907 resultados para Competitive advantage period
Tämän kandidaatintyön tavoitteena on analysoida asiakasarvon ulottuvuuksia teollisilla markkinoilla kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella. Asiakasarvo on yritykselle kilpailuedun lähde ja siksi sen ulottuvuuksien ymmärtäminen on tärkeää. Asiakasarvon ulottuvuuksia ovat tarjooman arvo ja liiketoimintasuhteen arvo. Nämä arvot muodostuvat hyödyistä ja uhrauksista, joiden perusteella asiakas arvioi muodostuneen kokonaisarvon. Tarjooma voidaan jakaa tuotteeseen ja palveluun, joiden hyötyjen ja uhrausten erotuksena muodostuu tarjooman arvo. Liiketoimintasuhteen arvo muodostuu henkilökohtaisesta arvosta, strategisesta arvosta, taloudellisesta arvosta ja tietoarvosta. Myös jokainen näistä arvoista muodostuu asiakkaan kokemien hyötyjen ja tekemien uhrausten erotuksena.
The ability of a multinational company to effectively transfer knowledge from one unit to another can create a great source of competitive advantage and is crucial for long-term success. However, in their attempts to disseminate existent knowledge across national boundaries, organizations encounter several obstacles. Especially challenging is the transfer of tacit knowledge, the most valuable kind, as it is embedded in the minds and the behavior of people. The purpose of this study is to identify the main factors and challenges to be considered in intra-organizational knowledge transfer and consequently develop a framework that could be utilized to improve the process. The research is of qualitative nature and it adopts an exploratory approach. The study was further conducted as an intensive single-case study through studying a Finnish multinational company, and the researcher adopted a role as a participant observant in the research setting. Other data collection methods include semi-structured interviews and an online survey. The research findings show that knowledge transfer is currently challenging within the international sales organization of the case company. The majority of knowledge is currently concentrated in the company headquarters, and it is not always systematically distributed to the regional offices abroad. The main factor affecting knowledge transfer seems to be the organizational culture, which does not support or encourage knowledge sharing. The company is struggling in having a common place for information and employees that lack proper social networks have difficulties accessing relevant knowledge. Some recommended improvement suggestions include the institutionalization of knowledge transfer by turning it into an articulated organizational goal, and the implementation of a reward system that includes soft factors, such as teamwork and knowledge sharing behavior. Furthermore, the organizational culture should be more open and supportive in order to reinforce trust. Individuals in regional offices should be given better support by offering them dedicated mentors and increasing the amount of expatriation. Finally, knowledge should actively be codified and stored in commonly shared platforms where it is easily accessible by all employees.
Extant research on consumer co-operation has acknowledged that the corporate purpose of consumer co-operatives deviates significantly from the purpose of investor-owned firms (IOFs – the dominant form in market economies and in theory development in the field of business economics) and also suggested that the management of consumer co-operatives differs from the management of IOFs. Despite this, there is a scarcity of research focusing on the management of consumer co-operatives in general and the ways this different purpose manifests in their management in particular. In other words, research on consumer cooperatives has only started to discover the importance of identifying the premises of these organizations and generating management and organization theories that take them into account. The overall objective of this study is to map out some of the implications that the purpose of consumer co-operation has for the management and governance of consumer co-operatives. To put it more precisely, by combining interview data gathered from Finnish consumer cooperatives (S Group, OP Bank Group and POP Bank) and extant literature, this study aims to generate or elaborate on definitions and outlines of the features that co-operative purpose poses for the strategic management, governance and managerial competence needed for consumer co-operatives. The study consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic, methods and publications, as well as discusses the overall outcomes. The second part consists of four publications that address the research questions from different viewpoints. The analyses of this study indicate that due to the purpose of consumer co-operation, the roles of locality and regionality become emphasized in their management. While locality and regionality are potential sources of competitive advantage for consumer co-operatives, geographic boundness sets significant boundary conditions for the strategic management of these organizations. Further, the purpose of consumer co-operation may pose several challenges to governance and set specific competence demands for the managers of these organizations. Associating the observations from various streams of research on management and governance with the purpose of consumer co-operation and examining these issues further, the thesis contributes to elaboration of theory in the field. While the thesis is by no means comprehensive (but instead reflects a co-operative research project in its early stages), it does shed light on some key ideas of management and governance and offers leads to theory and, thereby, will prove useful to elaborators, disseminators and appliers of knowledge on co-operation.
