32 resultados para Arquétipos Literários do Maravilhoso
This article intends to perform an analysis related to the female representation in the first texts produced in American soil, in the period of the “discovery” of America and the first contact between cultures. The main texts of chroniclers approached are: Jean de Léry’s Viagem à Terra do Brasil, from 1578; Hans Staden’s Suas viagens e captiveiro entre os selvagens do Brasil, from 1557; João de Azpilcueta Navarro’s Cartas avulsas, from 1551; and Simão de Vasconcelos’, with Cronica da Companhia de Jesus do Estado de Brasil, from 1663. In this approach, our interest is to bring to memory the ways that the Europeans reacted when facing the existing cultural differences in the shock between the cultures, especially when facing the practice of cannibalism by the autochthonous people, and the way that the Europeans transmitted, through writing, these experiences to their compatriots. Highlighting specifically the way the women are presented in the reports at issue, bringing also a few illustrations, produced at the time of the first encounters, which allow the direct link of the autochthonous woman that practices the anthropophagic ritual with the figure of the witch that permeated the European popular imaginary of that time. Supporting the theoretical foundation of the proposed paper: Manuel Fernández Álvarez’s Casadas, monjas, rameras y brujas: la olvidada historia de la mujer española en el renacimiento (2002); Thomas Bonnici’s No limite da feminilidade: assassinas e bruxas – a mulher na sociedade inglesa dos séculos XVI e XVII (2003); e Kramer e Sprenger’s O Martelo das Feiticeiras (1486).
Este texto procura abordar a narrativa de A Selva, romance histórico do escritor luso-brasileiro José Maria Ferreira de Castro, publicado em Portugal, no ano de 1930. Trata--se de um dos mais representativos relatos do seringal amazonense bem como sobre sua vinculação ao tema do regionalismo crítico, que justificam e fazem merecer o olhar contemporâneo, ainda mais pelo fato de evocar confluências entre história, literatura e memória enquanto lugares de resistência, deixando entrever vários contextos fronteiriços, na medida em que visa a relatar um dos mais vivos arquivos da historiografia brasileira e da região amazônica, em particular. Ainda, como várias outras narrativas similares do regionalismo brasileiro, A Selva guarda restrito interesse no âmbito dos estudos literários contemporâneos, o que tornam narrativas deste porte um dos mais produtivos e representativos objetos de análise no contexto das literaturas regionais e de fronteiras. Nosso trabalho visa a pôr em discussão o lugar que obras como A Selva acabaram assumindo, mais como um descaso do destino do que por uma meticulosa apreciação, que, felizmente, já vem alterando o quadro da historiografia contemporânea. Principalmente quando pensamos em aspectos teórico-críticos próprios às literaturas das margens, contextos de fronteiras, sucesso e fortuna crítica, cânone e anticânone, dentre outros aspectos que remodelam o referido quadro.
After winning The Man Booker Prize, a prestigious English literary prize, with The Gathering, the Irish writer Anne Enright has achieved a considerable international prominence as a writer in the contemporary literary scene. The book tells the history of Veronica Hegarty, narrator and protagonist, who, after her brother’s suicide, goes through a difficult period in order to deal with the event. During this period, she reveals the history and conflicts of three generations of her family. This paper aims to present an analysis of this novel in the light of New Historicism as an introduction to its interpretation.
Regarding the importance the reader takes on in studies about reading and literary genres, this paper presents reflections about the reader’s role in the constitution of the literary genres as esthetics conventions which the writer dialogues, as well as, about the literary genres theory issues, important to literary analysis, and allow to an useful understanding, and consequently, the esthetical experience in reading literary texts. This paper focuses particularly, in a reflection about the reading concepts and esthetical conventions of the fantastic genre, from the theoretical assumptions of Tzvetan Torodov and Vincent Jouve. From reflections developed related to reception theories, about the reading processing and the reader’s contribution in the creation of the fantastic genre, was possible propose an approach and establish analogies between the referential from de Todorov and Jouve Both authors recognize the importance of the reader’s role to the literary text completeness and suggest the text to present features and conventions, as textual strategies of stylistic, linguistic and formal order which conduct the reader to the achievement of the text meanings.
