899 resultados para Cyberspace Situational Knowledge, Capability, Cybersecurity, Cyberdefence, Organization


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Twenty first century learners operate in organic, immersive environments. A pedagogy of student-centred learning is not a recipe for rooms. A contemporary learning environment is like a landscape that grows, morphs, and responds to the pressures of the context and micro-culture. There is no single adaptable solution, nor a suite of off-the-shelf answers; propositions must be customisable and infinitely variable. They must be indeterminate and changeable; based on the creation of learning places, not restrictive or constraining spaces. A sustainable solution will be un-fixed, responsive to the life cycle of the components and materials, able to be manipulated by the users; it will create and construct its own history. Learning occurs as formal education with situational knowledge structures, but also as informal learning, active learning, blended learning social learning, incidental learning, and unintended learning. These are not spatial concepts but socio-cultural patterns of discovery. Individual learning requirements must run free and need to be accommodated as the learner sees fit. The spatial solution must accommodate and enable a full array of learning situations. It is a system not an object. Three major components: 1. The determinate landscape: in-situ concrete 'plate' that is permanent. It predates the other components of the system and remains as a remnant/imprint/fossil after the other components of the system have been relocated. It is a functional learning landscape in its own right; enabling a variety of experiences and activities. 2. The indeterminate landscape: a kit of pre-fabricated 2-D panels assembled in a unique manner at each site to suit the client and context. Manufactured to the principles of design-for-disassembly. A symbiotic barnacle like system that attaches itself to the existing infrastructure through the determinate landscape which acts as a fast growth rhizome. A carapace of protective panels, infinitely variable to create enclosed, semi-enclosed, and open learning places. 3. The stations: pre-fabricated packages of highly-serviced space connected through the determinate landscape. Four main types of stations; wet-room learning centres, dry-room learning centres, ablutions, and low-impact building services. Entirely customised at the factory and delivered to site. The stations can be retro-fitted to suit a new context during relocation. Principles of design for disassembly: material principles ⢠use recycled and recyclable materials ⢠minimise the number of types of materials ⢠no toxic materials ⢠use lightweight materials ⢠avoid secondary finishes ⢠provide identification of material types component principles ⢠minimise/standardise the number of types of components ⢠use mechanical not chemical connections ⢠design for use of common tools and equipment ⢠provide easy access to all components ⢠make component size to suite means of handling ⢠provide built in means of handling ⢠design to realistic tolerances ⢠use a minimum number of connectors and a minimum number of types system principles ⢠design for durability and repeated use ⢠use prefabrication and mass production ⢠provide spare components on site ⢠sustain all assembly and material information


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This chapter explores a cultural perspective on the development of strategic communication. It identifies cultural influences on organizational knowledge structures and the work of cultural schema on organizational processes of environmental interpretation. It describes the implications of the structures and processes for strategic communication. The chapter documents that strategic communication may reflect outcomes of cultural selection acting in the knowledge system of an organization as much as it reflects empirical imperatives of the external social environment.


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One of the most common ways to share project knowledge is to capture the positive and negative aspects of projects in the form of lessons learned (LL). If effectively used, this process can assist project managers in reusing project knowledge and preventing future projects from repeating mistakes. Nevertheless, the process of capturing, storing, reviewing and reusing LL often remains suboptimal. Despite the potential for rich knowledge capture, lessons are often documented as simple, line-item statements devoid of context. Findings from an empirical investigation across four cases revealed a range of reasons related to the perceived quality, process and visibility of LL that lead to their limited use and application. Drawn from the cross-case analysis, this paper investigates an integrated approach to LL involving the use of a collaborative Web-based tool, which is easily accessible, intelligible and user-friendly, allowing more effective sharing of project knowledge and overcoming existing problems with LL.