Cleaner technologies include products, services, technologies, processes and systems that in use create less environmental hazard than the existing alternatives. Rapidly growing cleantech sector possesses an essential competitive advantage in the future. However, no profound research has been conducted on the characteristics of cleaner technologies and their effect on the commercialization process. This thesis aims at synthesizing scattered information and creating a basis for accelerating cleaner technology commercialization in Finnish context. Two research questions are defined: 1. What are the key challenges and success factors in the commercialization of cleaner technologies based on the existing literature? 2. What kind of lessons can be learned from the Finnish success stories of cleantech commercialization? The research was conducted as a literature review and supported with three case interviews. The results suggest that literature-based challenges are mostly related to, for example, difficulty in gathering customer information, unrealistic customer expectations, lack of resources, networks and proper success indicators, legislation, and unstructured strategy planning stemming from company culture. Handling the barriers require, above all, open communication from all stakeholders, management commitment and accurate goal setting, government-driven funding and incentives, and cooperation with educational facilities. Finnish success cases emphasize especially customer attention: listening to customers and receiving feedback from them during the whole commercialization process to correct the errors early and save resources, visionary in fulfilling customer needs, ability to question company’s own business performance, not being afraid of making mistakes but learning from them, and continuously observing and evaluating the commercialization process.
This dissertation explores the use of internal and external sources of knowledge in modern innovation processes. It builds on a framework that combines theories such as a behavioural theory of the firm, the evolutionary theory of economic change, and modern approaches to strategic management. It follows the recent increase in innovation research focusing on the firm-level examination of innovative activities instead of traditional industry-level determinants. The innovation process is seen as a problem- and slack- driven search process, which can take several directions in terms of organizational boundaries in the pursuit of new knowledge and other resources. It thus draws on recent models of technological change, according to which firms nowadays should build their innovative activities on both internal and external sources of innovation rather than relying solely on internal resources. Four different research questions are addressed, all of which are empirically investigated via a rich dataset covering Finnish innovators collected by Statistics Finland. Firstly, the study examines how the nature of problems shapes the direction of any search for new knowledge. In general it demonstrates that the nature of the problem does affect the direction of the search, although under resource constraints firms tend to use external rather than internal sources of knowledge. At the same time, it shows that those firms that are constrained in terms of finance seem to search both internally and externally. Secondly, the dissertation investigates the relationships between different kinds of internal and external sources of knowledge in an attempt to find out where firms should direct their search in order to exploit the potential of a distributed innovation process. The concept of complementarities is applied in this context. The third research question concerns how the use of external knowledge sources – openness to external knowledge – influences the financial performance of firms. Given the many advantages of openness presented in the current literature, the focus is on how it shapes profitability. The results reveal a curvilinear relationship between profitability and openness (taking an inverted U-shape), the implication being that it pays to be open up to a certain point, but being too open to external sources may be detrimental to financial performance. Finally, the dissertation addresses some challenges in CISbased innovation research that have received relatively little attention in prior studies. The general aim is to underline the fact that comprehensive understanding of the complex process of technological change requires the constant development of methodological approaches (in terms of data and measures, for example). All the empirical analyses included in the dissertation are based on the Finnish CIS (Finnish Innovation Survey 1998-2000).
