästä ja sen tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista kohdeyrityksessä.
The aim of this study is to examine how small and medium sized (SME) sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the changing environment. Firstly, this study researches what changes affect SME sawmills’ competitiveness and what factors construct their competitive advantage. Secondly, this study examines how SME sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the future and how agile and flexible they are. The theoretical part of this study represents the existing literature related to changes and competitive advantage in changing situations. The empirical part was executed as a qualitative research and it consists of thematic interviews with two SME sawmills. The results of the study indicate that several change factors affect the competitiveness of SME sawmills and therefore it is crucial to be alert on them. SME sawmills sustain their competitive advantage in the future by specialization and by being agile.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten liiketoimintatiedon hallinnalla voidaan tukea yrityksen strategisen tason johtamista. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää minkälaisia tietotarpeita yritysjohdolla on liittyen liiketoimintojen johtamiseen ja päätöksentekoon sekä kuinka tietoa tulee tarjota ja esittää, jotta tietoa voitaisiin hyödyntää yrityksen johtamisessa mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Liiketoimintatiedon hallinta on monitahoinen käsite ja se sisältää sekä prosessit, teknologiat, menetelmät, tietotuotteet ja työkalut liiketoimintaan ja liiketoimintaympäristöön liittyvän tiedon hallintaan, tavoitteena päätöstenteon tukeminen ja kilpailuedun saavuttaminen. Jotta tiedosta olisi mahdollisimman paljon hyötyä yritykselle, tulee sitä hallinnoida ja johtaa päämäärätietoisesti. Tiedon arvo tulee ymmärtää ja tietoa tulee käyttää tavoitteellisesti. Tiedon tulee myös olla merkityksellistä, luotettavaa ja oikea-aikaista. Näihin tavoitteisiin pyritään vastaamaan systemaattisella prosessilla, jota voidaan hallinnoida ja jonka avulla tiedon merkityksellisyys, luotettavuus ja oikea-aikaisuus pyritään varmistamaan. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa kartoitetaan kohdeyrityksen liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan nykytila yritysjohdon näkökulmasta. Tavoitteena empiirisessä osassa on selvittää haastatteluiden avulla johtoryhmän tietotarpeita sekä sitä kuinka tietotarpeet tulevat nykyisin tyydytettyä ja kuinka yritysjohto käyttää ja hyödyntää tietoa. Lopputuloksena teorian ja empiirisen tutkimuksen pohjalta luotiin prosessimalli liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan järjestämiseksi kohdeyrityksessä. Lisäksi empiirisen tutkimuksen pohjalta havaituista kehityskohteista tehtiin toimenpide-ehdotukset, kuinka kyseisiä kohteita tulisi kohdeyrityksessä jatkossa kehittää.