19 resultados para crenças

em Línguas


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ertando nos últimos anos, tem se reconhecido a relevância dos estudos voltados ao ensino ministrado em nível superior em geral e às questões referentes ao que se tem denominado crenças dos aprendizes/tradutores mais especificamente. Neste sentido, este trabalho tem o objetivo de contribuir para a compreensão das crenças de aprendizes/tradutores a respeito da tradução, a partir do universo específico de alunos universitários. Para tanto, foram utilizados textos produzidos pelos próprios alunos, em momentos em que podiam manifestar livremente sua opinião acerca de seu objeto de estudo. A análise de tais textos permite desvelar até que ponto esses alunos se filiam, mesmo sem consciência de tal fato, a posicionamentos considerados tradicionais por autores mais contemporâneos na teoria da tradução, o que pode trazer informações valiosas para professores e coordenadores envolvidos na formação do tradutor nas instituições de ensino superior brasileiras.


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O ensino da Gramática é uma prática até certo ponto controversa. Ao mesmo tempo em que parece ser adotada e necessária no ensino de língua estrangeira, também é alvo de críticas. Diante desta situação, questiona-se: qual seria o melhor jeito de se ensinar gramática? Deve-se ou não abordá-la em sala de aula? Tais dúvidas refletem-se neste trabalho, que objetiva, assim, investigar as crenças de dois professores em formação acerca do papel do ensino da Gramática em aulas de língua inglesa. Além disso, nos propomos a observar como a prática reflexiva e a experiência em sala de aula de língua estrangeira representam fatores que influenciam nas crenças de professores. O corpus utilizado consistiu de entrevistas, anotações de aulas observadas e questionário respondido por dois professores em formação que atuavam no Curso de Extensão da Universidade Federal da Paraíba no semestre letivo 2011.1. Buscando um maior embasamento teórico para as reflexões levantadas ao longo da pesquisa, nos utilizaremos das noções de autores como Barcelos (2004, 2006), Silva (2010), Perrenoud (2002), Farrell (2007, Thornbury (2010), dentre outros. Após a análise dos dados, constatamos que tanto a prática reflexiva quanto a experiência em sala de aula parecem influenciar as crenças dos professores. Ao refletir, planejar e vivenciar a aula, os participantes demonstraram estar em constante processo de evolução pedagógica e consequente desconstrução de determinadas crenças.   Palavras chave: crenças, professores em formação, ensino da gramática de língua inglesa


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Abstract: This study is part of my master research, which aimed to investigate the beliefs about  English learning and teaching of students entering to a High School Course integrated to Computer Technician at a Federal High School in the city Ponta Pora / MS , located at the  border  with Paraguay . In the context , great part of the students coming from public schools in the region  had not studied English as a foreign language in elementary school , once it is located  in a region of the border with Paraguay , it offers only Spanish as a foreign language. The interest for this research came up as of conflicting situations between the teacher way of teaching and students ways of learning, especially of those who had not studied English in elementary school. Thus we tried to study the beliefs of these students, analyzing how they process in that context in order to promote reflection of the teacher  to perform actions of intervention in order to reduce the mismatches between the ways of teaching and the ways that the students believe to be the right to learn. Keywords: Beliefs; English Teaching and Learning; Context


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The study of beliefs and attitudes has been increasingly valued in the field of modern Sociolinguistics, as, by means of such data, it is possible to clarify phenomena that cannot be explained only by the linguistic context. In relation to that, another factor is extremely important for the analysis of facts connected with language: the appraising attitudes that each speaker attributes to his/her speech and to the other varieties present in the area. This is the reason why the object of study in this work is the beliefs and attitudes of the speakers from the town of Pranchita-PR. Therefore, this work aims at (i) verifying its inhabitants’ opinions concerning the varieties present in the area; (ii) describing and analyzing the speakers’ feelings and opinions in relation to the language of the neighboring country, Argentina. With approximately six thousand inhabitants, Pranchita is ethnically constituted by descendants from several nationalities: Italians, Germans, Polish, Spanish, besides the fact it is on the border with Argentina.  The corpus of this work consists of oral records collected within the scope of the interinstitutional Project Linguistic Beliefs and Attitudes: a study of the relationship between Portuguese and other contact languages, whose informants were divided according to sex, age and school level. Overall, 17 interviews were analyzed by using, as theoretical basis, the works by Labov (1972), López Morales (1993), Moreno Fernández (1998) among others.


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The teachers' beliefs study has been a good resource for further reflection on the teaching practice. Beliefs, defined as constructions of reality, arise from the livings and experiences of teacher and encompass professional, personal, emotional and ideological aspects and influence on the practices in the classroom. Elucidating the teacher beliefs is a way of revealing what they think, how they feel and what are the limitations of these professionals. For this reason, considering the amount of value on the belief on the teacher's action and the importance (not always considered) of the evaluation of learning in the process of teaching, learning and evaluating, this work aims to present the beliefs about learning assessment of a Spanish teacher as a foreign language in a public school of Rio Grande do Sul. The results indicate that the beliefs of the teacher correspond to the contemporary theories of learning assessment and the guideline of the official documents for teaching languages.


