24 resultados para Reading comprehension.
This paper discusses the instruction of reading for hearing impaired children.
Reading growth rate averages were established for children who are deaf, have a unilateral cochlear implant and attend an auditory-oral school.
This paper examines the relationship between imitation, comprehension and speech production in language disordered children, and in identifying whether language-disordered children are "language impaired" or "talking impaired."
This paper discusses a proposal for extra curricular activities in deaf schools to help promote literacy for hearing impaired children.
This paper discusses a study to examine the reading achievement of former CID students to determine the effectiveness of the CID reading program.
This paper discusses a study to determine if the use of a typewriter had an effect on the reading ability of hearing impaired children.
This paper is a review of a study investigating the relationship between visual perceptual skills and reading abilities of young deaf children.
This paper discusses a curriculum for teaching world geography at a third grade level.
This descriptive study aims at determining the most widely used reading instructional practices that are used by teachers of the deaf in oral deaf education schools.