This Article invests in the investigative study on the representation of the contention’s effects of words and actions from human beings front of power. Such effects are represented in the testimony of Romance sem palavras by Carlos Heitor Cony. In this text, the author introduces elements of political repression. At a time when the dictatorial regime in force in Brazilian lands. The aim of this article is to highlight a set of fragments of narrative evidenced by the testimony and experience of the protagonist. Although this is a fictional production, as its title implies, there is a real game between the real and imaginary, since the own author lived the reality of dictatorship. KEYWORDS: Representation. Confinement. Dictatorship. Testimony. Real /Imaginary.
Inserted in the perspective of literary studies, this paper proposes an analysis of the “Cartas Portuguesas” (Portuguese Letters), a work attributed to Mariana Alcoforado, assuming that this work is constituted within the Lusitanian literature as an important formative element of the imaginary loving Portuguese female voice. Through the study, it is possible to identify the fact that the letters are prefaced, stylistically or thematically, by the songs of love and of friend, and succeeded by works such as “Livro de Sóror Saudade” (Book of Longing Sóror), of Florbela Espanca, and “Novas Cartas Portuguesas” (New Portuguese Letters) by Maria Isabel Barreno, Maria Velho da Costa and Maria Teresa Horta.
This paper aims to confront the chronicles "Telefonema" (1944-54) by Oswald de Andrade and "Confissões" (1967-74) by Nelson Rodrigues and examine the unique manner how they fit in the tradition of the genre in Brazil. This is about checking points of approximation and distancing in the ways by each one of the authors uses idealism and irreverence as a critical style, analyzing their strifes with artists and intellectuals of their times. The aim is to show that both, despite their ideological incompatibilities, supported similar conceptions of national authenticity and stood out as untimely writers in the brazilian chronicle's history.
This paper analyzes the short story "Intruge-se" within the book Tutameia (1967) from the brazilian writer João Guimarães Rosa. We shall approach the relation between the main character and a mystery involving a murder he decides to solve. The tale reveals a twofold perspective, that allows, not just bare reading, but a meditation about the human nature. We will tour the tale with thorough look and proposed to find, in the intricacies of writing rosiana, the multiple meanings that involve the actions and choices of the main character and how, through them, the author seeks to represent one of the most pressing questions of humanity. We intend to show how the aesthetic element acts in the formation of the individual, providing in addition to an objective experience of leisure, also a spontaneous learning ability which inexcusably enforces the reader's restlessness and need to reflect. This work is an observation about the story and what makes it what it is. Guimarães Rosa traces this story about subjectivity worlds, worlds that involve a context that triggers the story, which want to refer the reader out of it, which provides a spiral, by nature of its form, the most varied questions about the actions and feelings humans. The experiences with this observation, as well as those arising from variations, resulting in a rich learning, in that it enables and habituate critical eye, doubt and reflection. With that purpose, literature functions as a learning gear, according to what is sustained by Antonio Candido.
This paper has the objective to analyze the novel “A Gentle Creature”, of the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky, using the theoretical concepts covered in the text “1874 – Three Novellas, or ‘What Happened?’” (1996), which makes up the volume 3 of the work A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, of the French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. These concepts can be triggered to realize the approach of the question about the segmentarity lines, which make it possible to make the observation of the changes of state that have occurred with the characters in a literary work, of the ways how undertake movements of territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization in development of such segmentarity lines, which are termed as hard or molar, molecular or malleable, and trail, having the view that it is through them that these characters go through this transformation process. Starting from this analysis, will pick up, too, to connect the theory of these two French philosophers with polyphonic theory presented by Russian philosopher and theorist of language Mikhail Bakhtin in the book Problems of Dostoevsky's poetics (1997), which investigate the concept of polyphony, from Dostoevsky's work, being, among other texts analyzed the Russian novelist, novel to be studied in this work. And the perspective that arises in the analysis proposed in this article, what is sought is to conduct a parallel investigation of how both theories have the possibility of development work in the observation of the characteristics of a literary work, and these characteristics likely to these concepts are related to the lines of segmentarity deleuzo-guattarianas and Bakhtin's polyphony.
