OERopoly : A Game to Generate Collective Intelligence around OER

Autoria(s): Connolly, Teresa; Makriyannis, Elpida; De Liddo, Anna; Wilson, Tina

Open Ed (7th : 2010 : Barcelona)


Collective Intelligence (CI ) is a phenomenon that emerges at the crossroads of three worlds: Open Educational Resources (OER), Web 2.0 technologies and Online Learning Communities. Building CI for the OER movement means capturing the richness of information, experiences, knowledge and resources, that the movement is constantly generating, in a way that they can be shared and reused for the benefit of the movement itself. The organisation of CI starts from collecting the knowledge and experiences of OER's practitioners and scholars in new creative forms, and then situating this knowledge in a collective 'pot' from where it can be leveraged with new 'intelligent' meanings and toward new 'intelligent' goals. This workshop is an attempt to do so by engaging participants in a CI experience, in which they will contribute to, and at the same time take something from, the existing CI around OER, Web 2.0 technologies and Online Learning Communities.






Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Open University of the Netherlands

Brigham Young University


<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/</a>

Palavras-Chave #Open access #Web-based instruction #Ensenyament virtual #Accés obert #Enseñanza virtual #Acceso libre

Conference lecture