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Knowledge-sharing in a teamwork The study examines the link between knowledge-sharing that takes place in a team and the dimensions and objectives of the team s activities. The question the study poses is: How does knowledge-sharing in a team relate to the team s activities? The exchange of knowledge is examined using knowledge-sharing networks and the conversion model, which describes the process of knowledge formation. The answer to the question is sought through four empirical articles describing the activities of a team from the viewpoint of quality, fairness, power related to knowledge management, and performance. One of the articles used in the study describes the role of networks in work life more generally. It attempts to shed light on the manner in which team-related networks operate as part of a more extensive structure of organizational networks. Finland is one of the most eager users of teamwork, if numbers are used as a yardstick. About half of all Finnish wage earners worked in teams in 2009, and comparisons show that the use of teams in Finland is above the EU average. This study focuses on so-called semi-autonomous teams, which carry out permanent work tasks. In such teams, tasks are interdependent, and teams are jointly responsible for ensuring that the work is done. Team members may also, at least to some extent, agree between themselves on how the tasks are carried out and are able to take part in the decision-making process. Such teamwork makes knowledge-sharing an important element for the team s activities. Knowledge and knowledge-sharing have become a major resource, allowing organizations to operate and even compete in today s increasingly competitive markets. A single team or a single organization cannot, however, possess all the knowledge required for carrying out the tasks assigned to it. Although it is difficult to copy the knowledge generated in an organization, it is important to share the knowledge within and between organizations. External links supply teams and organizations with important knowledge that allows them to keep their operations up-to-date and their structures well-functioning. In fact, knowledge provides teams and organizations with an intangible resource that improves their capacity to interact with their environment and to adjust to it. For this reason, it is important to examine both the internal and external knowledge-sharing taking place in a team. The findings of the study show that in terms of quality, fairness, performance and the knowledge management issues concerning a team, its social network structure is both internally and externally connected with its activities. A team structure that is internally coherent and at the same time open to external contacts, is, with certain restrictions, connected with the quality, fairness, and performance of the team. The restrictions concern differences between procedural and interactional justice, public and private sectors, and the team leaders and ordinary team members. The role of the team leader is closely connected with the management of networks that are considered valuable. The results of the study indicate that teamwork is supervisor-dominated. Thus, teamwork does not substantially strengthen the influence of individual employees as players in knowledge-transfer networks. However, ordinary team members possess important peer contacts inside the organization. Teamwork clearly allows employees to interact in a democratic manner, and here the transfer of tacit knowledge plays an important role. Keywords: teamwork, knowledge-sharing, social networks, organization


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[ES] El gran reto de la empresa de servicios en la actualidad es orientarse con mayor precisión a sus clientes y conseguir su satisfacción y lealtad. Si bien el impulso de la innovación, el uso de tecnologías de información, y concretamente la creación de valor son factores decisivos, el gran factor a dirigir con una mejor proyección es el factor humano. Sin un enfoque consistente orientado a la persona, no será posible desarrollar la capacidad de servir al cliente en la organización.


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A presente dissertação busca realizar uma reflexão sobre a hegemonia da pedagogia das competências como noção orientadora da proposta curricular do ensino médio na rede estadual de educação do Rio de Janeiro. Para alcançar tal objetivo buscamos verificar,através de analises de documentos oficiais, referenciais teóricos e da observação da estruturação do sistema educacional fluminense, o quanto se tem promovido a formação flexível como padrão a ser desenvolvido entre os discentes da rede. Buscou-se analisar, em um primeiro momento, a configuração do Estado capitalista, suas características principais e as mudanças referentes ao neoliberalismo. Procurou-se, em seguida, realizar uma reflexão acerca da cultura e da práxis profissional dos docentes, buscando elencar a construção de ações profissionais permeadas por princípios do capitalismo. Realizamos também uma aproximação ao conhecimento acerca do currículo, sua organização histórica e representatividade na atividade docente. Como última etapa do trabalho, buscamos realizar uma análise da proposta curricular do estado do Rio de Janeiro, indicando a centralidade que a pedagogia das competências assume no documento oficial. Analisamos, ainda, o plano de metas da SEEDUC-RJ, identificando algumas características do plano e sua articulação com a lógica da formação flexível. Por fim, realizamos, ainda, entrevistas com alguns docentes, visando a atestar fragilidades e inconsistências do currículo mínimo e da lógica formativa. Ao final, foi possível constatar como o modelo neoliberal tem espalhado suas orientações por todo o estado fluminense. Ainda explicitamos o alinhamento entre as noções globais e a materialização dessas noções no ensino local, mostrando a pedagogia das competências como dimensão formativa atrelada aos anseios de um saber fazer distante da formação emancipatória do homem.


