159 resultados para financial profitability
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Työn tavoitteena oli kartoittaa Lappeenrannan sementtitehtaan paineilmajärjestelmä, tehdä järjestelmän kehittämissuunnitelma ja arvioida suunnitelman mukaisen investoinnin kannattavuus investointilaskelmilla. Kartoituksesta selviää paineilman hankinnan toteutus, järjestelmään kuuluvien laitteiden selvitys ja energiankulutus sekä jakeluverkon ja paineilman käytön kartoitus. Kartoituksen ja aineiston pohjalta laadittiin suunnitelma järjestelmän kehittämiseksi. Aineistoa kerättiin haastattelemalla laitetoimittajia sekä muiden sementtitehtaiden johtoa. Paineilman käyttöä tehostettiin ja tehtaan matalapaine- eli kuumailmaverkon osalta tehtiin suunnitelmat sen täydellisestä uusimisesta. Tehtaan korkeapaine- eli yleisilmaverkkoon päätettiin olla investoimatta työssä esiteltävien käytännön syiden vuoksi. Investoinnin taloudellinen kannattavuus arvioitiin työhön rakennetulla investointilaskentamallilla. Sen avulla laskettiin investoinnin kannattavuus annuiteettimenetelmällä. Laskelmien tulokseen liittyvä epävarmuus arvioitiin myös malliin rakennetulla herkkyysanalyysillä. Lisäksi mallilla vertailtiin investoinnin eri hankintavaihtoehtojen kannattavuutta. Investointi osoittautui kannattavaksi.
Suomessa on sitouduttu kansainvälisiin päästövähennystavoitteisiin ja uusiutuvan ener-gian osuuden kasvattamiseen. Biohiili on erinomainen polttoainevaihtoehto kivihiili-voimalaitoksissa, sillä sitä voidaan käyttää suurellakin seososuudella ilman merkittäviä rakenteellisia muutoksia polttoaineen syöttölaitteistoihin tai kattilaan. Biohiiltä voidaan käyttää myös metallurgiassa pelkistimenä, maanparannusaineena ja hiilinieluna. Biohiilen raaka-aineena toimii energia- ja kuitupuuhake. Parikkalan lähialueella on hyödyn-nettävissä olevaa teknis-taloudellista metsäenergiapotentiaalia keskisuuren biojalostamon perustamista varten. Biohiilen teoreettinen markkinapotentiaali on valtava, mutta sen taloudelliset kannattavuusnäkymät ovat heikot nykyhintatasolla. Biohiilen kilpailukykyä heikentävät kivihiilen ja päästöoikeuksien alhaiset hinnat ja biohiilen korkeat tuotantokustannukset. Biohiilimarkkinoiden kehittymistä jarruttaa myös olemassa olevan tuotannon puute. Biohiilen käyttöönotto edellyttäisi kansainvälisiä tukitoimia tai kivihiilen hinnan kasvua.
The application of pulp and paper mill (PPM) sludge in agriculture and forestry has been acknowledged as soil amendments and a plant nutrient source. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the total cost of the use of recycled nutrients from PPM sludge in fast growing pulpwood production, and the financial profitability of fast growing pulpwood production with the use of these recycled nutrients. The investment and production costs of fast growing pulpwood plantation were directly acquired from a previous research, while the other data was compiled through different studies. The total cost of the use of PPM sludge was evaluated based on assumed factors. Discounted cash flow method was used to evaluate the financial profitability, using NPV and IRR as indicators. The results of estimated sludge nutrient contents were 16.2 g N, 2.9 g P, and 2.4 g K kg-1 of dry sludge. The sludge application rate was estimated at 1.36 Mg/ha in the first year. The total cost of the use of PPM sludge involved transport and spreading cost of US$49.15/dry ton. The fertilization cost applied in the financial model was designed in 3 different options and their results were as follows: option (1) was taken directly from the reference research (US$97/ha); option (2) was the use of sludge alone (US$66.75/ha); and option (3) was the use of sludge and TSP fertilizer (US$83.80/ha). The average NPV without discounting was US$248,180 while the IRRs ranged between approximately 3-4% with an average of 3.63%. Although option (2) and (3) contributed to higher IRRs compared to option (1), this increase was still not significant as the IRR was not sensitive to the total fertilization cost. The advantages are that this practice can be performed at a lower cost and the application rate can be still increased if necessary. It is better for forest plantations compared to agriculture and consequently supports reforestation program. In addition, it can be similarly applied in wood biomass production. A disadvantage is that the IRRs were not very favorable compared to the criterion of 11%. The sludge high in C:N ratio can cause nitrogen immobilization, and regulatory concerns may restrict and complicate the use of sludge landspreading and contribute to additional costs and processes.
