18 resultados para plant organization level

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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This study discusses the nature of informal learning process in business organizations, and the importance of different organization-level factors in this process. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of organization-level factors on informal learning process with three subquestions: how informal learning process takes place in business organizations, what organization-level factors affects informal learning process, and how informal learning process is affected by organizational-level factors. The theoretical background of this study includes literatures on the concept of informal learning, its process, and organization-level factors that can affect informal learning process. The empirical research has been conducted in this study by face-to-face interviews. The interviews were conducted between June and August 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Thirteen interviews were made with the employees from different hierarchical levels from four freight forwarding MNCs in Bangladesh. Constant comparative analysis has been used to process the collected data until reaching a level of saturation. The empirical research found that all the phases in an informal learning process are not linear and sequential, and the role of organization-level factors on each phase varies with the degree and nature of each factor. In addition, the results also revealed that all the organization-level factors do not interact with each other while playing their role on informal learning process. The findings of this study considerably extend our understanding of the important role of HRD, manager, colleague, culture, and work structure on informal learning process in the workplace. However, future research in different organizational contexts is required to generalize the findings of this study.


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This study discusses the nature of informal learning process in business organizations, and the importance of different organization-level factors in this process. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of organization-level factors on informal learning process with three subquestions: how informal learning process takes place in business organizations, what organizationlevel factors affects informal learning process, and how informal learning process is affected by organizational-level factors. The theoretical background of this study includes literatures on the concept of informal learning, its process, and organization-level factors that can affect informal learning process. The empirical research has been conducted in this study by face-to-face interviews. The interviews were conducted between June and August 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Thirteen interviews were made with the employees from different hierarchical levels from four freight forwarding MNCs in Bangladesh. Constant comparative analysis has been used to process the collected data until reaching a level of saturation. The empirical research found that all the phases in an informal learning process are not linear and sequential, and the role of organization-level factors on each phase varies with the degree and nature of each factor. In addition, the results also revealed that all the organization-level factors do not interact with each other while playing their role on informal learning process. The findings of this study considerably extend our understanding of the important role of HRD, manager, colleague, culture, and work structure on informal learning process in the workplace. However, future research in different organizational contexts is required to generalize the findings of this study.


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Pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia yksilöiden välistä hiljaisen tietämyksen jakamista edistäviä tekijöitä. Yksilötason olosuhteiden tunteminen on tarpeen, jotta organisaation toteuttamat toimenpiteet hiljaisen tietämyksen jakamisen tehostamiseksi ovat tarkoituksenmukaisesti kohdennettuja. Työn teoriaosuudessa keskityttiin tarkastelemaan hiljaisen tietämyksen olemusta sekä hiljaisen tietämyksen jakamista yksilöiden välillä. Tutkielman empiirisessä osuudessa edellä mainittuja tekijöitä tarkasteltiin käytännössä ja pyrittiin selvittämään miten yksilön motivaatioon, mahdollisuuksiin, kykyihin sekä kommunikaatioon liittyvät tekijät edistävät hiljaisen tietämyksen jakamista työyhteisössä. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli erityisesti työtehtävissä esiintyvä hiljainen tietämys ja sen jakamiseen liittyvät yksilötason tekijät. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelujen ja kyselylomakkeiden avulla. Tutkimuksen perusteella saatiin selkeä kuva siitä, millaiset motivaatioon, mahdollisuuksiin ja kykyihin liittyvät tekijät edistävät hiljaisen tietämyksen jakamista sekä millainen kommunikaatio tukee sitä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että MOA-tekijät ovat merkittävästi vaikuttamassa yksilöiden väliseen hiljaisen tietämyksen jakamiseen. Tulokset tukivat pääosin aiempaa tutkimusta, mutta tuottivat samalla tieteellistä lisäarvoa tuomalla esiin yksityiskohtaisempia havaintoja eri tekijöiden vaikutuksesta hiljaisen tietämyksen jakamiseen. Erityisesti esiin nousivat yksilöiden väliset hyöty- ja etäisyysnäkökulmat.