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Yhteiskunnan muuttuessa entistä tietovaltaisemmaksi, tiedon jakaminen nähdään kaikkein merkittävimpänä tietoprosessina organisaation kehittymisen kannalta. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa selvitettiin, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat tiedon jakamiseen asiantuntijatyÃssä. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena ja aineisto analysoitiin teorialähtÃisen sisällÃnanalyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella asiantuntijatyÃtä tekevien tiedon jakamiseen vaikuttavat tekjiät ovat sisäinen motivaatio, yksilÃiden välinen luottamus sekä organisaation rakenne ja kulttuuri. Tutkimuksen mukaan tyà itsessään palkitsee ja motivoi tiedon jakamiseen, mutta yksilÃiden välillä tulee olla hyväntahtoisuuteen ja pätevyyteen liittyvää luottamusta. Organisaation hierarkkisuus, käytettävissä olevan ajan, yhteisÃllisyyden ja arvostuksen puute heikentävät tiedon jakamista. Sitä vastoin organisaation avoin kulttuuri tukee tiedon jakamista. Rahallisen palkitsemisen ei nähty vaikuttavan tiedon jakamiseen.


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Primera conferencia. Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales: Gestión del Conocimiento, Acceso Abierto y Visibilidad Latinoamericana. (BIREDIAL) Mayo 9 al 11 de 2011. Bogotá, Colombia.


