985 resultados para interferometric SAR


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Se recoge el articulado del Decreto 43/2015, de 10 de junio, por el que se regula la ordenaci??n y se establece el curr??culo de Educaci??n Secundaria Obligatoria en el Principado de Asturias, publicado en el BOPA (Bolet??n Oficial del Principado de Asturias) el 30 de junio de 2015. La publicaci??n incluye adem??s la metodolog??a did??ctica, los contenidos, los criterios de valuaci??n y est??ndares de aprendizaje evaluables de las distintas materias troncales, espec??ficas y de aqu??llas de libre configuraci??n auton??mica, y el total de sesiones lectivas de las distintas asignaturas de los ciclos educativos de la Educaci??n Secundaria Obligatoria.


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Contiene el Decreto 42/2015, de 10 de junio, por el que se regula la ordenaci??n y se establece el curr??culo del Bachillerato en el Principado de Asturias. Publicado en el BOPA (Bolet??n Oficial del Principado de Asturias) el 29 de junio de 2015. Incluye adem??s, la metodolog??a did??ctica, los contenidos, los criterios de valuaci??n y est??ndares de aprendizaje evaluables de las distintas materias troncales, espec??ficas y de aqu??llas de libre configuraci??n auton??mica, y el total de sesiones lectivas de las distintas asignaturas del Bachillerato.


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La publicaci??n recoge los datos de las Ense??anzas no universitarias del sistema educativo asturiano. Incluye un an??lisis de cada etapa, presentando datos correspondientes al curso acad??mico 2013-2014, las tendencias evolutivas de promoci??n y titulaci??n y los resultados segregados por sexo. As?? mismo contiene los resultados detallados por ??reas y materias para la Educaci??n primaria, Educaci??n secundaria obligatoria y Bachillerato. Los indicadores confirman unos buenos resultados y estabilidad de los datos, particularmente en las Ense??anzas de R??gimen General. La Educaci??n Primaria marca una tasa global de promoci??n en el entorno del 96% mientras que la tasa de titulaci??n en Educaci??n Secundaria Obligatoria se sit??a en el 86%. En Bachillerato la titulaci??n es cercana al 83%, en Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior se sit??a en el 78%, y los resultados correspondientes a Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio registran un 77% de titulaci??n. La comparaci??n de los resultados por sexo confirma, una edici??n m??s, unos mejores resultados de las alumnas con respecto a los alumnos. En sinton??a con el hist??rico de resultados, se observa que Asturias contin??a la tendencia positiva que la sit??a en posici??n preeminente dentro del marco de las administraciones educativas: sus tasas brutas de titulaci??n en ESO, Bachillerato, Formaci??n Profesional de Grado Medio y Superior ocupan la segunda posici??n en el conjunto del Estado.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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El trabajo obtuvo un premio de la modalidad A de los Premios Tom??s Garc??a Verdejo a las buenas pr??cticas educativas en la Comunidad Aut??noma de Extremadura para el curso acad??mico 2012/2013


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El trabajo obtuvo un premio de la Modalidad B de los Premios Tom??s Garc??a Verdejo a las buenas pr??cticas educativas en la Comunidad Aut??noma de Extremadura para el curso 2011-2012


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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: " Formaci??n de profesores. Perspectivas de Brasil, Colombia, Espa??a y Portugal"


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In questo elaborato finale verrà affrontato uno studio comparato dei vini dell'Emilia Romagna e della Catalogna. La tesi spazierà dall'ottenimento del vino fino ai tempi attuali. Prima perciò, si parlerà delle origini del vino fino all'attualità, della situazione mondiale del vino, così in produzione come in coltivazione, consumo, etc. Dopo si concentrarà nell'Europa, dove si analizzeranno i diversi paesi produttori, passando dopo alla produzione italiana e spagnola e infine alle regioni dell'Emilia Romagna (Italia) e della Catalogna (Spagna) dove ci sarà un analisi più dettagliata in tutti gli aspetti