Tämä kandidaatintutkielma käsittelee asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden tilinpäätöstietojen analysointia taloudellisen kilpailija-analyysin tekniikoita hyödyntäen. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten kuudessa asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa on pyritty parantamaan tai säilyttämään saavutettu markkina-asema vuosina 2011–2014. Tutkimusmuotona käytettiin tilinpäätösanalyysia. Tutkielma on case-yrityksen toimeksiannosta toteutettu taloudellinen kilpailija-analyysi. Tutkimuksen teoriaosa käsittelee taloudellista kilpailija-analyysia osana strategista johdonlaskentatoimea. Teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu taloudellisen kilpailija-analyysin tekniikoiden, sekä näitä koskevien empiiristen tutkimusten ympärille. Empiirinen osio jakautui kolmeen osaan, joista kaksi ensimmäistä käsittelivät case-yrityksen määrittelemän yritysjoukon seulomista muutaman taloudellisen tunnusluvun avulla. Varsinainen analyysin painopiste oli kuudelle yritykselle toteutetussa taloudellisessa kilpailija-analyysissa. Teorian pohjalta taloudellisen kilpailija-analyysin tutkimuskohteiksi valittiin kustannusrakenteet, kilpailuasema sekä tilinpäätöstiedot. Tutkielman tarkasteluajanjakso oli mielenkiintoinen, sillä vuosina 2011–2013 liikevaihtojen trendi oli jyrkästi laskeva, mutta vuonna 2014 yleisilme kääntyi nousevaksi. Tarkemman analyysin pohjalta johtopäätöksissä esiin nousivat kasvun ja kannattavuuden tunnusluvut. Opinnäytetyön tutkimustuloksissa havaittiin, että parhaiten tutkimuksen ajanjaksolla liikevaihtojen romahduksesta selvinneillä yrityksillä oli laaja-ansaintapohja sekä joustava kulurakenne. Kannattavuuden parhaiten säilyttäneet yritykset olivat tehneet runsaasti säästöjä henkilöstökuluissa, jotka muodostivat koko aineistossa suurimman osuuden kuluista. Vakavaraisuudeltaan vahvimmat yritykset eivät tehneet rajuja leikkauksia kulurakenteistaan, vaan sietivät muita pidempään heikkoa kannattavuutta.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on analysoida 74 sellu- ja paperiyrityksen taloudellista suorituskykyä kannattavuutta, maksuvalmiutta, vakavaraisuutta ja arvonluontikykyä kuvaavilla tunnusluvuilla. Tutkimuksen teoriaosa esittelee liiketoiminta-analyysin välineet, jonka jälkeen esitellään taloudelliset tunnusluvut. Empiriaosassa käydään läpi vuoden 2005 tunnusluvut yritystasolla. Jotta voidaan tarkastella tunnuslukujen muutoksia pitkällä aikavälillä, yritykset ryhmitellään maantieteellisen sijainnin sekä liiketoimintaorientaation mukaan. Tutkimus on kuvaileva. Tunnusluvuista voidaan todeta sellu- ja paperiteollisuudessa meneillään oleva toimialan rakennemuutos. Eteläamerikkalaiset yritykset, jotka hyötyvät uudesta ja kustannustehokkaasta raaka-aineesta, ovat siirtyneet lähemmäs arvonluontia, kun taas suurin osa pohjoisamerikkalaisista yrityksistä, jotka olivat toimialan johtavia arvonluojia, ovat nyt arvon tuhoajia. Toimiala kärsii myös alhaisesta kannattavuudesta, joka vaikuttaa eniten pohjoisamerikkalaisiin yrityksiin. Samaan aikaan eteläamerikkalaiset yritykset ovat nostaneet kannattavuuttaan, mikä puolestaan korostaa meneillään olevaa muutosta.