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I en rapport som Svensk Näringsliv (2010) har utfÃrt beskriver de att fÃretag redan idag och inom en snar framtid stÃ¥r infÃr den stÃrsta pensionsavgÃ¥ngen nÃ¥gonsin i Svensk historia. 40- talisternas avgÃ¥ng ställer fÃretag infÃr stora utmaningarna, framfÃrallt att lyckas genomfÃra en lyckad generationsväxling. De personer som gÃ¥r i pension har under sitt yrkesverksamma liv utvecklat en kunskap som mÃ¥nga organisationer vilar pÃ¥. En stor del av denna kunskap mÃ¥ste ÃverfÃras fÃr att organisationerna ska kunna fortsätta att vara effektiva pÃ¥ marknaden. Syftet med denna studie var att fÃ¥ en djupare fÃrstÃ¥else fÃr ledarskapets betydelse gällande kunskapsÃverfÃring i en organisation, samt bidra med praktiska verktyg till chefer och medarbetare fÃr att undvika att fÃrlora värdefull kunskap vid en generationsväxling. IndustrifÃretaget LEAX har själva identifierat ett problem i att ÃverfÃra viktig kunskap i och med kommande generationsväxling. Deras Ãnskan var att fÃ¥ hjälp med praktiska verktyg fÃr hur de ska tänka och verka fÃr att mildra kunskapsglappet som kan uppstÃ¥. FÃr att undersÃka detta och därmed uppfylla denna studies syfte har intervjuer genomfÃrts med fyra produktionsledare, fyra medarbetare som fÃrväntas dela kunskap och tre medarbetare som fÃrväntas ta till sig kunskap. Innan intervjuerna genomfÃrdes läste vi in oss pÃ¥ teori om kunskap, kunskapsÃverfÃring och ledarskap. Eftersom begreppet kunskap har en bred betydelse och kan definieras olika beroende om den är individuell eller organisatorisk, bÃrjade vi i vÃ¥rt teoriavsnitt att bena ut detta begrepp. Nonaka och Takeuchi (1995) gÃr en fÃrenklad bild av kunskap som ett isberg, där den explicita kunskapen benämns som toppen. Väl synlig Ãver ytan pÃ¥ vattnet är den enkel att upptäcka och ta till sig. Under vattnet dÃljer sig en osynlig kunskap som är svÃ¥r att upptäcka, sÃ¥ kallas implicit eller tyst kunskap. Denna kunskap utgÃr en enorm del av isberget och blir därmed viktig att bevara. Dock är denna kunskap svÃ¥r att ÃverfÃra dÃ¥ den är osynlig och svÃ¥r att ta pÃ¥. FÃr att fÃrstÃ¥ vad kunskapsÃverfÃring innebär, behÃver organisationer identifiera vilken sorts kunskap som behÃver ÃverfÃras fÃr att kunskapsÃverfÃringen ska bli lyckad (Jonsson, 2012). Men även fast organisationer gÃr detta mÃ¥ste även ledningen fÃrstÃ¥ att kunskapsÃverfÃring är en strategisk angelägenhet som kan ses som en process som involverar medarbetare. I denna studie har vi undersÃkt hur ledare kan skapa motivation, engagemang och resurser fÃr medarbetare att vilja medverka och bidra till kunskapsÃverfÃring. FÃr att fÃrsÃka fÃrstÃ¥ hur kunskap ÃverfÃrs i en organisation har vi använt oss av Nonaka och Takeuchi, (1995) SECI-modell. Modellen bygger pÃ¥ samspelet mellan den tysta och explicita kunskapen, vilket sker i fyra processer. Dessa processer har vi sedan utvecklat till en egen modell som inkluderar institutionella, organisatoriska och kognitiva faktorer. UtifrÃ¥n dessa faktorer har vi skapat praktiska fÃrslag pÃ¥ hur ledare tillsammans med medarbetarna kan planera kunskapsÃverfÃring. Dessa praktiska fÃrslag gynnar bÃ¥de individuell- och organisatorisk utveckling, samt bidrar till att mildra kunskapsfÃrlust vid generationsväxlingen. Ett av de praktiska exempel vi utformat är en kompetensprofil, som är ett hjälpmedel fÃr organisationer att identifiera vilken kunskap som medarbetarna besitter, vilket synliggÃr vilken kunskap det är som kan gÃ¥ fÃrlorad. Kompetensprofilen tillsammans med vÃ¥r modell kan appliceras pÃ¥ liknande fÃretag, men även pÃ¥ organisationer som verkar inom andra branscher. Eftersom denna kompetensprofil är utvecklad efter de krav som finns inom aktuell verksamhet, finns det mÃjlighet att anpassa efter andra verksamheter.


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Bakgrund Evidensbaserad vÃ¥rd (EBV) är ett välkänt begrepp som används fÃr att tillfÃrsäkra patienter en säker vÃ¥rd som vilar pÃ¥ bästa tillgängliga bevis, beprÃvad erfarenhet och patientens individuella preferenser. MÃ¥nga studier har tidigare undersÃkt hinder fÃr sjukskÃterskor att bedriva och/eller implementera EBV fÃr att fÃrklara gapet som kan uppstÃ¥ mellan teori och praktik. Färre studier har undersÃkt vilka faktorer som främjar sjukskÃterskors användande av EBV. Syfte Att genom en litteraturÃversikt beskriva vilka faktorer som främjar sjukskÃterskors mÃjligheter att bedriva en evidensbaserad vÃ¥rd. Metod Studien genomfÃrdes som en litteraturÃversikt. Databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och Web of Science genomsÃktes och 15 artiklar valdes ut (8 kvalitativa, 4 kvantitativa och 3 mixedmethod). Resultat Fem kategorier identifierades som främjande faktorer fÃr sjukskÃterskor att bedriva och/eller implementera EBV; arbetsmiljÃ, stÃd, kunskap, sjukskÃterskans inställning och organisation. StÃd i form utav underlättare var den mest framträdande faktorn. Slutsats SjukskÃterskan har ett individuellt ansvar att bedriva EBV och kan genom sin egen inställning pÃ¥verka att en sÃ¥dan vÃ¥rd bedrivs. De flesta främjande faktorer som framkom var dock tydligare kopplade till ledningen och chefens del i att främja användandet av EBV.


