13 resultados para Linguistic adequacy
em Línguas
This study discusses the aspects related to linguistics variation from the perspective of Educational Sociolinguistics. It has as main purpose to comprehend the relation between elements resulting from Sociolinguistic and the education of Native Language, as well as to motivate a reflection about the process of teaching-learning to make a profound study of the discussion of questions related to linguistic variation in the scholar context, looking for an improvement of teaching methodology. This study makes use of a methodological approach of qualitative and bibliographic character, since it aims to develop theoretical knowledge about Educational Sociolinguistics articulating these aspects with practical elements of teaching languages. For so, it was tried to develop an education intervention proposal, in order to motivate the teachers to develop their educational practices, based on language use, communicative situations, for the purpose of improving the students communicative competence. It refers to a proposal that has not been applied yet and that should be adapted according to the extra linguistic context, in which learning community is inserted, becoming then a real intervention. For now the aim is to encourage thoughts about its viability.
We are pleased to present this edition of the journal Language & Letters, interview courtesy Professor José Borges Neto, researcher recognized for the excellent work that develops in Linguistics with an emphasis in Philosophy of Language. Professor holds a degree in Literature from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (1972), MA in Linguistics from the State University of Campinas (1979) and PhD in Linguistics from the State University of Campinas (1991). Professor of the Federal University of Paraná between 1999 and 2010. Retired in 2010, continues to serve as Senior Lecturer in the Graduate Program in Linguistics UFPR and a senior professor at Unioeste in the period 2012-2016. Has experience in the area of linguistics, with an emphasis on semantics, acting on the following topics: Epistemology of Linguistics, Linguistics Historiography, Formal Semantics and Categorial Grammars.
Translation has played many roles in foreign language teaching. It has been, on the one hand, considered a fundamental methodological tool, constituting the core of the grammar-translation approach, and, on the other hand, heavily criticized and excluded from the classroom, whether from the practical or the theoretical point of view. Currently, with the communicative approach to language teaching, the study of language varieties has become very important to the learner, and considering the need to understand and interpret the meaning of a word within a specific socio-cultural context during the translation process, it is of paramount importance to acknowledge sociolinguistic variations in the text to be translated. Thus, our goal is to show, through a reflective analysis, that translation can be an educational resource for the teaching of linguistic diversity in foreign language. This study isbased on theoretical assumptions on translation dating from the time of Cicero and Saint Jerome to the present times.
This paper aims to reflect on the teaching of Portuguese language in the context of twenty-first century, taking as its starting point the proposal of multiliteracies. We propose to discuss the applicability of genres in the classroom as a condition to ensure the construction of fundamental knowledge to social practices of language. For this, we rely on recent studies on the possibilities that the genre can bring to practice reading, writing papers, and linguistic analysis. We intend, therefore, to assist the planning of teachers who still find themselves unsure on curricula that suggest what they have to do, but did not say how. Understand the reason why this work is another contribution to the teaching of Portuguese in the final years of elementary school and high school bringing out a space for discussion about what needs to be taught and some teaching procedures that favor the democratization of school and interaction linguistics. Curricular innovations and new ways of thinking about teaching and learning of mother tongue are already part of the reflections of most professionals, but there is still an open field to think of more effective alternatives through multimodality an interactionist conception of language.
This article aimed at investigating the participation of healthcare professionals in online forums conducted in the discipline of Educative Practices in health sciences, in the University of Brasilia-UNB in order to check the occurrences of evaluative lexis presented in the participants’ discourses. For this, it used the theoretical and methodological approaches that underpin the mediated communication computer as well as the model proposed by the research community (Garrison, et al (2000) among others). It was presented the general characteristics of the Presences (Social, Cognitive and Learning), but the focus was on social one. As regards the linguistic analysis, this study was supported by the assumptions of Systemic Functional Grammar (Halliday, 1994/2004; Appraisal- Martin e Rose, 2003).
The maintenance and preservation of a linguistic variety are linked to historical issues, which consequently outline the beliefs and attitudes of a community. Depending on the community in which the speaker is inserted, his way of communicating can be stigmatized or prestigious. Thus, in addition to historical factors, the cognoscenti, affective and emotional components, which are connected to the way of thinking, feeling and evaluate are crucial for maintenance or not of a linguistic variety. Therefore consider the immigration process of Italian and migration of the descendants of this ethnic group until reach Cascavel city is important to understand how historical factors influence the beliefs and attitudes of the Italian community from southern region in this city. In addition, Frosi, Faggion Dal and Horn (2010) binding on the language attitudes also to social factors age and gender. Thus, in order to demonstrate the behavior of some descendants of Italians in Cascavel city before the language of their ancestors, 18 informants were selected, Italian descendants of southern colonization and that live in this town for more than 30 years or that were born in the city, which were distributed in the following dimensions: through generational and sexual. From this, individual interviews were conducted through the application of a semi-guided questionnaire and the data allowed checking the linguistic and cultural behavior of the Italian descent community from southern region, that is, those who came from Rio Grande do Sul and/or Santa Catarina states. We found that bilingualism levels vary depending on social factors such as gender and age, as well as historical factors. Language is a form of expression of a culture, however, an ethnic community does not presuppose the existence of a speech community.