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Julkisten organisaatioiden toimintaympäristöt muuttuvat ja monimutkaistuvat. Julkisen sektorin organisaatiot joutuvat myös omaksumaan uusia tapoja toimia yhä nopeammin. Julkiset organisaatiot tekevät kehittämistyötä paljon projektien kautta, jolloin projektijohtamisen osaamisesta on muodostumassa myös julkisen sektorin organisaatiolle tärkeä strateginen kyky. Julkisen sektorin projektijohtamiseen liittyy luonnollisesti samoja vaikuttavia ominaispiirteitä ja taustavaikuttajia, kuin julkisen sektorin johtamisessa yleensä. Kaikissa projekteissa on yksi yhteinen tekijä – tieto. Organisaation kyky omaksua tietoa on tärkeä ominaisuus, jonka kehittämiseen organisaation tulisi kiinnittää huomiota. Projekteissa erityisesti, jossa toteutetaan nopeasti usean henkilön ja organisaation osaamisesta ja tiedosta koostuvia kompleksisia ja monimutkaisia kokonaisuuksia, on omaksumiskyvyllä erityinen merkitys. Omaksumiskyky on dynaaminen prosessi, johon vaikuttaa niin yksilön kyky tunnistaa arvokasta tietoa, yhdistää ja omaksua sitä sekä organisaation kyky muuttaa omaksuttu tieto sellaiseen muotoon, että siitä on hyötyä organisaatiotasolla. Tämän tutkimuksen aiheena on tieto ja tiedon omaksuminen projekteissa. Tavoitteena on tutkia julkisen kuntaorganisaation projektijohtamisessa olevaa tietoa ja organisaatioon liittyviä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat tiedon omaksumiseen projekteissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena, jonka empiirinen osuus suoritettiin tapaustutkimuksena kunnallisessa organisaatiossa. Tutkimusaineisto hankittiin haastattelemalla seitsemää organisaation projekteissa toimivaa projektipäällikköä tai projekteihin osallistunutta henkilöä. Tutkimuksen mukaan organisaation projekteissa syntyvän tiedon on useimmiten tunnistettu, mutta välttämättä sen omaksumista edellyttäviin ja tukeviin mekanismeihin ei vielä ole riittävästi kiinnitetty huomiota eikä kehitetty, joten projekteissa syntyvän tiedon hyödyntäminen ei välttämättä toteudu organisaatiotasolla. Projekteissa oleva tieto on organisaation kehittämiseen ja projektien kehittämiseen liittyvää tietoa, jota tulisi hyödyntää niin yksilö-, projekti- kuin myös organisaatiotasolla.


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In the global phenomenon, the aging population becomes a critical issue. Data and information concerning elderly citizens are increasing and are not well organized. In addition, these unstructured data and information cause the problems for decision makers. Since we live in a digital world, Information Technology is considered to be a tool in order to solve problems. Data, information, and knowledge are crucial components to facilitate success in IT service system. Therefore, it is necessary to study how to organize or to govern data from various sources related elderly citizens. The research is conducted due to the fact that there is no internationally accepted holistic framework for governance of data. The research limits the scope to study on the healthcare domain; however, the results can be applied to the other areas. The research starts with an ongoing research of Dahlberg and Nokkala (2015) as a theory. It explains the classification of existing data sources and their characteristics with the focus on managerial perspectives. Then the studies of existing frameworks at international and national level organizations have been performed to show the current frameworks, which have been used and are useful in compiling data on elderly citizens. The international organizations in this research are selected based on their reputations and the reliability to obtain information. The selected countries at national level provide different point of views between two countries. Australia is a forerunner in IT governance while Thailand is the country which the author has familiar knowledge of the current situation. Considered the discussions of frameworks at international and national organizations level illustrate the main characteristics of each framework. At international organization level gives precedence to the interoperability of exchanging data and information between different parties. Whereas at national level shows the importance of the acknowledgement of using frameworks throughout the country in order to make the frameworks to be effective. After the studies of both international and national organization levels, the thesis shows the summarized tables to answer the fitness to the proposed framework by Dahlberg and Nokkala whether the framework help to consolidate data from various sources with different formats, hierarchies, structures, velocities, and other attributes of data storages. In addition, suggestions and recommendations will be proposed for the future research.