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Recent theorising on the nature of racism suggests that over the last few decades it has come to be expressed in more subtle and ambiguous ways because while many Whites proclaim egalitarian values, their cognitions and behaviour are influenced by prejudices that are buried deep in their psyche. This leads to the possibility that those who perpetrate and those who experience racism may have different interpretations of events that involve racism. Essed (1991) has suggested that because they are exposed to racism systematically, those who experience racism are in a good position to detect it if they have both knowledge of normal behaviour for particular situations, and a general knowledge of racism. Using Essed's model of the assessment of racist events, the descriptions of six videotaped ambiguously racist scenarios given by 40 Caucasian students and 40 Asian students were analysed to determine whether situational or general knowledge of racism was evident. Contrary to expectations, the Asian students, who belong to a group targeted with racism in Australia, were less likely to see racism in the scenarios. Finding the scenarios to be acceptable indicated a lack of situational knowledge and, hence, an inability to use general knowledge of racism if it exists. The role of cultural values in the application of situational knowledge is discussed, and further empirical investigations of Essed's model are proposed.<br />


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This work is focused on the explanation of the relation between the learning processes, the accumulation of technological competence and the competitive performance. The present study is based on the case of the steelmaking plant of Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, located in Volta Redonda city, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, during the period of 1997 and 2001. The framework of this thesis is based on Figueiredo (2001), that shares the learning process in external and internal acquisition of knowledge, and the conversion of this knowledge from people to organization through socialization (transfer of tacit knowledge) or codification (transfer of knowledge by written documents). This framework considers the key features of the learning process: the variety, the intensity, the working and the interaction. The results suggest that the steelmaking of CSN achieved the pre intermediate level (level 4) of technological competence to the technological functions of production process and equipment, and the intermediate level (level 5) to the function product. The accomplishment of these levels of competence was due to the acquisition and conversion of new knowledge. It was observed that the key features had an evolution during the period considered in the study. The results allowed to show that the accumulation of technological competence had a positive influence over the competitive performance of the steelmaking unit of CSN.


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In the last years, a number of enterprises ¿ each time greater ¿ have perceived the importance of the strategic management of the intellectual capital in its strategic planning. Factors like globalization of the economy and consequent awareness of specialized work value enclosed in organizational processes and routines, awareness of knowledge as factor of distinct production and low cost of data processing nets, point to a growing replacement of physical force for cerebral in our organizations and in our social lives. This work has the objective to analyze how the information technology, in its present stage, may contribute to creation and development of knowledge, or intellectual capital, in the organization of business. We will use for this purpose the methodology proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi for creation of knowledge in the organizations. The model is based in two basic points: 1) the existence of two types of knowledge, the tacit and the explicit and its several processes of interaction wich generate operational knowledge (internalization), systematic knowledge (combination), shared knowledge (socialization) and conceptual knowledge (externalization); 2) the view that knowledge in principle is individual, belongs to each member of the organization and must be enlarged 'in an organization way'. Considering the characteristics of the methodology used, the proposal is the construction of a knowledge portal in the organization of business, so that it may be used as a tool for helping to create and develop organizational knowledge.


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Esta tese reúne os principais conceitos em gerenciamento de projetos. Em destaque, trata dos mecanismos e processos envolvidos na gestão do conhecimento interprojetos de uma organização, na busca da melhoria do desempenho do conjunto de seus projetos. Assim, é proposta uma estrutura, composta por elementos que, combinados, contemplem tanto o conhecimento explícito quanto o conhecimento tácito, além da consideração de fatores culturais organizacionais envolvidos. Para buscar a comprovação da estrutura, foi usada uma pesquisa qualitativa explanatória, operacionalizada através de quatro estudos de casos, realizados numa organização brasileira. Como resultado, encontramos a comprovação da estrutura proposta, além da inclusão de novos elementos que influenciam no processo. O campo de estudo do conhecimento envolvendo interprojetos demonstra ser uma área fértil e com muitas oportunidades de exploração, principalmente quando focamos na questão nacional.