Tämä tutkielma osallistuu suomalaiseen osuusliiketoiminnan menestystekijöitä koskevaan akateemiseen keskusteluun. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella paikallisuuden merkitystä OP-Pohjola-ryhmän jäsenosuuspankkien näkökulmasta ja tutustua syvällisemmin pankkiliiketoimintaan ja sen kilpailuetuihin. Tutkimuksessa pyritään selvittämään, mitä paikallisuus on ja miten se ilmenee osuuspankkien liiketoiminnassa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmärtää, mitä lisäarvoa paikallisuus antaa osuuspankeille sen kauempaa johdetuiden kilpailijoiden strategioihin verrattuna, ja mitä edellytyksiä osuuspankeilla on selviytyä jatkuvasti kiristyvässä kilpailussa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteisiin pyritään vastaamaan analysoimalla Mika Rantasen osuuspankeista vuonna 2009 keräämää laadullista aineistoa. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että osuustoiminnallinen pankkiliiketoiminta ja paikallisuus tukevat toisiaan. Paikallisuus mahdollistaa osuustoiminnan ominaispiirteiden hyödyntämisen ja aikaansaa sen, että osuuspankit koetaan usein kilpailijoitaan läheisemmiksi – osaksi paikallisyhteisöä. Tästä on merkittävä hyöty OP-Pohjola-ryhmän jäsenosuuspankkien liiketoiminnalle.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata prosessia, jonka tuloksena henkilöstölle määriteltiin kahdeksan ydinkompetenssia palvelemaan uuden liiketoiminnan arvolupausta. Lisäksi tavoitteena on mitata määriteltyjen ydinkompetenssien nykytaso. Tunnistetusta kompetenssikuilusta johdetaan kehitystoimenpiteitä, joiden avulla henkilöstön osaaminen saatetaan halutulle tasolle. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys kiteytyy liiketoimintamallin arvolupauksen sekä yksilön ydinkompetenssien rajapintaan, jonka taustalla vaikuttavat resurssiperustainen ja tietoperustainen näkemys yrityksestä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisella tutkimusmenetelmällä. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan tapaustutkimus, jonka aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kuutta uuden liiketoimintamallin tiimin jäsentä. Tulosten perusteella yksi olennainen ydinkompetenssi ei tuo kestävää kilpailukykyä imitoitavuutensa vuoksi. Muutoin määritellyt ydinkompetenssit vastasivat pääasiassa liiketoimintamallin arvolupausta ja kolmesta ydinkompetenssista voitiin johtaa kehitystoimenpiteet organisaation käyttöön.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on muodostaa liikkeenjohdon päätöksentekoa tukeva toimintatapa, jonka avulla pystytään keräämään ja suodattamaan sosiaalisesta mediasta olennainen asiakastyytyväisyyden muodostumiseen vaikuttava informaatio. Tavoitteena on myös täsmentää sosiaalisen median viestien tarkastelutapaa ja tarjota liikkeenjohdolle käytännönläheinen ja vaihtoehtoinen tiedonkeruumenetelmä perinteisten asiakastyytyväisyyskyselyiden rinnalle. Tutkimuksen case-yrityksenä käytetään Fox International Channels Oy:tä, joka alkuvuodesta 2012 hankki SuomiTV:n ja lanseerasi tämän tilalle uuden FOX-kanavan. Sosiaalisen median viestit kerätään sosiaalisen median seurannan avulla ja kerättyä aineistoa tarkastellaan kriittisten tapausten tekniikan avulla.Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että on olemassa valtava määrä käsittelemätöntä tietoa, jota keräämällä, suodattamalla ja analysoimalla voidaan kerätä tavoitteita tukevaa relevanttia informaatiota. Tutkimuksessa tulee ilmi, että viestit sisältävät paljon ironiaa, slangia, sarkasmia ja metaforia, minkä takia automaattinen hakusanoihin perustuva seuranta- ja analysointipalvelu ei riitä syvällisen ymmärryksen luomiseen. Yrityksen ulkopuolinen tieto ja sosiaalisen median viestit ovat puhtaimmillaan hyvin tärkeää ulkoista informaatiota yrityksille, mitä hyväksikäyttämällä voidaan luoda kilpailuetua pidemmällä aikavälillä.