The purpose of the study is to find factors affecting projects' profitability in project business. The issue is approached from customer profitability and project management point of view. The study has been made for a big Finnish company acting in a global market place. The research method is quantitative. Research hypotheses are based on the literature. The used database is originated from the company's ERP- (enterprise resource planning) and project financial follow-up —system. The findings of the study supported the hypotheses weakly. Obviously profitability fluctuated depending on a customer and a project manager. The reasons could not be justified with the variables used in the research.
This thesis studies capital structure of Finnish small and medium sized enterprises. The specific object of the study is to test whether financial constraints have an effect on capital structure. In addition influences of several other factors were studied. Capital structure determinants are formulated based on three capital structure theories. The tradeoff theory and the agency theory concentrate on the search of optimal capital structure. The pecking order theory concerns favouring on financing source over another. The data of this study consists of financial statement data and results of corporate questionnaire. Regression analysis was used to find out the effects of several determinants. Regression models were formed based on the presented theories. Short and long term debt ratios were considered separately. The metrics of financially constrained firms was included in all models. It was found that financial constrains have a negative and significant effect to short term debt ratios. The effect was negative also to long term debt ratio but not statistically significant. Other considerable factors that influenced debt ratios were fixed assets, age, profitability, single owner and sufficiency of internal financing.
The objective of the thesis was to develop a competitors’ financial performance monitoring model for management reporting. The research consisted of the selections of the comparison group and the performance meters as well as the actual creation of the model. A brief analysis of the current situation was also made. The aim of the results was to improve the financial reporting quality in the case organization by adding external business environment observation to the management reports. The comparison group for the case company was selected to include five companies that were all involved in power equipment engineering and project type business. The most limiting factor related to the comparison group selection was the availability of quarterly financial reporting. The most suitable performance meters were defined to be the developments of revenue, order backlog and EBITDA. These meters should be monitored systematically on quarterly basis and reported to the company management in a brief and informative way. The monitoring model was based on spreadsheet construction with key characteristics being usability, flexibility and simplicity. The model acts as a centered storage for financial competitor information as well as a reporting tool. The current market situation is strongly affected by the economic boom in the recent years and future challenges can be clearly seen in declining order backlogs. The case company has succeeded well related to its comparison group during the observation period since its business volume and profitability have developed in the best way.
The definition of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been developed since 1950s but even today there is no consensus what CSR includes. The main purpose of this thesis was to find out whether financial performance is better among first adopters of CSR standards in forest industry. To support the main purpose it was critical also investigate what kind of companies adopt CSR standards. The empirical part of the thesis based on a survey which was done in 2010 to forest industry companies and financial data that was gathered from different databases from years 2003-2010. According to the research results it seems the early CSR standards adopters benefits the position of the first adopter many times. Especially cash position and solvency of early adopter companies were better than later adopters or those who did not adopt CSR standards at all. Profitability seemed to be better among CSR standards adopters but early adopters did not have significantly better position compared to later adopters. CSR standards adopters were companies that considered themselves as environmental performance pioneers and had employee oriented management.