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Esta monografia é um estudo de desenvolvimento institucional que proporciona conhecer como uma organização da administração pública brasileira, criada com um fim especifico e transitório, sobreviveu, se transformou, criou raizes, expandiu sua área de influência e tornou-se uma instituição relativamente bem sucedida. Trata-se da Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira - CEPLAC, órgão autônomo vinculado ao Ministério da Agricultura, criado na década de cinqüenta pelo Governo Federal, como solução de emergência para o apoio financeiro aos produtores de cacau do sul da Bahia, numa das maiores crises da economia cacaueira. O autor valeu-se, para sua dissertação, do quadro conceitual formulado por Milton J. Esman e Hans C. Blaise, da Inter-University Research Program in Institution Building. Este é um modelo que parte da premissa de que as instituições são sistema abertos e, como tal, mantêm padrões de relações e intercâmbio com o meio-ambiente em que operam. Importam energia do ambiente (inputs on entradas) e processam tais energias, transformando-as em produtos (outputs ou saldas) desejados e valorizados pelo ambiente. Dentro deste quadro, têm-se três elementos básicos: a organização; as transações; e o meio-ambiente. O trabalho foi dividido em cinco capítulos. No primeiro o autor discorreu sobre o tema e sua importância, objetivos do estudo, metodologia utilizada e o conteúdo da monografia. No segundo, fez uma discussão em torno do que é desenvolvimento institucional, sua evolução como estratégia de desenvolvimento; procedeu à revisão de literatura e descreveu o modelo que serviu de guia à pesquisa. Aí, registrou disfunções, limitações e restrições ao modelo de Esman e Blaise, e/ou aos efeitos da institucionalização, apontados por alguns estudiosos. No terceiro capítulo narrou os antecedentes, origem e evolução da CEPLAC, oportunidade em que identificou três fases da organização; no quarto, mostrou a CEPLAC através do modelo de desenvolvimento institucional, quando a organização foi analisada em função de suas variáveis institucionais (Liderança, Doutrina, Programa, Estrutura I nterna e Recursos), suas t ra n sações com o ambiente e suas variáveis institucionais-ambientais ou simplesmente elos institucionais. Finalmente, no qu into cap(tulo, alinhou as conclusões. A pesquisa objetivou atender aos questionamentos estabelecidos em cinco tópicos que buscavam investigar o seguinte: se houve um planejamento prévio, consciente e deliberado no sentido de transformar a CEPLAC de um órgão transitório, com atividade financeira, para uma instituição técnico-cientl'fica como é hoje. Em caso negativo, o que tornou isso poss(vel? Discorrer sobre a forma pela qual seu quadro dirigente foi estruturado e reuniu recursos, bem como que influências contribuíram para moldar seus programas; constatar como o quadro dirigente da CEPLAC manteve-se estável em um per(odo de mudanças no panorama político brasileiro; e especular sobre o futuro da institu ição. Entre outras coisas, o autor conclu iu que duas variáveis contribu iram particu larmente, de forma decisiva, para a sobrevivência, autonomia e desenvolvimento da instituição, com a obtenção de resultados valorizados pela sua clientela: 1) a existência de uma liderança institucional que soube definir o papel e a missão da CEPLAC, mantendo sua integridade ao longo do tempo; e, 2) a garantia de um fluxo sistemático de recursos financeiros através da contribuição cambial retirada das exportações de cacau. Além disso, constatou que três fatores foram importantes para sua estabilidade: o pleno enquadramento da instituição na filosofia modernizadora contida no bojo dos governos pós-54; a relevância de seus elos institucionais; e o reconhecimento da cl ientela e de setores governamentais importantes pela sua participação na evolução havida na economia cacaueira, de uma situação de crise para resultados satisfatórios.