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Kilpailun kiristyminen on pakottanut ydinvoimalaitoksia parantamaan tehokkuuttaan etsimällä uusia toimintatapoja. Heräte työn teettämiseen syntyi tutkimuksen case-kohteen Loviisan voimalaitoksen kiinnostuksesta Balanced Scorecard (BSC) -johtamisjärjestelmää,sen käyttöönoton mahdollisia vaikutuksia sekä BSC:n ja prosessiajattelun yhdistämistä kohtaan. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on rakentaa Loviisan voima-laitoksen tuotannon ylläpitoprosessille BSC-mittaristo. Tämä edellyttää selvitystä siitä, mitä erityispiirteitä ydinvoimalaitoksiin liittyy strategisen suorituskyvyn mittaamisen kohteena. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää, mikä tulisi prosessikohtaisten tuloskorttien rooli olla Loviisan voimalaitoksen BSC-järjestelmässä. Tavoitteenaon myös muodostaa suositus toimintamallista, jolla BSC voitaisiin ottaa käyttöön Loviisan voimalaitoksella, sekä selvittää, mitä vaikutuksia käyttöönotolla voiolla. Ydinvoimalaitoksen erityispiirteitä ovat muutokset toimintaympäristössä, viranomais-valvonta, toiminnan pitkäjänteisyys, laaja osaamis- ja tietotarve sekä turvallisuuden ja tiettyjen sidosryhmäsuhteiden merkityksen korostuminen. Johtuen erityispiirteistä Kaplanin ja Nortonin alkuperäistä asiakasnäkökulmaa muutetaan kattamaan sidosryhmät laajemmin. Tuotannon ylläpitoprosessin tuloskortissa vähiten painottuva näkö-kulma on henkilöstön ja uudistumisen näkökulma. Osa laitostason kriittisistä menestystekijöistä todetaan prosessin kannalta epäolennaisiksi. Prosessikohtaiset tuloskortit osoittautuvat vaikeasti hyödynnettäviksi linjaorganisaation ohjaamisessa. Strategiakartta todetaan hyväksi työvälineeksi BSC:nlaadinnassa. Toivasen projektimalli arvioidaan sopivaksi välineeksi mahdolliseen BSC:n käyttöönottoon Loviisan voimalaitoksella. Henkilöstön rooli ja erityispiirteiden vaikutukset tulee kuitenkin tarkistaa ennen mallin käyttöä. BSC-järjestelmän käyttöönoton arvioidaan selkeyttävän voimalaitoksen mittaristokokonaisuutta sekä parantavan syy-seuraussuhteiden hahmottamista ja alempien tasojen tavoitteiden kytkentää laitostason tavoitteisiin.


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Thisthesis supplements the systematic approach to competitive intelligence and competitor analysis by introducing an information-processing perspective on management of the competitive environment and competitors therein. The cognitive questions connected to the intelligence process and also the means that organizational actors use in sharing information are discussed. The ultimate aim has been to deepen knowledge of the different intraorganizational processes that are used in acorporate organization to manage and exploit the vast amount of competitor information that is received from the environment. Competitor information and competitive knowledge management is examined as a process, where organizational actorsidentify and perceive the competitive environment by using cognitive simplification, make interpretations resulting in learning and finally utilize competitor information and competitive knowledge in their work processes. The sharing of competitive information and competitive knowledge is facilitated by intraorganizational networks that evolve as a means of developing a shared, organizational level knowledge structure and ensuring that the right information is in the right place at the right time. This thesis approaches competitor information and competitive knowledge management both theoretically and empirically. Based on the conceptual framework developed by theoretical elaboration, further understanding of the studied phenomena is sought by an empirical study. The empirical research was carried out in a multinationally operating forest industry company. This thesis makes some preliminary suggestions of improving the competitive intelligence process. It is concluded that managing competitor information and competitive knowledge is not simply a question of managing information flow or improving sophistication of competitor analysis, but the crucial question to be solved is rather, how to improve the cognitive capabilities connected to identifying and making interpretations of the competitive environment and how to increase learning. It is claimed that competitive intelligence can not be treated like an organizational function or assigned solely to a specialized intelligence unit.