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O presente trabalho aborda uma reflexão sobre como a Linguística Aplicada tem encaminhado suas pesquisas nos últimos anos e em que tem se debruçado para continuar a sua trajetória e conseguir alcançar e firmar o status que almeja enquanto produtora de conhecimento científico. O artigo destaca os aspectos mais relevantes da Linguística Aplicada, principalmente no Brasil, procurando mostrar o que os maiores nomes da área têm defendido, em que concordam e discordam, como têm direcionado a questão das inovações temáticas e epistemológicas e como as pesquisas atuais colaboram com os estudos linguísticos em geral. O entendimento desse estudo é de que a Linguística Aplicada no Brasil tem conseguido produzir substanciosa teoria proveniente de estudos da linguagem enquanto prática social, articulando pesquisas feitas de maneira transdisciplinar e insistindo na importância de voltar o olhar para os problemas localizados nas margens da modernidade recente. Fica claro, nesta observação, que apesar dos incontáveis desafios para essa área de estudo conquistar o espaço merecido entre outras áreas de prestígio, a Linguística Aplicada tem conseguido mostrar que fazer ciência no contexto atual requer olhares dispostos a abandonar crenças inarredáveis nos conhecimentos disciplinares tradicionais, promovendo pesquisas mais alinhadas com os problemas reais que emergem da superdiversidade da modernidade recente.http://dx.doi.org/10.5935/1981-4755.20170021


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The maintenance and preservation of a linguistic variety are linked to historical issues, which consequently outline the beliefs and attitudes of a community. Depending on the community in which the speaker is inserted, his way of communicating can be stigmatized or prestigious. Thus, in addition to historical factors, the cognoscenti, affective and emotional components, which are connected to the way of thinking, feeling and evaluate are crucial for maintenance or not of a linguistic variety. Therefore consider the immigration process of Italian and migration of the descendants of this ethnic group until reach Cascavel city is important to understand how historical factors influence the beliefs and attitudes of the Italian community from southern region in this city. In addition, Frosi, Faggion Dal and Horn (2010) binding on the language attitudes also to social factors age and gender. Thus, in order to demonstrate the behavior of some descendants of Italians in Cascavel city before the language of their ancestors, 18 informants were selected, Italian descendants of southern colonization and that live in this town for more than 30 years or that were born in the city, which were distributed in the following dimensions: through generational and sexual. From this, individual interviews were conducted through the application of a semi-guided questionnaire and the data allowed checking the linguistic and cultural behavior of the Italian descent community from southern region, that is, those who came from Rio Grande do Sul and/or Santa Catarina states. We found that bilingualism levels vary depending on social factors such as gender and age, as well as historical factors. Language is a form of expression of a culture, however, an ethnic community does not presuppose the existence of a speech community.


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ABSTRACT: With this work I aim to identify and inter relate the beliefs of the students from a public school about English language learning, and my beliefs as the students’ teacher about English teaching. To conduct this research I used reflexive diaries as instruments for data collection, they were written throughout the semester by the teacher and the students in a state school from Minas Gerais. With the analysis of the diaries, I noticed that the diary is a profitable tool for the apprehension of beliefs of the students and the teacher. Furthermore, students seem to be more accountable for learning, decentralizing the role of teacher.


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Despite not using the Spanish language, Brazil borders with several countries that speak this language. The State of Paraná, for instance, has nineteen districts bordering with Paraguay and Argentina. In this geographical context is inserted Capanema city, whose multi-ethnic environment not only promotes the exchange of goods but also culture, beliefs, customs, and especially the language. This work takes as its investigation object the speech of Capanemenses with the aim of verifying the positive and negative views of these subjects regarding the multiple languages ​​and varieties with which they live on today. Following the mentalist methodology (LÓPEZ MORALEZ, 1993), the collected data analysis through interviews in locus showed that, compared to Argentines, most Capanemenses presents a positive attitude, both in relation to the Argentine people properly said, as their mother tongue, seen in a prestigious way by the interviewees. As for Paraguayan, a significant amount of informants showed not see them in a positive way, presenting a justification for this refusal the difference in culture, indigenous origin, low technology and education, as well as the language issue - Guarani, Jopará. On the other hand, the German people’s seen as introverted by their lack of emotion, but responsible in everything they do. The German language has not been evaluated positively by the Capanemenses, as it’s considered difficult and awkward. Finally, we note that, believing that Italian culture and language are close to the one existing in Brazil, due to Latin ascendancy, respondents react favorably on the Italians, people judged by Capanemenses as joyful and spontaneous. Keywords: beliefs and linguistic attitudes, language prejudice, languages in contact, Capanema.   


