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Existe una versi??n en euskara, con el t??tulo "PISA Proiektua. Zientzi Ezagutzari buruz erabili diren itemen adibideak"
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Se hace un breve recorrido por la historia del Colegio Mayor San Juan de Ribera. Esta instituci??n es fundada por Carolina ??lvarez y Ruiz como una fundaci??n ben??fico-instructiva para proteger a j??venes sin recursos econ??micos. Se hace un resumen sobre el origen del Colegio Mayor, el edificio donde se ubica y sus estatutos y reglamentos.
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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: "La participaci??n de las familias en la escuela"
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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: 'El m??todo cient??fico: el ADN de la investigaci??n educativa en la LOE, la LOMCE y la LOU'
Se describe la I Feria Cient??fico-Human??stica llevada a cabo en el IES Gabriel y Gal??n (Montehermoso, C??ceres), una actividad multidisciplinar y cooperativa, en la que se sigui?? una metodolog??a de trabajo por proyectos. Los trabajos presentados fueron: 'Dentici??n adulta humana', 'El circuito del tubo digestivo', 'Las maravillas del mundo antiguo', 'Casa bioclim??tica', 'Don Quijote reutiliza', 'Formas geom??tricas en la naturaleza y tri??ngulo de Sierpinski', 'Comparte un monumento europeo', 'F??siles: huellas del pasado', 'ADN: mol??cula de la vida', ' Volcanes', 'El tiempo en la antig??edad', 'Ludi romani (Juegos romanos)', 'M??sica reciclada', 'Evoluaci??n de las plantas desde el Jur??sico hasta el siglo XXI' y 'My class is a museum'
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Sub-Saharan Africa in general and Ghana in particular, missed out on the Green revolution. Efforts are being made to re-introduce the revolution, and this calls for more socio-economic research into the factors influencing the adoption of new technologies, hence, this study. The study sought to find out how socio-economic factors contribute to adoption of Green revolution technology in Ghana. The method of analysis involved a maximum likelihood estimation of a probit model. The proportion of Green revolution inputs was found to be greater for the following: households whose heads had formal education, households with higher levels of non-farm income, credit and labor supply as well as those living in urban centers. It is recommended that levels of complementary inputs such as credit, extension services and infrastructure are increased. Also, households must be encouraged to form farmer-groups as an important source of farm labor. Furthermore, the fundamental problems of illiteracy must be addressed through increasing the levels of formal and non-formal education; and the gap between the rural and urban centers must be bridged through infrastructural and rural development. However, care must be taken to ensure that small-scale farmers are not marginalized, in terms of access to these complementary inputs that go with effective adoption of new technology. With these policies well implemented, Ghana can catch up with her Asian counterparts in this re-introduction of the revolution.
Tissue culture techniques were applied for micropropagation of the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii in order to select the best strain and experimental system for in vitro culture. Five strains were tested: brown (BR), green (GR) and red (RD) tetrasporophytes, brown female gametophyte (BFG), and a strain originating from tetraspore germination (""Edison de Paula"", EP). The effects of three culture media were tested on callus formation, regeneration from explants and from callus in the three tetrasporophytic and EP strains: seawater enriched with half-strength of von Stosch`s (VS 50) and Guillard & Ryther`s (F/2 50) solutions, plus synthetic ASP 12-NTA medium, with or without gelling agent. Explants of the EP strain were treated with glycerol and the phytoregulators indole-3-acetic acid (IAA); 2,4-diclorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D); and benzylaminopurine (BA), alone or in combination. The effects of colchicine (0.01%) during 24, 48, 72 hours and 14 days were analyzed in the BFG and EP strains. The EP strain showed the highest percentage of explants forming callus and regeneration from explants in VS 50, indicating its high potential for micropropagation in comparison to the other strains. Regeneration from callus was very rare. Treatments with glycerol and IAA:BA (5:1 mg L(-1)) stimulated the regeneration from explants. Significant differences were observed in the percentages of regeneration of EP strain explants treated with colchicine for 14 days. Our results indicate that IAA and BA stimulated the regeneration process, and that colchicine produced explants with high potential for regeneration, being useful for improving the micropropagation of K. alvarezii.