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Työn tavoitteena on tunnistaa toiminnallisia riskitekijöitä rahoituspalveluita tarjoavan yrityksen IT-organisaatiossa sekä löytää arkipäiväisiä keinoja hallita näitä riskejä. Työssä riskejä on myös tarkasteltu mahdollisen ulkoistuksen yhteydessä. Fuusiot ovat yleisiä rahoitusalan yrityksissä. Yhteenliittymien tuloksena yritysten IT-arkkitehtuuri voi olla monimutkainen ja kulttuurierot yrityksessä suuria. Synergia- ja mittakaavaetuja saadakseen yritys keskittää toimintojaan ja IT-ratkaisujaan. Riskien tunnistaminen on riskienhallintaprosessin tärkein vaihe. Tässä tutkimuksessa riskit ja riskitekijät tunnistettiin itsearvioinnin avulla kysymyssarjoja hyväksikäyttäen. Monet riskitekijät liittyivät sisäisen valvonnan ja seurannan puutteisiin. Myöhemmin näille riskeille pohdittiin työryhmässä käytännönläheisiä hallintakeinoja. Yritys voi siirtää tai jakaa IT -riskejä ulkoistamalla. Ulkoistaminen voi kuitenkin tuoda mukaan myös uusia riskitekijöitä. Ennen ulkoistamispäätöstä yrityksen sisäisten prosessien ja organisaation on oltava järjestyksessä, jotta sopimuksen kannattavuutta voidaan verrata luotettavasti saman palvelun tuottamiseen sisäisesti.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mihin päätöksenteko perustuu teollisuusyrityksessä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin kohdeorganisaation päätöksentekijöiden näkemyksiä toimintaympäristöstään, itsestään päätöksentekijöinä ja päätöksenteosta sekä tiedosta ja sen käytöstä. Lisäksi sivutaan päätöksenteon sosiaalista luonnetta. Empiirisen tutkimuksen kohdeyksikkönä on UPM-Kymmene Oyj, Kaukas Lappeenrannassa. Tutkimus on toteutettu esimiestasolle suunnattuna lomakekyselynä lokakuussa 2003. Päätöksistä yleisimpiä olivat operatiivisen tason päätökset; taktisen ja strategisen tason päätöksiä tehtiin vähemmän. Päätöstilanteista useimmin kohdattuja olivat puolijäsentyneet ja jäsentyneet tilanteet, kun taas jäsentymättömät päätöstilanteet olivat harvinaisempia. Päätöksentekoprosesseista yleisimmin käytetty oli kirjallisuudessa taktiseen päätöstasoon ja puolijäsentyneisiin päätöstilanteisiin liitetty rajoitetun rationaalisuuden malliin perustuva vaiheittainen malli. Kirjallisuudessa strategiseen päätöksentekotasoon ja jäsentymättömiin päätöstilanteisiin liitetyn ns. iteratiivisesti vaiheittaisen mallin todettiin soveltuvan myös tämänkaltaiseen päätöksentekoon. Esimiehet pitivät toimintaympäristöään teollisuusyrityksessä pääasiallisesti orgaanisena. Tällaisessa ympäristössä vaikutussuhteet ja keinot ohjata ympäristöä perustuvat pitkälti vuorovaikutteisuuteen. Päätöksentekijöiden johtamistyylin todettiin olevan pikemminkin demokraattinen kuin autoritäärinen, mikä tukee edellä mainittuja tuloksia. Tiedon lähteistä päätöksenteon kannalta tärkeimpinä ja luotettavimpina koettiin henkilökohtaiset lähteet. Sisäiset lähteet nähtiin ulkoisia tärkeämpinä ja luotettavampina niin henkilökohtaisten, tekstimuotoisten kuin online-lähteidenkin osalta. Esimiesten todettiin hyödyntävän tosiasiatietoa, kokemusta ja intuitiota eri tavoin erilaisissa päätöstilanteissa, joten myös tehokkaat keinot tukea päätöksentekoa vaihtelevat päätöstyypeittäin. Tutkimuksen tulokset perustuvat kohderyhmän kyselylomakkeella kerättyihin mielipiteisiin. Käytetystä menetelmästä johtuen mielipiteiden taustatekijät ja todellinen toiminta organisaatiossa jäävät vielä avoimiksi. Tutkimustulosten syventäminen ja vahvistaminen sekä lisätiedon saaminen organisaation päätöksenteon todellisuudesta edellyttäisi empiiristä havainnointia tai vähintäänkin haastatteluja.


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The objective of the thesis was to explore the nature and characteristics of customer-related internal communication in a global industrial matrix organization during a specific customer relationship, and how it could be improved. The theoretical part of the study views the field of the concepts of intra-organizational information and knowledge sharing. The theoretical part also views the internal communications influences to customer relationships, its problematic, and the suggestions to improve internal communication in literature. The empirical part of the study was conducted with the Content Analysis and the Social Network Analysis as research methods. The data was collected by interviews and a questionnaire. Internal communication was observed first generally within the organization from the point of view of a certain business, and secondly, during a specific customer relationship at personal level and at departmental level. The results of the study describe the nature and characteristics of internal communication in the organization. The results give 13 suggestions for improving internal communication in the organization. Although the study has been done in one specific organization, it also offers insights for other organizations as well as managers to improve their internal communication.