Operating in business-to-business markets requires an in-depth understanding on business networks. Actions and reactions made to compete in markets are fundamentally based on managers‘ subjective perceptions of the network. However, an amalgamation of these individual perceptions, termed a network picture, to a common company level shared understanding on that network, known as network insight, is found to be a substantial challenge for companies. A company‘s capability to enhance common network insight is even argued to lead competitive advantage. Especially companies with value creating logics that require wide comprehension of and collaborating in networks, such as solution business, are necessitated to develop advanced network insight. According to the extant literature, dispersed pieces of atomized network pictures can be unified to a common network insight through a process of amalgamation that comprises barriers/drivers of multilateral exchange, manifold rationality, and recursive time. However, the extant body of literature appears to lack an understanding on the role of internal communication in the development of network insight. Nonetheless, the extant understanding on the amalgamation process indicates that internal communication plays a substantial role in the development of company level network insight. The purpose of the present thesis is to enhance understanding on internal communication in the amalgamation of network pictures to develop network insight in the solution business setting, which was chosen to represent business-to-business value creating logic that emphasizes the capability to understand and utilize networks. Thus, in solution business the role of succeeding in the amalgamation process is expected to emphasize. The study combines qualitative and quantitative research by means of various analytical methods including multiple case analysis, simulation, and social network analysis. Approaching the nascent research topic with differing perspectives and means provides a broader insight on the phenomenon. The study provides empirical evidence from Finnish business-to-business companies which operate globally. The empirical data comprise interviews (n=28) with managers of three case companies. In addition the data includes a questionnaire (n=23) collected mainly for the purpose of social network analysis. In addition, the thesis includes a simulation study more specifically achieved by means of agent based modeling. The findings of the thesis shed light on the role of internal communication in the amalgamation process, contributing to the emergent discussion of network insights and thus to the industrial marketing research. In addition, the thesis increases understanding on internal communication in the change process to solution business, a supplier‘s internal communication in its matrix organization structure during a project sales process, key barriers and drivers that influence internal communication in project sales networks, perceived power within industrial project sales, and the revisioning of network pictures. According to the findings, internal communication is found to play a substantial role in the amalgamation process. First, it is suggested that internal communication is a base of multilateral exchange. Second, it is suggested that internal communication intensifies and maintains manifold rationality. Third, internal communication is needed to explicate the usually differing time perspectives of others and thus it is suggested that internal communication has role as the explicator of recursive time. Furthermore, the role of an efficient amalgamation process is found to be emphasized in solutions business as it requires a more advanced network insight for cross-functional collaboration. Finally, the thesis offers several managerial implications for industrial suppliers to enhance the amalgamation process when operating in solution business.
Lyhyet toimitusajat tuovat yrityksille kilpailuetua nopeasti muuttuvassa teollisuusympäristössä. Tämän diplomityön ensisijaisena tavoitteena on löytää kirjallisuuden avulla yrityksen käyttöön soveltuva menetelmä, joka soveltuu systemaattiseen läpimenoaikojen lyhentämiseen. Tärkeää on myös varmistaa valitun menetelmän soveltuvuus kohdeyrityksen ympäristöön. Työn toisena tavoitteena on ymmärtää, että minkälaisella panostuksella yhden päivän läpimenoaika voidaan saavuttaa. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen avulla on valittu tarkoitukseen sopiva toimintamalli. Menetelmä on testattu yhdellä tuotantolinjalla ja saadut tulokset sekä palaute osoittavat, että se näyttäisi soveltuvan kohdeyrityksen käyttöön. Tuotantolinjalle on tehty toimintasuunnitelma yhden päivän toimitusajan saavuttamiseksi vuoden 2013 aikana. Haasteen laajuutta koko kohdeyrityksessä on tutkittu erillisessä ideointisessiossa. Session tulosten perusteella on tehty prioriteettilista, joka antaa käsityksen toimitusajan merkittävän lyhentämisen vaatimuksista. Yleisesti ottaen kysynnän vaihtelun hallinta on suurin haaste, mutta useita ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja tämän hallitsemiseksi on tunnistettu.
The Thesis concentrates on two central terms – Technology park and the resource-based view of the organization. General attention is devoted to competencies and capabilities of organizations that operate in foreign environment. It is difficult to go abroad without any experience and support from local government, especially for small or medium company. Technology and Science parks are the main sources of competitive advantage for this kind of organizations. They provide a huge range of services as well as business consultations and financial support on different stages of companies’ development. The Thesis was made with the assistance of Technopolis Oy in Lappeenranta. During the research companies in Finland and Russia were interviewed. Based on empirical findings important capabilities for entering foreign market were identified and some recommendations for the Technology park were given.
