924 resultados para teaching-learning, symbolic resources, classroom interactions, everyday learning


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2013


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Learning to Research Researching to Learn explores the integration of research into teaching and learning at all levels of higher education. The chapters draw on the long and ongoing debate about the teaching research nexus in universities. Although the vast majority of academics believe that there is an important and valuable link between teaching and research, the precise nature of this relationship continues to be contested. The book includes chapters that showcase innovative ways of learning to research; how research is integrated into coursework teaching; how students learn the processes of research, and how universities are preparing students to engage with the world. The chapters also showcase innovative ways of researching to learn, exploring how students learn through doing research, how they conceptualise the knowledge of their fields of study through the processes of doing research, and how students experiment and reflect on the results produced. These are the key issues addressed by this anthology, as it brings together analyses of the ways in which university teachers are developing research skills in their students, creating enquiry-based approaches to teaching, and engaging in education research themselves. The studies here explore the links between teaching, learning and research in a range of contexts, from pre-enrolment through to academic staff development, in Australia, the UK, the US, Singapore and Denmark. Through a rich array of theoretical and methodological approaches, the collection seeks to further our understanding of how universities can play an effective role in educating graduates suited to the twenty-first century


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The aim of this study is to describe and analyse the writing discourse in one classroom and how students learn through studying a topic, i.e. the teaching and learning of written argument. The study takes its stance from a sociocultural perspective and is influenced by discourse analyses, new literacy studies and critical literacy (Fairclough1989; Barton 2007; Janks 2010; Ivanič 2004). Data from year 6 in Sweden consists of observations, informal conversations, teachers’ planning and students’ written texts, i.e. letters to a newspaper editor. The results are presented in terms of four themes that became apparent during the reading of the data, viz. (1) teaching for learning - deconstruction; (2) dialogue and scaffolding for learning – enabling access; (3) reconstruction, feedback and students’ reflections for learning; and (4) writing to learn. The data is analysed and discussed on the basis of four concepts for developing critical literacy, viz. access, deconstruction, reconstruction and domination (cf. Janks 2010:21 – 32). The study indicates that explicit teaching of a written argument gives students access to the dominating structure of the genre if they are given the time and tools to reflect and be given feedback from the teacher.


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This paper is the final report from the NGL project implementing the flipped classroom approach into the undergraduate course "Organization Theory". The report describes the implementation and evaluates the outcomes of flipped classroom teaching/learning using the students' survey and statistics from YouTube analytics and the learning management platform Fronter.


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Background: Learning styles are cognitive, emotional, and physiological traits, as well as indicators of how learners perceive, interact, and respond to their learning environments. According to Honey-Mumford, learning styles are classified as active, reflexive, theoretical, and pragmatic. Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the predominant learning styles among pharmacy students at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. Methods: An observational, cross-sectional, and descriptive study was conducted using the Honey-Alonso Learning Style Questionnaire. Students in the Bachelor of Pharmacy program were invited to participate in this study. The questionnaire comprised 80 randomized questions, 20 for each of the four learning styles. The maximum possible score was 20 points for each learning style, and cumulative scores indicated the predominant learning styles among the participants. Honey-Mumford (1986) proposed five preference levels for each style (very low, low, moderate, high, and very high), called a general interpretation scale, to avoid student identification with one learning style and ignoring the characteristics of the other styles. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0. Results: This study included 297 students (70% of all pharmacy students at the time) with a median age of 21 years old. Women comprised 77.1% of participants. The predominant style among pharmacy students at the Federal University of Paraná was the pragmatist, with a median of 14 (high preference). The pragmatist style prevails in people who are able to discover techniques related to their daily learning because such people are curious to discover new strategies and attempt to verify whether the strategies are efficient and valid. Because these people are direct and objective in their actions, pragmatists prefer to focus on practical issues that are validated and on problem situations. There was no statistically significant difference between genders with regard to learning styles. Conclusion: The pragmatist style is the prevailing style among pharmacy students at the Federal University of Paraná. Although students may have a learning preference that preference is not the only manner in which students can learn, neither their preference is the only manner in which students can be taught. Awareness of students’ learning styles can be used to adapt the methodology used by teachers to render the teaching-learning process effective and long lasting. The content taught to students should be presented in different manners because varying teaching methods can develop learning skills in students.


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O presente artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre o impacto das TIC em contexto educativo, focando os potenciais contributos da utilização dos Recursos Educativos Digitais (RED) no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. Para o efeito, são apresentados os resultados da utilização do RED: Aula Digital - O Mundo da Carochinha 1.º Ano. O estudo foi concretizado numa turma do 1.° ano de escolaridade do 1.º CEB, constituída por 27 alunos, com idades e compreendidas entre os 6-7 anos, num Agrupamento de Escolas da Cidade de Castelo Branco, no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada. Os resultados obtidos, após a análise e tratamento dos dados, permitiram concluir que ao utilizar este RED os alunos demonstraram terem adquirido os conteúdos abordados, pelo facto de se terem potenciado níveis de maior interesse, empenho, motivação, envolvimento e espírito de iniciativa no decorrer das atividades propostas. Porém, talvez pelo facto de serem alunos de 1º ano do 1º CEB, não descuram a presença e o acompanhamento da professora e a utilização de recursos em suporte papel. Quer isto dizer que deve haver uma complementaridade que concilie o fator humano (professora), com a utilização de recursos em suporte digital (RED) e recursos em suporte papel (Manual). Traduzindo, desta forma, uma rentabilização dos recursos pedagógicos conducentes a uma melhoria do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem.