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COD discharges out of processes have increased in line with elevating brightness demands for mechanical pulp and papers. The share of lignin-like substances in COD discharges is on average 75%. In this thesis, a plant dynamic model was created and validated as a means to predict COD loading and discharges out of a mill. The assays were carried out in one paper mill integrate producing mechanical printing papers. The objective in the modeling of plant dynamics was to predict day averages of COD load and discharges out of mills. This means that online data, like 1) the level of large storage towers of pulp and white water 2) pulp dosages, 3) production rates and 4) internal white water flows and discharges were used to create transients into the balances of solids and white water, referred to as “plant dynamics”. A conversion coefficient was verified between TOC and COD. The conversion coefficient was used for predicting the flows from TOC to COD to the waste water treatment plant. The COD load was modeled with similar uncertainty as in reference TOC sampling. The water balance of waste water treatment was validated by the reference concentration of COD. The difference of COD predictions against references was within the same deviation of TOC-predictions. The modeled yield losses and retention values of TOC in pulping and bleaching processes and the modeled fixing of colloidal TOC to solids between the pulping plant and the aeration basin in the waste water treatment plant were similar to references presented in literature. The valid water balances of the waste water treatment plant and the reduction model of lignin-like substances produced a valid prediction of COD discharges out of the mill. A 30% increase in the release of lignin-like substances in the form of production problems was observed in pulping and bleaching processes. The same increase was observed in COD discharges out of waste water treatment. In the prediction of annual COD discharge, it was noticed that the reduction of lignin has a wide deviation from year to year and from one mill to another. This made it difficult to compare the parameters of COD discharges validated in plant dynamic simulation with another mill producing mechanical printing papers. However, a trend of moving from unbleached towards high-brightness TMP in COD discharges was valid.


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Metastatic bone lesions are commonly associated with prostate cancer affecting approximately 60-80% of the patients. The progression of prostate cancer into an advanced stage is a complex process and its molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. So far, no curative treatment is available for advanced stages of prostate cancer. Bisphosphonates (BPs) are synthetic pyrophosphate analogues, which are used as therapeutics for various metabolic bone diseases because of their ability to inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption. Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates block the function of osteoclasts by disturbing the vesicular traffic and the mevalonate pathway -related enzymes, for example farnesyl diphosphate synthase, which is involved in post-translational isoprenylation of small GTPases. In addition, the anti-proliferative, anti-invasive and pro-apoptotic effects of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates on various cancer cell lines have been reported. The aim of this thesis work was to clarify the effects of bisphosphonates on prostate cancer cells, focusing on the mechanisms of adhesion, invasion and migration. Furthermore, the role of the mevalonate pathway and prenylation reactions in invasion and regulation of the cytoskeleton of prostate cancer cells were examined. Finally, the effects of alendronate on cytoskeleton- and actin-related proteins in prostate cancer cells were studied in vitro and in vivo. The results showed that the nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate alendronate inhibited the adhesion of prostate cancer cells to various extracellular matrix proteins and migration and invasion in vitro. Inhibition of invasion and migration was reversed by mevalonate pathway intermediates. The blockage of the prenylation transferases GGTase I and FTase inhibited the invasion, migration and actin organization of prostate cancer cells. The marked decrease of cofilin was observed by the prenylation inhibitors used. Inhibition of GGTase I also disrupted the regulation of focal adhesion kinase and paxillin. In addition, alendronate disrupted the cytoskeletal organization and decreased the level of cofilin in vitro and in vivo. The decrease of the cofilin level by alendronate could be one of the key mechanisms behind the observed inhibition of migration and invasion. Based on the effects of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates on tumor cell invasion and cytoskeletal organization, they can be suggested to be developed as therapeutics for inhibiting prostate cancer metastasis.