This article aims to analyze the development of the movement of implementation of a language policy for the Italian teaching in an old Italian immigration area in Vale do Itajaí, SC. The data for the discussion come from a larger study of qualitative nature. For this article, some records were selected from an effective teacher of Italian, who acts in the public school of the city which is focus of the research and field notes. Through a semi-structured interview, the teacher talked about the place of languages in the studied context. The data were analyzed from the theoretical Applied Linguistics, in the context of language policies in a dialogue with the education, with regards to education in a minority language context. It seems that, with the discussion, the issue of recognizing the immigration language as a subject in the school curriculum, has happened through local movements’ aiming to institution of a language policy for the immigration language, recognizing it as a culture language. As contributions, the survey results provide subsidies to (re) think the education that has been offered in intercultural contexts and language education in initial and continuing teacher training.
Despite not using the Spanish language, Brazil borders with several countries that speak this language. The State of Paraná, for instance, has nineteen districts bordering with Paraguay and Argentina. In this geographical context is inserted Capanema city, whose multi-ethnic environment not only promotes the exchange of goods but also culture, beliefs, customs, and especially the language. This work takes as its investigation object the speech of Capanemenses with the aim of verifying the positive and negative views of these subjects regarding the multiple languages and varieties with which they live on today. Following the mentalist methodology (LÓPEZ MORALEZ, 1993), the collected data analysis through interviews in locus showed that, compared to Argentines, most Capanemenses presents a positive attitude, both in relation to the Argentine people properly said, as their mother tongue, seen in a prestigious way by the interviewees. As for Paraguayan, a significant amount of informants showed not see them in a positive way, presenting a justification for this refusal the difference in culture, indigenous origin, low technology and education, as well as the language issue - Guarani, Jopará. On the other hand, the German people’s seen as introverted by their lack of emotion, but responsible in everything they do. The German language has not been evaluated positively by the Capanemenses, as it’s considered difficult and awkward. Finally, we note that, believing that Italian culture and language are close to the one existing in Brazil, due to Latin ascendancy, respondents react favorably on the Italians, people judged by Capanemenses as joyful and spontaneous. Keywords: beliefs and linguistic attitudes, language prejudice, languages in contact, Capanema.
This article focuses on one of the aspects treated in the project Linguistic Atlas of Brazil (ALiB Project) – the teaching of Brazilian Portuguese language. Therefore, this paper investigates how individuals’ language presents specific linguistic marks that construct, maintain and project the diversity in the questionnaire of the ALiB Project, based on the use of the linguistic variation. Thereby, it deals with the importance of linguistic atlas for the education process, highlighting the publication of some Brazilian regional atlas and the linguistic atlas of Brazil. Thus, it discusses the relevant contribution of these works to the knowledge of the linguistic reality in Brazil, as the atlas can optimize and motivate classroom activities and they can also be explored by other subjects of school curriculum. The methodology used was based on the performance of the following stages: 1) reading of the theoretical texts related to the proposed theme; 2) choice and formation of the corpus, made up of inquests of the ALiB Project in different capitals; 3) analysis of the corpus in order to verify linguistic marks that transmit the construction, projection and maintenance of the linguistic variation. The analyses of the selected inquiries try to study variation and its relationship to education by the informers from different age-groups in the different capitals of the country. The analysis of the corpus enabled the realization of register and documentation of lexical diversity of Portuguese language spoken in Brazil, according to the principles of the modern Pluridimensional Geolinguistics, in which the register follows specific parameters.
Texts about scientific divulgation have as objective to inform about knowledge from the scientific community. To make this specific discourse, made from scientist to scientist, be understood by the general public, it is necessary do some formals and conceptual modifications in the discourse. In this paper, two texts about forensic sciences were analyzed. One text is from the magazine Ciência Hoje and the other one is from the Superinteressante. It was observed, in the Superinteressante, a major concern about the reformulation and explanation of the scientific terms used in the text. In the other hand, occurrences of authority arguments were bigger in the text from Ciência Hoje. These results are consistent with the communicative purpose of each magazine.
In this study, we discuss the complex social and linguistic experience of Portuguese immigrant, at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The empirical patterns of clitic placement were described and analyzed in texts taken from Portuguese immigrant press. Under this approach, the social conditions of language production and reproduction are taken into account; in other words, we focus on the structure of the subjective and objective relations that underlie the speakers’ choices.
It is showed in this text, discussion about the textual (re)writing process in activity that was propitiated through the development of a research project applied in a public school of Parana state, whose goal was to develop the argumentative writing production at the 9th year students, of the basic education. The research project focused on the teaching of a scientific paper and the use of conjunctions as constituent elements of argumentation. It was applied strategies grounded on Argumentative Semantics which were concerned with the conjunctions use as argumentative elements and, for the expansion of ideas. After the produced material analysis, it was selected this work’s corpus, which is constituted of the last version of the written text by one student whose production was well qualified. It was verified that the textual genre suggested and the conjunctions usage as argumentation organizer element was considered by the student, at the writing activities.
Mobilizing the notions of grammatization (AUROUX, 1992) and manualization (PUECH, 1998), we analyze two manuals in this work: Manual para o uso não sexista da linguagem: o que bem se diz bem se entende (2014, Brazil) and Nombra: la representación del femenino y el masculino en el lenguaje (1995, Spain). Both handbooks propose the use of inclusive language in which the female genre is placed in evidence in linguistic usage. Considering them as a technological tool as well as a sociocultural product of popularization of knowledge on the language, we intend to analyze how the proposal of such manuals which uphold non-sexist language, inclusive of gender, supported by laws, edicts – operates as a language policy, which seeks to control the use of language, feminizes the language and meets feminist demands that clamor for a legitimate position to women, whether in society or in its uses of the language when enunciating itself. KEYWORDS: Manuals - Non-sexist language - Woman