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The decisions and approaches taken by the teachers in the classroom are guided by their beliefs of what it means to teach and learn which are built along their history as a student and teacher. However, only the experiences lived by the teachers do not guarantee their professional development (CELCE-MURCIA, 2001). The teacher’s engagement in a process of reflection on their beliefs and pedagogical practices, which leads to the construction and reconstruction of meaning about their actions and the classroom is essential to their development, in order to become an agent of reflection. Considering the importance of reflection in teacher education, in this article, we emphasize the potential of virtual discussion forums to foster the sharing and the reflection of beliefs and practices of postgraduate students (language teachers) about the language teaching and learning process through interactive situations. By means of guidance and online and offline reflection, the students were able to share experiences on teaching and learning, as well as discuss their beliefs and the beliefs of their colleagues. The results of this study point out that understanding and interpreting the teachers’ beliefs can be a path to the transformation of their teaching practice through reflective practice. They also emphasize that the use of virtual discussion forums as a pedagogical tool can contribute in this direction.


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Beliefs and behavior towards language are usually uniform in a spoken community which means that they are shared by the members of certain community. Those behaviors, being either positive or negative, are not revealed when the speaker is directly questionned about different dialects. In with the purpose of applying them to the respondents so that they are unaware of the investigation goal.  Among the several indirect assessments, the most known is the matched guise method, proposed by Lambert (2003 [1967]). It consists of presenting the collected data to a group of “referees” (listeners who measure or assess the recorded speakers’ interviews). The recorded interviews consists of speakers reading aloud the same passage of a text. The referees’s duty is to listen to the recordings and measure each speaker’s personal traces, using only the vocal clues and the reading.  This work, based on Linguistic Beliefs and Behaviors Studies, brings the results obtained by means of a questionnaire adapted from the matched guise method, aiming to assess cariocas (from Rio de Janeiro), gauchos (from Rio Grande do Sul) and Northern Parana respondents, regarding their three different linguistic varieties. For the assessment, referees were not informed whether they would listen to different kinds of linguistic varieties or if they were produced by speakers of different dialects as well. One of the varieties represented, in fact, the own referee’s dialect. Forty-eight Maringa dwellers responded to the interview. Thirty-two of them were born in other states (16 cariocas and 16 gauchos). Results showed positive assessment related to gauchos, signaling to a preference for that dialect. As to carioca’s dialect, the assessment was also positive and close to the gauchos’, only 2% percentage difference.  As to Northern Parana speakers, however, results showed negative assessment, signaling to rejection or prejudice towards the speaking group.


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Neste artigo, por meio da utilização de um acontecimento discursivo ocorrido entre dois professores, procura-se refletir sobre os conectivos comparativos, buscando estabelecer as formas de os mesmos serem analisados do ponto de vista da gramática tradicional, da pragmática e dos estudos culturais/discursivos. Procura-se mostrar como as relações de ordem comparativa só se justificam na medida em que horizontes culturais e valores sociais comuns são levados em consideração, com os falantes, em geral, não tendo consciência da base cultural que sustenta suas crenças.


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This article aims to illuminate the representations driven by a group of educators on teaching status. The premise that guides this study is that our beliefs and our values are consolidated in the practices in which we participate. Then, it presents something and updates to this represented, in accordance with our life story, with our individual experiences, through the interactions. For this study, interview responses were recorded, which were analyzed in order to map the movements of representations. Therefore, proposed a methodological approach, based on a linguistic-textual-discursive approach, in light of sociointeractionists principles, as seen in the catch in speech of participants, regularities that may reveal new images or enhance those teachers settings established. Explanatory and interpretative nature; qualitative approach, this research has made us realize how discourses can reveal representations, guided by the collective and individual actions, which constitute the process of building professional teaching figure. The discussed examples show that in speech, educators, project images and meanings anchored in a memory, and these are reflected in elaborate models and shared teachers today redefines the roles, positions and representations with respect to being and do teaching.  


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RESUMO: Tal proposta de estudo reflete sobre os emblemas da modernidade nas imagens da publicidade, especificamente a partir dos anúncios da revista Capricho, da década de 1970. Diante disso, as alegorias da marca compreendem tudo aquilo que a marca representa na mente do consumidor e, ao mesmo tempo, revela transfigurações das relações entre a arte da memória e conhecimento presentes na publicidade. Enfatizamos, nessas imagens, a multiplicidade de gêneros a partir do entrelaçamento de sentidos, tempos e espaços, saberes e conceitos presentes nas relações culturais do mito; seus padrões de comportamento, crenças, costumes, ou seja, suas configurações culturais e objetos de conhecimento sobressaltados no emaranhado mundo de sentidos estéticos e políticos persistentes no anúncio publicitário.


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This work aims to analyze how the formal elements of the tale Viagem aos seios de Duília, by Aníbal Machado, converges to the disclosure of conflict introduced inside the protagonist, that is because of his awareness of misfit between he and the present time. The degradation of spatial elements does be revealed in narrative the consciousness about the irreversibility of time – fact that is experienced by the protagonist as a conflict of existential order, insofar it shows him what he refuses to see: the huge misfit between their beliefs and expectations and the external reality. The inexorability of time progression toward the total destruction of everything that is alive becomes for the character the tyranny of time; in continuous and constant war with this, trying to deny their relentless effects, the character find, however, only suffering, anguish and defeat this illusory endeavor. Nothing can endure: neither the man nor his dreams, nor their hopes, not even their illusions.