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In a modern dynamic environment organizations are facing new requirements for success and competitive advantage. This also sets new requirements for leaders. The term of ambidexterity is used in relation with organizations that are able to manage short-term efficiency and long-term innovation simultaneously. Ambidextrous leaders have the same capability at an individual level. They are able to balance between efficiency and flexibility. This study examined the confrontation of these two competing concepts in the leadership perspective. The aim of the study was to understand this recently arisen concept and its antecedents and examine what is currently known about ambidextrous leadership. This was a case study with data collected through theme interviews in a result orientated customer centre organization that has a cultural change at hand when it comes to leadership and empowerment. Organization wants to be efficient and flexible at the same time (a.k.a. ambidextrous) and that requires new type of leadership. In this study the aim was to describe the capabilities and criteria for ambidextrous leader and examine the leadership roles related to ambidextrous leadership in different hierarchical levels. The case organization had also created systematic means to support this cultural change and the effects of the process related to leadership were studied. This study showed that the area is yet widely unexplored and contradictory views are presented. This study contributes to the deprivation of study of ambidexterity in leadership and individuals. The study presents a description of ambidextrous leadership and describes the capabilities of ambidextrous leader. Ambidextrous leaders are able to make cognitive decisions between their leadership style according to situation that requires either leadership related to efficiency such as transactional leadership or leadership related to flexibility such as transformational leadership. Their leadership style supports both short-term and long-term goals. This study also shows that the role of top management is vital and operational leaders rely on their example.


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Shallow coastal areas are dynamic habitats that are affected by a variety of abiotic and biotic factors. In addition to the natural environmental stress, estuarine and coastal seagrass ecosystems are exposed to effects of climate change and other anthropogenic impacts. In this thesis the effect of different abiotic (shading stress, salinity and temperature) and biotic stressors (presence of co-occurring species) and different levels and combinations of stressors on the performance and survival of eelgrass (Zostera marina) was assessed. To investigate the importance of scale for stress responses, varying levels of biological organization (genotype, life stage, population and plant community) were studied in field and aquarium experiments. Light limitation, decreased salinity and increased temperature affected eelgrass performance negatively in papers I, II and III, respectively. While co-occurring plant species had no notable effect on eelgrass in paper IV, the presence of eelgrass increased the biomass of Potamogeton perfoliatus. The findings in papers II and III confirmed that more extreme levels of salinity and temperature had stronger impacts on plant performance compared to intermediate levels, but intermediate levels also had more severe effects on plants when they were exposed to several stressors, as illustrated in paper II. Thus, multiple stressors had negative synergetic effects. The results in papers I, II and III indicate that future changes in light climate, salinity and temperature can have serious impacts on eelgrass performance and survival. Stress responses were found to vary among genotypes, life stages and populations in papers I, II and III, respectively, emphasizing the importance of study scale. The results demonstrate that while stress in general affects seagrass productivity negatively, the severity of effects can vary substantially depending on the studied scale or level of biological organization. Eelgrass genotypes can differ in their stress and recovery processes, as observed in paper I. In paper II, eelgrass seedlings were less prone to abiotic stress compared to adult plants, but stress also decreased their survival considerably. This indicates that recruitment and re-colonization through seeds might be threatened in the future. Variation among population responses observed in paper III indicates that long-term local adaptation under differing selection pressures has caused divergence in salinity tolerance between Baltic eelgrass populations. This variability in stress tolerance observed in papers I and III suggests that some eelgrass genotypes and populations have a better capacity to adapt to changes and survive in a changing environment. Multiple stressors and biological level-specific responses demonstrate the uncertainty in predicting eelgrass responses in a changing environment. As eelgrass populations may differ in their stress tolerance both within and across regions, conservation strategies at both local and regional scales are urgently needed in order to ensure the survival of these important ecosystems.


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The objective of this Master’s Thesis was to research factors influencing and enhancing individual level knowledge sharing in offshore projects which often involve uncertainty of the knowledge provider’s own future. The purpose was to understand why individuals are willing to share their knowledge under these kinds of circumstances. In addition the goal was to identify obstacles to interpersonal knowledge sharing in order to understand how to mitigate their influence. The research was conducted as a qualitative multiple case study in a global IT company, and the data was gathered using semi-structured personal theme interviews within two different offshore projects. In order to a gain a wider perspective on the matter, some management representatives were interviewed as well. Data was analysed with the inductive content analysis method. Results of the study indicate that individuals are willing to share their knowledge despite of uncertainty if they are motivated, if they are provided with opportunities to do so, and if they have skills, competence and experience to share their knowledge. A strong knowledge sharing culture in the organization or team also works as a strong incentive for individual level knowledge sharing. The findings suggest that even under uncertain conditions it is possible to encourage people to share their knowledge if uncertainty can be decreased to a bearable level, a robust and personal connection and relationship between the knowledge provider and acquirer can be created and suitable opportunities for knowledge sharing are provided. In addition, based on the results the support and commitment of management and HR in addition to favourable environmental circumstances play an essential role in building a bridge between the knowledge provider and acquirer in order to create a virtual environment and space for knowledge sharing: Ba.