By so far, scholars have discussed how the characteristics of consumer co-operatives (cooperative principles, values and the dual role of members as the users and owners) can potentially give them a competitive advantage over investor-owned firms (IOFs). In addition, concern for the community (as partly derived from locality and regionality) has been seen as a potential source of success for consumer co-operatives. On the other hand, the geographicbound purpose of consumer co-operation causes that consumer co-operative can be regarded as a challenging company form to manage. This is because, according to the purpose of consumer co-operation, co-operatives are obligated to 1) provide the owners with services and goods that are needed and do so at more affordable prices than their competitors do and/or 2) to operate in areas in which competitors do not want to operate (for example, because of the low profitability in certain area of business or region). Thus, consumer co-operatives have to operate very efficiently in order to execute this geographic-bound corporate purpose (e.g. they cannot withdraw from the competition during the declining stages of business). However, this efficiency cannot be achieved by any means; as the acceptance from the important regional stakeholders is the basic operational precondition and lifeline in the long run. Thereby, the central question for the survival and success of consumer co-operatives is; how should the consumer co-operatives execute its corporate purpose so it can be the best alternative to its members in the long run? This question has remained unanswered and lack empirical evidence in the previous studies on the strategic management of consumer cooperation. In more detail, scholars have not yet empirically investigated the question: How can consumer co-operatives use financial and social capital to achieve a sustained competitive advantage? It is this research gap that this doctoral dissertation aims to fulfil. This doctoral dissertation aims to answer the above questions by combining and utilizing interview data from S Group co-operatives and the central organizations in S Group´s network (overall, 33 interviews were gathered), archival material and 56 published media articles/reports. The study is based on a qualitative case study approach that is aimed at theory development, not theory verification (as the theory is considered as nascent in this field of study). Firstly, the findings of this study indicate that consumer co-operatives accumulate financial capital; 1) by making profit (to invest and grow) and 2) by utilizing a network-based organizational structure (local supply chain economies). As a result of financial capital accumulation, consumer co-operatives are able to achieve efficiency gains but also remain local. In addition, a strong financial capital base increases consumer co-operatives´ independence, competitiveness and their ability to participate in regional development (which is in accordance with their geographically bound corporate purpose). Secondly, consumer cooperatives accumulate social capital through informal networking (with important regional stakeholders), corporate social responsibility (CSR) behaviour and CSR reporting, pursuing common good, and interacting and identity sharing. As a result of social capital accumulation, consumer co-operatives are able to obtain the resources for managing; 1) institutional dependencies and 2) customer relations. By accumulating both social and financial capital through the above presented actions, consumer co-operatives are able to achieve sustained competitive advantage. Finally, this thesis provides useful ideas and new knowledge for cooperative managers concerning why and how consumer co-operatives should accumulate financial and social capital (to achieve sustained competitive advantage), while aligning with their corporate purpose.
Logistics infrastructure and transportation services have been the liability of countries and governments for decades, or these have been under strict regulation policies. One of the first branches opened for competition in EU as well as in other continents, has been air transports (operators, like passenger and freight) and road transports. These have resulted on lower costs, better connectivity and in most of the cases higher service quality. However, quite large amount of other logistics related activities are still directly (or indirectly) under governmental influence, e.g. railway infrastructure, road infrastructure, railway operations, airports, and sea ports. Due to the globalization, governmental influence is not that necessary in this sector, since transportation needs have increased with much more significant phase as compared to economic growth. Also freight transportation needs do not correlate with passenger side, due to the reason that only small number of areas in the world have specialized in the production of particular goods. Therefore, in number of cases public-private partnership, or even privately owned companies operating in these sub-branches have been identified as beneficial for countries, customers and further economic growth. The objective of this research work is to shed more light on these kinds of experiments, especially in the relatively unknown sub-branches of logistics like railways, airports and sea container transports. In this research work we have selected companies having public listed status in some stock exchange, and have needed amount of financial scale to be considered as serious company rather than start-up phase venture. Our research results show that railways and airports usually need high fixed investments, but have showed in the last five years generally good financial performance, both in terms of profitability and cash flow. In contrary to common belief of prosperity in globally growing container transports, sea vessel operators of containers have not shown that impressive financial performance. Generally margins in this business are thin, and profitability has been sacrificed in front of high growth – this also concerns cash flow performance, which has been lower too. However, as we examine these three logistics sub-branches through shareholder value development angle during time period of 2002-2007, we were surprised to find out that all of these three have outperformed general stock market indexes in this period. More surprising is the result that financially a bit less performing sea container transportation sector shows highest shareholder value gain in the examination period. Thus, it should be remembered that provided analysis shows only limited picture, since e.g. dividends were not taken into consideration in this research work. Therefore, e.g. US railway operators have disadvantage to other in the analysis, since they have been able to provide dividends for shareholders in long period of time. Based on this research work we argue that investment on transportation/logistics sector seems to be safe alternative, which yields with relatively low risk high gain. Although global economy would face smaller growth period, this sector seems to provide opportunities in more demanding situation as well.