This essay, starting from the description of the indigenous in the letter of discovery of Brazil of Pero Vaz de Caminha (1500), tries to define the clear tensions in the relationship between the first seafarers went to Brazil and the local population.It will be defined the relationship with the otherness, starting from the bodies, in their double function: they are at the same time filter (the eye of the colonizer) and filtered (the bodies of the colonized). It will be analyzed the way the sensorial perception can contribute to the construction of the representation of the world. The description of the bodies and the perception of them, that the Portuguese writer will give though his own senses, will be the basis to observe the relation of the power and the tensions between colonizers and colonized, tensions that will persist in the future Brazilian society. Finally starting from the production of desire that this bodies excite and from the relationship between genders, will be speculated the function of sexuality in the society and the way the the power tries control it for its strengthness and establishment. The perception of the body will be also the reason to analyze the representation that the Portuguese writer will give of the otherness as being or as existing being.
Com o objetivo de desenvolver competências interlinguísticas e interculturais de alunos tradutores, compilamos um corpus de estudo, no formato paralelo e alinhado, com o par de obras Viva o Povo Brasileiro/An Invincible Memory, bem como um corpus paralelo mais extenso para permitir comparações com outros dez romances da literatura brasileira contemporânea e as respectivas traduções para o inglês. A fundamentação teórica apoia-se nas propostas de Baker (1996, 2000, 2004) para o exame de padrões estilísticos de tradutores literários bem como de características da linguagem da tradução. Quanto a uma pedagogia da tradução, baseamo-nos em Zanettin (2003) e Laviosa (2008, 2009). Para a observação de marcadores culturais, apoiamo-nos em Nida (1945) e Aubert (2006), a fim de identificar vários aspectos dos domínios material, social, ecológico e ideológico. Com o auxílio do programa WordSmith Tools, foi possível aos alunos tradutores obterem um acesso rápido a informações sobre o modo como o discurso e marcadores culturais são empregados nas duas línguas.
Since 1960 when first met, Antonio Candido e Angel Rama start a lasting intelectual dialogue wich deeply marked their course. As a result they influenced each other and shared some dreams e intelectual adventures. The continental circulation of their works could be a consequence, among others, of their meeting. Following both of them in their dialogue is the way to better comprehend its consequences on Candido’s criticism as far as the place and role of these thinkers.
Until the early twentieth century only written texts documenting the language. From the analysis of non-literary documents of the seventeenth century, we shall show how the writing reflects the facts of speech. Two sets of phenomena will be especially focused on: the graphic representation of unstressed vowels and that of sibilant fricatives (palatal and non-palatal). It is intended to alert to problems concerning the interference of speech in writing, drawing a parallel between the writing of the speaker common, off-hand that was contaminated by his standard speech and writing.
ABSTRACT: This article discusses the poetic creation in the poem “As lições de R. Q.” of the poet Manoel de Barros, and in the note that precedes it, identifying possibilities for interpretation of the poem in relation to the proposed questions, namely: the question of influence in the arts, the question of the interpenetration of technical and glances between poetry and painting, also addressing the issues of primitivism and colonialism. KEYWORDS: Manoel de Barros. Poetry. Painting.
The article discusses the great controversy over the time gap between the narrated fact and the author’s life period in the concept of the historical romance. For many literary critics, perhaps most of them, it is necessary that the action of the novel, or at least most of it, happens in a period of time before the lifetime of the novelist, and for others, this criteria is too rigid and outdated. Therefore and taking into consideration that George Lukacs, the first theorist of historical novel, placed Balzac in the group of novelists as one of the followers of Walter Scott’s techniques, stating that the French novelist “created a superior type and so far unknown historical novel, which is a representation of this as history, this article presents a reflection on the controversy, checking whether there is really need that the temporal distance has a greater relevance than the dialogue with history and its representation in the characterization of a historical novel.