This thesis focuses on collaborative activities with regard to environmental issues both within the firm and outside the firm with the key suppliers and customers, i.e. internal and external environmental collaboration. Integrating environmental thinking into supply chain management has received increasing interest in recent years. The relational view and the natural resource-based-view together suggest that environmental capabilities can be built jointly with supply chain partners and used to gain sustained competitive advantage. Several studies have been undertaken to analyse the connection between environmental activities and firm performance but most studies have taken only economic performance into account. This study pays attention also to two other dimensions of firm performance, intra-firm supply chain performance and environmental performance, and aims at presenting the linkages between them and environmental collaboration. This thesis creates a research framework for the connections between environmental collaboration and firm performance and suggests approaches to analyse these. In order to find out the key concepts and their relationship, an extensive literature review is conducted. The research framework proposes a positive connection between internal and external environmental collaboration and all three dimensions of firm performance. In addition, environmental performance and intra-firm supply chain performance are expected to contribute positively to economic performance. Hence, firms are suggested to benefit from environmental collaboration both within the firm and outside the firm. Empirical testing of the developed research framework is out of the scope of this study. However, this thesis proposes using a mixed methods research approach, including survey research and multiple case studies. Finland State of Logistics 2012 survey commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications and conducted by Turku School of Economics is used as an example of data for the quantitative phase. The applicability of these two methods is discussed at a general level and with regard to analysing the research framework developed in the thesis. Future research will aim at the development of the research framework and the methods in order to confirm the connection between environmental collaboration and firm performance.
The objective of this thesis was to study organizational renewal from the customer orientation perspective. Customer orientation is divided into customer relationship management and customer knowledge, which both are important components of customer related organizational renewal capabilities. The study was conducted in knowledge intensive business service firms, which are required to renew their strategy, operations and processes constantly in order to gain and sustain competitive advantage. In the empirical research, two companies were studied, both offering services to their customers. The analysis was done in two phases; first each case was analyzed individually and then the cases were compared in a cross-case analysis. The most important finding was that customer orientation is considered important but it is not being utilized for organizational renewal in full capacity.
This study examined relationships of organizational dependencies, change management and developed intellectual knowledge resources, in different intellectual capital based development programs on ICT-sector. Study was carried out in a research context, where high degree of external organizational contingencies existed and lots of changes in several development programs had taken place in the last years. From a scientific perspective the main contribution was that evidence between relationships of organizational dependencies, change model portfolio and developed knowledge resources could be suggested. From managerial perspective the primary implication was that in situations where sustainable competitive advantage is pursued by means of increasing knowledge based productivity of labor, firms should seek to pursue organizational settings where external dependencies have minimal amount of effect.
Tutkimuksessa kuvataan yksityisten lääkäripalveluyritysten kilpailuetuja. Tutkimus ottaa kantaa taloustieteissä esiintyviin kilpailuetuteorioihin ja pyrkii löytämään toimialan kilpailuvoimia. Tutkimuksessa syvennytään myös toimialan rakenteeseen, sen merkitykseen kilpailuedun luomisessa sekä peilataan alan kirjallisuutta toimialan todelliseen rakenteeseen. Empiirisen aineiston kerääminen toteutetaan teema-haastattelumenetelmällä. Haastattelu on laadullinen tutkimus, jonka tarkoitus on paljastaa toimialan kilpailuvoimia ja selvittää, miten yritykset säilyttävät kilpailuetujaan. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tutkimuksessa käytetään viiden kilpailuvoiman mallia ja yrityksen resurssiperustaista näkemystä. Tutkimus osoittaa toimialan olevan monitahoinen ja kompleksinen kokonaisuus, joka koostuu monia toisiaan tukevista osista. Yritykset tuottavat lääkäripalveluiden lisäksi myös muita palveluita, jotka osaltaan tukevat kilpailuetua tutkittavassa liiketoiminnassa. Haastattelujen perusteella voidaan todeta kilpailuetujen syntyvän tekijöistä kuten sosiaaliset prosessit, jotka syntyvät yrityksissä jokapäiväisen toiminnan sivutuotteena. Lisäksi tärkeitä ovat yritysten ja asiakkaiden väliset suhteet sekä yrityksen suhteet omaan työvoimaansa, jolla palvelut tuotetaan.