Tämän pro gradu tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää jos ja miten kannattavuus eroaa verkko- ja kivijalkakauppojen välillä. Lisäksi pyrittiin selvittämään onko näiden erojen syitä mahdollista selvittää yritysten taloudellisten tunnuslukujen avulla. Tutkielma koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja kvantitatiivisesta tutkimuksesta. Kirjallisuuskatsaus antaa yleiskuvan siitä miten verkkokaupan toiminta eroaa kivijalkaliikkeen toiminnasta ja mitkä ovat näistä eroista koituvat hyödyt ja yleisimmät sudenkuopat. Kvantitatiivisessa tutkimuksessa käytetään Amadeus tietokannasta kerättyjä taloudellisia tietoja Eurooppalaisista verkko- ja kivijalkakaupoista. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja verkko- ja kivijalkakauppojen kannattavuudessa. Verkkokauppojen todettiin olevan kivijalkakauppoja kannattavampia, mutta taloudellisten tunnuslukujen tilastollisella analysoinnilla ei kyetty löytämään yksittäisiä selittäviä tekijöitä näille eroille.
Financial industry has recently encountered many changes in the business environment. Increased regulation together with growing competition is forcing commercial banks to rethink their business models. In order to maintain profitability in the new environment, banks are focusing more into activities that yield noninterest income. This is a shift away from the traditional intermediation function of banks. This study aims to answer the question if the shift from traditional income yielding activities to more innovative noninterest activities is logical in terms of profitability and risk in Nordics. This study also aims to answer the question if diversification within the noninterest income categories has impact on profitability and risk and if there are certain categories of noninterest income that are better than others in terms of profitability and risk in Nordics. Results show that diversification between interest and noninterest activities and increase in the share of noninterest income have a negative impact on the risk adjusted returns and risk profile. Results also show that further diversification within the noninterest income categories has negative impact on risk adjusted profitability and risk while an increase of the share of commission and fee income category of total noninterest income has a positive impact on risk adjusted profitability and risk. Results are logical and in line with previous research (De Young & Roland, 2001; Stiroh, 2004). Results provide useful information to banks and help them better evaluate outcomes of different income diversification strategies.
Unexpected changes in cash flow have started to occur more frequently after the financial crisis. The capital structures of companies have also changed, and financial flexibility as well as flexible asset management have therefore become more important. This thesis aims at presenting financial working capital management, a part of flexible asset management, as a possibility to gain financial flexibility and survive the changes. This thesis operates in the interface of corporate finance, strategic management and management accounting, and it has two main objectives: to examine financial working capital management and to develop measures of financial working capital. The research in this thesis has been conducted using archival research and design science. Qualitative comparative analysis and model building are used to formulate tools and strategies for financial working capital management. The tools are tested with simulations, case studies and statistical analysis. The empirical data is collected from companies listed in the Helsinki Stock Exchange. The results of this thesis indicate that there are several possible financial working capital management strategies. FOCAL matrix is created in the thesis to assist in the selection of a strategy. The results also imply that profitability can be improved by reducing financial working capital, which creates a need to change the financial working capital management strategy. Financial flow cycle, and its modification, is developed in this thesis to measure financial working capital. Financial working capital as a concept is presented in this thesis with an orientation towards the management view. New dimensions have also been produced to financial management and working capital management, while providing a holistic approach to financial flexibility. Financial working capital management strategies are presented to managers and practical tools are provided for decision-making.