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 This document describes the experience of academic cooperation between professionals in the field of library science, both from West Chester University (WCU), and the National University (UNA) of Costa Rica. The event took place at West Chester University during the week May 4th to May 8th, 2009. The objectives of this revolved around the exchange of ideas and interests in the academic and cultural relations between the two universities. In addition, it unveiled several services and procedures in the handling of information and highlighted the importance of promoting the exchange of students from both institutions. Finally, this article highlights the schedule of activities to integrate international and intercultural perspective in various areas related to the teaching-learning process, the contribution of university libraries on student success and techniques of information dissemination.


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El presente trabajo titulado Guía Didáctica de Geometría Plana en las Unidades Didácticas de: Triángulos y Cuadriláteros para los estudiantes de la Carrera de Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad de Cuenca ha sido diseñado para fortalecer el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el primer ciclo de la carrera con el objetivo de facilitar la comprensión de la asignatura al momento de relacionar la teoría con la práctica. En el primer capítulo se da a conocer de manera general los antecedentes históricos de la Geometría Plana, la importancia de aplicar corrientes pedagógicas innovadoras como la del Constructivismo y la aplicación de la teoría del aprendizaje significativo en la educación actual, las dificultadesen el aprendizaje de la Geometría Plana,el valor de utilizar recursosdidácticos en el aulade clase y la importancia de las guías didácticas para el aprendizaje. En el segundo capítulo se desarrolla el diagnóstico de la propuesta mediante la aplicación de una encuesta, la misma que evidencia las razonespor las cuales los estudiantes de la Carrera de Matemáticas y Física presentan un bajo rendimientoen la asignatura de Geometría Plana, además de la factibilidad del uso de una guía didáctica como complemento en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Finalmente, el tercer capítulo está compuesto por once prácticas en los temas de triángulos y cuadriláteros, las mismas que están elaboradas de una manera secuencial, de modo que guíen al estudiante y reten su intelecto mediante actividades dinámicas con el apoyo de la manipulación de material didáctico.


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El presente trabajo fue realizado con el propósito de relacionar los contenidos de funciones racionales y radicales con los recursos tecnológicos, de manera que éstas se conviertan en formas innovadoras de enseñar y aprender. Para ello se ha propuesto elaborar una guía didáctica sobre el uso de la calculadora Casio fx-7400GII en la gráfica y análisis de funciones racionales y radicales. En ésta propuesta, la calculadora es vista como un recurso didáctico, orientado a promover una metodología constructivista en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el mencionado tema. La presente propuesta se debe a que en la educación actual no se están utilizando los recursos tecnológicos como es el caso de la calculadora gráfica en el aula de clase, pues no se disponen de guías didácticassencillas adecuados para una determinada asignatura. Es importante usar la calculadora gráfica en el estudio de las funciones racionales y radicales ya que al momento de realizar su estudio y análisis de forma manual se requiere de mucho tiempo y se convierte en una actividad tediosa, en tanto que se puede ahorrar tiempo y esfuerzo utilizando la calculadora Con la presente propuesta se pretende que los estudiantes alcancen un mejor nivel de conocimiento en el tema, a través del uso de la guía en el aula de clases generando un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje más práctico y dinámico


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El presente trabajo consistió en una investigación de campo, en el cual se desarrolló el análisis estadístico del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs), con el propósito de diagnosticar de qué manera se las está implementando en el procesoenseñanza – aprendizaje de los docentes del Bachillerato General Unificado.Para conseguirlo, se accedió a las bases digitales de la Coordinación Zonal 6 de Educación y se recopiló información de las instituciones educativas, los docentes y los estudiantes pertenecientes al nivel de bachillerato, que se encontraban en el Distrito Sur (01D02) de la ciudad de Cuenca durante el período lectivo 2014 – 2015. Con esta información,se delimitó una muestra, en la cual se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta, y se realizó un análisis descriptivo sobre las percepciones, las opiniones y las experiencias que tienen los docentes y los estudiantes con respecto al uso de la tecnología en sus actividades educativas cotidianas; además,se investigó los recursos disponiblesen las instituciones participantes, el acceso que se tiene a éstos y el uso que se les da por parte de los principales actores del proceso educativo. En esta investigación se presenta un estudio bibliográfico sobre el uso de las TICs, ylo que implica su integraciónen la educación, y también, se hace una discusión sobre el estado en el que se encuentra la incorporación de las TICs en las aulas de la localidad.


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En este segundo número de reflexiones pedagógicas se presenta una revisión de la denominada clase invertida (flipped classroom). Este texto presentan los componentes que caracterizan esta estrategia. Se comparan igualmente los elementos que la diferencian de la clase tradicional y se destacan los pasos para adelantar esta innovación y su forma de funcionamiento. De igual manera se muestran algunos indicadores que pueden llevar a una reflexión de la pacífica pedagógica y se concluye con estudios que muestran sus aportes e investigaciones que la soportan.


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The purpose of this paper is to raise a debate on the urgent need for teachers to generate innovative situations in the teaching-learning process, in the field of Mathematics, as a way for students to develop logical reasoning and research skills applicable to everyday situations. It includes some statistical data and possible reasons for the poor performance and dissatisfaction of students towards Mathematics. Since teachers are called to offer meaningful and functional learning experiences to students, in order to promote the pleasure of learning, teacher training should include experiences that can be put into practice by teachers in the education centers. This paper includes a work proposal for Mathematics Teaching to generate discussion, curiosity and logical reasoning in students, together with the Mathematical problem solving study.


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This paper reports some exemplary data related to a research project on the role of translation in foreign language teaching-learning. The data were collected through a questionnaire administered to 47 Brazilian ESL learners. Specifically, the points of the analysis are: how the translation process is conceived by the students; why and when the translation is used by the learners in classroom situations; mother tongue/foreign language relationships in this specific context, among other aspects. The findings reveal that translation, when used a mediating resource for foreign language teaching-learning, can promote target language management.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física