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There is increasing interest in how humans influence spatial patterns in biodiversity. One of the most frequently noted and marked of these patterns is the increase in species richness with area, the species–area relationship (SAR). SARs are used for a number of conservation purposes, including predicting extinction rates, setting conservation targets, and identifying biodiversity hotspots. Such applications can be improved by a detailed understanding of the factors promoting spatial variation in the slope of SARs, which is currently the subject of a vigorous debate. Moreover, very few studies have considered the anthropogenic influences on the slopes of SARs; this is particularly surprising given that in much of the world areas with high human population density are typically those with a high number of species, which generates conservation conflicts. Here we determine correlates of spatial variation in the slopes of species–area relationships, using the British avifauna as a case study. Whilst we focus on human population density, a widely used index of human activities, we also take into account (1) the rate of increase in habitat heterogeneity with increasing area, which is frequently proposed to drive SARs, (2) environmental energy availability, which may influence SARs by affecting species occupancy patterns, and (3) species richness. We consider environmental variables measured at both local (10 km × 10 km) and regional (290 km × 290 km) spatial grains, but find that the former consistently provides a better fit to the data. In our case study, the effect of species richness on the slope SARs appears to be scale dependent, being negative at local scales but positive at regional scales. In univariate tests, the slope of the SAR correlates negatively with human population density and environmental energy availability, and positively with the rate of increase in habitat heterogeneity. We conducted two sets of multiple regression analyses, with and without species richness as a predictor. When species richness is included it exerts a dominant effect, but when it is excluded temperature has the dominant effect on the slope of the SAR, and the effects of other predictors are marginal.


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This paper investigates the use of data assimilation in coastal area morphodynamic modelling using Morecambe Bay as a study site. A simple model of the bay has been enhanced with a data assimilation scheme to better predict large-scale changes in bathymetry observed in the bay over a 3-year period. The 2DH decoupled morphodynamic model developed for the work is described, as is the optimal interpolation scheme used to assimilate waterline observations into the model run. Each waterline was acquired from a SAR satellite image and is essentially a contour of the bathymetry at some level within the inter-tidal zone of the bay. For model parameters calibrated against validation observations, model performance is good, even without data assimilation. However the use of data assimilation successfully compensates for a particular failing of the model, and helps to keep the model bathymetry on track. It also improves the ability of the model to predict future bathymetry. Although the benefits of data assimilation are demonstrated using waterline observations, any observations of morphology could potentially be used. These results suggest that data assimilation should be considered for use in future coastal area morphodynamic models.


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Urban flood inundation models require considerable data for their parameterisation, calibration and validation. TerraSAR-X should be suitable for urban flood detection because of its high resolution in stripmap/spotlight modes. The paper describes ongoing work on a project to assess how well TerraSAR-X can detect flooded regions in urban areas, and how well these can constrain the parameters of an urban flood model. The study uses a TerraSAR-X image of a 1-in-150 year flood near Tewkesbury, UK , in 2007, for which contemporaneous aerial photography exists for validation. The DLR SETES SAR simulator was used in conjunction with LiDAR data to estimate regions of the image in which water would not be visible due to shadow or layover caused by buildings and vegetation. An algorithm for the delineation of flood water in urban areas is described, together with its validation using the aerial photographs.


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A traditional method of validating the performance of a flood model when remotely sensed data of the flood extent are available is to compare the predicted flood extent to that observed. The performance measure employed often uses areal pattern-matching to assess the degree to which the two extents overlap. Recently, remote sensing of flood extents using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and airborne scanning laser altimetry (LIDAR) has made more straightforward the synoptic measurement of water surface elevations along flood waterlines, and this has emphasised the possibility of using alternative performance measures based on height. This paper considers the advantages that can accrue from using a performance measure based on waterline elevations rather than one based on areal patterns of wet and dry pixels. The two measures were compared for their ability to estimate flood inundation uncertainty maps from a set of model runs carried out to span the acceptable model parameter range in a GLUE-based analysis. A 1 in 5-year flood on the Thames in 1992 was used as a test event. As is typical for UK floods, only a single SAR image of observed flood extent was available for model calibration and validation. A simple implementation of a two-dimensional flood model (LISFLOOD-FP) was used to generate model flood extents for comparison with that observed. The performance measure based on height differences of corresponding points along the observed and modelled waterlines was found to be significantly more sensitive to the channel friction parameter than the measure based on areal patterns of flood extent. The former was able to restrict the parameter range of acceptable model runs and hence reduce the number of runs necessary to generate an inundation uncertainty map. A result of this was that there was less uncertainty in the final flood risk map. The uncertainty analysis included the effects of uncertainties in the observed flood extent as well as in model parameters. The height-based measure was found to be more sensitive when increased heighting accuracy was achieved by requiring that observed waterline heights varied slowly along the reach. The technique allows for the decomposition of the reach into sections, with different effective channel friction parameters used in different sections, which in this case resulted in lower r.m.s. height differences between observed and modelled waterlines than those achieved by runs using a single friction parameter for the whole reach. However, a validation of the modelled inundation uncertainty using the calibration event showed a significant difference between the uncertainty map and the observed flood extent. While this was true for both measures, the difference was especially significant for the height-based one. This is likely to be due to the conceptually simple flood inundation model and the coarse application resolution employed in this case. The increased sensitivity of the height-based measure may lead to an increased onus being placed on the model developer in the production of a valid model